Cad Cam Manual

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INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (Autonomous) Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043 Lab Manual CAD-CAM LABORATORY (AMEB26) Prepared by Mr. M Prasuasti Reppy DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL E: INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERE July 23, 2022 Contents Content 1 3 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Student Responsibilities 1.1.2 Responsibilities of Faculty Teaching the Lab Course 1.1.3 Laboratory In-charge Responsibilities 1.14 Course Coordinator Responsibilities 1.2 Lab Policy and Grading 1.3 Course Goals and Objectives 1.4. Use of Laboratory Instruments 1.4.1 Instrument Protection Rules 14.2 The Laboratory Worksheets 14.3 Worksheet 144 Formatting and Style 14.5 The Laboratory Files/Reports 146 CONCLUSIONS 14.7 PROBING FURTHER QUESTIONS LAB-1 Introduction to CATIA 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Objective 2.3 Prelab Preparation: 24 Equipment needed 2.5 About CAD/CAM 2.5.1 DESIGN PROCESS AND ROLE OF CAD: 2.6 SOLID MODELLING 2.6.1 Advantages of Solid Modeling 2.6.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR MODELING ASSEMBLING 2.7 CAD/CAB/CAM Data Exchange 28 Commonly Used CAD Data Exchange Format: 2.9 Base Features in Part Modelling 2.10 Editing and Engineering Features in Part Modelling 2.11 Probing Further Questions LAB-2 DRAFTING OF SIMPLE 2D DRAWINGS 3.1, Introduction 3.2. Objective 3.3 Prelab Preparation 3.4 Equipment needed 3.5. Procedure 3.6 Result 3.7. Further Probing Experiments 4 LAB-3 SOLID MODELING 4.1 Objective 4.2 Prelab Preparation: 4.3. Equipment necded 44 CATIA Commands Used 45° Procedure 45.1 FLANGE: 452 SHAFT AND KEY: 453 BOLT AND NUT: 454 ASSEMBLY 45.5 DETAILED DRAWING 4.6 RESULT 4.7 Probing Further Questions LAB-4 CREATING ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEWS FROM SOLID MODELS 5.1 Objective 5.2 Prelab Preparation: 5.3 Equipment needed 54 CATIA Commands Used 5.5 Procedure 1 BODY 5.5.2 Valve Seat Valve eMBLY ‘TAILED DRAWING 5.7 Probing Further Questions LAB-5 Introduction to Ansys 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Objective 6.3 Prelab Preparation: 6.4 Equipment needed 6.5 Problem Statement: 6.6 Procedure 6.7 POSTPROCESSING: VIEWING THE RESULTS 6.8 Results: 6.9 Further Probing Experiments LAB-6 TRUSSES AND BEAMS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Objective 7.3. Prelab Preparation: 7.4 Equipment needed 7.5 Problem Statement 7.6 Procedure 7.7 POSTPROCI 78 Results: 7.9 Problem Statement 2: 7.10 Problem Statement 3: 7.11 Further Probing Experiments SING: VIEWING THE RESULTS 28 29 34 34 36 38, 8 LAB-7 SHELL STRUCTURES 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Objective 83. Prelab 8.4 Equipment Required 8.5. Problem Statement 8.6 Solution 8.6.1 Case (a) Procedure for BEAM model: 8.6.2 Nodal solution 8.6.3 Reaction solution 8.6.4 Element Solu 8.6.5 Case b) Procedure for PIPE model: 8.7 Result: 8.8 Probing Further Questions 9 LAB-8 HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS 9.1 Introduction 8.2 Objective 9.3 Prelab Preparation: 9.4 Equipment needed 9.5 Procedure 9.6 Further Probing Experiments 10 LAB-9 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER Nt 10.1 INTRODUCTION 10.1.1 Student Responsibilities 10.1.2. Responsibilities of Faculty Teaching the Lab Course 10.1.3 Laboratory In-charge Responsibilities 10.1.4 Course Coordinator Responsibilities 10.2 Lab Policy and Grading 10.3 Course Goals and Objectives 10.4 Use of Laboratory Instruments MERICAL CONTROL 11 LAB-10 CNC LATHE I 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Objective 11.3 Prelab Preparation: 11.4 Equipment needed 11.5 Background 116 Procedure 11.7 Further Probing Experiments 12 LAB-11 CNC MILLING I 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Objective 123 Prelab Preparation: 12.4 Equipment needed 12.5 Background 12.6 Procedure 12.7 Further Probing Experiments 13 LAB-12 CAM SOFTWARE 39 39 39 39, 39 39 39 4l 4l 41 41 43 43, a4 44 44 44 44 ar 60 60 61 13.1 Introduction 13.2. Objective 13.3 Prelab Preparation; 13.4 Equipment needed 13.5 Background 13.6 Procedure 13.7 Further Probing Experiments 6 él 61 61 61 62 62 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This course is intended to enhance the learning experience of the student in topics encountered, in Manufacturing Processes. This lab provides students experiential learning with the nature and technique of manufacturing processes Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation, We introduce four basic production processes for producing desired shape of a product. These are casting, machining, welding and deformation processes. It inculcates knowledge and skill to the preparing a wooden pattern to completion of a casting, Also, understand the welding. and press working processes Students can set up and operate machines, manufacture parts, measure process variables, and inspect manufactured parts. Skills acquired from time in the lab are integrated with prior and subsequent learning of other engineering topics such as engineering, materials and quality planning and control. How the student performs in the lab depends on his/her preparation, participation and teamwork, 1.1.1 Student Responsibilities ‘The student is expected to come prepared for each lab.Lab preparation includes understanding. the lab experiment from the lab manual and reading the related textbook material. Students have to write the allotted experiment for that particular week in the work sheets given and carry them to the Lab. In case of any questions or problems with the preparation, students can contact the Faculty Teaching the Lab course, but in a timely manner. Students have to be in formal dress code, wear shoes and lab coat for the Laboratory Class After the demonstration of experiment by the faculty, student has to perform the experiment individually. They have to note down the observations in the observation Tables drawn in work, sheets, do the calculations and analyze the results Active participation by each student in lab activities is expected. The student is expected to ask the Faculty any questions they may have related to the experiment ‘The student should remain alert and use commonsense while performing the lab experi- ment. They ate also responsible for keeping a professional and accurate record of the lab experi- ments in the files provided. 1.1.2 Responsibilities of Faculty Teaching the Lab Course ‘The Faculty shall be completely familiar with each lab prior to the laboratory. He/She shall pro- vide the students with details regarding the syllabus and safety review during the first week.Lab experiments should be checked in advance to make sure that everything is in working order. The Faculty should demonstrate and explain the experiment and answer any questions posed by the students Faculty have to supervise the students while they perform the lab experiments. The Faculty is expected to evaluate the lab worksheets and grade them based on their practical skills and understanding of the experiment by taking Viva Voce. Evaluation of work sheets has to be done in a fair and timely manner to enable the students, for uploading them online through their CMS login within the stipulated time. 1.1.3. Laboratory In-charge Responsibilities ‘The Laboratory In-charge should ensure that the laboratory is properly equipped, ic., the Faculty teaching the lab receive any equipment/components necessary to perform the experi- ments. He/She is responsible for ensuring that all the necessary equipment for the lab is available and in working condition. ‘Ihe Laboratory In-charge is responsible for resolving any problems that are identified by the teaching Faculty or the students. 1.1.4 Course Coordinator Responsibilities ‘The course coordinator is responsible for making any necessary corrections in Course Description and lab manual. He/She has to ensure that it is continually updated and available to the students in the CMS learning Portal 1.2 Lab Policy and Grading ‘The student should understand the following policy: ATTENDANCE: Attendance is mandatory as per the academic regulations LAB RECORD’s: The student must: 1. Write the work sheets for the allotted experiment and keep them ready before the beginning of eachlab. 2. Keep all work in preparation of and obtained during lab. 3. Perform the experiment and record the observations in the worksheets 4. Analyze the resultsand get the work sheets evaluated by the Faculty. 5. Upload the evaluated reports online from CMS LOGIN within the stipulated time. Grading Policy: ‘The final grade of this course is awarded using the criterion detailed in the academic regula tions. A lange portion of the student's grade is determined in the comprehensive final exam of the Laboratory couse (SEE PRACTICALS) resulting in a requirement of understanding the concepts and procedure of each lab experiment for successful completion of the lab course. Pre-Requistes and Co-Requis ‘The lab course is to be taken during the same semester as AMEBOS, but receives a separate grade. If AMEBOS is dropped, then AMEBO6 must be dropped as well. Students are required, to have completed both AMEBO1, AMEBO3 and AMEBO4 with a C or better grade in each. Students are also assumed to have completed a programming class and be familiar with the use of a computer-based word processor Note that the instructor reserves the right to alter any part of this information at their discre- tion. Any changes will be anounced in class and distributed in writing to the students prior to the changes taking effect 1.3 Course Goals and Objectives ‘The goal of this laboratory is to determine the experiential learning with the nature and tect nique of computer aided engineering technology. we introduce basics of computer graphies and, computer aided production processes for producing desired shape of a product. Students ean set up and operate machines, manufacture parts, measure process variables, and inspect man- ufactured parts, Skills acquired from time in the lab are integrated with prior and subsequent Jearning of other engineering topies such as engineering materials and quality planning and con- trol. At the end of the course students ean able to make the product or prototype by using this laboratory equipment’s 1. The Importance of manufacturing processes in the day-to-day life, and study the basic manufacturing techniques and tools used for production, 2. The information related to various manufacturing methodologies for production of defect free manufacturing components, 3. Enhance the developmental use of computer aided manufacturing processes to application of real time products with economical production. 