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Prof. Shuanggen Jin

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

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Volume 2 Issue 1 · April 2020 · ISSN 2661-3190 (Online)

Journal of
Environmental & Earth
Prof. Shuanggen Jin
Volume 2 | Issue 1 | April 2020 | Page 1-30
Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences

1 Investigation of Geology and Hydro-geophysical Features Using Electromagnetic and Ver-
tical Sounding Methods for Abu Zabad Area, Western Kordofan State, Sudan
Elhag A. B  Musa M. A.
7 Thoughts on the Construction of Beautiful Villages with Poverty Alleviation in the Perspec-
Yanxue Li  Shu Zhu  Dawei Xu
14 Heavy Metal Emission Characteristics of Urban Road Runoff
Xintuo Chen Chengyue Lai Yibin Yuan Jia She Yiyao Wang Jiayang Chen Zhaoli Wang
Ke Zhong
21 Power Spectrum in the Conductive Terrestrial Ionosphere
Georgi Jandieri  Jaromir Pistora Nino Mchedlishvili

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences

Investigation of Geology and Hydro-geophysical Features Using Elec-
tromagnetic and Vertical Sounding Methods for Abu Zabad Area,
Western Kordofan State, Sudan
Elhag A. B1 Musa M. A.2*
1. Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, on leave from
Kordofan University, Sudan
2. Department of Geology, College of Science and Information Technology, Nyala University, Nyala, Sudan


Article history The geology and hydro-geophysical features can aid in identifying bore-
Received: 8 October 2019 hole location. The study aims to investigate groundwater aquifers and
best location of boreholes in the crystalline basement area of Abu Zabad
Accepted: 21 October 2019 near El Obeid Southwest, Sudan. The study area is underlain by two aqui-
Published Online: 31 March 2020 fers formations from Precambrian age. The oldest units of basement com-
plex of area under investigation consist of metamorphic rocks including
Keywords: gneiss, schist, and quartzite. The geophysical methods electromagnetic
Electromagnetic and geoelectric survey (EM) and vertical electrical sounding (VES) surveys showed that best
aquifers yield for construction of boreholes are in weathering and frac-
Aquifer units and groundwater potential tures formation. The EM results revealed that structural features are sig-
nificant for groundwater potential and interpretation of the VES data also
revealed four geo-electric layers, but generally two distinct lithologic lay-
ers, which include Superficial deposit and bedrock-basement respectively.
The curves generated from the data revealed H curve and HK curve, and
thickness of these layers varies from 15 m to 50 m in the area. The aqui-
fer thickness range from 20 m to 30 m. The study concludes that these
techniques are suitable for identifying borehole location in the basement
rock in Abu Zabad Area Sudan.

1. Introduction studied the variation of the groundwater recharge.

Lineaments provide the pathways for groundwater
roundwater investigation of different techniques; movement in hard rock areas [3,4]. Furthermore, in order to
geological, hydro-geological, geophysical tech- locate favorable sites for groundwater exploration a linea-
niques. The hydrological cycle as results of cli- ment density map was prepared as suggested by [17]. The
matic changes have a significant associated impact on wa- movement and occurrence of groundwater depends main-
ter resources (Stoll et al. 2011). Jyrkama and Sykes (2007) ly on the secondary porosity and permeability resulting

*Corresponding Author:
Musa M. A.,
Department of Geology, College of Science and Information Technology, Nyala University, Nyala, Sudan;

