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Name of the Faculty: Gaurav Shukla

Course: B.Tech Subject Name: Surveying and Geomatics
Year / Semester: 2nd /3th Subject Code: EBC-301
Session: 2022-23 Unit: 1
Date of Release:22/08/2022 Last date of submission: 30/08/2022 Total Marks: 24

Assignment Outcomes: Marks
(I)Able to understand the principles of surveying.

SECTION A 4*1 = 4
1. Define the terms
(a) Chain Survey
(b)Compass Survey
(c) Photogrammetric surveying

SECTON B 3*2 = 6
2. What are the two basic principles of surveying?
3. What are the uses of contour?
4. What do you think from contour interval?
What is cadastral and city survey?

SECTION C 2*4 = 8
5. What is whole to part working in surveying?
6. What is the role of civil engineers?
What is ranging? Explain direct method of ranging.

SECTION D 1*6 = 6
7. Define difference between Geodetic and Plane survey. Also explain classification of survey.
What is Surveying? Explain the importance of surveying in construction work.

Note for students: Students are required to submit handwritten solutions of given assignment / tutorial sheet on or before La
of submission otherwise penalty in terms of deduction
in marks will be made as per following rule:
If submitted on or before last date then Deduction of marks = 0
If submission delayed by (1-7) days then Deduction of marks = 20%
If submission delayed by (8-14) days then Deduction of marks = 40%
If submission delayed by more than 15 days then Deduction of marks = 60%

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