1.4 Use of Laboratory Instruments ‘One of the major goals of this lab is to familiarize the student with the proper equipment and techniques for making mechanical measurements. Some understanding of the lab instruments is necessary to avoid personal or equipment damage. By understanding the device’s purpose and. following a few simple rules, costly mistakes can be avoided. You have already, in AMEBO6, earned these rules, but they are repeated for convenience and emphasis below. Most of the in- strumentation used in this laboratory is implemented through various manufacturing processes concepts, In general, all devices have physical limits. These limits are specified by the device manufacturer and are referred to as the device rating. The ratings are usually expressed in terms of voltage limits, current limits, or power limits, It is up to the engineer to make sure that in device operation, these ratings (Limit values) are not exceeded, ‘The following rules provide a guideline for instrument protection. 1.4.1 Instrument Protection Rules 1, New students must receive an orientation on lab operating procedures before working in a lab. 2. Students shall publish a safety checklist for equipment for which they are responsible. 3. Students must read the safety checklist for each piece of equipment before operating it Ensure you know the location of the emergency stop button before starting equipment 4. Always depressurize accumulators or pneumatic reservoirs before working on fluid power apparatus. 5. Check the application pressure, system pressure, and component pressure before connect~ ing a system to a pump or pressure source. The maximum operating pressures are listed, on equipment labels or published on manufacturer websites. 6. Periodically check hoses for leakage, cracks, kinks, or breaks. 7. Test your equipment for leaks at low pressure before raising the pressure to the operating. pressure, 8. All components shall operate within manufacturer's specifications. 9. Equipment shall incorporate an emergency stop or emergency return control, whichever provides maximum safety. 10. Emergency stops shall be readily accessible under all conditions of working and shall operate immediately. 11, Equipment shall be designed so that loss of electrical, pneumatic and/or hydraulic power shall not cause a hazard, 12. Pump inlet temperatures should not exceed 600C when maximum ambient temperatures exist. 13. Rotating parts shall be guarded to provide adequate protection against hazard. 14. Flexible hoses shall only be used where necessary. Their length shall be minimized and they shall be protected from abrasion. If failure causes a hazard, the hose shall be restrained, or shielded. 1.4.2. The Laboratory Worksheets Students must record their experimental values in the provided tables in this laboratory manual and reproduce them in the lab reports, Reports are integral to recording the methodology and results of an experiment. In engineering practice, the laboratory notebook serves as an invaluable reference to the technique used in the lab and is essential when trying to duplicate a result or write a report. Therefore, it is important to learn to keep accurate data. Make plots of data and sketches when these are appropriate in the recording and analysis of observations. Note that the data collected will be an accurate and permanent record of the data obtained during the experiment and the analysis of the results. You will need this record when you are ready to prepare a lab report. 1.4.3. Worksheet Reports are the primary means of communicating your experience and conclusions to other professionals, In this course you will use the lab report to inform your LTA about what you did and what you have leamed from the experience. Engineering results are meaningless unless they can be communicated to others, You will be directed by your LTA to prepare a lab report on a few selected lab experiments during the semester. Your assignment might be different from your lab partner’s assignment. Your laboratory report should be clear and concise. The lab report shall be typed on a word processor. As a guide, use the format on the next page. Use tables, diagrams, sketches, and plots, as necessary to show what you did, what was observed, and what. conclusions you can draw from this. Even though you will work with one or more lab partners, your report will be the result of your individual effort in order to provide you with practice in technical communication, 1.4.4 Formatting and Style 1, The lab report shall be typed in a word processor. 2. All page margins must be 1.25 inches. All content (including text, figures, tables, ete.) must fit within the margins. 3. Body text should be double-spaced 4, Basic text should be in 12-point size in a commonly used text font. 5. Set your main text justified (with even left/right margins) 6. The first line of each paragraph should have a left indent, 7. All the tables should have titles and should be numbered. Tables should be labelled numerically as Table 1, Table 2, etc. ‘Table captions appear above the table. ‘The column, headings should be labeled with the units specified 8. Graphs should be presented as figures. All the figures should have titles and should be numbered. Figure captions appear below the figure. Graphs should have labelled axes and, clearly show the scales and units of the axes. 9. All the figures and tables must be centered on the page. 10. All the figures and tables in your report must be referenced in your discussion. References to figures in the main body of the text are usually written in abbreviated form (c.g. ‘see Fig. 1”) 11, Use MS-Word equation (under Insert Equation menu), MathType, or a similar tool to type formulas. 12. If you need to copy a schematic or figure from the lab manual to your report, use Copy and Pastefunction or take a screenshot by using Sniping Tool in MS-Windows. 13. Do not place screenshots of your lab notebook in the report! Diagrams, tables, calculations, etc. must be generated using the existing tools in the word processor. 1.4.5 The Laboratory Files/Reports COVER PAGE: Cover page must include lab name and number, your name, your lab partner's name, and the date the lab was performed, OBJECTIVE: Clearly state the experiment objective im your own words. EQUIPMENT USED: Indicate which equipment was used in performing the experiment. FOR EACH PART OF THE LAB; Write the lab’s part number and title in bold font. Firstly, describe the problem that you studied in this part, give an introduction of the theory, and explain why you did this experiment. Do not lift the text from the lab manual; use your own words. Secondly, describe the experimental setup and procedures. Do not follow the lab manual in listing out individual pieces of equipment and assembly instructions. That is not relevant information in a lab report! Instead, describe the circuit as a whole (preferably with diagram), and explain how it works, Your description should take the form of a narrative, and include information not present in the manual, sich as descriptions of what happened during intermediate steps of the experiment. ‘Thirdly, explain your findings. This is the most important part of your report, because here, you show that you understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it. Explain (compare expected results with those obtained). Analyse (analyze experimental error), Tnterpret (explain your results in terms of theoretical issues and relate to your experimental objectives). This part includes tables, graphs, and sample calculations. When showing calculations, it is usual to show the general equation, and one worked example. All the results should be presented oven if there is any inconsistency with the theory. Tt should be possible to understand what is going on by just reading through the text paragraphs, without looking at the figures. Every figure/table must be referenced and discussed somewhere in the text. Finally, provide a summary of what was learned from this part of the laboratory experiment. If the results seem unexpected or unreliable, discuss them and give possible explanations 1.4.6 CONCLUSIONS The conclusion section hould provide a take-home message summing up what has been learn from the experiment: # Briefly restate the purpose of the experiment (¢! question it was seeking to answer) Identify the main find 68 (answer to the research question) # Note the main limitations that are relevant to the interpretation of the results « Summarise what the experiment has contributed to your understanding of the problem. 1.4.7 PROBING FURTHER QUESTIONS Questions pertaining to this lab must be answered at the end of laboratory report. LAB-1 Introduction to CATIA 2.1 Introduction CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) refers to computer soft- ware that is used to both design and manufacture products.CAD is the use of computer tech- nology for design and design documentation, CAD/CAM applications are used to both design a product and program manufacturing processes, specifically, CNC machining. CAM software uses the models and assemblies created in CAD software to generate tool paths that drive the machines that turn the designs into physical parts, CAD/CAM software is most often used for machining of prototypes and finished parts. 2.2 Objective Know the basic fimetions of a CAD Software, concept historical development, definition, advantages of comput seometrical modelling and simulations, xr aided simulations in Real-time. 2.3 Prelab Preparation: As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process ‘The students are expected to be prepared with the basies of machine design and manufacturing processes. 2.4 Equipment needed Nil 2.5 About CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture is the way things are made these days. Without this technology, we wouldn’t have the range and quality of products available or, at least, they wouldn't be available at a price most of us can afford. Hand-building and manual techniques still very much have their place and Design Education needs to treasure and foster these skills so that future generations will have the hands-on skills to understand the man-made world and provide the next generation of engineers, designers and technicians. All of these professionals will be using CAD-CAM techniques or CAD-CAM products in their work, alongside practical hands-on skill. Design and Technology education has to reflect modern practice so it is crucial that students have the opportunity to use real CAD-CAM tools in their designing and making 2.5.1 DESIGN PROC! SS AND ROLE OF CAD: # Recognition of need # Definition of problem © Synthesis © Analysis and optimization © Evaluation # Presentation 2.6 SOLID MODELLING A solid modeling system is usually an interactive computer graphies system that is intended to create true three-dimensional components and assemblies. Recent advances in CAD software, computers, and graphical displays have made it possible to use solid representations of compo- nents being considered in the design process. These solid models can be employed in numerous ways. 2.6.1 Advantages of Solid Modeling A realistic visual display: By producing a shaded visible surface image of the solid, solid mod- elling allows a designer to see exactly what has been created. Easy to deal with different views: Once a part has been created, we have the ability to rotate, shade, section, or produce almost any view required by a designer. Single associated model database: The solid modeler pro- vides the only database suitable for all CAD operations. Almost all information needed for part generation is contained in the solid model. The algorithm should be able to ensure that it repre- sents physically possible shape that is complete and unambiguous applications. e.g., automatic generation of a mesh for a finite element analysis. 