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

from faulting and fracturing etc. [7]. In October 1966 and

1973, Kordofan State was shaken by strong earthquakes
that have great attention to hydrology due to a few of
groundwater wells in the aquifer are dry [8]. In study area
geological formation is exposed in the eastern part of Tor-
da (Precambrian age). They are predominantly massive
and compact of schist and gneiss metamorphic rocks (Fig-
ure 4).
Surface geophysical survey is a veritable tool in
groundwater exploration, owing to its economy in bore-
hole construction by identifying borehole location prior
to drilling [12]. Hydrogeophysical study is very important
in basement rocks areas and considered a priority in many
groundwater prospections. Many geophysical methods
used in basement areas, but the electrical resistivity (ER)
method is essential tools [10].
The electromagnetic (EM) and vertical electrical
sounding (VES) survey used in this work for locating
the aquifers extension [16]. The two most common arrays
used for VES are Wenner array and Schlumberger array
. This method is regularly used to solve a wide variety
of groundwater problems such as determination of depth,
thickness and boundary of aquifer, determination of zones Figure 1. Distribution of pre-Quaternary geological units
with high yield potential in an aquifer, determination of in the Kordofan Region
the boundary between saline and fresh water zones and Source: [20]
estimation of aquifer transmissivity and in environmental
The objective of the study is to recognize water-bear-
problems as well [1,2,11,13,15].
ing formations in study area, and to examine suitable
Study Area
and available resources of groundwater. The main rocks
This paper focus on the geology and groundwater re-
characterization and recognition of aquifers, lateral and
sources of western Sudan in terms of aquifers properties,
vertical extensions useful for drilling boreholes, as well as
investigated area includes Abu Zabad area which lies
the main objectives of the geophysical survey in the study
within Western Kordofan State. The target area is covers
area are as follows:
an area of about 25 Km2 between Latitudes 12° 20′–12°
(1) Determine anomalous (conductive) zones.
38′ N and Longitudes 29° 28′ – 29° 45′ E (Figure 1), and
(2) Determine fractures, faulting and similar rock de-
characterized by undulating topographical surfaces most-
formations which play an important role in sub-surface
ly covered by sand dunes and gentle slopes to the east
hydrology of the area (water movement and recharge).
of Torda (watercourse) (Figure 1). The rainfall generally
occurs in summer season, with maximum in the month of 2. Materials and Methods
August. The prevailing winds blow from the south during
summer, and blow north during winter. The average of The study employed two direct current (DC) methods:
temperatures ranges between 30◦C in January and 48◦C in Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) and electromagnetic
June. (EM). In both electric potential produced by (DC) current
Western Kordofan area is the most important district injected by two electrodes is measured by another pair of
area in Kordofan States as it is located within the base- electrodes. VES technique employed Schlumberger array,
ment complex and Nubian sandstone formation area. An which is particularly efficient when main resistivity gra-
intensive geophysical survey was carried out to locate dient is in vertical direction. The electromagnetic (EM)
different types of rocks. The ages of these rocks in most array is more suitable to study grounds with lateral resis-
localities are assigned to the Precambrian period. tivity variation. The weathering and fracturing of analysis
were also carried out to determine the optimized location
and groundwater well.
The vertical electrical sounding and electrical profiling

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

methods are based on four-electrode principle as shown in occurs in drilled wells in weathering and fractures
(Figure 2). The electrical current ( I ) is applied to A and B basement regolith.
electrodes and the potential (ΔU) is measured between M The target area is generally an undulating plain of
and N electrodes. The bulk soil electrical resistivity (ER) low relief with altitude ranging range from 610 to 616
is calculated with: m above mean sea level, and major drainage system in
study area Khor El Ganam, Khor Sheween and Wadis
∆U and ground surface slopes gently to east towards Tor-
ER = K (1)
I da.
The regional geologic map of the study area is com-
posed of igneous and metamorphic rocks surrounded by
K= is the geometric factor.
Paleozoic and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. The Pre-
The conductive and EM anomalies delineated by
cambrian rocks are extending southward from the valley
across the entire study area, and carried out to determine
of Abu Zabad through subdued topographic basin drained
depth to fresh rock. Figure 8 reveals the geo-electric se-
by Torda.
quence along W – E within the study area. Conductive
In Eastern Abu Zabad city (Figure 3), groundwater
and EM anomalies were delineated at three VES,s and
extraction from hand dug wells (shallow boreholes) and
three EM profiling locations within the study area. The
deep boreholes around the water pool (Torda) is used
Figure 8 was combined the VES and Electromagnetic
for drinking and irrigation. The geological logs from the
data and obtained by computing the depths and locations
surface down to 53 m depth revealed that the structural
of fractures.
features consist of Superficial deposits, and bedrock-base-
ment. The individual thickness of these layers varies
from 5 m to 10 m in the area (Figure 4). The main aquifer
appears at depths below 20 m, composed of fragment of
metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Figure 2. Two current and two potential electrodes on the

