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Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043



Course Code AMEB27
Program B.Tech
Semester VII ME
Course Type Core
Regulation IARE - R18
Theory Practical
Course Structure Lecture Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits
3 - 3 3 1.5
Course Coordinator Mr M. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor

The students will try to learn:

I Visualize the concepts of measurement and dynamic performance characteristics of

measuring instruments.
II Understand the measurement of typical physical quantities like displacement,
temperature, pressure, discharge, and speed.
III Comprehend for machine condition monitoring systems by using seismic
IV Develop electronic servo and interfacing systems for analogue to digital

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Recognize the importance of basic principles, configuration and Remember
functional description of measuring instruments.
CO 2 Describe performance characteristics of an instrument when the Understand
device is exposed to measure dynamic inputs and error control.
CO 3 Categorize the measuring instruments based on the principle of Understand
working with the physical parameters such as displacement,
temperature and pressure.
CO 4 Explain calibration of instruments for measurement of all types of Understand
mechanical parameters.
CO 5 Demonstrate working principle of level measuring devices for Understand
ascertaining liquid level and choose appropriate device for
controlling fluid level in industrial applications.
CO 6 Discuss the theory, phenomena and working principle of flow Understand
measuring instruments and calibration.
CO 7 Make use of appropriate instrument for measuring Speed, Understand
Acceleration and Vibration by considering different aspects.
CO 8 Demonstrate the concepts for measurement of Stress, Strain, Understand
Humidity and their application for finding stress, strain, and
CO 9 Describe the principles of measurement of force, torque and power Understand
and their application in industries,for finding force, torque and
CO 10 Apply relevant control systems for speed, position and control Apply
processes in practical applications.


Q.No QUESTION Taxonomy How does this subsume CO’s
the level
1 a) Distinguish between Apply The learner to: Recall the CO 1
direct and indirect methods measuring instruments,
of measurement with Understand what accurate
suitable examples. b) measurement is and apply
Discuss propagation of them on instruments.
uncertainties in
measurement systems.
2 Explain the functional Understand The learners to recall the CO 1
description of various concept of various
elements of a generalized measurement systems then
measuring system with explain the functional
example. description of various
elements of a measuring

Page 2
3 Classify measuring Understand The learner to recall the CO 1
instruments. Explain them concept of various
in detail with neat sketches. measurement instruments
then classify and explaining
the measuring instruments.
4 Explain the dynamic Understand The learners to recall the CO 1
response characteristics of concept of various
first order instruments to measurement systems then
step, ramp and sinusoidal explain the dynamic
inputs. response.
5 Classify the systematic Understand The learners to recall the CO 1
errors and identify causes accuracy of measurement
and actions to be initiated systems then classify the
for elimination or reducing errors.
6 Elaborate on the procedure Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
adopted for calibration classification of
capacitance transducer for measurement systems.
measurement of angular
7 Explain how flow measuring Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
instruments are calibrated flow measuring instruments
by the primary and and explain the calibration
secondary calibration procedure.
methods with suitable
8 Demonstrate on calibration Understand The learners to recall the CO 2
of Resistance Temperature Classification of
Detector for temperature measurement systems then
measurement. demonstrate calibration
procedure of RTD.
9 What is meant by statistical Remember — CO 2
analysis of random errors?
Explain the terms involved
in it.
10 Analyze the influence of Analyze The learner to: Recall the CO 2
desired, modifying m measuring units,
interfering inputs for a Understand what accurate
measurement system on the measurement is and apply
final output. them on various

Page 3
1 Classify the methods of Understand The learners to recall the CO 1
measurement. Explain each Concept of various
one of them in detail measurement systems then
considering their classify the methods of
applications and limitations. measurements.
2 Explain generalized Understand The learner to recall the CO 1
measurement system and Concept of various
explain its various elements measurement systems then
with block diagram Explain the methods of
3 Explain the generalized Understand The learners to recall the CO 1
measurement system with Concept of various
help of example measurement systems then
explain the generalized
measurement systems.
4 Classify broadly the Understand The learner to recall the CO 1
measuring instruments and concept of various
explain the applications of measurement systems then
measuring instruments in classifies the instruments.
5 List the various types of Remember — CO 1
measuring instruments and
explain any one of them
6 Explain the various static Understand The learner to recall the CO 1
characteristics of a concept of various
measurement system measurement systems then
involving their importance explains its characteristics.
in instrumentation.
7 Explain the various Understand The learner to recall the CO 1
elements of generalized concept of various
measurement system with a measurement systems then
neat sketch. explain the various elements
of generalized measurement
8 Explain the dynamic Understand The learner to recall the CO 1
performance characteristics concept of various
of measuring Instruments. measurement systems then
Explain the dynamic
performance characteristics
of instruments.