2.6.2. REQUIREMENTS FOR MODELING ASSEMBLING 1. Part modelling and analysis: The part analysis includes the material type, mass and inertial properties, functional properties of the faces, etc. 2. Hierarchical relationships:An assemble tree and assemble sequence must be given. 3. Mating conditions: There are two methods for specifying mating conditio: Firstly Specify the location and orientation of each part in the assembly, together with the representation of the part itself, by providing a 4 x 4 homogeneous transformation ma- trix. (ie., transformation from MCS to WCS). Secondly, Specify the spatial relationships between its individual parts as mating conditions. 2.7. CAD/CAE/CAM Data Exchange Computer databases are now replacing paper blueprints in defining product geometry and non- geometry for all phases of product design, analysis, and manufacturing. It becomes increasingly important to find effective procedures for transferring data among CAD/CAB/CAM systems. ‘The need to exchange modeling data is directly motivated by the need to integrate and automate the design and manufacturing process to obtain the maximum benefits from CAD/CAE/CAM. systems. Four Types of Modelling Data to be transferred: 1. Shape data consists of both geometrical and topological information as well as part fea- tures. Entity attributes such as font, colour, and layer as well as annotation is considered part of the entity geometrical information. Topological information applies only to products described. via solid modelling. Features allow high-level concept communication about parts. Examples are hole, flange, web, pocket, chamfer, ete. 2, Non-Shape data inchides graphics data such as shaded images, and model global data. as measuring units of the database and the resolution of storing the database numerical values, 3. Design data has to do with the information that designers generate from geometric models for analysis purposes. e.g., mass property and finite element mesh data. 4, Manufacturing data consists of information such as tooling, NC tool paths, tolerance, process planning, tool design, and bill of materials, 2.8 Commonly Used CAD Data Exchange Format: IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) ® PDES (Product Data Exchange Using STEP) # IGES is focused on CAD-to-CAD exchange where primarily shape and non-shape data were to be transferred from one system to another # PDES is previous called Product Data Exchange Standard. It is for the exchange of complete product descriptions which covers the four types of modelling data (ie., shape, non-shape, design and manufacturing) # Other data exchange interfaces include: STL, Neutral, SET, BCAD, VDA, STEP, PDGS, CATIA, Render, CGM, VRML, PATRAN, TIFF, ete. 2.9 Base Features in Part Modelling L. Pad: Pad in third axis of the profile A-1-png he profile about axis of symmetry 1-2. png 3 4, Blend / Loft: Blending of different cross sections along a path Lab Manual ‘Template/Chapters/1-3. png ‘Sweep: Pad of a cross section along a path Lab Nanual Template/Chapters/1-4.png. 2.10 Editing and Engineering Features in Part Modelling 1 2 2.11 1 2 Round: Modify the sharp edge to emved edge Chamfer: Modify the sharp edge to flat edge Shell: Removes a surface or surfaces from the solid then hollows out the inside of the solid, Ieaving a shell of a specified wall thickness. Rib: Special type of protrusion to create a thin fin or web Cut: Remove the undesirable portion from the basic part Lab Manual Template/Chapters/1-5.png Hole: Remove cylindrical portion from the basic part Pattern: Create instances of the selected feature by varying some specified dimensions Probing Further Questions Write about requirements to develop a drawing CATIA? State is general post processor Lab Manual Yemplate/Chapters/1-6.png LAB-2 DRAFTING OF SIMPLE 2D DRAWINGS 3.1 Introduction Every modelled part file defines the geometry of a real part; that is either bought or manu- factured. For this reason, all parts need to be correctly identified with a part number defined according to company standards. This will help when files are saved, as CATIA will automat- ically apply the part number to the file name, It also help with instantiation at assembly level because CATIA defines the instance number according to the part number of the file instantiated in the assembly. 3.2 Objective Know the basic functions of a CAD Software, concept of geometrical modelling and simulations, historical development, definition, advantages of computer aided simulations in Realtime. Lab Manual ‘Jomplate/Chapters/2. png 3.3 Prelab Preparation: As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process. ‘The students are expected to be prepared with the basies of machine design and manufacturing processes. 3.4 Equipment needed Desktop Computer with atleast 2B RAM with mouse and printer 3.5 Procedure 1. Select the XY plane (the plane the profile will be sketched on). Reference Step 3 for information on selecting planes. 2. Enter the Sketcher Work Bench. Reference Step 4. 3. Sketch the profile of the part. Hint: use the Profile tool 3. Anchor the lower left hand corner of the sketch. 4. Constrain the profile to match the dimensions shown above. Reference Step 18 for con- straining a profile. 5. Exit the Sketcher Work Bench, return to the Part Design Work Bench (the 3D environ- ment). Reference Step 21 for exiting the Sketcher Work Bench and entering the Part Design Work Bench. 6. Once in the Part Design Work Bench pad the profile to the dimension has shown (2”) Reference Step 22 for padding a profile Save the part. 3.6 Result ‘The geometrical model of required dimension is created using CATIA software Lab Manual Template/Chapters/2. png 3.7. Further Probing Experiments 1. State the difference between node and element 2. Write about element LAB-3 SOLID MODELING sectionIntroduction Every modelled part file defines the geometry of a real part; that is either bought or manufactured, For this reason, all parts need to be correctly identified with a part number defined according to company standards, This will help when files are saved, as CATIA will automatically apply the part number to the file name, It also help with instantiation at assembly level because CATIA defines the instance number according to the part number of the file instantiated in the assembly 4.1 Objective ‘To draw the detail view of the flange coupling and assemble the parts by us V5 R20.0 software and obtain its r assembly. ng the CATIA ective views.Also ‘To find the mass properties of the final Lab Manual ‘TJemplate/Chapters/3.png 4.2 Prelab Preparation: As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process. ‘The students are expected to be prepared with the basies of machine design and manufacturing processes. 4.3. Equipment needed Desktop Computer with atleast 2GB RAM with mouse and printer 4.4 CATIA Commands Used Sketch, pad, shaft, Patten, Mate, Align, Helical Sweep, Round, Chamfer ete, 4.5 Procedure PART DRAWING: 4.5.1 FLANGE: 1. Draw the sectional view of the flange in the sketcher mode. 2. Draw the middle axis line for the purpose of using shaft command and make the flange. 3. Make the keyway and holes by using pad material remove command. 4, Round the sharp edges of the flange by using round tool command. 4.5.2. SHAFT AND KEY: 1. Use pad command to make the shaft and the keyway. 2. Use pad command to make the key. 4.5.3. BOLT AND NUT: 1, Use the pad command makes the bolt head and shank of the bolt, 2. Use the helical sweep command makes the thread in bolt shank. 3. Use the pad and helical sweep command make the mut with thread, 4.5.4 AS EMBLY Use the mate, align, insert and pattern commands to assemble the flange coupling. 4.5.5 DETAILED DRAWING Use the drawing mode makes the respective views and bill of materials. 4.6 RESULT ‘Thus the Detail View of the Flange Coupling along with its respective views and mass properties has been found 4.7 Probing Further Questions 1. What is Thermal Analysis? 2. What is the difference between Structural Analysis and Thermal Analysis? 3. What is node? LAB-4 CREATING ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEWS FROM SOLID MODELS sectionIntroduetion Every modelled part file defines the geometry of a real part; that is cither bought or manufactured. For this reason, all parts need to be correctly identified with a part number defined according to company standards. This will help when files are saved, as CATIA, will automatically apply the part number to the file name. It also help with instantiation at assembly level because ATIA defines the instance number according to the part number of the file instantiated in the assembly. 5.1 Objective ‘To draw the detail view of the flange coupling and assemble the parts by using the CATIA V5 R20.0 software and obtain its respective views.Also To find the mass properties of the final assembly. Lab Manual ‘TJemplate/Chapters/4. png 5.2 Prelab Preparation: As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process. ‘The students are exp 1d to be prepared with the basics of machine design and manufact: processes. 5.3. Equipment needed Desktop Computer with atleast 2GB RAM with mouse and printer 5.4 CATIA Commands Used. Sketch, pad, shaft, Pattern, Mate, Align, Helical Sweep, Round, Chamfer ete, 5.5 Procedure PART DRAWING: 5.5.1 BODY # Draw the cross section of the body and revolve it, # Draw the concentric circles of the fork and remove materials. # Draw the flange part of the body and pad it 5.5.2 Valve Seat Use the shaft command makes the Valve Seat of the Non Return Valve 5. Valve Use the shaft command makes the Valve Seat of the Non Return Valve, 5.5.4 ASSEMBLY Use the mate, align, insert and pattern commands to assemble the Non Return Valve, 5.5.5 DETAILED DRAWING Use the drawing mode makes the respective views and bill of materials 5.6 RESULT ‘Thus the Detail View of the Non Return Valve and then its respective views have been drawn. 5.7 Probing Further Questions 1L. White about ANSYS? 2. Discuss the uses of ANSYS software? item Define Structural Analysis? LAB-5 Introduction to Ansys 6.1 Introduction Every time you deliver a product to a customer, you are promising them that it will work as advertised and make their life easier in some way. Using ANSYS engineering simulation software to design your products enstres that you can keep that promise, with every product and every order for every customer, 6.2 Objective ‘The learning objective is to be able to rum a Static Structural solution on a model composed of line (beam) and surface (shell) bodies. This essentially consists of developing knowledge on the dedicated preprocessing and postprocessing tools associated with these body types. 