Figure 3. Geomorphological map of the study area
surface of ground of resistivity
Source: [9]
Source: [7]
Geology and Hydrogeological Setting 3. Results and Discussion
The study area lies South of Central African Shear
Zone (CASZ). The Torda basin Complex is main basin The geological setting of the study area consists of su-
in study area and in general trending North to South. perficial deposits and Precambrian basement rocks. The
The Torda basin, located in Eastern extension of Abu sediments exposed in Northern part are mostly Cretaceous
Zabad town (Figure 3). The basement complex is divid- in age belong to the Wadi of Ger Elassal formation. They
ed into three groups which include weathering, fracture are dominated by fine to coarse grained cross-bedded
and tide crystalline rocks. Hydrogeological and litho- fluviatile sandstones forming. The Precambrian basement
logical log have been studied and evaluated to charac- rocks consist of gneisses, schists and quarzites (Figure 4).
terize aquifer potentials, and suitable sites for several The weathered and fractured basement rocks constitute
wells were selected in Torda basin to define aquifers major aquifers or aquitards.
extensions (Figure 3). Geologically, Torda basin Com- The degree of weathering is one of the most significant
plex is composed of two major basins, named weather- factors controlling the type and abundance of clay miner-
ing and fractures basement regolith. The groundwater als [6]. In basement rock of study area percentage of clay

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

minerals is proportional with intensity and time interval of

weathering (Figure 4). Whereas, weathered and fractured
basement rocks constitute the major aquifers or aquitards.

Figure 4. Weathering and fractured profile on gnesis of Figure 5. EM survey conducted in basement complex in
the study area (Abu Zabad - Torda) the study area
Note: Photograph with the author (May, 2018).
Interpretation of Resistivity Data
The resistivity method data indicates variation in
groundwater potential because rock formation is not
isotropic. The resistivity and thicknesses of geo-electric/
lithology layers within the subsurface are presented in
figure (7). The profiles and curves generated for apparent
resistivity data using surfer-8 and IPI2win softwares are
presented in figure (6 and 7), and the geo-electric section
for the study area is presented in figure (8).The most of
the VES curves coverage to the basement complex rep-
resented by the types H and KH, these types are very im-
portant from the qualitative interpretation point of view,
which increases at right branches of sounding curves Figure 6. Horizontal electrical profiles showing variation
often rises at an angle of 45o owing to influence from in the basement complex
tight basement rock, that usually indicates igneous or
metamorphic rocks (granite, schists and gneisses rocks)
of very high resistivity which called typical basement
complex, that observed in the geo-electrical curves (Fig-
ure 7).
Three subsurface geologic layers were delineated along
three VES,s and three EM profiling locations within the
study area; the top soil Superficial deposits, weathered
basement and fresh bedrock (Fig. 8). The VES curve re-
vealed five resistivity layers for traverse at the crack or
point (7) from EM Profile figures (5 and 6). The first layer
mixed with superficial deposits composed of sand with
clay lenses. The resistivity of this layer range from 50 to
63 ohm.m and the thick reach about 2-10 m. The weath-
ered and fractured basement complex forms the second
layer. The resistivity range between 25 to 150 ohm-m
and thickness reach about 42 m, ended by hard basement
complex which are shows increase in the resistivity value
attains 1400 Ωm (Figure 8).

Figure 7. Vertical electrical sounding curves for detection

of water-bearing formations

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4. Conclusions
The study area composed of two aquifers weathered and
fractured basement rocks, both aquifers are found at rela-
tively in the Torda Basin in the East direction. Groundwa-
ter recharge by the flood of many Khors; Khor El Ganam,
Khor Sheween and Wadis respectively. Groundwater sa-
linity progressively increases with the low recharge.
This study investigated the groundwater potential and
aquifer extension, western Kordafan state, Abu Zabad, Su-
dan. Electromagnetic and vertical electrical sounding us-
ing the Schlumberger array configuration were carried out.
Analysis and interpretation of EM and VES data obtained
from the study area showed profile 1 and 2, and VES 3
and VES 5 to be locating the successful for borehole drill-
Figure 8. Shows that traverse of EM and three points of ing due to low resistivity of the weathered and fractured
VES aquifer layers coupled with the relatively high thicknesses
of the weathered layers. Itis therefore recommended that
To recognize the two aquifers at different depths, the
for future groundwater exploration in the study area, geo-
lithological analysis of well logs is useful for obtaining
physical prospection should be taken to locate the best site
variations of weathering and fractured basement rocks
for groundwater drilling.
(Figure 4). The water table marks of aquifer are underlain
by an unsaturated zone which composed of superficial Acknowledgement
deposits, and thickness of unsaturated zone above aquifer
is about 20 m to groundwater table. In Torda towards east, The authors would like to express their gratitude to
water table is the shallowest (about 15 m) and therefore King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia for providing ad-
unsaturated zone is a thin layer. The total thickness of the ministrative and technical support.
aquifer varies from 30 m in the eastern part to 10 m in the
west with an average thickness of about 20 m.
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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences

