Connections Book

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— NG ‘ aoe atl ks Student'siBook RYT Fe] — imag hh ee are Te Starting out page 4 1 It's my life page 10 Its all hap- pening! page 22 3 Yesterday page 34 Our world, past and present page 46, Nea > personal pronouns» numbers and be » colours > nouns > adjectives > have got > big numbers > plurals > dates and ordinal num > there is and there ore bers > possessive forms > the British sles » spelling > imperatives —————$— > family > days and time > school subjects is > > presentsimple » nouns with «ing ike / love / hate-+-ing > adverbs of frequency extreme sports adjectives rich, poor, spoil, etc “Pronunciation > // /4/ /0/ Culture Connection At school the UX schoo! system Song Connection Thank You by Dido an you remember it? Can you doit? > present continuous > rooms for now > furniture theres and thereare > adjectives exciting, fan- > prepositions of place tostic, boring, etc > present simple or pres» geographical features ent continuous? ‘Pronunciation linking words» the schwa /o/ Culture Connection At home: how people live in the UK Drama Connection Bus Stop Love Can you remember it? Can you doit? > pastsimple regular and» TV programmes Inregular verbs > adjectives to describe > past simple of be: was TV programmes: roman and were tic, scary, etc > contradicting state.» jobs ments > really Pronunciation ® /t/ /a/ /ud/ > woes /1/ Culture Connection TV:TV in the UK ‘Song Connection Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake Gan you remember it? Can you do it? > pastsimple with ago countries cities and > pastsimple questions nationalities > questions words > creative jobs > must and have to > life events “Pronunciation > syllables and stress re nr) ecu > introductions > ‘telling the time personal information > talking about your rou tine > making suggestions > talking about likes and dislikes asking for someone on the phione > talking about the past > describing a film » ead /rid/ read /red/ speaking on the tele- phone > saying phone numbers ‘Culture Connection People who changed the worl: inventors Drama Connection The Holiday ‘Can you remember it? Can you do it? Listening > personal information writing > anotice about yourself Reading > timetables > an informal letter of introduction Listening > atypical day Whiting > aletter about yourself Reading > descriptions of rooms > text messages, emails Listening > anader Writing > about routine > adescription of a room > description of place ina posteard Reading > atVquide > diary entries Listening > descriptions of yesterday Writing > about films > adiary entry Reading > a story: Romeo and Juliet » abiography istening people introducing themselves > phone numbers years writing > rules > abiography with factu alinformation TI) SS a ee oe You are what ” "0 ” healthy, etc Listening you eat > ordering in a restaurant Lo Seeley = present continuous for» the weather re making arrangements — Reading the future. 7 Could you..2 > arrangements page 70 Writing pear Pronunciation > il Zawsi/ > could /kud/ Culture Connection My country: what's the difference between the UK and the British Isles? Drama Connection The Tramp Can you remember it? Can you do it? ippening? > appearance ‘Writing page 82 » descriptions Pronunciation > linking words > NM, Mrs, Ms, Miss Culture Connection Writes: three famous authors who write in English ‘Song Connection Angels by Robbie Wiliams Can you remember it? Can you do it? > comparative adjecives > buldingsinatown > astiglorandgning Reading > otas-as > adecives directons > Gredions > superlative adjectives > money » Shoppingfordothes > aquia Out in the big Listening wide world ewido page 94 Writing ean PETRA TDR 79.0 ord tess Cilture Connection Excitement: interesting places to vst in the UK Drama Connection The res Canyou remember it? Can you doit? > present perfect > pars ofthebody > ging advice ieading > shoud > iijecvesand adverbs goingtotne doctors biographies > present perfect orpast” ofmanner nd fiend- > dscusinglfeeper- >. plyscal descriptions Simple? ete ences tistening Body and soul > present perfect with for > illnesses > Karina and Rocco's story page 106 and since > physical descriptions » Hoveyouever.? witing > abogaphy with ite fxpelences ronunciation > should /jud/ ankle /‘enkal/ uncle /*anksl/ Culture Connection Healt: the heath service in the UK ‘Song Connection Stand by R.E.M, Can you remember it? Can you do it? 37 Wordbank page 138 Translated instructions page 143 Say hello to Karina! Prepare A. Work in pairs. Try to think of at least two ways to introduce yourself in English. B. Underline a verb and a noun in this sentence. Live in a big flat. € Label the columns ‘Verbs’ and ‘Nouns’. Match words 1-10 to words a-j to make phrases. Agree a translation with the class. T linea @ fastfood / meat 2 drink ee magazines / books 3 gow © theradio/ musi 4 do @TV/afiin 5 speak € coffee / tea / water 6 ply f ahouse /a fla 7 fea ¢ football tenis 8 eat fh olish/nglish/ French 9 live in i school 10 watch j homework Reading and listening . 1 (*) Read about and listen to Karina. Number the things in the order she talks about them, 1-5. favouritehobby (1 food and drink C1 her name [) her home and school C] languages L] one = eo 8Onf8 Hi there! m Karina. Nice fo meet you! My name's Karina, but mm famiy call me Kara, Have you gota nickname? |e ina house, in Oxford. Where do you lve? | go to schoo! in Oxford, too, and I've got lts offends here. Bille is my best ‘fiend. Where do you go to school? Who's your bestfriend? What do you do after schoo! | usually do my homework and watch TV. | don't play football, but | somtimes play tenis What spors do you play? My favourite hobby is music. | sten to music all the time. I ealy love it Do you like music? There are lots of other things | can tell you about myself! Um | dont eat fast food, and Im a vegetarian, so | don't eat meat. ‘re you a vegetarian? Oh, and I dink tea, but | don't crink cafe \What languages do you speak? | speak English and French (but ‘im not very good at French!) And what do you read? | read ‘magazines and books, but | don read newspapers ‘Answer my questions — | want to know all about you! Done We say: [really love music. Not: Ivery love music. verbs and nouns, present simple Complete the sentences about Karina. Karina’s nickname is She lives in a She lives in Her bestfriend is After school she usually does her and watches ___., whens 6 She sometimes plays 7 She really loves 8 She doesn't eat ___ or __ 9 She drinks but she doesn’t drink 10 She doesn't read Check your answers. Say the sentences. 3. Find these words in Karina’s email. Use them to write two sentences about what you do after school. sometimes usually ‘Look at the position of the word. sometimes play tennis. Grammar present simple Cat SE acronym epi Saeeee ae ee (het anus fetal ene irae 4 Complete the grammar box. 17 Yous eat We/They — dont ___ fast food I/you/we/ ee they eat fastfood! He/She /tt ~~~ eae fast food. he/she it 4 fast food? 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the present simple. 1 They —___ in Australia, ive) 2 You in Poland, (live) 3 We ___ to musiea lot. (not listen) 4 She —___ tea, (not drink) 5 He — TValot. (watch) 6 They French, (not speak) 7 He — his homework on the bus. (do) 8 1_____toLondon every month. (go) 9 Susie and Michelle football twice aweek. (play) 10 Stewart a lot of chocolate. (eat) 6 Underline all the questions in Karina's email. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the ques- tions about yourself. 7 Write your partner's answers down. Your partner checks your sentences. > John doesn’t Cat meat. He lives in a. Flat, in Warsaw. He reads magazines. He likes music. His best Friend is 1 Coen Pe Vocabulary 8 Look at the picture of Karina’s family above. Who do you think they are? Use these words. brother cousin uncle mum grandma grandad ®) Listen, check and repeat. 9 Check you know what these family words mean. Look at the picture of Karina’s family again. Use these words to write sentences about each person. nephew dad | grandson granddaughter | son daughter aunt niece grandparents > Peter is charlie’s nephew and Sally's son. > Alison is . Think of someone you like (eg, a friend, someone in your family, a pop star, a writer) Find out about their life. Write sentences about how they live, Already finished? What's wrong? 1 Lam live in Paris. 2 He don't like music. 3 Is your sister eat meat? 4 Wellve in flat. 5 They don’t to play football. 6 You watch usually TV after school. present simple, family Time and timetables Prepare ‘A Work in pairs. Askand answer the questions. ‘What time doyou goto schoo inthe morning? Tgeat ust What time dows schoo! usually frst? Iefinshes at 4 N ‘In the UK, school starts atthe same time every day ~ ee . around quarter to four. B Underline the consonants and Gircl9 the vowels. c () Listen and repeat the days. Which day contains silent consonant? Wednesday | Reading 1 Read the timetables and what Paul, Lucy and Natasha say. Write the names on the correet timetables (two students have the same timetable). ©) tisten and check. 