6.3 Prelab Preparation: As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process. The students are expected to be prepared with the basies of machine design and manufacturing processes 6.4 Equipment needed Desktop Computer with atleast 2B RAM with mouse and printer 6.5 Problem Statement: ‘To determine the stresses acting on a cantilever beam with a point load of 750 N acting at one of its ends and perpendicular to the axis of the beam. © Young's modulus = 265 © Poisson's ratio = 0.3 # Length of the beam = 2 m = 2000 mm. @ Breadth of the beam = 80 mm. Height of the beam 6.6 Procedure From the Main menu select preferences Select + structural and press OK From the main menu select Pre-processor Element type > Add / edit/Delete + Add -+ BEAM ~ 2D > Elastic 3 +Apply -»Close. Material properties -> material > models > Structural > Linear + Elastic Isotropic EX = 205; PRXY =03 From the main memu select Pre-processor Sections + Beam + Common Sections > Select > subtype as Rectangular section > Enter B = 100, H =50 > Apply > Preview Real + constants + Add + Add > Ok + Geometric Properties + Area = 5000, Izz = 4170000, Height = 40 + Ok + Close From the main menu select Pre-processor Modelling © Create the key points in the Works \ce Create -» Key points > in active CS X [0 [2000 | Yoro Click APPLY to all the points and for the last point click OK © Create LINES using the Key points Create + Lines > Lines -» Straight Line + Click on Key points to generate lines Select Plot controls from menu bar + Capture image ~ file save as and save your file. Meshing the Geometry From the main menu select Meshing Meshing > Size controls + Manual size + Lines + Alll lines ~ Number of element divisions = 20 Click OK Meshing > Mesh > Lin = pick all SOLUTION PHASE: ASSIGNING LOADS AND SOLVING From the ANSYS main men open Solution sohition Analysis type + new analysis ~ Static Defining loads at the Key points Solution > Define Loads > Apply + Structural + Displacement + On key points Left end — ALL DOF arrested Solution + Define loads + Apply + Structural + Force/moment > On key Points Right end — Apply a load of FY = -750 N Select Plot controls from menu bar > Capture image + file save as and save your file Solving the system Solution> Solve-> Cunrent LS Lab Manual Template/Pictures/image052.png Lab Manual Tenplate/Pictures/image048. png Figure 6.1: Model Lab Manual Tenplate/Pictures/image050. png Figure 6.2: Meshing Model Lab Manual Tenplate/Pictures/image052. png Figure 6.3: Meshed Model with nodes Lab Manual Tenplate/Pictures/image054.png Figure 6.4: Model with boundary conditions Lab Manual Template/Pictures/image058.png Figure 6.5: Deformed and undeformed Model 6.7 POSTPROCESSING: VIEWING THE RESULTS Deformation From the main memu select General post processing General post processing +Plot Results Deformed Shape Select > ‘Def + undef edge’ and click ‘OK’ to view both the deformed and the undeformed, object. Nodal solution From the Utility menu select PLOT PLOT + Results > Contour plot + Nodal solution - DOF solution ~ ¥ component of displace- ment ~ OK Lab Manual Tenplate/Pictures/image060.png Figure 6.6: Y-Component displacement of the Model 6.8 Results: 6.9 Further Probing Experiments 1. If a cantilever beam has a uniformly distributed load, will the bending moment diagram be quadratic or cubic? 2. Name the element type used for beams? 3. Define Analysis and its Purpose? 4, What are the modules in Ansys Programming? LAB-6 TRUSSES AND BEAMS 7.1 Introduction Every time you deliver a product to a customer, you are promising them that it will work as advertised and make their life easier in some way. Using ANSYS engineering simulation software to design your products ensures that you can keep that promise, with every product and every order for every customer, 7.2 Objective ‘The learning objective is to be able to run a Static Structural solution on a model composed of trusses and beams. This essentially consists of developing knowledge on the dedicated prepro- cessing and postprocessing tools associated with these body types. 7.3. Prelab Preparation: As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process. ‘The students are expected to be prepared with the basies of machine design and manufacturing processes 7.4 Equipment needed Desktop Computer with atleast 2GB RAM with mouse and printer 7.5 Problem Statement ‘To determine the nodal deflections, reaction forces, and stress of the indeterminate truss system, when it is subjected to a load of 2000 N. GIVEN DATA: + Young's modulus — 2e5 — 3250mm2 + Poisson's ratio = 0.3, 7.6 Procedure PREPROCESSING From the Main menu select preferences Select structural and press OK From the main menu select Preprocessor Element type> Add / edit/Delete-» Add-> Link - 2D spar 8-> ok close Real constants Add Geometric Properties Area = 3250 Material properties + material models Structural+ Linear+ Elastic Isotropic EX = 265: PRXY — 03 From the main menu select Pre-processor Modelling. # Create the key points in the Workspace Pre-processor + Modelling + Create + Nodes > In active CS Click APPLY to all the points and for the last point click OK * Create LINES using the Elements Pre-processor + Modelling > Create > Elements > Auto numbered + through nodes select node 1&2 > apply + 2&3 + apply > 3&4 + apply > 18&5 > apply > 5&2 > apply » 2&6 + apply > 643 -» apply > 3&7 -> apply + 7&4 > apply 5&6 + apply 6&7 > ok > close SOLUTION PHASE: ASSIGNING LOADS AND SOLVING From the ANSYS main menu open Solution Solution Analysis type > new analysis - Static Defining loads at the Key points Solution + Define Loads + Apply > St 1&4 + ok + select All DOF + ok Left end ~ ALL DOF arrested Solution -+ Define loads > Apply > Structural -» Force/moment + On nodes Select node 2&3 » ok FY direction > Give force value as 2000 N + ok -> close uctural > Displacement + On nodes + select node > tem Solition Solving the sy Solve > Current LS 7.7 POSTPROCESSIN VIEWING THE RESULTS Deformation From the main menu select General post processing General post processing Plot Results Deformed Shape Select Def + undef edge’ and click ‘OK’ to view both the deformed and the undeformed object Nodal solution From the Utility menu select PLOT PLOT = Results -+ Contour plot + Nodal solution + DOF solution > placement + OK component of dis- Lab Nanual Template/Pictures/image067. png Figure 7.1: TRUSS (KEY POINTS MODEL) Lab Nanual Template/Pictures/image070. png Figure 7.2: TRUSS (LINE MODEL) Lab Manual Template/Pictures/image073. png Lab Manual Template/Pictures/image075. png Figure 7.3: Deformed and undeformed Model Lab Manual Template/Pictures/image077. png Figure 74: Y-Component displacement of the Model 7.8 Result: DMX = SMN = 7.9 Problem Statement 2: To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever beam and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the given loads. Procedure ‘Main menu preferences Lab Manual Template/Pictures/image079. png check structural Pre-processor: 1. Main menu > preprocessor > elemer elastic3 > click ok > close. e > add/edit /delete > Add > select Beam -2D 2. Main menu > pre-processor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Click ok > Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia (IZ%) =1/12, Height=1, > lick ok > close, 3. Main menu > pre-processor > Material properties > Material model > structural > linear > clastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok > close. 4. Main menu > pre-processor > modelling > create > nodes > Inactive CS > (Enter Xi¥iZ location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1 i.c., 0, 0, 0 and 10,0,0 thus two nodes are created. [Main menu > pre-processor > modelling > create > clement > auto numbered > through nodes (select node by node and middle click) with this elements are cxeated Solution: 1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes (Pick the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select DOF or UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok. 2. Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam, 3. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes > select node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem > click ok. In the above problem load acting downwards i.e, in negative Y-direction at node -2 of about 10N, General post processor: Lab Manual Tenplate/Pictures/image031 . png 1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close 2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok. 3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click ok 4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click ok General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results > use the Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment diagram. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok 9. General post processor > list results > clement solution > click ok. Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear force Jbending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted, 7.10 Problem Statement 3: ‘To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load and point loads and draw the shear force and bending moment dia- grams by using ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the given loads. Procedure ‘Main menu > preferences > check structural Pre-processor: 1. Main menu > pre-processor > element type > add/edit /delete > Add > select Beam -2D elastic3 > click ok > close. 2. Main menu > pre-processor > Real constraints > Add/Bdit/Delete > Add > Click ok > Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia (122) =1/12, Height=1, > click ok > close 3. Main menu > pre-processor > Material properties > Material model > structural > linear > clastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok > close. 4, Main menu > pre-processor > modelling > create > nodes > Inactive CS > (Enter Xi¥iZ location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1 ice., 0,0,0 and 1,0,0, 2.5,0,0, 4.5,0,0, 5,0,0 thus five nodes are created 5. Main menu > pre-processor > modelling > create > element > auto numbered > through nodes (select node by node and middle click) with this elements are created. Solution: 1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes (Pick the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select DOF or UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok 2. Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam, 3. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes > select node > middle click select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem > click ok. In the above problem load acting downwards i. in negative Y-direction at node -2 and 5 of about 3tones and 2.5 tones 4, Solution > define loads > apply > structural > pressure (applied or uniformly distributed load) > on beams > select beam middle click(Hnter pressure value at the both ends) i.e., at 1& J, enter 1 and 1 click ok 6. Solution > solve > click ok General post processor 1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence number > enter SMISC, 2, 4, 6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close. 