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Art Appreciation – LECTURE 4.

Self-concept plays an important

role in growth and development.
Lesson 1 5. Individuals have an urge for self-
What is - HUMANITIES? 6. Reality is defined by each person.
Humanities are academic disciplines that 7. Individuals have responsibility to
study aspects of human society and both themselves and to others.
culture. (hsc) (SIRI)

In the Renaissance, the term contrasted Art Explained

with divinity and referred to what is now
called classics, the main area of secular Art is a diverse range of human
study in universities at the time. Today, activities in creating visual, auditory or
the humanities are more frequently performing artifacts (artworks),
contrasted with natural, and sometime expressing the author’s imaginative,
social sciences, as well as professional conceptual ideas, or technical skills,
training. intended to be appreciated for their
beauty or emotional power. Other
Why study Humanities? activities related to the production of
works of art include the criticism of art,
As the word humanities came from the study of the history of art, and the
the Latin “humanus” which means aesthetic dissemination / clarification
human, cultured and refined, man is needed of art.
taught to be as what the term exactly
means; being cultured and refined. The three classical branches of art
are (1) painting, (2) sculpture, and (3)
Humans have the characteristics of architecture.
rationality, benevolence, and care, (rbc)
he is cultured and refined as shown by Music, theater, film, dance, and
good tastes and manner indicative of other performing arts as well as literature
good and proper education. and other media such as interactive
media, (mtfdpalm-7)

Fundamental Principles of Humanities: are included in a broader definition of the

(7) arts. Until the 17th century, art referred to
any skill or mastery and was not
The following are identified fundamental differentiated from crafts or sciences. In
principles of humanities which are used modern usage after the 17th century,
as guides for a better understanding of where aesthetic considerations are
life and man’s existence. paramount, the fine arts are separated
(HIH) and distinguished from acquired skills in
1. Human nature is inherently good. general, such as the decorative or applied
2. Individuals are free and are arts. (daa)
capable of making choices.
3. Human potential for growth and
development is virtually unlimited.
Nature of the Arts 2. Socially express his need for
display, celebration and
1. Art or arts is of Aryan root “ar” communication; and
which means to join or put 3. Physically express the need for
together It has its Latin term being utility of functional objects.
“sars” or “artis” which means
everything that is artificially made The Forms of Art Differentiated
or composed by man. (Wikipedia)
The matrix below shows the difference of
2. Art constitutes one of the oldest the art forms as identified:
and most important means of
expression developed by man. Functional art Non- functional
forms (the need art forms (the
3. It refers to the skillful arrangement for life to be need to express
or composition of some common better) aesthetics and
but significant qualities of nature beauty)
such as sounds, colors, lines,
movements, words, stone, and Architecture, Painting,
wood to express feelings, thoughts, weaving, sculpture,
imaginations, and dreams in an furniture- making literature
amazing, meaningful, and Music, dance, and
enjoyable way. (Adams, 2002) theater.

4. Art is subjective as it employs the

use of perception, insights,
feelings, and intuition.

5. It is the heightened expression of

human dignity and weaknesses felt
and shared so powerfully in a
world increasingly aware of its The following example (art pieces) below
successes and failures. are just a few of those which may be
considered functional art forms.
6. It is man’s expression of himself as
an individual and how he views his Non-functional art forms, on the other
existence, and hand. Non-functional art is art that serves
no utilitarian purpose. It is in direct
7. Art also provides enjoyment and contrast with functional art, which has
stimulation specially when people both an aesthetic value and a utilitarian
understand them. purpose. Non-functional art also
encompasses paintings, sculptures, and
Function of Art Arts all manner of fine art. These pieces
Is a much-needed avenue for people to: usually seek to engage with the viewer or
an intellectual emotional or aesthetic
1. Express freely oneself; level. The exploration of these
sensibilities, rather than their utilitarian recognizable for what it claims to
merits, determines the artworks’ worth. be
Represents something that is easily to
September 13, 2022
Non – representational – hard to identify
Subject and Content the subject.
 Or non-objective art
Learning Outcome  Refers to compositions which do
not rely on representation or
 Differentiate representational and mimesis to any extent.
non-representational art.  Highly subjective and can be
 Discuss the difference between an difficult to define.
artwork’s subject and content.  We can focus on the elements of
 Identify the subject matter and the artwork (form, shape, line,
specific examples of art. color, space and texture) in terms
 Enumerate the sources of the of the aesthetic value of the work,
subjects of some of the most but the meaning will always be
recognizable works of art. personal to the viewer unless the
artist has made a statement about
Subject of an Artwork his or her intentions.

Subject- focus on the artwork A. Abstract art

 In arts refers to the main idea that B. Non- figurative art
is represented in the artwork. C. Non- objective art
 The subject in art is basically the D. Nonrepresentational art – use
essence of the piece. imagination to know the
 We have standards and representation of the art.
qualifications in artwork.