2. Doyou have any subjects on the same day as Lucy, Paul or Natasha? i Lucy. have ICT on Tuesday. dont have English on Thursday. Timetable 8 Information Computer Technology RE = Religious Education E = Physical Education ~ sports at school (e.g. football) PSHE = Personal, Social and Health Education Free = you don’t have a lesson 10 days, timetables Pronunciation A ©) Match the sounds 1-3 to the words a-c. Listen and check. 1 Ayr a Maths 2 b French 3 my © English B{*) Listen and repeat. 1 French choose chat watch 2 English shoe sheep ship 3 Maths think thankyou Thursday Tilthere fm Paul. have French on Monday | don't have Engh on Wednesday. ame): Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.00 Engish — Geography Maths Music English 19.00 French Science oT History 11.00 at Matis Freneh English —_Geograpy Lun cu 130° History —Scence Art rma Hstoy 230 Engish RE cr PSHE Sconce 330 PE Swimming Free PE Music amet Twestay Wednesday Thursday Gecgraphy English Music i Science IGT Mans French RE PAUSE Science Ar History PSHE CT Fronch ‘Swineing Fee PE Friday Engish Histo Geography Mains Science Drama Hello! Tn Natasha, thave Geography on Tuesday. on'thave Maths on Friday. Vocabulary 3. Complete the names ofthe school subjects. SCHOOL SUBJECTS Check your answers. Say the words AT WORDIAN PACES Grammar present simple and times 4 Write sentences about the timetables on page 12. > ‘Thursday, 11 am Paul and Natasha have English on Thursday at lam. Lucy has RE then, 1 Friday, 9am 2 Tuesday, 2.90 pm 3. Wednesday, 9 am. 4 Friday, 3.30 pm 5 Write four sentences about your timetable. > On Monday at 1.30 pm I have English. Grammar present simple questions and short answers 6 (J Listen to the students. Complete their conversa- tions. 1 Lucy you have French on Monday, Paul? Paul Yes, 2 Lucy ____ Natasha have RE on Friday, Paul? Paul No, she ___. 3 Lucy ______ you and Natasha have Maths on ‘Thursday, Paul? Paul No, we — Cerin 7 Write Lucy's questions to Paul and Natasha. » you/English /Tuesday Paul Do you have English on Tuesday, Paul? 1 you/ Art/ Monday / Natasha? 2 Paul / Geography / Friday / Natasha? 3 you and Paul / Science / Thursday / Natasha? 4 Natasha /ICI'/ Friday / Paul? 5 6 ‘you and Natasha / PE / Monday / Paul? you / History / Wednesday / Paul? Men cana comECON CEE? Writing and speaking 8 Work in pairs, A and B. Ask and answer the ques- tions in 7. A Be Lucy. Ask questions 1-3, B Be Natasha, Answer questions Lucy's questions. B Be Lucy. Ask questions 4-6, A Be Paul. Answer Lucy's questions. 9 Write questions for a partner. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. listen to the radio watch football on TV eat hamburgers read English books play computer games listen to classical music drink coffee . ] » listen to the radio Do you listen to the radio? Yes, T do. / No, I don't. / T sometimes do. inished? How many school subjects can you make from these letters? ssloePhrchsumanty school subjects, time, present simple questions 1 Look at the pictures. Can you name the activities? motor racing swimming skiing sailing rock climbing — sky diving kkite surfing snowboarding Check your answers. Say the words. 1 () Read and listen to the conversation. Which activities from A do Lisa, Rachel and Tom not talk about? Rachel_ Its Damian's birthday next month. Tdon't know what to get him, Neither do I. Iwant to get something exciting, Let's think, What does he really like doing? Erm... he likes watehing TV. ‘And he loves eating pizzas, Yes, but you cant get him a'TV and a pizza... Tknow! What aboue getting him an ‘Experience Tom — What's that? Lisa You can buy a day doing something exciting, Swimming with dolphins, or sky diving, fr something, What about swimming with dolphins? Rachel No, he hates swimming. He doesnt like getting wet Tom What about sky diving? Snowboarding? Or skiing? Rachel Nope— he's scared of flying and I don't think he likes snow sports Lisa What about kite surfing? Rachel Um. Maybe. ‘Tom Hey — what about motor racing? He loves drivin. Rachel Oh. That's great idea ‘Tom love driving, tot Can I drive with Damian? Lisa No, sory, Tom. The tickets are really expensive. Rachél Cheer up, Tom. You can watch Damian motor racing. I'l be fun, Tom Hmph. nope = slang for ‘no ‘making suggestions, nouns with -ing Vy, 12 2. Answer the questions. 1 Whose birthday is it next ‘month? 2. Who suggests getting an ‘Experience’ for Damian? What is an ‘Experience’? ‘Who loves driving as well as, Damian? Why can't Tom go motor racing? 3. Practise the conversation. Grammar like + -ing Real English 7. Find these phrases in the conversation on page 14. How do you translate the bold words? | Tdon't know what to get him. ] | What about getting him an ‘Experience’? Tknow! Maybe. It'll be fun ‘That's a great idea! Cheer up! | Neither do 4 Imagine you are Damian, Write how you feel about these things. 8 Complete the conversation with six of the bold » sky diving phrases from 7. T hate sky diving! Pm seared of Flyin 1 driving y 3 Vyies: A Do you know |____ Bella for 2 swimming, Christmas? 3. snowboarding B No, Idon’t 4 watching TV Ae getting her an ‘Experience’? A sain B °___. What about rock climbing? [A No, she doesn't like climbing. 5 Write a sentence about something you ... B‘____1 What about swimming love. ‘with dolphins? like. Ae . She loves swimming, don like \ cco B Yes,*___1 fun. Iwantto go too! Listen and check. Practise the conversation Writing and speaking Epes 6 Work in pairs. Speaking > Write a list of activities that you do. » Show your list to your partner and say what you think about doing them, Think about another pair in the class. » How many do you and your partner feel the same > It’s their birthdays. Decide what to get each of them, about? > Tell the students what you want to get them. > Are they happy? 9 Work in pairs. > swimming Tove seinming V > going to school Tate going to school, ‘What's wrong? don’t know what to get he. What about to ski? Hove swim. want to go to! She doesn’t to like dancing. ‘That's great making suggestions, like +ing 13 Prepare A. Look at the photo. Do you recog- nise these girls? What can you say about them just from their photos? B GreDany adjectives you think R 1 14 The Simple Life describe the girls. poor a fee , horrible eautifu! Tic intelligent happy privileged funny lucky ad UNLUCKY eading Read the TV programme guide. Answer these questions. > Whats the programme called? > Who's in it? > What happens in the programme? Tuesday, C4, 8m sywo ite ich ets fnd out Bow ‘poor people ive! Paris Hon Toole Richio swap tel CY tif in Los Angeles and move farm in iesaaate of ROWRETES ‘he il sualy iden cha riven imousines and eat FO told plates, Buton the farm et up at am and eat their Break frat with the cows! Can they UP ge atx weeks of the simple 62 ‘nnd ean the cows survive! adjectives, reading an informal letter Lucy and Sally love watching ‘The Simple Life’ and now they are going to try life on a farm too. > Look at their photos. Do any of the adjectives in B describe them? > Read Lucy’ leter to the farm family. How is her life similar or different ‘oyours? Hello My vorne!s Lucy Cole, and I want to tell you something about myself before T come ard work wits you. “Len seventeen years ol, and Lon From London, 1 love the city, 1's vedlly citing. T lve in 6 big Pat with wy parents, T haven't got any brothers or sis ters, But Pat's OK. 11s wice and quiet What do 1 like doing? Nell, T love shopping L usually gp shorring every dey! rd L often go shimring. 1 Uke talking on ery mobile phone (of course Who doasn’t), 1 alays go te parties vith wry Friends at the Weskend. My best Friend is Sally, vd I love fivnals, Live got a ont ctlled ‘Batwran’ What do I. do on a typical day? 1 usually got up at about eight o clock Wut vot at the weekend... On Saturdays my mim some ‘times brings me bredefust in boa! After bredkfast, I often play basketball or go shopping There are lots of great shops in London There ae lots of galleries and wuseums, te0, ond they've usualy ves. London's fantastic! T hardy ever leave it on Saturday evening I alvays go to 4 party with Sally. 1 never go to bed before midnight! What do you do in the evenings on the are? Do you have parties? “Lim vetlly locking Fornerd to mesting you ard the animals! But “Linn worried about the cons, I. don't like cows, hd TL can't wile ‘theen. 