2, General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok, 3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click ok 4, General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click ok. I 5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results > use the Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment diagram, General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok, 9. General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear force, bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted. 7.11 Further Probing Experiments wi 2, What is pre processor? 3. What is post processor? 4, What is modelling? 5. What type of options we use in preferences? 6. ANSYS is it a tool or software? 7. What is the difference between Animation and Modelling? 8. What is DOF? 9. How to create a Node? 10. How to create an Element is nodal solution? LAB-7 SHELL STRUCTURES 8.1 Introduction Every time you deliver a product to a customer, you are promising them that it will work as advertised and make their life easier in some way. Using ANSYS engineering simulation software to design your products ensures that you can keep that promise, with every product and every order for every customer, 8.2 Objective The learning objective is to be able to run a Static Structural solution on a model composed of shell structures. This essentially consists of developing knowledge on the dedicated preprocessing and postprocessing tools associated with these body types. 8.3 Prelab As a process, Computer-aided Design (CAD) is used after manual design and analysis process. The students are expected to be prepared with the basies of machine design and manufacturing processes 8.4 Equipment Required Desktop Computer with atleast 2GB RAM with mouse and printer 8.5 Problem Statement A Stopped shaft is subjected to torque as shown in fig. Determine the angle of twist at the free end and twist in each portion in degrees. Also find the maximum shear stress in each step. ‘Young's modulus=208GPa, poisons ratio=0.3, Lab Manual ‘Jemplate/Chapters/7-1.png 8.6 Solution 8.6.1 Case (a) Procedure for BEAM model: 1. Preferences - structural - Ok 10. 1. 12 13. . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Lab Manual Template/Chapters/7-1-1.png Preprocessor - ELEMENT type - Add/edit/delete - add - Beam- 3D finite strain - OK CLOSE Preprocessor - Material Props -Material Model -Structural - Elastic-Isotropic- EX=208 GPa, PRXY=0.3-0K Preprocessor - Section - Beam -Common Sections. On the beam Tool dialog box, enter '1' for ID, ‘Sectionl” for Name, Choose Hollow Cross-Section for Sub-Type, enter Ri=40, Ro=50 Apply, ‘On the beam Tool dialog box, enter '2! for ID, "Section?" for Name, Choose Circular Solid, Cross-Section for Sub-Type, Enter R=40, Apply On the beam Tool dialog box, enter '3' for ID, ‘Section3” Cross-Section for Sub-Type, enter R=30, ok. Preprocessor -Modeling- Create - Nodes - In active C'S - Node No:=1, X=0, Apply Node No:=2, X=300, Y=0, Z=0 - Apply Node No: Node No:=4, X=1200,Y=0, Z=0 - OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements -Element Attributes- Section number-Section1- OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Thru Nodes - 1 and 2 nodes - OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements -Element Attributes-Section number- Section2-OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Thru Nodes - Pick 2 and 3 nodes - OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements -Element Attributes-Section number-Section3- ok Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Thru Nodes - Pick 3 and 4 nodes - OK Utility Menu - PlotCtrls-Style-Size and Shape - On Size and Shape dialog box tum ON [/ESHAPE] display of Element and click OK. In the Utility Menu, select Plot- Elements. Switch to isometric view using the pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog box. Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads-Apply-Structural- Displacement- On Nodes-select Nodel- OK-ALLDOF-OK Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads-Apply-Structural- Force/Moment- On Nodes-select Node2- OK-Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 3e6-Apply Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads-Apply-Structural-Force/Moment - On Nodes-select Node3- OK-Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= -2¢6-Apply 21. Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads-Apply-Structural-Force/Moment -On Nodes-select Nodet- OK-Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 106-OK 22. Solution-Solve-Current LS-OK, Close Solution Done Window 8.6.2. Nodal solution 1. General Postproc-Plot result-Contour Plot-NodalSolu, On the Contour Nodal Solution Data dialog box, Nodal solution-DOF Solution- Select Rotation vector sum-OK 2. General postprocessor-List Results-Nodal Solutions-OK-DOF Solution-Rotation vector sum- OK (in radians) Lab Manual Template/Chapters/7-2. png 8.6.3 Reaction solution 3. General Postproc-List results-Reaction Solution-All Ttems-OK 8.6.4 Element Solution table - Define table - Add - set user label for item = lect SMISC, 4 (Type 4 set user label for item = TQI7, select item, comp, results MISC, 17 (Type 17 after selecting SMISC) - 1. General post processor - Elemen 'TQ4, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence number- after selecting SMISC) - Apply data item = by sequence number- select, Apply - OK - Close 2. General Post Processor - Element Table - List Element Table - Select TQ4, TQI7-OK - Note the Torsional Moments in N-mm Lab Manual ‘Template/Chapters/7-5. png 3. General Post Processor - Plot results -Contour plot- Element Table - Select TQ4, TQU7-OK NOTE: We can only find torsional moments as we are using BEAM element. We ean get shear stresses in each portion by using PIPE288 element 8.6.5 Case b) Procedure for PIPE model: 1. Preferences - structural - Ok 2. Preprocessor - ELEMENT type - Add/edit /delete - add - Pipe- 3D finite strain - OK - Options - Hoop strain treatment = Thick shell - OK - CLOSE 10. ive 12 13. uu. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. Preprocessor - Material Props -Material Model -Struetural - Elastie-Isotropic- EX=208GPa, PRXY=0.3-0K Preprocessor - Section - Pipe -Add - Add pipe section with ID = 1, ok - Section nami Section1, Pipe diameter = 100, Wall thickness = 10, Apply - Add pipe section with ID , ok - Section name = Section2, Pipe diameter = 80, Wall thickness = 40, Apply - Add pipe section with ID = 3, ok - Section name = Section3, Pipe diameter ), Wall thickness = 30, Ok (Close the warning message) Preprocessor -Modeling- Create - Nodes - In active CS - Node No:=1, , a - Apply Node No:=2, X=300, Y=0, Z=0 - Apply Node No:=3, X=700, Y=0, Z=0 - Apply Node No:=4, X=1200,Y: Z=0 - OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Element Attributes- Section mamber-Section]- OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Thru Nodes - 1 and 2 nodes - OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements -Element Attributes-Section number- Section2- OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Thru Nodes - Pick 2 and 3 nodes - OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements -Element Attributes-Section number-Section3- OK Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - elements Thru Nodes - Pick 3 and 4 nodes - OK Utility Menu - PlotCtrls-Style-Size and Shape - On Size and Shape dialog box turn ON [/ESHAPE] display of Element and click OK. In the Utility Menu, select Plot- Elements. Switch to isometric view using the pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog box. Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads- Apply- Structural- Displacement- On Nodes-select Nodel- OK-ALLDOF-OK Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads- Apply- Structural- Force/Moment- On Nodes-select Node2- OK-Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 3e6-Apply Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads- Apply- Structural-Force/Moment - On Nodes-select Node3- OK-Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= -2cé-Apply Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads- Apply- Structural-Force/Moment -On Nodes-select Noded- OK-Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= leG-OK Sohution-Solve-Current LS-OK, Close Solution Done Window. General postprocessor-List Results-Nodal Solutions-OK-DOF Solution-Rotation vector sum- OK (in radians) Lab Manual ‘TJemplate/Chapters/7-6. png Lab Manual ‘TJemplate/Chapters/7-7.png 20. General Postproc-List results-Reaction Solution-All Ttems-OK 21, General post processor - Element table - Define table - Add - set user label for item TQ4, select item, comp, results data item = hy sequence number- select SMISC, 4 (Type 4 after selecting SMISC) - Apply - set user label for item = TQI7, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence number- select SMISC, 17 (Type 17 after selecting SMISC) - Apply - OK - Close 22. General Post Processor - Element Table - List Element Table - Select TQ4, TQU7-OK - Note the Torsional Moments in N-mm. Lab Manual ‘jexplate/Chapters/7-8.png 23. General Post Processor - Plot results -C ress -OK jour plot- Elemental Solu - Stress - XY shear 8.7 Result: ‘The analysis have been proceesed using Ansys software 8.8 Probing Further Questions 1. Ansys needs the final element model(FEM) for its final solution. (/F) 2. Element attributes must be set before meshing the solid model. (T/F) 3. Ina plane strain, the strain in the direction of thickness is assumed to be zero.(T/F) LAB-8 HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS 9.1 Introduction Heating up a steel bar from one end and holding the other end in hand, you will soon feel the increased temperature, This indicates one of the heat transfer mode, thermal conduction. ‘Thermal conduction transfers heat energy by collision of particles within a body. In engineering, thermal conduetion is mathematically deseribed by Fourier’s law, 9.2 Objective ‘The learning objective is to be able to run a Static Structural solution on a model composed of shell structures. This essentially consists of developing knowledge on the dedicated preprocessing and postprocessing tools associated with these body types. 9.3 Prelab Preparation: 1, Pre-processing: ‘* Define element type. (Plane55 element, which is a 2-D, 4node element) Define material properties. (Thermal Conductivity ) # Create keypoints # Create an area through keypoints © Specify mesh density controls. (We will specify numbers of element divisions along lines.) 