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Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty for all the abundance of
Grace, Taufik and Hidayat so that we can complete the preparation of the School
Environment Hygiene Observation Report in a very simple from and content.
Hopefully this Observation Report can be used as a reference.
We hope that this Observation Report will help increase the know ledge and
experience of readers, so that we can improve the form and content of this
Observation Report so that in the future it can be better.
We admit thet there are still many shortcomings in this Observation Report
because our experience in very lacking. Therefore, we expect readers to provide
constructive input for the perfection of this Observation Report.


TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................................ll
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY.................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Formulation of the problem...................................................................................................................1
1.3 Destination.............................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION....................................................................................................................3
A. Daily cleanin activities .......................................................................................................................3
B. Weekly cleaning activities.....................................................................................................................3
2.2 Problem in cleaning the school environment.........................................................................................3
2.3 The effect of cleanliness on the reaching and learning process.............................................................3
2.4 The meaning of environmental cleanliness............................................................................................4
CHAPTER III OBSERVATION..............................................................................................................5
3.1 Conditions of cleanliness at SMK NEGERI 8 LHOKSEUMAWE.......................................................5
3.2 The role of students in keeping the school environment clean..............................................................6
3.3 Impact of school environmental conditions on students........................................................................6
3.4 Efforts to create a clean school..............................................................................................................6
CHAPTER IV CLOSING.........................................................................................................................8
4.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Suggestions............................................................................................................................................8


1.1 Background
Cleanliness of the base of health. There words are familiar to us. In a school
environment, a school often has problems regarding cleanliness. This is caused by
students who rhrow garbage carelessly. The motivation of the author to take this
theme is because there is very little awareness of students to throw garbage in the
trash of trash cans that have been provided.
Even though they are reminded or advised every day, trash is still scattered in
the yard and in the classroom. Even when checked, the desk drawer is full of paper
waste and used food wrappers. Punishment and sanctions did not produce satisfactory
results. The provision of these penalties and sanctions did not have a significant
Of course we don’t want our schools to be dirty, rundown and full of trash.
Besides that, the garbage that we throw away can also pollute the environment, both
inside and outside the classroom and can also cause our learning atmosphere to be
uncomfortable. That’s why I as a writer are interested in conducting research on the
cleanliness of the school environment to help students become more aware of the
meaning of environmental cleanliness, especially the environment around the school.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

From the limitation of the problem above, formulated a problem that will be
discussed in this report, namely; How to deal with snack waste in a school
environment Sort art regarding cleanliness and the benefits af school cleanliness on
the teacting and learning process.

1.3 Destination
Observation objectives are things to be achieved in the guidelines for carrying
out an activity that has been formulated. The objectives of this research are ;
1. To raise awareness of students to keep the environment clean school.
2. To provide direction that environmental cleanliness is very important for the
teaching and learning process.

3. To find out how the process of implementing cleanliness in the school
4. To find out the condition of the environmental cleanliness of SMK NEGERI 8
5. To determine the role of students in maintaining cleanliness in the school
6. To determine the effect of the cleanliness of the school environment on the


2.1 Implementation of cleanliness in school

A. Daily cleaning activities
This activity is carried out every working day effectively at the time
before the learning activities in the classroom begin, starting 07.00-07.30 WIB.
The goal is to clean the classroom and courtyards around their respective
classroom, as well as the courtyards around the office or other spaces adjacent to
the students’ classroom.
B. Weekly cleaning activities
This activity is called clean Saturday, carriednout before the learning
activities in the classroom begin.The program is a mass activity that attracts
students and other school members. The goal is to clean the whole school
environment. Specifically for students, the cleaning activity is divided into groups
based on class, and each group cleans the environment or school yart that has
been determined by the cleaning supervisor. In this activity, sometimes students
pull the grass in front of their respective classes and clean the dirty windows and
also mop the classroom floor.

2.2 Problem in cleaning the school environment

Some of the difficulties experienced in cleaning the school environment are
as follow ;
 Every time you go out for a break, snack garbage starts to scatter a lot.
 Lack of awareness of students in cleaning the school environment.
 Lack of facilities to clean the shool environment, especially in cleaning the

2.3 The effect of cleanliness on the reaching and learning process

An effective learning environment is a productive learning environment,
where a learning environment is designed or built to help students increase their
learning productivity so that the teaching and learning process is achieved as

expected. This can be illustrated by the ease of students in thinking, creating and
being able to be active because a clean learning environment, of course it will create
the impression of being lazy an boring so that there is no enthusiasm for the teaching
and learning process because the environment is dirty and not conductive and

2.4 The meaning of environmental cleanliness

Cleanliness is a human effort to project themselves and the environment
from all that is dirty and vile in order to realize and preserve a healthy and
comfortable life. Cleanliness is a condition for the realization of health and health is
one of the factorc that can provide happiness.
On the order hand, dirty not only spoils beauty but also causes various
things to happen disease, cleanliness is a state free from dirt, including dust, garbage,
and smell. Cleanliness is a sign of good hygiene.