1 hope you haven't got any con's! Love Luey xx ‘Are these sentences true or false? Write T or F. Correct the false sen- tenes. Lucy comes from Los Angeles. Lucy comes from London She lives wich her mum and dad. She lives in a house. It’s noisy in her house. Lucy enjoys shopping, She never goes swimming. ‘She thinks mobile phones are stupid. ‘She never has breakfast in bed. ‘She doesn’t like living in the city. ‘She can milk cows. Grammar adverbs of frequency Get the Grammar 4. Underline all the adverbs of fre- quency you can find in the letter. Where do these words go ina sentence? Draw ain this sen- tence to show where. get up early. Listening 5 ©) Listen. What are the good things about life on the farm? 6 ©) Listen again. GreOthe correct words. They getup very early / late They lke / don like Feding the animals, They never / often cook and wash up. The kitchen i usually quiet / noisy. The gins ike / hate shopping. They hardly ever / never go to museums and galleries. ‘They're good / bad at cooking. ‘They sometimes / never got parties Writing a letter about yourself 7 Look back at Lucy’s letter on page 16. Number the things in the order she does them, 1-7. describes her day [finishes the letter [says how old she is L] ‘says who her best friend is [] introduces herself [J ‘says what she likes doing L] says where she comes from [] 8 Complete these key phrases and match them to the items in 7, 1 Imreally to meeting you and the animals! 21 London, 3 _____ my mum sometimes ‘me breakfast in bed! eceueeuemet | play basketball or go shopping. 4 _____ best friend sally. 5 ___ seventeen years 6 1 _____ shopping. I shopping every day, 7 Lucy Cole. 9 Imagine you've got a new penfriend. Write a letter about yourself and your life. Make some notes about yourself first. 10 Write your letter. Use Luey's letter and the phrases in 8 to help you. Clues across 2 Your sister's son, 7 Notalways but _£ 8 ‘The opposite of son. 9 REisReligious _ 10 __ youlike dogs? ‘Clues down 1 You dont like it and _ dol. 3 We use this tense for things that don’t _ simple _2 change: _ 4 Not often but 5 ____ about rock climbing? 6 Your father's mother. TW listening, writing an informal letter of introduction Translate these words and phrases. compulsory secondary school citizenship uniform term primary school curriculum 2 Workin groups. Discuss these questions. 1. What age do children start school in your country? 2. What age can they leave school? 3. Which school subjects are compulsory? 4 What exams do pupils take during their education? 3 How much do you know about British schools? Do the quiz and find out! Ar Ata age do chit start chal in th UK? a3 a5 7 9 Atwhet age can children leave schoot? aM Pi ore °F What time does the schoo! day usually star”? N94Sam— Bipn 6 B4Sam What me deste school ay usual fs? A7A5pm—-B430pm 6 245pm “SE Atwhat ages do citron begin secondary school? reer ere maar ere) BY Which ofthese subject isnot compusory from age 56? A French = B Maths Engle My Which ofthese subjects is compulsory from age 14-187 A Goopaphy B Hisixy © Clzensp Be Ata as co hken tke national tess (SATS)? NBand12b7,ttard te 6 10, 12and15 “A Wat pecntage of state secontary scoot have a com- puso scoal unfom? hax B1O% = 6 100% WO: How many trms are therein the schoo! year? uM a2 © dor 16 Culture: At school (ii ei Cee 3 Jinfant school Age 5-7 f; [Primary school Age5-1 junior school Age 8-11 Draw a chart of compulsory and non-compulsory sub- jects in your country. > Write about the similarities and differences between the UK and your country. UK | Your country ele Compulsory school ages ‘School Himes. Tages children take national toms Number of terms in Phe year © ® Song Connection Work in pairs. Can you think of an example for each type of music? Full name: Florian Cloud De Bounevialle Armstrong, better known as Dido soul punk rap_ rock ballad techno jazz classical Frome London 2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions, 1 What's your favourite type of 2. Who's your favourite singer or band? 3. What's your favourite song? ‘and jazz elements 3 What do you know about Dido? mistake in each sentence. acs ea recorder, dow anl Tear ae at af 1 LMG wth Yo hg the 3. She was born on 24 December Ard even if T could i#4 all be yey, eed 1971. but your picher® on my wall Pash door, Den 4 Pale pt any tes 1 Oe Neri ie oes ee 5 She sings punk songs. bead, iPS not 0 bad Then You eel © tel 5 Look at the song lyrics. Check IT drark too much last right, dod even if oy | 5 the meaning of these words. Try Bis to pays my ead yc ite = to complete the song with them. " in pain Bicause youve nore ee aetna an eae ee ‘wondering ere te for work again T wart to thank you for ving me ipl that T might not last the day Oh jst fo be worse ” ied dey ey ne ai = fed tin ye — we tnd — best day of my ta he = is ot 0 bed #5 wot So bad ard "Listen and check. 1 wnt to thank you for sing ce tHe best day oF my life 6 (°) Listen again, and sing along. Your reaction — ———— = 7 Which sentence desribesthe singer's feelings? Why doyou Language think eis? 9 Dido does these things in the song. Can you make an opposite phrase 1 sad abou about her lie, but swords ae? very happy with herbositiend get out of bed ee 2 sad about her fe and boyfriend 2 Felgteforwos/sehool b ealy poy sberas her Tife, but: enc 3. miss the bus — rch, about her boyfriend se a ; YO Wirite sentences about yourself using aways, usualy, often, sometimes, 8 Doyoulike the song? Why, or hardly ever never and a phrase from 9. cao T usually get out of bed at nine o! clock. Tim never late for school. Follow-up 11 Work in pairs. > Imagine someone sang this song for you. » How would you feel? Think of someone you both know and choose a song for them, Song: Thankyou 17 Grammar 1 Girele the correct form of the verb. 1 My friends call / cals me Mark. 2 Billie dont / doesn’ watch TV alo. 3 You lve / lives in a big flat. 4 He doesn go / goes to school on Sunday. 5 We play / plays football every day. 6 always do / does my homework in the morning. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. 1 Talways coffee at breakfast time, 2 Susan usually ____ her hair in the shower. 3 No, we Maths. 4 They're vegetarians, They —____ meat. 5 You —____ alot of magazines. 6 He ____in France, buthe ____ French. 3 Complete the questions and short answers. 1 De you ike History? (you / like) Gree La aD 2 ____Enslish this afternoon? (we / have) Ig, tw eee 3 ____ Polish? (your dad / speak) Yes, 4 ______ alot of computer games? (our grandparents / play) [eo ea 5 ________ to classical muse? (Tom / listen) os aR 6 ___ Vin the morning? (you / watch) Yes, 4 Gireld the correct sentence. 1 a Tdon't eat fastfood very often. | doesn’t eat fast food very often Billie speak French. Billie speaks French, Do you like school? Are you like school? We plays tennis every weekend. a b 2a b b b We play tennis every weekend, a b a > a > 3 11go sometimes to the gym on Fridays. sometimes go to the gym on Fridays. How often do you read in the bath? How often read you in the bath? She loves kite surf. She loves kite surfing. Vocabulary 5 Complete the table. fi grandma dad —S > aunt sister nephew is cousin 6 Reorder the letters to make school subjects. 1 CHREFN =_______ 4 ECCESIN 2 PROGYAHEG 5 SHTAM 3-HILSNEG 6 ROSHTIY____ 7 Label the activities. 8 Put the words in the box in the correct column, positive (+) or negative (~). poor stupid beautiful rich nice sad _intel- ‘ligent horrible privileged lucky funny 9 Put the words in the correct order. always sometimes often usually never hardly ever 0% ee a Quiz 10 Fillin the gaps. 1 Inthe UK, school usually starts at around eam. 2 23,00is 11 3 We have Maths _____ Monday 10.15 am, 4 ‘Nope’ is an informal word for EES ES TER ae eevee Speaking Listening 11 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a 13.) Listen. Tick (7) the correct box. conversation. 1 What does mum never do? susan Mark »OK.Well, What about» Oh come on! The goingtothenewcafé football's on. It'll be fun! instead? > Maybe. It's cool ca. > Idon't know what todo Hey ~what about ‘ this afternoon, watching TV? > What about going > No, Idontike getting wet swimming? > Neither do » I hate watching TV. Susan 1 Mark 2 susan 3 Mark 4 Susan 5 Mark 6 Susan 7 Mark 8 3 What lesson do they have at three o'clock? Check your answers. Practise the conversation in pairs. 12. Work in pairs. Discuss what you want to do this weekend. Use the phrases in 11 and the ideas below. play computer games go rock climbing do homework go kitesurfing go shopping havea party iat now at 14. © isten again and answer the questions. V7 [netherdot ~ 1 Dothespeakers know each other? Yes] No 1] \ 2 Does the gitl gotoschoot? Yes) No] 3 Are the boy and the gil in different classes? yes No 1 talk about routines, habits and things that don’t change 2 talkabout and understand school timetables.) 3 make suggestions i a QO 4 read an informal letter 5. write an informal letter AN ss Say hello to Karina Grammar present simple 1 Rimes poprawna forme czasownka. 3. IMI Przeczytaj podane informacje i ul6z zda- nia 0 Marcie. Si Hichere. tm Simon but my frends ‘@2)/ calls me Sima student and live /Tives in a house in Cambridge with four friends. My best friend Harry "ve / lives here too, We ‘go /goes to the same college and we ‘study / studies French. After college I usually ‘watch / watches TV, but sometimes I play / play foot- ball. Harry ‘don't like / doesn’t like football because he isn’t very good at it. He “love / loves tennis and always “read / reads about ‘Tim Henman in the newspaper. "Do / Does ‘you like music? I always "listen / listens to music when I do my homework, but I don't like / doesn’t like classical music. | real- ly like Moby. Who "do /does you like? Name ‘Marta Thompson Nickname Tommo Age “4 Town Chester football, music ‘meat, TV English, French 1 Her name is Marta Thompson. Her 2 Gl preksztalé zdania przeczace w twierdzace, a zdania twierdzace w przeczace. 