4 Mesh the area to create nodes and elements 2. Solution: «© Specify convection boundary conditions «# Specify zero heat flux through lines of symmetry. # Solve 3. Pre-processing ‘Plot the temperature distribution # List locations of these center nodes 4 List the temperatures at each of these nodes. Re-analysis y node number. ‘# Modify Mesh / Re-analyze. (Primarily repeating earlier steps.) « Exit the ANSYS program, faving all data 9.4 Equipment needed ANSYS Software 9.5 Procedure 1 Change jobname, On the Utility Menu across the very top of the screen, select: File - Change Jobname Enter? Name”, and click on “OK”, Lab Manual ‘Template/Chapters/8-1. png, Define element type: Preprocessor - Element Type - Add/Bdit/Delete Click on “Add” ‘The “Library of Element Types” menu appears, as shown, Scroll down to highlight “Ther mal Solid”, and “Quad dnode 55” as shown, Click on “OK”, then “Close”. Note that in ANSYS, this element is sometimes referred to as “Plane55”, because it is a 2-D planar clement, and it is element type 55 in the ANSYS element library Lab Manual ‘Template/Chapters/8-2. png Define material properties: Preprocessor - Material Properties - -Constant- Isotropic “OK” for material set number 1, then enter 25 for KXX (thermal conductivity), then click on “OK”, KXX is th only material property needed for this analysis, Create keypoints: There are several options available for creating the basic geometry. The method that will be employed involves creating “keypoints”, then generating an area, with comers defined by the keypoints. Select: Preprocessor - -Modeling- Create - Keypoints - In Active CS... Fill in the fields as shown at the top of the next page, then click “APPLY”. When you click on “Apply”, the command is issued to create keypoint number 1 at (x,y,2)=(- 0.005,0.003,0). Note that when the Z field is left blank, in this case, the blank space defaults to zero, which is desired. Since you clicked on “Apply”, instead of “OK”, then the keypoint creation box remains open. Create keypoint number 2 at Lab Manual ‘Template/Chapters/8-3. png (%x2)=(.008,.003,0), using the input shown below. After entering the input, again, elick on “APPLY” Create 6 total key points in the same manner. The locations for all 6 are shown in the following table. When the final key point is exeated, click on “OK” instead of “APPLY” “OK issues the command and also closes the key point creation box. Before moving on, it is probably a good idea to check the keypoint locations. Along the top toolbar: Choose: List - Keypoints - Coordinates Only. A box should open up with the keypoint location information. If any keypoint is not in the correct location, at this point, you Lab Manual Tjemplate/Chapters/8-4.png Lab Manual ‘Jemplate/Chapters/8-S.png can just reissue the keypoint creation command for that particular keypoint. To do this, choose: Preprocessor - - Modeling- Create - Keypoints - In Active CS... Fill in the correct information for that particular keypoint in the box, and click “OK”. The keypoint will be moved to the correct location. If you have some keypoint incorrectly numbered above number 6, this will not cause a problem. Just be sure you have keypoint numbers 1 thru 6 located correctly. You can close the box listing the keypoint locations, by clicking, in that listing box, on “File- Close” Create an area through key points Lab Manual ‘TJemplate/Chapters/8-6. png. Specify mesh density controls. ‘Choose: Preprocessor - -Meshing- Size Controls - -Lines- Picked Lines The picking menu (below left) appears. On the graphies window, click on the top horizontal line (this is one with end keypoints 1 and 2), to highlight it. Then, elick “OK? in the picking ment, Then, the "Element Size” ment (below right) appears. Enter “S” for “NDIV", as shown, then click “OK” Preprocessor - -Meshing- Mesh - Areas - Free A picking menu appears. Select “Pick All” ‘The area will be meshed. You will see a number of small quadrilaterals drawn inside the area. Each small quadrilateral is a “finite element”, There are four nodes associated with, cach individual clement. Apply convection boundary conditions: Solution - -Loads- Apply - -Thermal- Convection, - On Lines A picking menu appears, Highlight the top horizontal line (with end keypoints 1 and 2), then click on “OK” in the picking menu, The box on the next page appears Enter “1000” for “Film Coefficient” and 1700 for “Bulk temperature”, as shown, and click on “OK”, Repeat the process to apply the 200 W/(in2 -K) film coefficient and the 400 K bulk temperature to the horizontal line, with end keypoints 3 and 4, and also to the vertical line with end keypoints 4 and 5, Specify zero heat flux boundary conditions: Solution - -Loads- Apply - -Thermal- Heat Flux - On Lines A picking menu appears. Highlight three lines: the line with end keypoints 1-6; the line with end keypoints 2-3, and the line with end keypoints 5-6. When all Lab Manual Jjemplate/Chapters/8~7.png three lines are highlighted, just click “OK” in the picking menu, then in the box that subsequently opens, just click “OK”. By default, this will specify a heat flux of zero along, these three lines, which is consistent with the symmetry of the problem, 10. Solve the problem: Solution -Solve- Current LS Click “OK” in the “Solve Current Load Step” Box. Soon after clicking “OK”, you should see a note in a yellow box saying “Solution is done!” You may close this yellow box 11. Plot the temperature distribution: General Postproc - Plot Results -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu The box below appears. Highlight “DOF solution” and “Temperature TEMP”, as shown, and click “OK”. In the graphics window, a plot, as shown at the bottom, should, appear. This is a temperature distribution color contour plot: Note that the temperature values Lab Nanual Template/Chapters/8-8.png 12, List the locations of the nodes. On the top “Utility Menu List the temperatures at cach of these nodes. General Postproc - List Results - Nodal Solution In the box that appears, highlight ‘DOF Solution” and “Temperature TEMP”, as shown, then click “OK” Lab Manual ‘Template/Chapters/8-9. png 9.6 Further Probing Experiments 1. Define Conduction 2. Units of Thermal conductivity 3. Basic law for conduction. 4. Define thermal resistance LAB-9 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NUMERICAL CON- TROL 10.1 INTRODUCTION ‘The basic functions of a machine tool, concept of numerical control, historical development definition, advantages of CNC machine tools Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM) is the term used to describe the use of computer- ined systems to control the operations at a manufacturing plant. ‘These computerized systems assist manufacturers in various operations such as planning, transportation, management, and. storage. CAM helps manufacturers improve their time to market capabilities, and create precise dimensions 10.1.1 Student Responsibilities ‘The student is expected to come prepared for each lab.Lab preparation includes understanding the lab experiment from the lab manual and reading the related textbook material, Students have to write the allotted experiment for that particular weck in the work sheets given and carry them to the Lab. In case of any questions or problems with the preparation, students can contact the Faculty Teaching the Lab course, but in a timely manner Students have to be in formal dress code, wear shoes and lab coat for the Laboratory Class. After the demonstration of experiment by the faculty, student has to perform the experiment individually. They have to note down the observations in the observation Tables drawn in work sheets, do the calculations and analyze the results Active participation by each student in lab activities is expected. The student is expected to ask the Faculty any questions they may have related to the experiment. ‘The student should remain alert and use commonsense while performing the lab experi- ment. They are also responsible for keeping a professional and accurate record of the lab experi- ments in the files provided 10.1.2 Responsibilities of Faculty Teaching the Lab Course ‘The Faculty shall be completely familiar with each lab prior to the laboratory. He/She shall pro- vide the students with details regarding the syllabus and safety review during the first week. Lab experiments should be checked im advance to make sure that everything is in working order. The Faculty should demonstrate and explain the experiment and answer any questions posed by the students Faculty have to supervise the students while they perform the lab experiments. The Faculty is expected to evaluate the lab worksheets and grade them based on their practical skills and understanding of the experiment by taking Viva Voce. Evaluation of work sheets has to be done in a fair and timely manner to enable the students, for uploading them online through. their CMS login within the stipulated time. 10.1.3 Laboratory In-charge Responsibilities ‘The Laboratory In-charge should ensure that the laboratory is properly equipped, i.c., the Faculty teaching the lab receive any equipment/components necessary to perform the experi- ments. He/She is responsible for ensuring that all the necessary equipment for the lab is available and in working condition. ‘Ihe Laboratory In-charge is responsible for resolving any problems that are identified by the teaching Faculty or the students. 10.1.4 Course Coordinator Responsibilities ‘The course coordinator is responsible for making any necessary corrections in Course Description and lab manual. He/She has to ensure that it is continually updated and available to the students in the CMS leaming Portal 10.2. Lab Policy and Grading ‘The student should understand the following policy: ATTENDANCE: Attendance is mandatory as per the academic regulations LAB RECORD’s: The student must: 1. Write the work sheets for the allotted experiment and keep them ready before the beginning of eachlab. 2. Keep all work in preparation of and obtained during lab. 3. Perform the experiment and record the observations in the worksheets nalyze the results and get the work sheets evaluated by the Faculty. Upload the evaluated reports online from CMS LOGIN within the stipulated time. Grading Policy: ‘The final grade of this course is awarded using the criterion detailed in the academic regula tions. A large portion of the student's grade is determined in the comprehensive final exam of the Laboratory comse (SEE PRACTICALS) resulting in a requirement of understanding the concepts and procedure of each lab experiment for successful completion of the lab course. Pre-Requistes and Co-Requisties: ‘The lab course is to be taken during the same semester as AMEII5, but receives a separate grade. 