3.1 Conditions of cleanliness at SMK NEGERI 8 LHOKSEUMAWE

The cleanliness of the school environment is one of factors that encourage us
to be more enthusiastic is the process of teaching and learning activities, therefore the
cleanliness of the school environment must be maintained. The current condition of
the cleanliness of SMK NEGERI 8 LHOKSEUMAWE has not shown a clean school
environment. We still see a lot of garbage that is thrown carelessly. For example
under tables, canteens, and places that are not visible to the eye (hidden). In fact, there
places are not trash cans.
The school has taken actions to achieve a clean, beautiful, healthy, and
comfortable school environment. These actions include locking classroom during
recess so that students and students do not eat in classs which causes the class to
become dirty, and giving strict sanctions for students. Students and students who
With these actions, it is hoped that students will be able to make students
aware of the cleanliness of the school environment and can creat a school
environment that is clean, free from waste, beautiful, and healthy . However, we can
still find small writings on the class tables that have just been repainted, trash and
paper trashunder the desks. This shows how low the level of awareness of students at
SMK NEGERI 8 LHOKSEUMAWE in maintaining the cleanliness of the school

3.2 The role of students in keeping the school environment clean

In order for the school to look clean, students can play a role in maintaining
the cleanliness of the school environment by not littering, besides that students can
also pick up scattered garbage and throw it in the trash that has been provided so as
not to there is trash strewn around the school. Also, students are expected not to
scribble on walls and benches which are learning facilities, that way, the benches and
walls will look clean without any scribbles made by students.

In addition to disposing of garbage in its place, maintaining the cleanlinessof
the benches and walls, students are also required to carry out class picket which has
become a provision at SMK NEGERI 8 LHOKSEUMAWE. The most important
thing for the role of students in maintaining the cleanliness of SMK NEGERI 8
LHOKSEUMAWE is, the self-awareness of each individual to maintain the
cleanliness of his school so that the school remains clean and comfortable for the
teaching and learning process

3.3 Impact of school environmental conditions on students

In the learning process, there are many factors that affect students
achievement. One of the is the cleanliness of the school environment, especially in the
classroom environment. Cleanliness grearly affects the concentration of students
learning. If the class is clean beautiful and nearly organized, it is likely that comfort in
the learning process will be achieved. In addition, concentration can be more focused.
That way the brain’s work system will increase.
On the other hand, if the school environment, especially the classroom, looks
dirty and shabby, the lessons or materi als that will be given by the teacher will be
difficult for students to accept, this is due to the break down of concentration due to
an uncomfortable classroom situation. Class at mosphere like this also causes students
to be bored or sleepy. There fore, the class must always be clean so that students can
improve their achievements.

3.4 Efforts to create a clean school

Of course, we don’t want our schools to be dirty, shabby, and full of trash.
Besides that, the garbage that we often throw away carelessly can pollute the
environmet both inside and outside the classroom and can also cause an
uncomfortable learning atmosphere. For the sake of creating a clean, healthy, and
beautiful school environment, it is better to make efforts that are to overcome these
problems, the efforts that need to be done are as follows ;
Create new rules that contain fines or penalties for every student who throws
out of place. The picket officer on that day must also clean the classroom and the
surrounding environment. Forbid students to throw garbage in the wrong place.
Prohibit students from scribbing on tables or chairs in the classroom or the

surrounding environment and provide strict sanctions for violators. Giving sanctions
to students who violate the cleanliness rules at school.


4.1 Conclusion
The cleanliness condition of SMK NEGERI 8 LHOKSEUMAWE is still
classified as not completely clean, because garbage is still found in the classroom.
Most students are still indifferent to the cleanliness of the school
environment. Thing this can be seen from the graffiti on school benches, and school
There is still a lack of awareness of the importance of cleanlinesss among
4.2 Suggestions
 Enforcing picket rules in each class.
 Hold a clean Friday and contest the cleanliness of each parent class.
 Take action or give strict sanctions for students who poitule the school
 Maintain the provision of cleaning facilities (brooms, dusters, rags) in each


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