1 Stella lives in England. Stella doesn't live in England ‘They don’t go to the same school. Tread magazines and books all the time. We don’t play tennis. * David speaks French. Friends call her Tomme, (call 2 She (be) 3 She —__ live a 4 She _________ana a like) 5 Sher (not / like) 6 Shean (speak) 4 Wl Ul6; pytania i na nie odpowiedz. 1 Marta /live / Chester Does Marta live in chester? Yes, she does. 2 Marta / like / musie 3 Marta / speak / French 6 You don't eat fast food Lucy and I don’t watch TV after school. My best friend drinks a lot of tea. 4 Marta / like /TV 5 her friends / call / Marta 9 Tom doesn't listen to music. 10 Jack sometimes doesn't do his homework, present simple 6 Marta / like / football Vocabulary family 5 lll Popatrz na drzewo genealogiczne iuzupetnij zdania ponizej. ce) 1 __Mesy_is Susan's mother. 2 is Tracy's uncle. 3 and ____are Tracy's cousins. 4 —__isRory’s grandma. 5 is Jane's aunt. 6 ___is Tracy's granddad. 7 is Tony’s sister. 8 is Jane's brother. 9 is Tom and Susan's niece. 10 ___is Tony and Sandra's nephew. n is Mary and John’s son. 2 is Tom and Susan's daughter. 6 Gl Przeczytaj tekst o rodzinie Natalie i uzupetnij jej drzewo genealogicane, @,® 7 Mil Wpisz. okreslenia pokrewieristwa w puste miejsca. Nastepnie wpisz te wyrazy do krzy26wki. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje! 1. She's my sister’s daughter. My_niece 2 He's my mother’s brother, My—__ 3 She's my father’s daughter. My 4 He's my mother's son. My 5 He's my daughter’s brother. My___ 6 My father’ sister. My 7. My brother’ son, My 8 My mother’s mother. My 9 My son's sister My 10. My uncle's son, My 11. My father’s father. My —__ 12. My brother's mother. My Natalie is Sally’s sister. Sally is ‘Tom's daughter. Elie is Sally's aunt, Lucy is Ellie’s daughter and Jack's granddaughter. Tom and Ben are Betty's sons. Chris is Lucy's brother and Lucy is Fred's sister. Fred is Natalie's cousin and Jess's nephew. Tom is Ben's brother. Chris is Fred’s brother. Jess isnt Flies sister, but they are best friends. ee ene family 21 Vocabulary days and school subjects 3° URI Przeczytaj, co méwi nauczyciel, i wpisz * annenen ee nazwy praedmiotsw. 1 {RIE Uzupetnij nazwy dai tygodnia, wpisujac brakujace spélgloski. Nastepnie uléz te wyrazy iia Sere eaaey ‘w odpowiedniej kolejnosci. cee 1 _Geography 2 ow Tas cooar wos Tecate 2 onan enpeot vO 3 4 Tis con lanjuag owe Monday — — — 5 6 _ 2. SGI Znajdé nazwy przedmiotéw szkolnych. Tisten to this sit Took at ths Nastepnie podpisz obrazki, Jednego przedmiotu chopingltaonns? pie yeas, brakuje! Y D|H|O|M/A|T/H/s|A 7 8 R/O/TILITIN/O| TIE Gin tala A|m[u|s|1|[c[R[A|N mM[R/ulo|T/1|/T/A|G a A|N|T|1/B/O|/G/O|L R/E|N/E|/F/A/RIN{| TI F[R/E|N|C/H|I/¥|s A|S/C/|I|E|N|C\E|H ‘The missing subject is ORE (UM Grammar present simple and times 4 AGM Przeczytaj rozmowe i uzupelnij plan lekeji Petera. nw [meray [say [Wty [rs [Fy art [maths | French | English | * “emcee ‘uNCH 118 story 200 Matis | French 250 PE ee Peter Ili Sandy. Do we have French on Monday? Julia Yes, we do, At 10 o'clock. Peter What do we have at 2 o'dock on Monday? Julia Are Peter When do we have Geography? Julia On Tuesday at eleven, and Friday at nine o'clock Peter Do we have PSHE this week? Julia Yes, wedo. We have PSHE on Wednesday at 1.15. Peter What about drama? Julia On Wednesday at 2.50, and Friday at 2.00, 5 "ll Odpowiedz na pytania. 1 Peter Do we have Maths on Monday? Julia No, we don’t, 2 Peter Do we have PE on Thursday? Julia 3 Does Peter have History on Tuesday? 4 Does Peter have Science on Friday at 10 o'clock? 5 Does Peter have ICT on Wednesday? 6 You Peter, do you have PE on Friday? Peter 7 Do Peter and Julia have Maths on Thursday? 8 Does Julia have English on Monday? 9 You Peter, do you have Geography on Tuesday? Peter 10 Does Peter have a lesson at 2.50 on F 6 MI Przeczytaj rozmowe i popraw zdania. Gary Hi Susan. Have we Science today? Hi Susan, Do we have Science today? Susan Yes, we have. Yes, we do, ee Gary Ohno. [not like Science. Susan Does you ke football? Gary Yes, Ilike. Susan That's okay. We has Games on 2 o'clock. Gary What about after lunch? Do you likes Maths? ‘Susan No, [no like, Gary What about Sarah? Do she like Maths? Susan Yes, she does likes. She's good at Maths. Gary Well, we has Maths at 2 o'clock. Susan Oh no! I very hate Maths. 7 SI Przeczytaj, co Sam napisal o swoim planie lekeji, i wstaw on lub at. at(x6) on (x3) dan’ ke echeel and F really hate Mondays F have Mathef 120 and then French 10.00. D’m aoa rel aasenal rremn eter lunch T have Maths again 00 and Wistery 480.7 dale have & Feet ssn Honda ht J have tio Free lessons Taesley 100 ant 450 F ptally He Fridays became T have 1. at 250 Friday afternoon, rset snpead dons (2\\) Grammar / Vocabulary ~ing + activities (MIE Uzupelnij tabelke z formami czasownikow. climb liming. get deena fly do Ae dance pee eee ski rive eat have 2 ML {GM Popatrz na tabelke i uzupetnij zdania, ‘wstawiajae odpowiednia forme ezasownika. love-3. like-2 notlike-1 hate-0 Daniel Wendy m= ler dig girs. aa 1 Daniel__doesn’t tike _ rock climbing. 2 Wendy. skiing, 3. Daniel and Wendy. sailing, 4 Daniel sky diving 5 Wendy. swimming, 6 Daniel swimming. 7 Wendy. rock climbing, 8 Daniel skiing, 9 Wendy. sky diving 10 Wendy and Daniel “ing + activities, making suggestions motor racing. Real English 3 MIE Dopasuj potéwki zdan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 He's scared a good idea. What b fun. ‘That’sa atskiing. Neither what to get him. Ill be e of flying. He's good F about sailing? don't know g dol IG U162 wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejnosci, tak aby powstata rozmowa. cath Fred cath Fred cath, Fred ol You oli You oli You ol You oli You oli Do / know / what / birthday? / get / Matt / to / for his / you Do you know dont. /1/ No, do/1. / Neither What / a new / TV? / about Hmm. /I/ What / Maybe. / about /a pizza? / know That's / pizza. / loves / He / a good idea. I Uzupetnij rozmowe. It’s Ela’s name day next week and I don't know what to get her. Hm. She likes lots of things. She really likes sport ‘music, books and films, ‘What's ‘an experience’? Hmm. Are they expensive? Well, I don't have a lot of money. ‘That's a great idea, I'll get her a DVD of her favourite film. Tee icrs Reading and writing 4 es Unupetni notatki informacjami jembie a eee ‘edi Write the topic of the next lesson on the board: Say hello to Karina. » This lesson introduces Karina and her family, verbs and nouns that go together, the present simple and vocabu- lary of the family. Write the key points on the board, Emre ‘You may wish to explain and work on the grammar first before reading the text about Karina on page 10. In this ease, you can stare the lesson with the Get che Grammar box on page 11 and work through exercises 4, 5,6 and 7 (with additional practice exercises and explanation in the Grammae Connection on page 00), before doing the Prepare exercises and exereses 1,2, 3,8 and9. Prepare {An pairs, ask students to tink of two ways to introduce themselves in English. Im... T'mealled.... My nameis.... B > Ask students to look at the sentence and underline a verb and a noun, > Write the answer on the board. Check that students have only underlined the two words. ive in a big flat. 28 > Askstudents to look at the two columns and label them Verbs and Nouns. >» Students match the verbs to the nouns, then check their answers in pairs. > Check the answers with the class. Then translate the phrases into L1 and point out any differences (e.g. in L1 you may use a different verb from do for home- work) Verbs Nouns 1 listen to 1 the radio / music 2 drink 2 coffee / tea / wine 3 goto 3 school 4 do 4 homework 5. speak 5 Polish/ English / French 6 play 6 football / tennis 7 read 7 magazines/books 8 eat 8 fast food / meat 9 livein 9 ahouse / flat 10 watch 10 TV/afilm Reading and listening 1 > Look at the picture of Karina in her bedroom with the class. In, ask students what they think Karina is like and what sort of things she likes doing, eg. What kind of music does she like? What kind of sports does she play? > Look at the list of topies with the class. Check that everyone understands hobby. Explain that students are going to listen to and read Karina's email and put these topies in the order she talks about them > Play the recording. Students listen and read, and put the topics in the correct order. > Check the order with the class. favourite hobby 3 food and drink 4 hhername 1 her home and school 2 languages 5 © Look at the information box with the clas. Tell stu- dents that we say I really love. not EverHlove . ASK ndividual students: Whar do you really love? fora few examples. Look at the Wordbank on page 000 with the class. Encourage the students to use it for reference and for when they are revising for exams. 2 » Ask students to complete the sentences about Karina. » Play the recording, pausing after each sentence. ‘Students listen, check their answers and repeat © audioscript and key 1 Karna nickname s Kara 2 Karin vesin a hose 3. She vs n Oxford. 