10.3 Course Goals and Objectives Today, every manufacturing plant uses at least a type of CAD-CAM system to control their operations. Here are the various advantages they can avail by using these software applications. Improves Machining Capabilities: By using a CAD-CAM system, manufacturers can improve their machining capabilities. For example, when a manufacturer takes up a complex S-axis ma- chining task, they rely on the combination software to create a tool path for machining projects such as molding. The CAM system automates the process, and makes it easier for manufacturers to complete the project in time. Improves Client Accessibility: The CAD-CAM software allows manufacturers to reccive CAD files from their customers. After receiving these files, they can set up the machining tool path, and perform simulations, which help them ealeulate the machin- ing eycle times. The software allows manufacturers to minimize errors, exceute projects easily, and deliver products to the market within a shorter tumaround time. Improve Productivity of CNC Machines: Most CAM-CAD systems provide high-speed machine tool paths, which help manufacturers minimize their cycle times, reduce tool and machine wear. High-speed tool paths enable manufacturers to improve their cutting quality and accuracy. This type of high- speed. machining helps improve the productivity of the CNC machine by more than 50Reduce Mate- rial Wastage: As CAM-CAD software feature simulation features, it helps a manufacturer to visually inspect the process of machining. ‘This allows him to capture tool gouges, and collisions at an early phase. This feature contributes to the overall productivity of a manufacturing set up. This also helps them eliminate mistakes, as well as reduce material wastage. Preparatory Functions (G-Codes) G00 - Positioning at rapid speed; Mill and Lathe G01 - Linear interpolation (machining a straight line); Mill and Lathe G02 - Circular interpolation clockwise (machining ares); Mill and Lathe G03 - Circular interpolation, counter clockwise; Mill and Lathe G04 - Mill and Lathe, Dwell G09 - Mill and Lathe, Exact stop G10 - Setting offsets in the program; Mill and Lathe G12 - Cireular pocket milling, clockwise; Mill G13 - Cireular pocket milling, counterclockwise; Mill G17 - X-¥ plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling, G18 - Z-X plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling G19 - ZY plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling G20 - Inch units; Mill and Lathe G21 - Metric units; Mill and Lathe G27 - Reference 1 n check; Mill and Lathe n through reference point; Mill and Lathe G29 - Move to location through reference point; Mill and Lathe G31 - Skip fumetion; Mill and Lathe G32 - Thread cutting; Lathe G33 - Thread cutting; Mill G40 - Cancel diameter offset; Mill. Cancel tool nose offset; Lathe G41 - Cutter compensation left; Mill. ‘Tool nose radius compensation left; Lathe G42 - Cutter compensation right; Mill. ‘Tool nose radius compensation right; Lathe G43 - Tool length compensation; Mill Tool length compensation cancel; Mill (sometimes G49) 0 - Set coordinate system and maximum RPM; Lathe G52 - Local coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe G53 - Machine coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe G54 G59 - Work piece coordinate system settings G61 - Exact stop check; Mill and Lathe G65 - Custom macro call; Mill and Lathe G70 - Finish cycle; Lathe G71 - Rough tuning cycle; Lathe G72- Rough facing cycle; Lathe G73 - Inegular rough turning cycle; Lathe G73 - Chip break drilling cycle; Mill G74 - Left hand tapping; Mill G28 - Automatic retw G74 - Face grooving or chip break drilling; Lathe G75 - OD groove pecking; Lathe G76 - Fine boring cycle; Mill G76 - Threading eycle; Lathe G80 - Cancel eycles; Mill and Lathe G81 - Drill cycle; Mill and Lathe G82 - Drill cycle with dwell; Mi G83 - Peck drilling cycle; Mill G84 - Tapping cycle; Mill and Lathe G85 - Bore in, bore out; Mill and Lathe G86 - Bore in, rapid out; Mill and Lathe G87 - Back boring eycle; Mill G90 - Absolute programming G91 - Incremental programming G92 - Reposition origin point; Mill G92 - Thread cutting cycle; Lathe G94 - Per minute feed; Mill G95 - Per revolution feed; Mill G96 - Constant surfa G97 - Constant surface speed cancel G98 - Per minute feed; Lathe G99 - Per revolution feed; Lathe speed control; Lathe Miscellaneous Functions (M-Code): ‘M00 - Program stop; Mill and Lathe MOI - Optional program stop; Lathe and Mill ‘M02 - Program end; Lathe and Mill MO3 - Spindle on clockwise; Lathe and Mill Mod Mo5 jndle on counterclockwise; Lathe and Mill jindle off; Lathe and Mill ‘M06 - Tool change; Mill ‘MO8 - Coolant on; Lathe and Mill M09 - Coolant off, Lathe and Mill (M30 - Program end, return to start; Lathe and Mill ‘MO7 - Local sub-routine call; Lathe and Mill ‘M98 - Subprogram call; Lathe and Mill ‘M99 - End of sub program; Lathe and Mill MO0 - program stop M01 - optional stop using stop button M02 - end of program M03 - spindle on CW M04 - spindle on CCW M05 - spindle off M06 - tool change M07 - flood with coolant MOS - mist with coolant M09 - coolant off M17 - subroutine end M20 - tailstock back M21 - tailstock forward ‘M22 - Write current position to data fle M25 - open chuck M30 - end of tape M71 - puff blowing on M72 - puff blowing off ‘M96 - compensate for rounded external curves ‘M97 - compensate for sharp external curves Mp8 - subprogram call ‘Mp9 - return from subprogram, jump instruction M101 - move x-axis home M102 - move y-axis home M103 - move z-axis home 10.4 Use of Laboratory Instruments Programming methods: Tn CNC machines program are programmed by two methods, 1) Manual part programming 2) Computer assisted part programming 1) Manual part programming: To prepare a part program using the manual method, the programmer writes the machining instruction is must be hence, menu script the instruction is must be prepared in a very precise ‘manner because the typist prepares the NC type directory from the Manu script some in various form expending on the machine tool and tape format used 2) Computer assisted part programming: In the more complicated point and in contour application using manual part programming be- cause an extremely tedious basic and subject to errors. It is must more appropriate to employ the high speed digital computer to assist the part programming languages system have been de- veloped to perform automatically most of the calculation which the programmer would otherwise be forced to do LAB-10 CNC LATHE I 11.1 Introduction Using computerized controls and rotating cutting tools, CNC milling removes material from the workpiece to create a finished product that meets the required specifications. This process ean be used with a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, wood and glass, CNC milling falls under the category of a mechanical process, since cutting and drilling is powered mechanically with no manual operation required. 11.2 Objective An objective of the CNC Lathe is to enhance lean manufacturing by significantly reducing the cycle time of processes and increasing flexibility, thereby improving the overall quality of the work, CNC machines are designed to be fast, accurate and efficient at performing multiple operations simultaneously, thereby increasing productivity. learn the Basic fundamentals of CNC milling, familiarization of machine control panel Write the text here 11.3. Prelab Preparation: Preparatory Functions (G-Codes) G00 - Positioning at rapid speed; Mill and Lathe GO1 - Lincar interpolation (machining a straight line); Mill and Lathe G02 - Circular interpolation clockwise (machining ares); Mill and Lathe G03 - Circular interpolation, counter clockwise; Mill and Lathe G04 - Mill and Lathe, Dwell G09 - Mill and Lathe, Exact stop G10 - Setting offsets in the program Mill and Lathe G12 - Circular pocket milling, clockwise; Mill G13 - Circular pocket milling, counterclockwise; Mill G17 - X-Y plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling GIS - Z-X plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling G19 - Z-Y plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling G20 - Inch units; Mill and Lathe G21 - Metric units; Mill and Lathe G27 - Reference return check; Mill and Lathe G28 - Automatic retwm through reference point; Mill and Lathe G29 - Move to location through reference point; Mill and Lathe G31 - Skip funetion; Mill and Lathe Thread cutting; Lathe G33 - Thread cutting; Mill G40 - Cancel diameter offset; Mill. Cancel tool nose offset; Lathe G41 - Cutter compensation left; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation left; Lathe G42 - Cutter compensation right; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation right; Lathe G43 - Tool length compensation; Mill G44 - Tool length compensation cancel; Mill (sometimes G49) G50 - Sct coordinate system and maximum RPM; Lathe G52 - Local coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe G53 - Machine coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe G54 G59 - Work piece coordinate system settings G61 - Exact stop check; Mill and Lathe G65 - Custom macro call; Mill and Lathe G70 - Finish cycle; Lathe G71 - Rough turning cycle; Lathe G72 - Rough facing cycle; Lathe G73 - Irregular rough turning eycle; Lathe G73 - Chip break drilling eycle; Mill G74- Left hand tapping; Mill G74 - Face grooving or chip break drilling; Lathe G75 - OD groove pecking; Lathe G76 - Fine boring eycle; Mill G76 - Threading cycle; Lathe G80 - Cancel eycles; Mill and Lathe G81 - Drill cycle; Mill and Lathe G82 - Drill cycle with dwell; Mill G83 - Peck drilling cycle; Mill G84 - Tapping eycle; Mill and Lathe G85 - Bore in, bore out; Mill and Lathe G86 - Bore in, rapid ont; Mill and Lathe G87 - Back boring cycle; Mill G90 - Absolute programming G91 - Incremental programming G92 - Reposition origin point; Mill G92 - Thread cutting cycle; Lathe G94 - Per minute feed; Mill G95 - Per revolution feed; Mill G96 - Constant surface speed control; Lathe G97 - Constant surface speed cancel G98 - Per minute feed; Lathe G99 - Per revolution feed; Lathe Miscellaneous Functions (M-Code) MOO - Program stop; Mill and Lathe MO1 - Optional program stop; Lathe and Mill ‘Mo2 - Program end; Lathe and Mill M03 - Spindle on clockwise; Lathe and Mill M04 - Spindle on counterclockwise; Lathe and Mill M05 - Spindle off; Lathe and Mill M06 - Tool change; Mill M08 - Coolant on; Lathe and Mill M09 - Coolant off; Lathe and Mill ‘M30 - Program end, return to start; Lathe and Mill M97 - Local sub-routine call; Lathe and Mill ‘M98 - Sub-program call; Lathe and Mill M99 - End of sub program; Lathe and Mil MOO - program stop MOI - optional stop using stop button ‘M02 - end of program ‘M03 - spindle on CW M04 - spindle on CCW MOS - spindle off ‘M06 - tool change MOT - food with coolant ‘MOS - mist with coolant ‘M09 - coolant off MIT - subroutine end M20 - tailstock back M21 - tailstock forward M22 - Write current position to data file M25 - open elnuck M30 - end of tape M71 - puff blowing on M72- puff blowing off ‘M96 - compensate for rounded external curves M97 - compensate for sharp external curves M98 - subprogram call M99 - return from subprogram, jump instruction MLO1 - move x-axis home M102 - move M103 - move axis home 11.4 Equipment needed CNC Lathe Machine Vernier Callipers Micrometer Clamping Setup Slip gauges Figure 11.1: CNC Turning 11.5 Background A CNC lathe is typically designed to utilize modem versions of carbide tooling and processes. A part can be designed for customization, and the machine's tool paths are often programmed, using the CAD or CAM processes. However, a programmer can manually design a part or tool path as well. ‘The resulting G-Code computer file is then uploaded to the CNC machine, and the machine will then automatically produce the desired parts for which it was programmed, to design. A CNC lathe is controlled by a menu-type interface on a computer. The operator who manages the process