Thoughts on the Construction of Beautiful Villages with Poverty Alle-
viation in the Perspective
Yanxue Li1* Shu Zhu2 Dawei Xu1
1. The College of Landscape, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150000, China
2. The University of Adelaide Master 5007SA


Article history Accurate poverty alleviation has become an important task in implement-
Received: 28 December 2019 ing the rural revitalization strategy. Since the 19th CPC National Con-
gress, Chinese government institutions have been striving to take mea-
Accepted: 13 January 2020 sures to lift poor rural areas out of poverty. This essay takes Tailai district
Published Online: 31 March 2020 as the blueprint to start the research on precision poverty alleviation,
explores and discusses the construction of beautiful villages, proposes
Keywords: strategies for sustainable development, makes people change concepts to
Precise poverty alleviation coordinate the relationship between interests and concepts. It also points
out the target that using the industry as a guide, using technology to al-
Construction of beautiful villages leviate poverty and make the village vibrant. Therefore, the endogenous
Interests and concepts power will be derived from the roots, and the agriculture, farmer and rural
area will be fed back, in order to provide a reference for the Construction
of Beautiful Villages in Heilongjiang.

1. Introduction lage is worth our consideration.

he 19th CPC National Congress report stated that 2. Background Beautiful Rural Construction
the prerequisite for rural revitalization is to get rid
of poverty. Adhering to precise poverty alleviation The countryside is the product of agricultural civilization
has become an important task in implementing the rural and records the changes and evolution of human society. As
revitalization strategy, and government departments are a largely agricultural country, China has about 2.6 million
working hard to take measures to lift poor rural areas out administrative villages [2] compared to the current 661 cities.
of poverty [1]. Relying on the Chinese Ministry of Educa- Therefore, China must be beautiful and rural areas must be
tion to set up a poverty alleviation county in Tailai Coun- beautiful. The construction of “beautiful villages” has be-
ty, how to improve the ecological environment, improve come synonymous with the construction of a new socialist
the quality of rural human settlements, the beautiful rural countryside in China, and a new upsurge in the construction
construction under a new perspective, and coordinate the of beautiful villages is taking place across the country. Ag-
interests and concepts to build a beautiful and livable vil- ricultural and rural peasants, the issue of “agriculture, rural

*Corresponding Author:
Yanxue Li,
The College of Landscape, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150000, China;
Funded Project:
Heilongjiang Provincial Youth Science Fund, project name “Heilongjiang Rural Landscape Form Protection and Development
Research”No.: JJ2018QN0681