(1) Representational
(2) Non-representational

Representational Art – focused on specific

subject (may nirerepresent)
 Or objective art – focused straight
to the point. (on point)
 Use specific subject
 Art which represents something - Are related terms that indicate a
 Art which is clearly identifiable departure from reality in the
 It refers to a painting or a depiction of imagery in art.
sculpture that is clearly

Sources of Subject (NPHL, RMDT)

1. Nature
2. People
3. History
4. Legends
5. Religion
6. Mythology
7. Dreams and Fantasy
8. Technology

Nature – it is easy to draw/paint; as is;

our nature
 Natural world, physical universe,
material world or material
 Commonly used source of art History
 Depiction of factual events that
occurs in the past whose purpose
is either to remember important
events of long ago or to teach the
learning about the lesson of the

 The most interesting subject of an
artwork. – anywhere
 Presented as individuals or groups
and may perform tasks as how
they do in their everyday life.

(The Making of the Philippine Flag-

Fernando Amorsolo)
(Pelta – Michaelangelo)

Mythology- gods and goddesses

 These so- called deities of the
mythological world depict present
humanlike behavior.

Legend – historic events of the people in

the past.
 Artworks based on legends
present too viewers of the art
something tangible even when
 Art brings life to these stories. (Medusa – Luciano Garbati)

(Si Malakas at si Maganda – Marcelo Dreams and Fantasy – own imagination

Chan)  The wonder of the unconscious
(Josephine Wall, 1947)
 Religious contexts in the Bible,
Quran, and Torah in conveying
their ideas and beliefs through
their art works.

 Wondrous use of machines, his vision, his first though would be on
towering skyscrapers, state of the what medium to use.

Technique- the technique of artwork

shows the level of familiarity with the
medium being manipulated.

Curation – derived from

the word “curare” which
means to take care. It is a
process that involves
managing, overseeing and
assembling, or putting
together a presentation or
exhibit for some type of
artistic collection.

art robotics, top of the line THE DIFFERENT MEDIA OF THE VISUAL
transportation, machineries as ARTS
cars, ships, motorcycles to name.
(Humanity Drowning in Technology by DIMENSIONAL ARTS
Elizabeth Elkin)
DRAWING – the fundamental skill needed
in the visual arts.
September 27, 2022
Different Media of Drawing:
The Art and His Medium 1. Pencils- made of graphite which
comes in different hardness from
The Process of Production soft to hard or thickness from thick
to needle-like.
Production is the heart of making art. It
can refer to the making of something, or 2.
to a final product, like a theatrical Ink -
performance. It can be the process of it
bringing a song or a musical to life or is
honing that work to perfection.

Production might bring out images of

factory production lines, or even the
theories of scientists and philosophers
after the mind has conceived it through one of the oldest materials for
certain process. drawing that is still in use. It
allows for a great variety of
Medium- when an artist is ready to qualities, depending on the tools
express himself in art and to give shape to
and techniques used in the (ground/support) like paper, cloth,
application. canvas, wood, or plaster.

a. Pigment – part of the paint that

gives color.
Different Media for Painting-
1. Water Color- pigments are mixed
with water and applied to paper.

Pastel – this is composed of dry

pigment held together by a gum 2.
binder and compressed into sticks.

4. Charcoal- an organic medium that

comes from burnt wood.


Gouache- the pigment has been mixed

with water and added with a
chalk-like material.

Paper- the most common surface

used in two-dimensional art.

3. Oil Paints- pigments are mixed

with oil as its binder. It is a dense
painting medium and gives rich,

PAINTING – it is the process of applying

paint onto a smooth surface
beautiful colors. Discovered by a
Flemish painter, Jan Van Eyck in
the 15th century.

4. Tempera- pigment is mixed with

egg yolk (sometimes with the
white) as binder.


MOSAIC- wall or floor decorations made

of small tiles or irregularly cut pieces or
colored stones or glass called tesserae.
Fresco- pigment is mixed with water
ana applied on a portion of the
wall with wet plaster. It is used in
mural paintings.


COLLAGE- derived from a French word

“coller” which mean to stick. This is a
technique of making art by gluing or
pasting on firm support materials or

Acrylic- modern medium with

synthetic paint using acrylic

found objects.
PRINTMAKING- process used for making
reproduction of graphic works. Allows for 3. Kinetic (mobile)- a sculpture that
the repeated transfer of a master image is capable of movement by wind,
from a printing plate(matrix) onto a water, or other forms of energy.



Sculpture – originated from the Latin

word “sculpere” which means to carve. It
is defined as the art or practice creating
three-dimensional forms or figures.

3 Kinds of Sculptures
1. Freestanding – sculptures which
can be viewed from all sides.

2. Relief- sculptures in which the

figures project from a background.

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