can actually see a visual simulation of how the machine will fumetion during the production phase. Thanks to this technology, the machine operator generally does not need to know as much about the specifics of the machine he or she oversces compared to what machine operators must know about more traditional lathes that require some manual labor. CNC lathes are designed in a variety of ways, based on the manufacturer producing the machine. However, most have some significant similarities in their composition. A turret is a part of the machine that holds the tool holders and indexes them accordingly. The spindle i designed to hold the work piece. In addition, there arc slides that allow the turret to move in multiple axes at the same time. CNC machines are typically completely enclosed for health, and safety reasons of any operators present. There has been considerable growth in the CNC machining industry, particularly when it comes to the design and use of CNC lathes. Different lathe manufacturers utilize a variety of user interfaces, which can be a challenge to the operators. But these systems are mostly based on the same principles across the board since a CNC lathe is programmed to perform similar ftmetions in terms of what it is intended to manufacture 11.6 Procedure CNC Manual Coding: ¢ Ni F0.2 $1200 T0101 M06 Mo3 # N10 Goo X38 22 N30 G73 U5 R10 # N40 G73 P50 Q130 10.05 W0.05 0 NGO GOL X25 7 N70 GOl X35 % ¢ N80 Gol X: N90 Gol X25 ¢ N100 Gol X2 # N110 Gol X35 2-80 30 Gol X35 ¢ Ni49 G28 Uo Wo ¢N150 $400 T0202 Mos ¢ N160 Goo X26 22 ¢N170 G76 Po10160 Q1o ¢ N180 G76 X23.44 Z-25 P1280 Q100 F2 ¢N190 G28 UO Wo ¢ N20 Mos M30 11.7 Further Probing Experiments 1, Write the programme with incremental mode for the same drawing 2. Write the CNC programming with inclusion of i, j, k terms LAB-11 CNC MILLING I 12.1 Introduction Using computerized controls and rotating cutting tools, CNC milling removes material from the workpiece to create a finished product that meets the required specifications. This process ean be used with a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, wood and glass, CNC milling falls under the category of a mechanical process, since cutting and drilling is powered mechanically with no manwal operation required. 12.2 Objective An objective of the machining center is to enhance lean manufacturing by significantly reducing, the cycle time of processes and increasing flexibility, thereby improving the overall quality of the work. CNC machines are designed to be fast, accurate and efficient at performing multiple operations simultaneously, thereby increasing productivity. learn the Basic fundamentals of CNC milling, familiarization of machine control panel 12.3. Prelab Preparation: Preparatory Functions (G-Codes) G00 - Positioning at rapid speed; Mill and Lathe GOL - Linear interpolation (machining a straight line); Mill and Lathe G02 - Circular interpolation clockwise (machining arcs); Mill and Lathe G03 - Circular interpolation, counter clockwise; Mill and Lathe G04 - Mill and Lathe, Dwell G09 - Mill and Lathe, Exact stop G10 - Setting offsets in the program; Mill and Lathe G12 - Cirenlar pocket milling, clockwise; Mill G13 - Cirenlar pocket milling, counterclockwise; Mill GIT - X-¥ plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling GIB8 - Z-X plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling G19 - ZY plane for are machining; Mill and Lathe with live tooling G20 - Inch units; Mill and Lathe G21 - Metric units; Mill and Lathe G27 - Reference return check; Mill and Lathe G28 - Automatic return through reference point; Mill and Lathe G29 - Move to location through reference point; Mill and Lathe G31 - Skip fu G32 - Thread G33 - Thre G40 - Cancel diameter offset; Mill. Cancel tool nose offset; Lathe G41 - Cutter compensation left; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation left; Lathe G42 - Cutter compensation right; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation right; Lathe G43 - Tool length compensation; Mill G44 - Tool length compensation cancel; Mill (sometimes G49) G50 - Sct coordinate system and maximum RPM; Lathe G52 - Local coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe G53 - Machine coordinate system setting; Mill and Lathe G54 G59 - Work piece coordinate system settings G61 - Exact stop check; Mill and Lathe G65 - Custom macro call; Mill and Lathe G70 - Finish cycle; Lathe G71 - Rough tuning cycle; Lathe G72 - Rough facing eycle; Lathe G73 - Irregular rough turning eycle; Lathe G73 - Chip break drilling eycle; Mill G74- Left hand tapping; Mill GT4- Face grooving or chip break drilling; Lathe G75 - OD groove pecking; Lathe G76 - Fine boring eycle; Mill G76 - Threading cycle; Lathe G80 - Cancel eycles; Mill and Lathe G81 - Drill cycle; Mill and Lathe G82 - Drill cycle with dwell; Mill G83 - Peck drilling cycle; Mill G84 - Tapping cycle; Mill and Lathe G85 - Bore in, bore out; Mill and Lathe G86 - Bore in, rapid out; Mill and Lathe G87 - Back boring cycle; Mill G90 - Absolute programming G91 - Incremental programming G92 - Reposition origin point; Mill G92 - Thread cutting cycle; Lathe G94 - Per minute feed; Mill G95 - Per revolution feed; Mill G96 - Constant surface speed control; Lathe G97 - Constant surface speed cancel G98 - Per minute feed; Lathe G99 - Per revolution feed; Lathe Miscellaneous Functions (M-Code) ‘M00 - Program stop; Mill and Lathe M01 - Optional program stop; Lathe and Mill ‘Mo2 - Program end; Lathe and Mill M03 - Spindle on clockwise; Lathe and Mill M04 - Spindle on counterclockwise; Lathe and Mill M05 - Spindle off; Lathe and Mill M06 - Tool change; Mill M08 - Coolant on; Lathe and Mill M09 - Coolant off; Lathe and Mill ‘M30 - Program end, return to start; Lathe and Mill M97 - Local sub-routine call; Lathe and Mill ‘M98 - Sub-program call; Lathe and Mill M99 - End of sub program; Lathe and Mil MOO - program stop ‘MOI - optional stop using stop button ‘M02 - end of program ‘M03 - spindle on CW MO4 - spindle on CCW M05 - spindle off ‘M06 - tool change MOT - food with coolant MOS - mist with coolant MO09 - coolant off MIT - subroutine end M20 - tailstock back M21 - tailstock forward M22 - Write current position to data file M25 - open elnick M30 - end of tape M71 - puff blowing on M72 - puff blowing of M96 - compensate for rounded external curves M97 - compensate for sharp external curves M98 - subprogram call M99 - return from subprogram, jump instruction M101 - move x-axis home M102 - move y-axis home M103 - move z-axis home 12.4 Equipment needed CNC Milling Machine Vernier Callipers Clamping Setup Slip gauges Milling Tools 12.5 Background ‘The milling process follows the same steps many other machining types do, including ng a computer-aided design (CAD) model, getting the CNC milling machine set up, and operating the machine to create the desired part. Here's a quick step-by-step process: Create a 2D or 3D CAD part design and export it to a CNC file format, which is converted to a CNC machine program utilizing CAM software. The CNC program informs the actions of the machine, The operator prepares the machine by setting up the worktable and the work holding device, and attaching the milling tools and machine spindle, Using the machine interface, the operator will start the program and monitor it throughout the process to ensure everything is going smoothly. Depending on the type of part that needs to be created, there are horizontal or vertical milling machines that can be used, Once the milling starts, the machine will rotate the cutting tool at incredibly high speeds— up to thousands of revolutions per minute! This cutting tool can rotate in various directions and along multiple axes. It can create many different shapes, holes and any other impression the part requires. Milling is often used to add finishing details to a workpiece that has already been machined, but it can also be used to shape a piece of raw material from beginning to end. Whether the material has been previously machined or not, a milling machine will gradually chip away at the material to create the desired shape. As the process goes on, it becomes more accurate and precise, so the finished part is within the right specifications. Figure 12.1: CNC Milling 12.6 Procedure CNC Manual Coding: # N40 G90 G00 XO YO # N50 GOL X-10 Y-20 RS (P1) ¢ N60 GOL X-50 R10 (P2) © N70 Y10 (P3) ¢ N80 X-19.97 Y25.01 (Pa) ¢ N90 G03 X7.97 ¥38.99 R18 (P5) ¢ N100 G01 X30 Y50 (P6) ¢ NL10 G91 X10.1 Y-10.1 (P7) 120 G90 Go2 X59.9 Y20.1 Rid (P8) ¢ N130 G01 X70 Y10 (P9) ¢ Nido Y-20 R10 (P10) ¢N150 X50 (P11) ¢N160 G03 X30 R10 (P12) ¢N170 G01 X10 R8 (P13) 12.7 Further Probing Experiments 1. Write the pr 2. Write the CD gramme with incremental mode for the same drawing (C programming with inclusion of i, j, k terms LAB-12 CAM SOFTWARE 13.1 Introduction CAM Software (CAPSturn) reduces cycle times and programming time. It enables you to take on complex jobs confidently. First-time-right programs and 100 percent accurate cycle time calculations are guaranteed, Makes your business competitive and profitable, 13.2 Objective An objective of the machining centre is to enhance lean manufacturing by significantly reducing, the cycle time of processes and increasing flexibility, thereby improving the overall quality of the work. CNC machines are designed to be fast, accurate and efficient at performing multiple operations simultaneously, thereby increasing productivity. Automatic safe path logic with zero collisions. ‘The program generated by CAPStum can be loaded on the machine and cut right away, without any editing. There is no machine downtime for program checking through single block and dry run, Cycle time is drastically reduced by automatic cutting parameters selection, No dependence on skilled programmers Automatic tool nose radius compensation and. gouge prevention ensure that you can take on parts with complex geometries, with no rejections caused by contour inaccuracies. 13.3 Prelab Preparation: White the text here 13.4 Equipment needed Computer with graphic card setup CAPSmiill software 13.5 Background CAPSniill is software for cycle time reduction and programming. This program is specially designed to generate minimal cycle time programs It calculates highly accurate cycle time, spindle power requirement. It also generates shop documents automatically ¢ Reduce machining cycle time # Reduce programming time ‘¢ Reduce first part rejection ‘# Reduce dependence on skilled CNC programmers ¢ Reduce time taken to respond to job quotations ¢ Reduce risk of over or underestimating cycle times Figure 13.1: CapsMill software Interface 13.6 Procedure CAPSMill Programming 01234 # Mirroring ab out X axis © 01234 # GIT G90 G21 G80 G40 G54 G94 G49 © N10 TOL M06 (10.0 MM END MILL-ROUGH-3FLUTE) ¢ (POCKET MILLING) ¢ G90 GOO G54 X0.0 YO. $1000 Mos © G43 HOI 25. oz ¢ M98 P1005, M70 ¢ M98 P1055, M30 © Mos ©2100. © G0 Gol G28 Y0.0 M30 ¢ 055 (SUB PROGRAM) © GO X75 Y75 © GOL Z-5.0 F100 13.7 Further Probing Experiments White the programme with incremental mode for the same drawing

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