Page 4
9 What is calibration of Remember — CO 1
instrument and elaborate on
the procedure adopted for
calibrating instruments.
10 Explain how flow measuring Understand The learners to recall the CO 1
instruments are calibrated concept of various flow
by the primary and measurement systems then
secondary calibration explain its calibration
methods. procedures.
11 Demonstrate calibration of Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
temperature measuring concept of calibration
devices with suitable procedures of measuring
example. devices.
12 Define measurement and Remember — CO 2
explain its significance in
our day-to-day life.
13 Illustrate error, correction Understand The learners to recall the CO 2
curves and calibration accuracy of any measuring
curves. instruments then illustrate
various curves.
14 List the different sources of Remember — CO 2
errors in measuring
instruments and suggest the
methods in detail for
elimination or minimization
of errors.
15 Classify various errors and Understand The learners to recall the CO 2
explain them in detail accuracy of any measuring
considering the importance instruments then classify
of them in practical various errors.
16 Explain the following Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
transducers with respect to various transducers and
their construction, working explain the working
and characteristics: a) principles.
Piezo-electric b) Ionization
17 Demonstrate primary, Understand The learners to recall the CO 2
secondary and tertiary concept of various
measurement with examples measurement systems then
demonstrate various

Page 5
18 Explain dynamic Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
characteristics of a measurement systems then
measuring instrument. explain dynamic
Characteristics of various
measurement instruments.
19 Demonstrate seven static Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
characteristics of an measurement instruments
measuring Instrument and then demonstrate the
static Characteristics of
various measurement
20 Explain the stages of Understand The learner to recall the CO 2
generalized measurement various measurement
system with example. systems then explain the
stages of generalized
measurement systems.
1 What is measurement? Remember — CO 1
2 List the two conditions to Remember — CO 1
be satisfied for the result of
measurement to be
3 Name two examples for Remember — CO 1
primary measurement.
4 What is secondary Remember — CO 1
5 What is a primary sensing Remember — CO 1
6 Define the term Remember — CO 1
7 Define a measuring Remember — CO 1
8 What is null type Remember — CO 1
9 What are analog and digital Remember — CO 1
10 Name two examples for Remember — CO 2
automated and manually
operated instruments.
11 Name two examples for Remember — CO 2
non-contacting instruments.
12 What are intelligent Remember — CO 2

Page 6
13 Compare the terms Understand The learner to Recall the CO 2
‘accuracy’ and ‘precision’. measuring units,
Understand what accurate
measurement is and apply
them on various
14 Define the term calibration. Remember — CO 2
15 Why instruments are to be Remember — CO 2
16 What is meant by primary Remember — CO 2
17 What is secondary Remember — CO 2
18 What are mechanical Remember — CO 2
19 List two deflection type Remember — CO 2
20 What is a power operated Remember — CO 2
1 Demonstrate the calibration Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
process of thermocouple for Thermodynamic principles
measurement of and accuracy then
temperature. demonstrating the
calibration process of
2 State the three laws of Remember — CO 3
thermocouples. Discuss
their importance and
practical applications in
3 Explain the working of total Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
radiation pyrometer and Thermodynamic and optical
indicate its applications. principles then explain the
working of total radiation
4 Demonstrate the principle, Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
working of optical light and optical principles.
pyrometer for measurement
of temperature of molten

