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Upon hearing the phrase “values are learned first at home”, we cannot deny the fact that
parents are the first molders of the minds their children. Moreover, children spent most of their
time at school and teachers are now in-charge of everything. Before the dreadful pandemic,
teachers are expected to integrate moral values to their students whether in class or in just
ordinary day at school. If you show good manners everywhere you go, you are more likely to
encourage others to behave in the same way towards you. Jump to good manners chart.
Manners are important to make a good impression on others in everyday life. They also help
you to feel good about yourself and your identity. Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC)
stressed the teachings of moral values among children and instilled their minds about the
significance of respect and responsibility. Since changing the curriculum has something to do
with the revision of some subjects and the contents, it is the Edukasiyon sa Pagpapakatao took
its place.

President Duterte signed Republic Act 11476 or the GMRC and Values Education Act
which institutionalized a comprehensive GMRC and Values Education program in the K-12
curriculum. According to the new law, "GMRC shall be taught from Grade 1 to 6 as a separate
subject with the same time allotment as other subjects, and shall be integrated in the daily
learning activities in the kindergarten level. The new law strengthens learners' character
development and values formation even as the basic education system enters the new normal
because of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, who chairs the Senate
Basic Education Committee.” Bringing back GMRC will strengthen the values formation of the
learners. In my opinion, GMRC teaches the simplicity of life in their own perspective. When I say
“simplicity”, it is how they were able to see themselves as an individual. How will they evaluate
themselves as they react to a situation. EsP teaches deeper as what the learners’ role within
the society and the consequences of their actions to a certain social problem. It is now in the
part of the teacher how he/she will introduce the lesson in such a way that it will be interesting to
the learners by having different activities. The activities that shows not only the problems within
the society. Books as what I have noticed have higher risks of elaborating problems within the
society today. The negativities are always emphasized. I suggest that instead of pessimisms,
they will show what should be improved more or showing the beauty of having positive outlooks
in life like lending help, showing concerns towards other people and bringing faith in any aspect.
In this manner, implementation of GMRC does not assure the smooth sailing of values
and morality among learners. We should remember that we still need to guide them and not
only teach them what is in the book and be able to finish all the competencies assigned per
week. The subjects are only instruments to boost the values formation and moral standards.
Parents, teachers and the community greatly contributes every part of their character.

Simply instill the minds of the learners that wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it
and right is right even if no one is doing it. Lastly show them that doing the right thing even if no
one is looking is the best of all.

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