4 ‘Her best rend is Bile 5. After school she usualy does her homework and watches TV, She sometimes pays tennis, 7 She really lves msi 8 She doesn eat fast ood or meat. She dike tea but she doesn arin coffee. To She does read newspapers Vocabulary 3 > Askestudents to lok back at Karina's email and find sometimes and usualy In 1, check that students understand the difference between these adverbs usually do my home work sometimes play tennis © Look at the information box with the class. Write the example on the board and point out the position of the adverb. Elicit some more examples and write them on the board, > Ask students to write two sentences using sometimes and usually about what they do after school, (TEI You could split the lesson into two after exercise 3. Ifyour class finishes the lesson early, you can do this additional exer > Ask students to write sentences about themselves using the verbs and nouns in Prepare C. They could then write a short text about themselves using Karina’s as a model to ‘make a class information board for the lassroom wall Grammar present simple Get the Grammar Look at the Ger the Grammar box with the class and check that everyone understands. Point out the grammar of the positive and negative by writing the examples on the board. Highlight the position of the negative, ie. it goes between the pronoun and the verb, Point out the differ ence between the third person and other forms, ie. that the he, she and ie forms end in s 4 > Askstudents to complete the grammar box. > As students are writing, go round and check their answers. > Drill the positive, negative and question forms from the table. 17 Yous eat We/They —donteat Ee Do 1/you/we /they eat — fast food? eats He/she /it Sas oe fast food Does he/she /it eat fastfood? Learner training ‘Ask students to copy the table into their notebooks using different coloured pencils to highlight the positive and negative form. This is useful as writing the grammar out gives them extra practice and the colour helps them, remember the structure, 5 > Complete the first sentence with the class. > Ask students, on their own or in pairs, to complete the rest of the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Remind them that some verbs have different spelling in the third person, e.g, watches. > Check the answers with the class, 1 live 2 live 3 don'tlisten 4 doesn't drink 5 watches 6 don'tspeak 7 does 8 go 9 play 10 eats, Optional (support) > Ask students to write two positive and two negative sentences that are true about themselves. > Ask individual students to read one of their sentences ‘out. Check pronunciation. 6 > Ask students, in pairs, to look back at Karina’s email on page 10 and underline all the questions. (There are ten,) > Ask students, in their pairs, to take it in turns to ask each other the questions. Tell them to listen carefully because they will have to remember their partner's answers. OD? ausioscript Hi there! Im Karna, Nice to meet you! My name's Katina, but my fami ly call me Kara. Have you gata nickname? UTive ina house, in Oxford Where do you ive? | goto schoo in Oxford, too, and ve got ot of frends here. Bile is my Bes fiend Wheve do ougo 0 school? Wha's your bestfriend? ‘What do you do ater schoo? usually do my homework, and watch TV | don't play fotbal but sometimes play tennis What spor play? My favourite hobby is music. listen to music all the time. Telly love it you ike music? ‘There are lots of other things can tell you about myself! Um. on eat fast fod, and a vegetarian, so dont eat meat. Are youd vegetarian? Oh, and drink tea, but I dart drink coffee P Jo 2 | speak English and French (but fm not very good at French), And what do you read? | read magazines and books, but I dont read newspapers. Answer my questions - | want to know all about you! 7 > Look at the example of John with the class. Point ‘out the third person form. » Ask students to write some short sentences about their partner, using the information from exercise 6. > Students read their parmer’s sentences to check that the information is correct, Ask students to turn to page 000 where they will find extra practice activities, You can set these exercises for homework or do them in class. Vocabulary 8 > Askstudents to look at the picture of Karina’s family at the top of page 11. > Look at the family words in the box with the class and explain any unfamiliar vocabulary. > Ask students match the words to the people in the picture, » Play the recording, pausing after each sentence. Students listen, check their answers and repeat. O audioscript This sy mm. Her name is Sally Thisis my uncle His name f Chali This my grandad, His name is Alfred Thisis my grandma, Her name is Many This ism brother His name Peter, Thisismy cousin: Her name is Alison imum 2 unce 3 grandad 4 grandma 5 brother 6 cousin 9 > Ask students, in pairs, to look at the words in the box and decide together what they mean, Learner training This may be a good opportunity for students to use nglish-English dictionaries 23\\\W » Look at the example sentence and complete the sen: tences for Alison and Sally with the class, e.g. Alison. is Charlie's daughter and Sally's niece. Sally is Alison's dunt, etc. > Ask students, in their pairs, to write sentences about the other people in the picture using the words in the box, Sally is Alison’s aunt. Charlie is Alison's dad and Alfred's son. Alfred is Sally and Charlie's dad. ‘Mary and Alfred are Karina’s grandparents. Peter is Mary and Alfred’s grandson. Karina is Mary and Alfred's granddaughter. Optional (challenge) > Ask students, in pairs, o take turns to describe their family for their partner to draw their family tree. > Students look at the family tree to check the informa- tion is correct. Mini project ‘Ask students to think of someone they like and, before the next class, to find out some information about this person to tell a partner in class. For homework, students can write up these facts organised in the same order as the informa- tion about Karina on page 10. Already finished? ‘What's wrong? For students who have finished early, ask them to correct the mistakes inthe sentences, ten compare with another student. Check the answers with the students Tlive in Paris. He doesn’t listen to music. Does your sister eat meat? Wee live in a flat. ‘They don't play football You usually watch TV after school. 1b ie and timetables (pages 12-13) Before you open the book » Before starting the lesson, you could do the Five-minute test on page 00. You can either photocopy itor do the test verbally with your class. > Write the topic ofthe next lesson on the board: Time cand timetables » This lesson introduces the vocabulary of days, timeta- bles and school subjects and uses expressions to tell the time and present simple questions. Write the key points on the board, Prepare A. > Lookat the questions with the class. Point out the preposition at with time. » Practise the questions as a class making sure stu- dents are aware of the stress, i.e. What time do you {g0 to school in the morning? What time does school usually finish? > Ask students, in pairs, to take turns to ask and answer the questions. W730 @ Look at the information box with the class. In LI, ask students if they prefer their school times or those of the UK, B > Explain that the letters of the alphabet are either ‘consonants or vowels, Ask students to tell you which lerters are vowels, > Ask students to underline the consonants and circle ‘the vowels in the lis. consonants: x tf ¥, Wj, , 2, by ¢ vowels: a, €, 0, 0,1 C > Play the recording. Students listen and repeat the days. > Ask students which day of the week has a silent con- sonant (Wednesday /wenzder/, i. the /d/ is not rronounced) > Drill pronunciation sayin the days in order. This rhythm will help students remember the days. Reading 1 > Ask students to look at the two timetables. Tell them to use the information bax to help them understand ICT, ete. Explain any unfamiliar vocabulary. > Ask students if any of the subjects are the same as theits. Are there any subjects that they do that aren't there? > Ask students, in pairs, to look atthe photos and read the speech bubbles for Luey, Paul and Natasha. Ask students to decide which students have which timetable, Warn them that two students have the same timetable. > Play the recording, Students listen and check their © audioscript and key Hil Ym Lucy. have ICT on Tuesday. | don't have English on Thursday 1 have timetable & Hithere.'m Paul | have French on Monday. | dant have English on Wednesday. have timetable A Hello! Ym Natasha. | have Geography on Tuesday | don't have Maths ‘on Friday. have timetable A with Paul 2 » Ask students to look at the timetables again and see if they have any subjects on the same day as Lucy, Paul or Natasha. » Ask individual students the question (Do you have ‘any subjects on the same day as Lucy, Paul or Natasha?) to elicit a response like the speech bubbles (e.g. Ihave Geography on Tuesday.) ox