Page 7
5 What is a dead weight Remember — CO 4
tester? How is a dead
weight tester used to
calibrate pressure measuring
6 A McLeod gauge having V Apply The learner to: Recall the CO 4
= 200 cm3 and a capillary measuring instruments,
diameter of 2.0 mm is used Understand what is pressure
to measure the gas pressure. measurement and their
What will be the pressure of formula.
the gas corresponding to a
capillary of 4 cm?
7 Explain the working of a Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
bourdon tube pressure pressure gauges principles
gauge. What are its then explain the working of
advantages and limitations? bourdon tube pressure
8 What are bellows gauges? Remember — CO 4
Explain the bellows gauge
used to measure gauge
9 Explain the bellows Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
arrangement used to pressure gauges principles
measure differential then explain the working of
pressure. Give their bellows.
advantages and limitations.
10 Explain the working of an Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
ionization gauge to measure pressure gauges principles
pressure. Write its then explain the working of
advantages and limitations. ionization guage.
1 Demonstrate measurement Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
system for displacement principles of light. Then
measurement using LDR demonstrating measurement
(Light dependent resistor) system.
as sensor.
2 Explain the principle and Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
working of a pyrometer with principles of light and
neat sketch mentioning its electronics then explain the
advantages. principle and its working.
3 Explain the temperature Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
measurement by Thermodynamic principles
thermocouples and then Explain the
resistance thermometers. temperature measurement.

Page 8
4 Compare RTD and Analysis The learner to: Recall the CO 3
Thermistor with respect to measuring instruments,
principle, construction, Understand the
working and applications. thermodynamic principles
and apply them on
5 Demonstrate Laws of Remember — CO 3
thermocouples. useful
construction of
thermocouples for
measurement of
6 a) Differentiate between rare Analysis The learner to: Recall the CO 3
metal thermocouples and measuring instruments,
base metal thermocouples. Understand the
b) Why protection is needed thermodynamic principles
for a sensing element? and apply them on
7 Explain the working of a Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
helix and spiral bimetallic Thermodynamic principles
thermometer for then explain its working.
measurement of
8 Demonstrate principle and Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
working of Resistance Thermodynamic principles
Temperature Detector for then demonstrate its
measuring temperature of working principle.
hot water with neat
9 What is a thermistor? How Remember — CO 3
is it used for temperature
measurement? Explain its
applications, advantages
and limitations.
10 Explain the working Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
principle, construction and Thermodynamic principles
characteristics of Linear then Explain the working
Variable Differential principle of LVDT.
Transformer (LVDT).

Page 9
11 With the help of line Apply The learner to: Recall the CO 3
diagrams, explain the measuring instruments,
construction, working and Understand the
advantages of thermal thermodynamic principles
conductivity gauges. and apply them on
12 With the help of a suitable Apply The learner to: Recall the CO 4
diagram, explain the measuring instruments then
construction, working and explain with a suitable
principle features of diagram.
bourdon tube pressure
13 a) Explain the working Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
principle of diaphragm Various gauges Then
gauge with a neat diagram. explain its working
14 a) Explain the working Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
principle of manometers for velocity and pressure
pressure measurement.List principles and formulae then
out various types of explain its working.
manometers used for
pressure measurement and
discuss their specific
15 How do you measure the Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
pressure with the help of velocity and pressure
U-tube manometer and principles and formulae.
micro- manometer?
16 Explain the basic principle Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
in thermal conductivity Thermodynamic principles
gauge? And the working and formulae.
principle of thermocouple
type conductivity gauge.
17 Explain the construction Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
and working principle of velocity and pressure
Ionization pressure gauge. principles and formula then
explain the construction
and working principle of
ionization pressure gauge.

Page 10
18 Explain with the help of Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
suitable sketches, the properties of gasses and
difference between a Bellow ionization principles then
gauge and a diaphragm explain various pressures.
gauge for pressure
19 State the principle of Remember — CO 4
diaphragm gauges. How an
elastic diaphragm gauge is
used to measure pressure?
20 Explain the construction, Remember — CO 4
working principle and
features of Pirani thermal
conductivity gauge.
1 Define the term transducer. Remember — CO 3
2 What is meant by loading? Remember — CO 3
3 Compare primary Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
transducer with secondary principle of transducer then
transducer. comparing various
4 Compare active and passive Understand The learner to recall the CO 3
transducers. principle of transducer then
compare active and passive
5 What is an elastic Remember — CO 3
6 Compare analog and digital Understand The learners to recall the CO 3
transducers. classification of
measurement systems then
compare analog and digital
7 What is an electric Remember — CO 3
8 What is a mechanical Remember — CO 3
9 What is meant by Remember — CO 3
displacement measurement?
10 Name various transducers Remember — CO 3
used for displacement
11 What is the basic principle Remember — CO 4
behind a resistance