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

areas and farmers” is fundamental to the national economy role in the re-planning of the rural landscape and the coor-
and people’s livelihood. In combination with China’s basic dination of urban land use. The British have an innate love
national conditions and agricultural conditions, since the for rural life. The English rural scenery attracts tourists who
year of 2005, the No. 1 Document of the Central Commit- yearn for rural life around the world with unique charm.
tee of the Communist Party of China has been continuously The Cotswolds (Cotswold) rural area in England is the most
paying attention to rural issues, and rural construction is an typical. The systematic planning is linked to a “Romantic
important aspect of the “three rural issues”. Road”, known as the most beautiful country road in the
Following the law of rural self-development, getting rid of world, together with Provence in France and Toscana in Italy
poverty, improving the rural environment, realizing the “eco- as “the three most beautiful villages in the world”. Japan’s
logical livability” of the countryside, and building beautiful “one village, one product” rural rejuvenation movement has
villages are both the requirements of the central government promoted sustainable rural development and greatly changed
and the “China dream” of hundreds of millions of peasants. the rural scene. Rural construction in South Korea launched
Relevant scholars in China have carried out related the “New Village Movement” to promote local economic de-
research on rural construction from different perspectives. velopment, ensure regional balance, maintain ecological en-
Guoping Ren (2018) deconstructed the internal decon- vironment balance, and effectively protect rural landscapes.
struction of rural landscape evolution and explored sus- The developed countries’ understanding of rural devel-
tainable development models [4]. Jia Wang [5.6] and others opment and accumulated construction experience in the
believed that rural landscape design should be designed process of industrialization and urbanization can provide
following the principles of ecology, region and sustainable us with learning and reference for recognizing rural values,
development to meet the needs of residents; Ma Xuemei promoting rural revitalization, and building beautiful coun-
(2015) researched the construction of beautiful rural land- tryside. Generally speaking, in recent years, research on rural
scapes under the guidance of philosophy of landscape landscape in western countries has mainly concentrated on
culture philosophy [7]. Liming Liu and others investigated the aspects of rural protection regulations, rural landscape
and analyzed the current situation of the rural landscape ecological protection research, new technology application
in Beijing’s Baijiabang Village, discussed the principles research, rural tourism development, and rural revitalization.
of rural landscape planning, and proposed the landscape Focus on social and cultural interests and landscape users.
planning plan and design points of Baijiabang Village [8]. Its research scope is broad, its content is complex, and it has
During the period of rapid industrialization in the West, a trend of further development. However, its research shows
industries such as industry, energy, and transportation also a one-sided and fragmented situation. The reason is that due
developed rapidly. European and American countries such to the lack of unified planning and design, it is urgent to pro-
as the United States and the United Kingdom took the first pose precise and sustainable construction and strategy.
active measures to protect rural ecological environments and
natural resources. In the 1950s and 1960s, some European
countries, Countries such as the Czech Republic, Germany,
France, Poland, and the Netherlands have researched on
rural landscapes, and gradually formed a complete theory
and method system, which has promoted rural landscape
planning [9]. Starting from the 1940s, a series of laws that ex-
plicitly proposed or emphasized the protection of rural land-
scapes have successively emerged, such as the New Town
Act of 1946 in the UK, etc. [10]. H.N. Van Lier and others in Table 1. Academic attention to a beautiful countryside
the Netherlands put forward new ideas and methodologies
for describing multi-objective rural land use planning and
landscape ecological design with “spatial concepts” and
“ecological network systems” in theoretical research [11]. The
famous American landscape architect R. Forman put forward
the principles of landscape planning and landscape spatial
planning model based on the ecological space theory [12]. W.
Haber and others in Germany researched new technology
applications and established applications based on GIS and
landscape ecology. Based on research, it played an important Table 2. Academic attention on rural area landscape

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3. Understanding and Conception of Sustain- us with the satisfaction of food, clothing, housing, and
able Rural Construction transportation; we can’t imagine the beautiful countryside,
it’s far from our reality; we don’t know what resource ad-
With the further understanding of the value of the great vantages are, and we don’t know resources and interests.
ecological civilization construction of the rural landscape, Relationship; understanding the environmental landscape
the “Beautiful China” was proposed from the 18th Nation- as a good-looking thing, and the villagers want basic liv-
al Congress of the Fifth Rural Plenary Session of the 16th ing satisfaction; less understanding of new knowledge and
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in technology, etc.
2005, and the Document No. 1 of the CPC Central Com-
mittee was first proposed in 2013. Promote the construc- 4. Rural Construction in China
tion of rural ecological civilization, and strive to build a
In our country, in the late 1920s and early 1930s, out-
“beautiful village”, and successively issued relevant guid-
standing people in rural construction set off a wave of
ance documents, marking the entry of an important stage
striking rural construction movements. They were large-
in the construction of beautiful countryside in China.
scale, long-term, and wide-ranging. The most representa-
The 2015 “Guide to the Construction of Beautiful
tive people were Yan Yangchu and Liang Shuming. And
Villages” was released, providing the framework and di-
Lu Zuofu [4], they have important reference and enlighten-
rectional technical guidance for the development of the
ment for the rural revitalization in the theory and practice
beautiful countryside. In 2017, the 19th National Party
of rural construction.
Congress raised the “rural revitalization” as a national de-
In the past ten years, the government has been constant-
velopment strategy, which not only highlights the import-
ly adjusting the thinking and direction of rural construc-
ant value of the country in the country’s modernization
tion. The construction of “beautiful villages” has become
but also means that rural construction will become the
synonymous with the construction of China’s new social-
focus of national modernization in the coming period.
ist countryside. The whole country is setting off a new
How to build a beautiful village under the concept of
upsurge of beautiful rural construction. The Anji model
poverty alleviation? The “beautiful villages” in the guide
in Anji County, Zhejiang Province is the most representa-
are defined as the coordinated development of econom-
tive and has achieved remarkable results in promoting the
ic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilizations,
“Beautiful Village” project.
planning science, production development, affluent life,
rural civilization, clean villages, democratic management,
livable and sustainable development. Rural (including
established villages and natural villages)[3].Serving poor
villages, guiding poverty alleviation, and coordinating the
relationship between interests and ideas have important
practical significance for the construction of such beauti-
ful villages.

