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Notes money, property, or industry to a

common fund, with the intention of

26 September 2022 dividing the profits among themselves
while a corporation is formed only upon
the issuance of certificate of
Questions asked during class:

What is the purpose of SEC registration for

What is a corporation? Based your definition on partnerships? – limit the powers of partnership
the RCCP.

What is right to transfer interest?

- An artificial being, intangible, and only
existing in in contemplation of law.
- (1) It is an artificial being; (2) It is
created by operation of law; (3) It has What are the types of business organizations?
the right of succession; and ( 4) It has
the powers, attributes and properties 1) Sole Proprietorship,
expressly authorized by law or incident 2) Partnerships
to its existence. 3) Joint Accounts or Cuentas en
4) Business Trusts,
5) Joint Venture,
6) Cooperative,
7) Syndicate, and
What is the significance of certificate of 8) Corporations.

What is sole proprietorship?

- The issuance of certificate of
incorporation is considered as the birth
of said corporation
What are the differences between sole
proprietorship and corporation?

Do you need to register partnerships?

- No need to register partnerships In terms of requirements?

What are the differences between partnership In terms of capital?

vs corporation?

- Partnerships are when two or more

persons bind themselves to contribute In terms of liability?
What is joint account?

In terms of investment?

What are the differences between joint account

and corporation?
What is partnership?

In terms of liability?
What are the differences between partnership
and corporation?

In terms of management?

In terms of requirement?

In terms of personality?

In terms of liabilities?

What is the difference between joint account

and joint venture?
In terms of dissolution?

What is business trust?

What governs partnership? – civil code

What is a syndicate?
What governs corporations? – RCCP

Read RA 9520
What is joint venture?

What are the theories of corporation?

What is the difference between joint venture
and partnerships?

- JV cannot venture in just any business What is a primary franchise?

while partnerships can
- JV has no distinct identity while
partnerships have a recognized identity
- JV cannot invest in other businesses What is secondary franchise?
while partnerships can

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