Page 11
12 List three areas where Remember — CO 4
temperature measurement is
13 Define temperature. Remember — CO 4
14 Explain the basic principle Understand The learner to recall the CO 4
on which the bimetallic Thermodynamic principles.
thermometer works. Then explain the basic
principles of bi- metallic
15 List the common metals Remember — CO 4
used in bimetallic strips.
16 What is a pressure Remember — CO 4
17 What are the limitations of Remember — CO 4
18 List the laws of a Remember — CO 4
19 List characteristics of a Remember — CO 4
20 What is pyrometer? Outline Remember — CO 4
its applications.
1 Explain the working Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
principle and working of various measuring sensors
capacitive liquid level sensor for liquid levels Then
for measurement of liquid Explain the working
level. principle of capacitive liquid
level sensor.
2 Outline the principle, Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
working of a rotameter with various flow measuring
diagram neatly and mention meters Then Explain the
its advantages and working principle of
limitations. rotameter with a neat
3 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
principle and working of various anemometers Then
Laser Doppler Anemometer Explain the working
mention advantages and principle of laser Doppler
disadvantages. anemometer.

Page 12
4 Explain the principle, Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
working of a magnetic flow various flow meters for
meter for measuring flow. measuring flow. Then
Explain the working
principle of magnetic flow
5 Explain the various Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
applications of ultrasonic various flow meters for
waves in engineering? measuring flow. Then
Explain the ultrasonic flow Explain applications of
meter using the travel time ultrasonic waves in
difference method. engineering.
6 List out the Importance of Analyze The learner to recall the CO 6
the speed measurement various measuring
requirement in engineering. instruments Then Evaluate
Explain with neat sketch the working principle of
the working of revolution revolution counter and
counter and timer timer.
7 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of Tachoscope various measuring
and indicate its advantages instruments Then Explain
and limitations. the working principle of
tachoscope and its
8 Show the importance of Understand The learner to recall the CO6
speed measurement? various measuring
Explain with neat sketch instruments Then Explain
the working of hand speed the importance of speed
indicator. measurement.
9 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of variable various accelerometers Then
induction accelerometer in Explaining the working of
engineering applications. variable induction
10 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of reed type various vibrometers Then
vibrometer and indicate its Explain it’s working and
applications, advantages advantages, limitations.
and limitations.
1 Explain briefly with neat Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
sketches: a) Hook level concept of indicators. Then
indicator b) Cryogenic fuel explain the methods
method involved.

Page 13
2 Explain briefly with neat Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
sketches: a) Bubbler level concept of indicators. Then
indicator b) Ultrasonic level explain the methods
method involved.
3 Compare the direct and Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
indirect modes of level various measuring devices.
measurement with example. Then compare direct and
indirect measuring devices.
4 Explain any one float Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
operated liquid level gauge various measuring gauges.
in detail. Then explain float operated
liquid level gauge.
5 Explain any one purge Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
system to measure liquid various measuring gauges.
level in detail. Then explain purge system
to measure liquid level.
6 What is the principle of Remember — CO 5
working of a magnetic flow
meter? What are its
advantages over other types
of flow meters?
7 a) Demonstrate the Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
construction of bubbler level various measuring level
indicator. b) Explain the indicators. Then explain its
use of rotameter for flow construction in detail.
8 a) Explain the principle, Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
construction working of various measuring flow
ultrasonic flow meter with meters. Then explain the
neat sketch. working principle of
ultrasonic flow meter.
9 Explain the construction Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
and working principle of various measuring flow
turbine flow meter with a meters. Then explain the
neat sketch. working principle of
ultrasonic flow meter
10 Explain the principle of Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
operation, construction various measuring flow
details, advantages and meters. Then explain the
limitations of rotameter working principle of

Page 14
11 Illustrate the working of Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
moving magnet type and various transducers. Then
moving coil type velocity explain the working
transducer with a neat principle of moving magnet
sketch. and moving coil type
12 Explain with neat sketch the Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
working of slipping clutch various clutches. Then
and centrifugal tachometer explain the working
principle of slipping type
13 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of vibration various vibration measuring
measurement using instruments. Then explain
stroboscope the working principle of
14 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of commutated various tachometers. Then
capacitor tachometer explain the working
principle of commutated
15 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of DC and AC various tacho generators.
Tachogenerator Then explain the working
principle of DC and AC
Tacho generators.
16 Show the working of Remember —- CO 6
Inductive pickup and
stroboscope tachometer
with neat sketch.
17 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of photo electric various tachometers. Then
and capacitor tachometer explain the working
principle of photo electric
and capacitor tachometers.
18 List applications and with Analyze The learner to recall the CO 6
neat sketch the working of various tachometers. Then
vibrating reed and drag cup Analyze the working
tachometer principle of vibrating reed
and drag cup tachometers.