No, I don't Tey You could split the lesson into two after exercise 2. your class finishes the first lesson early, you can do this additional > Askstudents in pais, to write notes about the main dlfer: fences between these UK timetables and thelr own, You could then diseuss it asa class. You could think about topics such as the time school starts and finishes, the subjects stud ied, the amount of time spent studying each lesson. Pronunciation A > Check that students understand the sounds of the phonetic symbols /t{/, /1/ and /0/. > Play the recording. Students match the sounds to the symbols. D7 audioscript and key Ai French 197, nash 28/- Naths B Play the recording. Students listen and repeat the words. Vocabulary 4 > Ask tudents to look at the pictures and decide what each subject is. > Play the recording, Students listen, check their answers and repest. » Repeat the subjects again round the class paying attention to the stress on the first syllable except ICT and PE where tis equal before every letter. O audioseript and key 1 enh > scence 3 ae 4 Droma 3 Ritoy & Geography 7 Maths 8 Mise 3 tr Tore Optional (challenge) > Choose a school subject which has five letter, e.g. Drama, Maths, Music. Write five dashes on the board and ask students to call out letters to guess the sub- ject. Explain that they are not allowed to shout out the subject name; only letters. Check that they pro- nounce the letters correctly. For each wrong guess, raw lines to create a hangman. > When you have done this example, ask students, in pairs, to do this activity with a different school subject. Grammar present simple and times © 100k at the information box with the class. Explain that am and pm come from Latin meaning ante merid- ian and post meridian, i.e, before and after 12 noon, We use the 12-hour clock more in the UK. 4 > Look at the example sentence with the class, Point ‘out how we use am and pm and check that everyone understands then. © Look at the information box with the class. Remind students we use on for the day and at for the time. > Ask students to look back at the timetables on page 12 and write sentences about Lucy, Paul and Natasha forthe days and times given. 1 Lucy, Paul and Natasha have English on Friday at 9am. 2. Paul and Natasha have RE on Tuesday at 2.30 pm. Iutey has PSHE then, 3 Paul and Natasha have Maths on Wednesday at 9 am. Lucy has English then, 4 Paul and Natasha have Music on Friday at 3.30 pm. Lucy has Drama then. 5 > Lookat the example sentence with the class. > Ask students to write four sentences about their school timetable. Help with any unknown vocabu- lary. Grammar present simple questions and short answers o> > Explain that students are going to listen to Lucy ask- ing Paul questions about his and Natasha's timetable. Give students time to read the conversations. Play the recording. Students listen and complete the gaps. Check the answers with the class. Oasis an tey Doyounave enc on andy Pas? vee 2 Does Natasha ave RE onda aul? Note does 3. Doyouand Natasha have Maths on Thursday, au? No we don Get the Grammar Look at the Get the Grammar box with the class, Ask students to tell you the word order in questions to elicit do / does + subject + Infinitive. Elicit that we ean give short answers by using pro: ‘that they do not need to rep 7> oun + auxiliary (Yes, Ido / No, !don', etc.). Remind students athe verb Lookat the example with the class and point out ‘where the name goes. ‘Ask students to write the questions, using the ques- tions in exercise 6 to help them. Ask them to work on this individually in silence as they need to concen- trate to do this. Check the answers with the class ‘Do you have Art on Monday, Natasha? Does Paul have Geography on Friday, Natasha? Do you and Paul have Science on Thursday, Natasha? Does Natasha have ICT on Friday, Paul? Do you and Natasha have PE on Monday, Paul? Do you have History on Wednesday, Paul? ‘Ask students to turn to page 000 where they will find practice activities. You can set these exercises for homework, or do them in class. Writing and speaking Opti Explain that students are going to take the roles of Lucy and Natasha and ask and answer the questions in exercise 7, Ifnecessary, demonstrate with a strong student, Ask students to work in pairs and decide who is A and who is B, Go around listening, correcting as nec- essary. Check the answers with the class. You could do this by asking pairs of students to ask and answer each question. Yes, Ido. Yes, he does, No, we don't, No, she doesn't. Yes, we do. No, [ don't. fonal (support) 31 A / , Optional (support) ‘Ask questions round the class about students’ own, timetable, e.g. Do you have English on Wednesday, (name)? Elicit short responses. Also ask students ques- tions about their fellow students to elicit third person responses, e.g. Does (name) have History on Tuesday, (name)? 9 > Look at the example with the class, then ask students other questions, e.g. Do you read magazines? Do you cat fast food? and encourage them to use sometimes and usually. > Ask students, on their own, to write questions to ask_ their partner. Tell them to use the ideas in the box or their own ideas. Go around checking and helping ‘with vocabulary as necessary. > Ask students, in pairs, to ask and answer their ques- tions. Already finished? Word jam For students who have finished early, ask them to make as many subjects as possible from the given letters. Point out that they can use each letter more than once. Tell them they should be able to make at least twelve (from the sub- {jects introduced in these pages). Check the answers with the students. Art Chemistry ICT (information Computer Technology) Drama English French Geography German History Maths Music E (Physical Education) Physics PSHE (physical, Social and Health Education) RE (Religious Education) Science 1c What about sky diving? (pages 14-15) Before you open the book > Before starting the lesson, you could do the Five-minute test on page 00. You can either photocopy it or do the test verbally with your class. > Write the topic of the next lesson on the board: What about skydiving? » This lesson practises the functions of making sugges- tions and discussing likes and dislikes. It introduces nouns with -ing. Write the key points on the board. ‘You may wish to look at and discuss the Ger the Grammar box ‘and Real English phrases on page 15 before starting this lesson. Prepare > Ask students what aciviies they like doing in thei free time Find out the most popular and least poplar ativ- ity. You may like to write some examples onthe board. ‘Tellthem they are now going to look at some extreme sports activities, > Askestudents to look at the photos and match them to the activites in the box. > Play the recording. Sadents listen, check their answers and repeat. ESE D7 ausioscript and key ite surfing skydiving rockclimbing Sowboaring sing motor acing Suinming saling Reading and listening 1 > Ask students to look at the photo of Lisa, Tom and Rachel. In LI, explain that Rachel is trying to decide ona birthday present for Damian, Tell students that Damian is in the smaller photo. Ask them what they think Damian's favourite activities are (e.g. sleeping, watching TV, eating pizzas). > Explain that students are going to listen to Lisa, Rom and Rachel's conversation and find out which of the activities in the box in Prepare that they do not men- tion. Tell them they can tick the activities as they hear them. » Play the recording, Students read and listen, > Check the answers with the class. ‘The sports not mentioned are sailing and rock climbing. Point out that nope is slang for no. Look at the wordbank on page 000 with the class. Encourage the students to use it for reference and for when they are revising for exams. 2 > Ack students to look atthe conversation again and answer the questions, » Ask students to check their answers in pais. Then check the answers with the class. 1 Damian's 2 Lisa 3 aday doing something exciting 4 Tom 5. because itis very expensive 3 > Ask students, in groups of three, to take the parts of Lisa, Tom and Rachel and practise the conversation, While they do this, go round listening and checking. pronunciation. Ter You could spit the lesson into two after exercise 3. If your class finish the lesson fist early, you can do this additional exercise, > Ask students, in pairs, co write and practise their own con. versation, using their own names and ideas for presents. ‘You could ask them just to work on a short part of the dia logue such asthe first seven lines. Grammar like + -ing Look at the Get the Grammar bax withthe class. Poitou that you ean adding to these verbs (co swn, to sl, ete) to make founs. Aso pot out that fer the vers like, lve and hat, you tmusthave a noun. Check that everyone understands Learner training Ask students to write this in their notebooks in coloured pencil to show the important points (e.g. -ing)- 4 > Ask students to imagine they are Damian and look at the example with the class. > Students write sentences to describe how they feel about the activities inthe list. Tell them they can look back at the conversation if they need help. » Check the answers with the class. You can ask indi vidual students to read out their sentence for each activity. 