3.1 Understanding the Needs of Interest

Figure 1. Beautiful rural landscape
The concept of the villagers is mainly a matter of personal
interest, such as: What do you support us? Who gets the The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Develop-
money? How much is it? We don’t understand anything. ment has deployed the rural residential environment to
If you don’t have this, you need to come and do it, and rectify the three-year action goal: to build a beautiful and
provide us with the technology to quickly produce ben- livable village as the guide, to improve the rural garbage,
efits! It takes a lot of money to build a beautiful country. sewage treatment, and village appearance, and accelerate
There is no guarantee for our food, clothing, housing, and the short-board of the rural living environment.
transportation! This is the immediate interest and the most Principles: adapting to local conditions, classifying and
basic needs. guiding, comprehensively considering social and econom-
ic development; adopting the pilot work of pioneering
3.2 Conceptual Considerations and steadily advancing; making full use of the concept of
“co-creation” of a beautiful environment and a harmoni-
Poverty alleviation is a matter for the Chinese govern-
ous society, focusing on building vertical and horizontal,
ment. We are not in a hurry; what we need is to provide
horizontal to side, and consultation and governance The

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

rural governance system; pays attention to the role of the Plain. The rural landscape features are very representative.
government, the market, and the society, fully mobilizes The scenery is beautiful, but it has always been one of the
the participation of all parties; and strives to rectify the national poverty counties. The industry mainly focuses
rural human settlements into a platform to promote the on agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. It is a fine
integration of urban and rural development. wool sheep and commodity cattle base county, a fruit tree
At present, the government has continuously increased base county, a Chinese mung bean town, a Chinese peanut
investment in rural construction, and the scale of rural “four red” town, and a provincial corn special base coun-
construction is unprecedented, and rural construction is ty.
in full swing. In the context of the current beautiful rural Through interviews and investigations, combined with
construction, the relevant research directions mainly focus 10 villages and towns such as Daxing Town and Tangchi
on rural values, rural landscape evaluation, rural planning Town in Tailai County, such as Wunuo Village and Tangc-
and design, landscape pattern, settlement space, rural hi Village, the survey and analysis of the current situation
tourism, rural protection, and rural complex, and jointly object show that there is a common problem of industrial
explore industrial management, rural areas. Rejuvenation, structure. Mostly based on agricultural production, it be-
the activation of rural methods, the continuation of rural longs to the traditional agricultural type.
Special production and lifestyle have recorded the
changes and evolution of society and formed the rural
form of Tailai. However, the rural formation time is short,
the economic development is slow, the ecology is fragile,
the temperature is high and the rain is low, the annual
rainfall is less than 400mm, the evaporation is 1798mm,
culture, and the promotion of the economy. and the soil is poor, which is an important cause of pov-
erty. There are currently 4,281 poor households and 9,192
Table 3. Rural Construction in China
people. The driving of interests has led to unreasonable
encirclement and over-exploitation problems, the threat of
4. Accurate Poverty Alleviation and Explora- biodiversity, and the increasing non-point source pollution
tion of Beautiful Rural Construction caused by agricultural production.
The settlement space is mostly scattered, the structure is
This research follows scientific research methods and
not clear, the road is not systematic, and the rural construc-
procedures, according to theoretical research, analysis of
tion is disorderly development (Figure 4, 5). Residential
problems, exploration and development of construction
buildings are scattered, mainly on single floors, and some
strategies, relying on Tailai County, a poverty allevia-
adobe houses are of poor quality or idle. The rural style is
tion county designated by the Ministry of Education, to
messy and lacks scientific planning guidance. The village’s
explore the construction of beautiful countryside. Use
public infrastructure services are low, lacking leisure, rec-
literature policy and comprehensive analysis method
reation, lack of landscape, and imperfect functions. Lack
to conduct basic scientific research, field research, case
of awareness of the value of rural construction and lack of
practice method and other research methods to carry out
scientific, rational and professional planning guidance.
related research. Study rural landscapes through related
disciplines such as landscape ecology, geography, and
human settlements, and explore effective strategies for the
construction of beautiful rural landscapes.
Tailai County is affiliated to Heilongjiang Province
and is located in the Nenjiang River Basin (Figure 3). It is
located at the junction of the three provinces of Beijing. It
is known as the “three provinces of chickens” and the rep-
utation of “the land of fish and rice”. The county governs
8 towns and 2 townships, with 83 administrative villages
and 532 Natural townships (Figure 2), the population is
320,000, and there are 20 ethnic groups including Han and
Mongolia. It is an important commodity grain production
base of the country. The rural area is vast and it is an im- Figure 2. Location map of the natural village of Tailai
portant area for biodiversity conservation in the Songnen County

