Assignment - DM (Answer)

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1. Fill the table below with appropriate data.

2. Below the table, enumerate at least 5 symptoms of DKA and provide a rationale on how this
symptom occurred.
3. Give the rationale on why there is absence of acidosis in HHNS.


DESCRIPTION DKA is characterized by HHNS is manifested by marked

hyperglycemia, ketone body elevation of blood glucose,
formation and metabolic hyperosmorality and little or no
acidosis. Most common in Type ketosis. Most common in Type 2
1 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus.

CAUSES infection or insulin omission  infection, undiagnosed diabetes

and substance abuse

SIGNS and SYMPTOMS Frequent urination, increased Dry parched mouth, polyuria,
thirst, increased hunger, weight extreme thirst, hypotension,
loss, fatigue tachycardia

RBS LEVEL > 250 mg/dL > 600 mg/dL

PH LEVEL <7.3 >7.3


 Frequent urination
Normally, when your kidneys create urine, they reabsorb all of the sugar and direct it back to
the bloodstream. With type 1 diabetes, excess glucose ends up in the urine, where it pulls more
water and results in more urine.

 Increased thirst
To filter and absorb the extra glucose, your kidneys must put in extra work. You get dehydrated
when your kidneys can no longer handle the extra glucose that is discharged into your urine
along with fluids from your tissues. Making you feel thirsty. 

 Increased hunger
Cells are unable to take up glucose for energy. This is because of insulin resistance or low insulin
levels. You'll start to feel really hungry since your body can't turn this glucose into energy.

 Weight loss
Lack of insulin hinders the body from delivering blood glucose to the cells for use as energy.
When this happens, the body begins using fat and muscle for energy, which results in a weight

 Fatigue
The sugar in our blood cannot enter our cells when there is insufficient insulin or when the
insulin is not functioning properly, which prevents our cells from getting the energy they
require. Therefore, experiencing fatigue.

3. There is no acidosis in HHNS because there is just enough insulin in the body to prevent breaking
down fats and these cells are not receptive to insulin. While DKA is a stage of almost complete
insulinopenia, there is only enough insulin in HHNS to inhibit ketogenesis and lipolysis but not enough to
trigger glucose uptake.




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