1 Ilove driving. 2 Thate swimming. 3 Idon' like snowboarding. 4 Llike watching TV. 5 Love eating pizzas. 6 Idon't like skiing. 5 > Ask students to write a sentence about themselves for each verb, > Ask round the class for a few examples. Ask students to turn to page 000 where they will find extra practice activities. You can set these exercises for homework. Writing and speaking 6 > Ask students, in pairs, to write a list of activities that they do in their everyday life, eg. watch TV, walk to school. > When they have finished, ask them to say what they think about doing them, e.g. 1 like watching TV, hate walking t school > Ask students to count how many activities they feel the same about as their partner. > Takea vote round the class ofthe most /Ieast popu- lar activity. Optional (challenge) Ask students to write sentences about their partner likes and doesn't like doing using the activities in exercise 6, c.g. She loves swimming. Remind them that the sentences, will be in the third person (he/she) so they will need to think carefully about the ending of the verb. Real English 7 » Look at the sentences with the class and ask them to, find them in the conversation on page 14. > Ask students, in pairs, to think about how to trans- late the words in bold. > Check the answers with the class R Is Damian's birthday next month. Idon’t know ‘what to get him. T Neither do I I wane to get something exciting, L Let think. What does he realy like doing? R Erm... he likes watching TV. T And he loves eating pizzas, L Yes, but you can't get him a TV and a pizza ...1 know! What about getting him an ‘Experience’? T What's that? L You can buy a day doing something exciting. ‘Swimming with dolphins, or sky diving, or some- thing. What about swimming with dolphins? R No, he hates swimming. He doesn't like getting wet, ‘T What about sky diving? Snowboarding? Or ski- R Nope—he’s scared of lying and I don think he likes snow sports. 1L What about kite surfing? R Um. Maybe. T Hey? what about motor racing? He loves driving, R That's a great idea. T Tove driving, too! Can Idrive with Damian? L No, sorry Tom. The tickets are really expensive. R Cheer up, Tom you can watch Damian motor rac- ing. Ir be fun. T Hmph. © Look at the information box with the class. Point out that after What about you need a noun. Ask students to underline all the examples of What about in the conversation on page 14. 8 > Ask students to look at the gapped conversation and complete it with six of the bold phrases from exercise 7. Tell them that they will use some words more than > Play the recording, Students listen and check their answers, > Ask students, in pairs, to practise the conversation, Remind them to sound lively and interested because they are making suggestions. 1 what to get 2 What about 3 Maybe 4 Tknow 5 That's great idea 6 itllbe fun Speaking 9 > Explain that students are going to have their own conversation making suggestions. Read the instruc tions with the class and check that everyone under: stands what to do. > In their pairs, students make suggestions and decide ‘on two presents for another pair using the phrases in exercise 7 > ‘They then tell the students what they are thinking about getting and ask what they think about the presents. > When they have finished, take a vote on who had the best present. Optional (support) > Ask students to draw a bingo sheet made up of twelve boxes and write a different activity in the -ing form in each box. (These can be extreme sports or their every- day activities.) > Slowly read out some activities you have covered in the lesson, e.g. swimming. When students hear an activity they have put in a box, they mark that box on their sheet. When they have marked a single row (across or down) they shout out ‘Bingo! You can do this several times ot ask a student to read out the activities. Already finished? What's wrong? For students who have finished early, ask them to correct the mistakes in the sentences, then compare with another student, Check the answers with the students 33 1 Idon't know what to get him. 2 What about skiing? 3 Llove swimming. 4 [want to go too! 5, She doesn't like dancing. 6 Thar’sa great idea. 1d_ Different lives (pages 16-17) Before you open the book > Before starting the lesson, you could do the Five-minute test on page 00. You can either photocopy itor do the test verbally with your class. > Write the topic of the next lesson on the board: Different lives. > ‘This lesson develops the reading and writing skill. The ‘main points of the esson are reading and writing infor- mal letters, vocabulary to describe people and work on adverbs of frequency. I also practises the grammar from the previous three lessons. Write the key points on the board, Prepare [A > Ask students to look atthe photo and see i they recognise the gis Tell them not to read the text at this stage. > Ask students what they can say about them from the photo. This may be only that they are young, rich and pretty. ‘They are Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Both of them are American heiresses who live in California. B > Lookat the adjectives with the class. Explain any unfamiliar vocabulary or elicit translations from stu dents who do know. > Ask students to citcle any adjectives that they think describe the girs. Students could circle any of the following: beautiful, funny, happy, horrible, intelligent, lucky, nice, privi: leged, rich, stupid Reading 1 Askestudents to look at the TV programme guide. Give them three minutes to read through it, chen ask them ro tell you what the programme is about The programme is called The Simple Life. It stars Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton Its about the two rich girls in the photo, who goto live the simple life ona farm in the middle of North America. Reading skill guessing meaning > Tell students that a good reading strategy is to try and guess the meaning of words they don’t understand by ooking at the words around the unknown word. They should think about what kind of word itis, eg. noun, verb, and what it could mean in context. Ask stu: dents, on their own, to underline any words in the TV programme guide that they do not understand. Ask students, in pairs, to try to guess the meaning, and then check their ideas in the wordbank. Took at the wordbank on page 000 with the class. Encourage the students to use it for reference and for when they are revising for exams. 2 > Explain that students are going to read a letter from a girl called Lucy Cole. She saw the programme on television and wants to try the simple life. Her letter introduces her tothe family on a farm which she has arranged to stay on. Reading skill predicting from situation Tell students to think about the situation, IFLcy wants to try the simple life, itis obvious that she must live a very different life now. Students should be able to pre- dict that Lucy lives a comfortable life, maybe ina city. {Also you have told them that Lucy is introducing herself in the letter. Before they read, ask students to think about what she is likely to say? What are they expecting to read about? Elicit a few points, e.g. her age, where she's from, where she lives, her likes / dislikes, her daily activities. This will prepare them for the reading and therefore make the letter easier to understand. > Ask students to look at the pictures and use the adjective to describe the girls. > Ask students to read Lucy's letter and find any simi- larities or differences of lucy’ life to theirs. > Have a short class feedback session to discuss the similarities and differences. 