Page 15
19 Explain with neat sketch Understand
The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of piezo-electric various accelerometers Then
accelerometer explain the working
principle of piezo-electric
20 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 6
the working of linear and various sensing
rotational seismic accelerometers Then explain
displacement sensing the working principle of
accelerometer liner and rotational seismic
1 What is working principle of Remember — CO 5
displacer type liquid level
measuring method?
2 Compare direct and indirect Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
liquid level measuring various measuring devices.
devices Then compare direct and
indirect measuring devices.
3 Explain the basic principle Understand The learner to recall the CO 5
behind electric liquid level concept of sensors. Then
sensors. explain the basic principle of
electric liquid level sensors.
4 List the importance of flow Remember — CO 5
5 What is working principle of Remember — CO 5
capacitance level indicator?
6 What is basic principle of Remember — CO 5
an obstruction meter?
7 List the applications of flow Remember — CO 5
8 What is an ultrasonic flow Remember — CO 5
9 What is the principle of Remember — CO 5
Rotometer? Outline its
10 What is the principle of Remember — CO 5
Electromagnetic flow meter?
11 What is a Tachometer? List Remember — CO 6
the types of tachometers.
12 List any three mechanical Remember — CO 6
tachometers used to
measure angular velocity

Page 16
13 List the basic principle Understand — CO 6
behind tacho- generators
14 List the list of various Understand — CO 6
contactless electrical
15 Explain about vibration and Analyze The learner to recall the CO 6
its characteristics. concept of vibration. Then
explain its characteristics.
16 What is piezo – electric Understand — CO 6
17 What is basic principle on Understand — CO 6
which a seismic
displacement sensing
accelerometer works?
18 State the basic principle on Understand — CO 6
which a strain gauge
accelerometer works
19 List various instruments Understand — CO 6
which are used for
measuring vibrations
20 List any three measurement Understand — CO 6
devices for measurement of
linear velocity
1 What is strain? Compare Remember — CO 7
and explain the difference
between positive strain and
negative strain.
2 Define gauge factor. Spell Remember — CO 7
out what does it indicate if
a strain gauge has a low
gauge factor?
3 Identify the importance of Apply The learner to recall the CO 8
strain measurement. strain measurement gauges
Explain how an Unbounded and Then Identify the
strain gauge is used to importance of strain
measure strain. measurement gauges.
4 Classify the strain gauges. Understand The learner to recall the CO 8
Discuss the advantages and strain measurement gauges
disadvantages of unbounded and Then Classify the strain
strain gauges. gauges.

Page 17
5 Compare the n – type and p Understand The learner to recall the CO 8
– type sensing elements of a sensing element types and
semi – conductor strain Then compare the n- type
gauge. and p-type sensing elements.
6 Tell the importance of Remember — CO 8
measurement of humidity in
engineering applications.
Give various instruments for
humidity measurement.
7 Explain the importance of Remember The learner to recall the CO 8
measurement of strain in measuring gauges and Then
engineering applications. explain the importance of
strain gauges.
8 Explain the purpose of Understand The learner to recall the CO 8
providing backing for measuring gauges and Then
bonded strain gauges and explain the importance of
temperature compensation bonded strain gauges.
with respect to strain
9 Tell the various engineering Apply — CO 8
applications where force is
to be measured. What is a
proving ring? How is it used
to measure force?
10 Explain the importance of Remember The learner to recall the CO 8
dynamometers in measuring measuring instruments and
instruments. Explain Then explain the
driving and transmission importance of dynamometer
dynamometers. in measuring instruments.
1 Explain briefly on the Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
various bonded strain various strain gauges and
gauges. Give their Then explain bonded strain
classification considering gauges.
engineering applications.
2 Explain briefly on the Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
surface preparation and various bonding techniques
bonding techniques for and Then explain the
mounting bonded strain surface preparation.
3 Explain the essential Understand The learners to recall the CO 7
characteristics required for various bonded strain
the backing material of a gauges and Then explain its
bonded strain gauge. characteristics.