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4.2 Based on the Environmental Planning and

Design of Food, Clothing, and Housing
Planning and design advocates practicality meets the
needs of the countryside is familiar with agricultural pro-
duction and rural life and understands that rural resources
are the premise for designing rural villages.

4.3 Environmental Planning based on Output

Planning for modern agriculture, green agriculture, charac-
teristic agriculture, large-scale, high-efficiency agricultural
industrial park planning, multi-business planning combin-
Figure 3. Tailai County Water System Map ing agriculture and animal husbandry, and agricultural pro-
duction mode planning for energy-saving technologies, etc.
And green agriculture, to create a home of fish and rice.

4.4 Reflections on the Construction of a Beautiful

Rural System
Rural areas cannot be urbanized, what kind of villages are
beautiful villages, how to form a system of 83 adminis-
trative villages, how to build beautiful villages, differen-
tiated, characteristic planning and overall development,
is the key to carrying out precise poverty alleviation and
carrying out beautiful rural construction.

Figure 4. Road network diagram

The beautiful rural construction under the concept of
poverty alleviation has a stage. At this stage, the consider-
ation should be the benefits of agricultural production, the
basic living environment in rural areas and the increase
of farmers’ income. Gradually realize the improvement
of villagers’ awareness through education, and let the
villagers understand agriculture from the feeling of beau-
ty. In the production and rural environment, the abstract
landscape that the villagers understand is transformed into Figure 5. Aerial photography of settlement space Figure
a beautiful living environment (Figure 6) and realizes the
goal of beautiful rural construction.

4.1 The Beautiful Rural Concept of Non-land-

scape Thinking
The comprehensive environmental remediation thinking
based on the three rural peasants is the key to beautiful
rural construction. Planning and construction around agri-
cultural production, rural culture and life and environmen-
tal improvement. The purpose of the current stage of con-
struction is to use rather than to look at it. As long as the
beauty of the rural elements is formed, the rural landscape Figure 6. Aerial photography of rural agricultural produc-
will be formed. tion environment

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

5. Beautiful Rural Construction Strategy strength of the village, and achieve the organic circulation
and sustainable development of the settlement space.
5.1 Change Ideas, Plan and Coordinate, Coor-
dinate the Relationship between Interests and 5.5 Government Involvement, Improving Infra-
Ideas, and Clarify Goals structure and Optimizing Public Spaces