3 > Lookaat the sentences with the class and do the first item, Show them how to locate the similar sentence in the letter and change what is not true. Check that ‘everyone understands what to do. > Ask students to look at the sentences, marking them ‘Tue or false and correcting what is not true. Lucy comes from London. She lives in a flat. I's nice and quiet. She often goes swimming. She likes talking on her mobile phone. (On Saturdays her mum sometimes brings her breakfast in bed. 9 F She hardly ever leaves it. 10F She can’t milk them. mamas tas Grammar adverbs of frequency Get the Grammar Look atthe Get the Grammar box with the class. Pint out the difference between the adverbs, ic. in level of fre- quency. Point out any differences with L1 4 > Ask students to look back at Lucy's letter and under- line all the adverbs of frequency. My name's Lucy Gole,and 1 want to tell you some- thing about myself before I come and work with you. Tim seventeen years old, and I'm from London. Ilove the city. Ie’ really exciting. Ilivein a big flat with my parents. I haven't got any brothers or sisters. But that’s OK. It’s nice and quiet. ‘What do I like doing? Well, [love shopping. I usually go shopping every day! And I often go swimming, I like talking on my mobile phone (of course! Who doesn't?) [always go to parties with my friends at the weekend. My best friend is Sally. And Tlove ani- ‘mals, I've got a cat called ‘Batman't ‘What do I do on a typical day? I usually get up at about eight 0’ clock (but not at the weekend ...). On ‘Saturdays my mum sometimes brings me breakfast in bed! After breakfast, I often play basketball or go shopping. There are lots of great shops in London. ‘There are lots of galleries and museums, too, and they're usually free. London’s fantastic! I hardly ever leave it. (On Saturday evening | always go to a party with Sally. I never go to bed before midnight! What do you do in the evenings on the farm? Do you have parties? Tm really looking forward to meeting you and the animals! But 'm worried about the cows. I don’t like ‘cows. And I can't milk them. I hope you haven't got any cows! > Elicit that the adverb goes before the verb and ask students to mark the place in the sentence with an asterisk (*) 1 get up early. [TET ‘You could split the lesson into wo after ise 4 I your class finish the first lesson early, you can do this additional exercise. > Ask students to write three interesting sentences about themselves on a piece of paper, e.g. where they come from, what they usually do in the evening. > Collect the pieces of paper and read some of them ut to the class. The other students have to guess who wrote the sentences, Listening 5 > Explain that students are going to listen ro Lucy and her friend Sally talking about the farm they are stay- ing on. While they are listening, ask students to lis- ten out for the things the girls enjoy about the farm. » Play the recording. Students listen and take notes. Play the recording again, if necessary. > Check the answers with the class O} Audioscript tuey and Saly ater at hme in London tis month. No, theyre on the form, withthe Cotswold Famiy And what’ ie ike onthe Frm? Lets findout The is usualy get up very ety ~ ative clo! They feed the ani mats and milk the cows They ove feeding the animals but they ont Tike getting upesy and {ucy does ke milking the cows! ‘Atseven o'clock the gis cook breakfast forthe fami then they wash up. There are fifteen peopl in the Cotswold fay, at's very noisy in the ktehen! ‘Alter breaks, the gil sometimes go tothe supermarket. Or they help onthe frm. Tey like shopping and working, because they meet Tot of people The only problem's there aert tof shops 3 the gilscantbuy any thes rd there aren any museums or gales. Inthe afternoon Lucy and Sally cook inne, fr teen people again! The is ike cooking, but they arene very gooé att Lucly the Cots family ae very ice They lnays say Thanis git Tis is delicous! Inthe evening the girs are often sad. Why? Because there are NO par tieson the fal The girs always go to bed eal They hate i! So, lfe onthe frm s diferent oie in London. Bu Lucy nd Sally love the Cotswold fami, andthe animal's great her says Lug. i’ cifferent, butt’ Fun! So does Lucy want to go home? Yes, she says "Because there aren't any cows in London!” ‘They like feeding the animals, shopping, working, cooking and the Cotswold farily Optional (support) Play the recording again and ask students to listen out for the things the girls don't enjoy about the farm. (They don't like geting up early. Lucy doesn't ike milking the cows. There aren't any clothes shops, museums or gal- levies, There aren't any parties. They don't like going to bed early.) 6 > Give students one minute to look at the sentences. > Play the recording again. Students chose the correct option in each sentence. » Check the answers with the class. 1 early 2 like 3 often, 4 noisy 5 like 6 never 7 bad 8 never Writing a letter about yourself 7 » Look at the list of topics with the class, > Ask students, in pairs, to look back at Lucy's letter on page 16 and number the topics in the order she talks about them, » Check the answers with the class. describes her day 6 finishes the letter 7 says how old she is 2 says who her best friend is 5 introduces herself 1 says what she likes doing 4 says where she comes from 3 8 > Give students one minute to look at the gapped sen: tences and to think about what kind of word (or words) is missing. » Ask students, in pairs, to complete the sentences and ‘match them to the topics in exercise 7. When they have finished, they can check their answers by look: ing back at Lucy's letter. » Check the answers with the class. 1 I'm really looking forward to meeting you and the animals (7) Ym from London. (3) On Saturdays, my mum sometimes cooks me breakfast in bed! After breakfast, l often play bas- ketball or go shopping. (6) My bestfriend is Sally. (5) 5 I'm seventeen years old. (2) 6 love shopping. ... [often go swimming. (4) 7 My name's Lucy Cole. (1) * 9 > Explain that students are going to write a letter about themselves to a new penfriend. SAW > Look at the example with the class, then ask stu- dents, on their own, to make notes for each of the headings. 10 > Ask students to write a letter about themselves, using their notes, Lucy’s letter and the phrases in 8 to help them. Remind them to organise the letter in the same topic order as in 7. » Go around helping with vocabulary as necessary. ‘They can do (or finish) this leter for homework. Writing skill assessment You have introduced students to the idea that writing muist be organised and should be accurate. Mark the homework in two separate columns: give each student a separate mark for organisation and for accuracy. For example, award five marks maximum for each feature for a total of ten. This means that even if students have ‘made mistakes in one part, they will see they have done well in other areas and will be encouraged by their suc- cess. Also they will realise the importance of these fea- tures in the writing skill. Optional (challenge) When students have completed the letter, ask them how they would introduce themselves toa group of new peo ple. Ask students to prepare a short oral introduction about themselves based on their letter. Remind them to think about the organisation/order ofthe introduction. When everybody is ready, students introduce themselves toa partner. Go around listening, correcting as neces- Unit crossword > Ask students, either in class or at home for homework, to complete the crossword with words from Unit 1 > Check the answers with the class. Clues across 2 nephew 7 often 8 daughter 9 Education 10D0 Clues down 1 neither 3 present 4 sometimes 5 What 6 grandma 1 Culture Connection (page 18) Before you open the book > Write the topic of the next lesson on the board: At schoo > ‘This lesson gives the students a chance to bring al the language elements from the unit together in the context cof a comparison between education in their country land the UK. Write the key points on the board yf At school 1 > Ask students to look at the cartoon and tell you what is happening. Ask if they think students all over the ‘world have the same attitude to school, i. holidays. are better! > Look at the words and phrases with the class. ‘Together agree on a translation. > Ask students to read out the words. Check their pro- nhunciation and that they use the correct stress in each word 2 > Look at the questions with the class and explain any unfamiliar vocabulary. > Ask students, in groups of three or four, to discuss the questions, » Have a short class feedback session. 3 > Ask students, on their own, to do the quiz, Remind them they can use the translations to help them. Encourage them to guess any words they do not ‘know by using the words around the word and the type of answers to help them, » Play the recording. Students listen and check their O ausioscripe Cire nthe UK usual stat school aged five They can eave whe ‘hey ae shteen but many dont eave tl hey are eighteen, A yp Caltchool day starts at about quarter nine nthe main an shes at quartet out Most hen tart secondary schoo when they ae eleven or twelve Matis ana ngs are compulsory em veto sien bit amg 2 foetgeanguae dss rt compulsory uniyorre even. Stdyng Cizentipscompelsay from fourteen to sien. Most chiden take national ss called SAS atthe ages of seven, Steven and oueen Eighty per cent Brtish choolshavea schol ufo and mes “clsn brain ave ether three ror tems nthe schoo ye 1B 2B 3C 4C 5B GA 7C 8B 9A 10C 4 > Look at the two charts showing types of school and subjects in UK schools and the questions with the > Ask students in pairs, to answer the questions. > Check the answers with the class. 1 three 2 four 3. English, Maths, Science, ICT, PE 4 ‘Modern language, Citizenship Your world 6 > Ask students, in pairs, to look back at the quiz in exercise 3 and answer the questions for their own country. » Check the answers with the class. Project school system » Ask students, in pairs, to complete the chart with infor- mation about the UK and their own country. Check the answers with the class. » Ask students to draw a chart, similar to the one in exer- cise 5, of compulsory and non-compulsory subjects in their country. Check the answers with the class.

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