Page 18
4 Develop the procedure to Apply The learner to recall the CO 7
mount a strain gauge with various strain gauges Then
paper backing on the develop a procedure for
surface under study. mount a strain gauge.
5 Explain one method of Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
temperature compensation various stain gauges Then
using an adjacent arm develop a procedure for
compensating gauge mount a strain gauge.
6 Explain how a sling Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
psychrometer is used to various terms in psycho
determine the dry and wet meter chart. Then explain a
bulb temperatures procedure for determining
the wet and dry bulb
7 Classify the hygrometer Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
types. Explain the working various hygrometers Then
of any one of the absorption classify various hygrometers
hygrometers. and explain its working
8 Explain how a dew point Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
meter is used to measure various terms in psycho
the dew point temperature. meter chart. Then explain a
procedure to Measure the
dew point temperature.
9 Explain the details of a Understand The learner to recall the CO 7
pendulum scale and discuss various measuring scales
the applications with Then explain the pendulum
diagram. scale with diagram.
10 What is the practical Remember — CO 7
application of unequal arm
balance in engineering?
Discuss in detail on an
unequal arm balance.
11 Tell the various types of Remember — CO 8
pendulum scales for
different engineering
applications. Explain with a
diagram a pendulum scale
of multi lever type.

Page 19
12 Find various engineering Remember — CO 7
applications where the
measurement of force is
important. Explain the
method of measuring force
using a strain gauge load
13 How hydraulic load cells are Remember — CO 8
used to measure a force
14 Explain the method of Remember — CO 8
measuring force using a
pneumatic load cell
15 How a stroboscope is used Remember The learner to recall the CO 8
to measure a torque various measuring scales
Then explain the pneumatic
load cell.
16 Find various engineering Remember — CO 8
applications where the
measurement of torque is
important. Explain the
measurement of torque by
optical torsion meter
17 Tell the applications, Remember — CO 8
advantages and limitations
of measurement of torque
using slotted discs.
18 Explain about strain gauges Remember — CO 8
on rotating shafts.
Enumerate their advantages
and limitations.
19 Explain with a neat Remember The learner to recall the CO 8
diagram, the working of a various measuring scales
Prony brake for estimating Then explain the pneumatic
power. load cell.
20 What are dynamometers? Remember The learner to recall the CO 8
Discuss briefly the working various brakes for
and advantages of fluid estimating power Then
friction dynamometers. explain its working.
1 What is axial strain? Remember — CO 7
2 Define strain gauge and its Remember — CO 7
3 What is Poisson’s ratio? Remember — CO 7
4 What is gauge factor? Remember — CO 7

Page 20
5 What is bonded strain Remember — CO 7
6 What is gauge rosette? Remember — CO 7
7 What is self-temperature Remember — CO 7
8 List the materials used for Remember — CO 7
fine wire strain gauges
9 What is piezo-resistivity? Remember — CO 8
10 Define humidity and give its Remember — CO 8
engineering concepts.
11 Define dry air and Remember — CO 8
enumerate its importance.
12 What is moist air? Remember — CO 8
13 Define saturated air Remember — CO 8
14 What is absolute humidity? Remember — CO 8
15 What is relative humidity? Remember — CO 8
16 Define humidity ratio in the Remember — CO 8
concept of instrumentation.
17 What is percentage Remember — CO 8
18 What is wet bulb Remember — CO 8
19 Define dew point Remember — CO 8
20 What is meant by specific Remember — CO 8
humidity and relative
1 Explain the importance of Apply The learner to recall the CO 9
control systems and briefly control systems Then
explain the advantages and explain the importance of
disadvantages of pneumatic control systems.
control systems
2 Explain the importance of Apply The learner to recall the CO 9
control systems and briefly control systems Then
explain the advantages and explain the importance of
disadvantages of hydraulic hydraulic control systems.
control systems

Page 21
3 Explain the applications of Understand The learner to recall the CO 9
pneumatic control systems applications of control
in engineering. Enumerate system explain the
their limitations. pneumatic control systems
4 Explain the applications of Understand The learner to recall the CO 9
hydraulic control systems in applications of control
engineering. Enumerate system explain the
their limitations. hydraulic control systems
5 Explain the advantages of Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
control systems in advantages of control
engineering. Explain the system explain the
requirements of control requirements of control
systems. systems.
6 What are the applications Remember — CO 10
of servo systems in
engineering? Explain the
features of servo-mechanism.
7 Explain with block Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
diagrams any one position block diagrams of control
control system. system explain the concept
of one position control
8 Explain with block Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
diagrams any one diagrams related to
temperature control system. temperature control
9 Explain with block Understand The learner to recall CO 10
diagrams any one speed diagrams related to the
control system. control systems and then
explain with block diagrams
10 Spell out the various Remember — CO 10
engineering applications
where measuring systems
are involved with

1 What is a control system? Remember The learner to recall the CO 9

Explain the various learned terms related to the
elements of control system control systems.
in detail.

