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Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira

Dept. of Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering

Microcontroller and Application Weekly Test-I (2nd Year, 4th Sem.)
Full Marks: 20 Time: 20 minutes

Name: Roll No.:

Answer all the following Questions:
1. What is accumulator? (2)

2. What is Stack pointer? (2)

3. What is Program counter? (2)

4. Write the difference among 8051, 8052 and 8031 microcontroller. (2)
5. Write the function of ALU. (2)

6. Convert (11011001)2 =( )16 and (FE)16= ( )2 (2)

7. What is the function of carry flag? (2)

8. Write about the parallel ports of 8051. (2)

9. Write the function of the instruction MOV R0, #0ABH (2)

10. Write the function of the instruction ADD A, R1 (2)

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