Page 22
2 What is the role of control Remember The learner to recall the CO 9
system in engineering learned terms related to the
applications? Explain four control systems.
examples of control system
3 Explain the importance and Understand The learner to recall the CO 9
classification of control importance and
systems in engineering and classification of control
the applications of control systems Then explain the
system in various areas of applications of control
engineering. system in various areas of
4 Explain open-loop control Understand The learner to recall the CO 9
system with neat sketch. importance and
Give the applications of classification of control
open-loop control system. systems Then explain the
applications of open- loop
control system.
5 Explain the advantages and Understand The learner to recall the CO 9
limitations of closed-loop control systems Then
control system with an explain the advantages and
example of closed-loop limitations of closed-loop
control systems. control systems.
6 List the major classification Analyze The learner to: Understand CO 9
of control systems. Explain the control systems Recall
advantages and their classification of control
disadvantages of open-loop systems Analyze.
control system
7 List the classification of Analyze The learner to: Understand CO 10
control systems in the control systems Recall
application point of view. their classification of control
Explain advantages and systems and Analyze.
disadvantages of closed-
loop control system.
8 What is the role of feedback Remember — CO 10
in control systems? Explain
the characteristics of
9 Extend the importance of Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
automation in control control systems Then
systems. Explain automatic explain the importance of
control system. automatic control system.

Page 23
10 Explain the advantages and Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
limitations of automatic control systems Then
control system along with explain the advantages and
its applications. limitations of automatic
control systems.
11 Outline block diagram and Remember — CO 10
Explain the steps in
developing a block diagram
for an engineering problem.
12 What is a control system? Remember The learner to recall the CO 9
Explain the various learned terms related to the
elements of control system control systems.
in detail.
13 What is the role of control Remember The learner to recall the CO 9
system in engineering learned terms related to the
applications? Explain four control systems.
examples of control system
14 Compare the pneumatic Analyze The learner to Understand CO 10
control systems with the control systems Recall
hydraulic control systems. their classification of control
systems and Compare.
15 Explain with neat sketch Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
the working of hydraulic control systems Then
control systems. explain the working of
hydraulic control systems.
16 Explain in detail about Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
system error in the concept system error explain the
of instrumentation. concept of instrumentation
17 Discuss about reference Remember — CO 10
input in the concept of
18 Explain in detail about Understand The learners to recall the CO 10
Block diagram in the block diagram explain the
concept of instrumentation. concept of instrumentation.
19 Explain in detail about Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
Stability in the concept of stability explain the concept
instrumentation. of instrumentation
20 Explain in detail about Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
system error in the concept system error and then
of instrumentation. explain the concept of

Page 24
1 Define a system and a Remember — CO 9
control system.
2 List the requirements of a Remember — CO 9
control system
3 List the elements of a Remember — CO 9
control system.
4 Define actuating signal in Remember — CO 9
the concept of
5 Define disturbance in the Remember — CO 9
concept of instrumentation.
6 List the classification of Remember — CO 9
control systems
7 Define open-loop control Remember — CO 9
8 List the elements of Remember — CO 9
open-loop control system
9 Outline the open-loop Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
control system. concept of open –loop
control system. Then
explain an open-loop control
10 List the advantages of Remember — CO 10
open-loop control system
11 List the limitations of Remember — CO 10
open-loop control system
12 List two examples for Remember — CO 10
open-loop control system
13 Define closed-loop control Remember — CO 10
14 List the elements of Remember — CO 10
closed-loop control system
15 Define open-loop control Remember — CO 10
16 Explain manual closed loop Understand The learner to recall the CO 10
system. concept of closed – loop
control system. Then
explain the closed-loop
17 Define automatic control Remember — CO 10

Page 25
18 Define a command in the Remember — CO 10
19 Define a controlled variable. Remember — CO 10
20 Define regulator. Remember — CO 10

Course Coordinator: HOD ME

Mr.M Sunil kumar, Assistant professor

Page 26

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