Cognition of rural values, organic renewal of society, Renovation of rural dilapidated buildings, improvement
agriculture, economy and environment, the formation of of infrastructure, and realization of self-management and
synergy between governments, enterprises and villagers coordinated governance of villagers. Comply with the tra-
at all levels, fully respect the wishes of local villagers and ditional spatial texture and social organization relationship
clarify the goals and positioning of rural construction. of the village, realize a more reasonable and healthy pro-
duction and lifestyle, and promote the interaction between
5.2 Industry Leadership, Technology to Alleviate the public activity space and the villagers’ lifestyle.
Poverty, Activate the Countryside
5.6 Natural Development, Rural Wisdom, Retain-
Adjust the industrial structure, based on the development ing Homesickness
of traditional agriculture, and take ecological agriculture
as the direction, carry out science and technology pover- Follow the internal laws of rural development, pay atten-
ty alleviation, and increase the construction of emerging tion to cultural inheritance, respect the actual needs of
industries. Fundamentally derive endogenous power. the villagers, maintain production and lifestyle, correctly
The use of scientific research resources, the promotion of handle the current and long-term relationship, inject wis-
high-quality agricultural planting projects and high-qual- dom, activate the countryside, step by step, and retain the
ity economic crop projects, stimulate the development homesickness.
potential of agriculture and rural areas, mobilize the new
power of farmers to get rich, colleagues to solve the frag-
5.7 Education and Training Improve Literacy and
ile ecological environment problems in Tailai County.
Cognitive Skills
Taking the industry to drive economic development, the The quality of villagers determines the level of develop-
economy leads to the benign development of the ecologi- ment, and education is the key to understanding and ac-
cal environment. cepting new things.
5.3 Multi-professional Cross-integration of Tal- 6. Conclusion
ents, Teamwork, Community, and People to Fight
Poverty and Support the Agriculture, Rural Ar- Beautiful rural construction is a concrete action of beau-
eas, Farmers tiful China. Adhering to precise poverty alleviation is a
long-term process that is conducive to the improvement of
Attracting entrepreneurs, multidisciplinary experts and regional economy and ecological environment. As a rural
scholars and other multidisciplinary talents, through the construction practitioner, we must be like Liang Shum-
countryside to volunteer to serve the rural revitalization ing’s rural construction thought: Confucianism and Bud-
cause, to join modern agriculture, to cultivate new farmers dhism Feelings, doing rural construction work with the
in the new era, to achieve rural self-control, not only to spirit of being a monk, rooting in black land, and retaining
support wisdom, but also to support the cause, to achieve nostalgia! Serving the poor rural areas, guiding poverty
hematopoietic function To make Tailai get rid of poverty alleviation, and coordinating the relationship between in-
and get rich. terests and concepts, orderly and healthy development of
beautiful rural areas has important practical significance
5.4 Focus on Demonstration
and needs further study.
To build a brand with a point, to create a virtuous circle.
Relying on the advantages and adapting to local condi- References
tions, we will create a typical central village. With a point [1] Jinping Xi. Uses “six precisions” to tackle the im-
to face, comprehensively improve the rural living environ- poverished poverty, and a comprehensive well-off is
ment, highlight the characteristics of the landscape, im- just around the corner. Tencent News, 2017.
prove the quality of the villagers and the village civiliza-
tion, build a beautiful and livable village, truly realize the c179430-31518420

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

[2] Xinhuanet Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural landscape culture—Taking Huanxi Village as an ex-
Development: China will strive to achieve basic cov- ample[J]. Architectural Culture, 2015, (2): 143-146.
erage of rural planning in 2020. [8] Liming Liu, Lei Zeng, Wenhua Guo. A Preliminary
Http:// Study on Rural Landscape Planning Methods in the
c_1117279529 Suburbs of Beijing [J]. Rural Ecological Environ-
[3] National Standard of the People’s Republic of China. ment, 2001, 17 (3): 55-58.
GB / T 32000 -2015 “Guide to the Construction of [9] Hou Fang. Preliminary Study on Rural Landscape
Beautiful Villages”, 2015. Planning and Design[D]. Beijing Forestry University,
[4] Guoping Ren. The evolution process and develop- 2008.
ment model of rural landscape under the background [10] Yonghui Wang, Yifan Guan. Enlightenment of Brit-
of rapid urbanization[D]. China Agricultural Univer- ish Urban-Rural Coordination Policy on China’s
sity, 2018. Urban-Rural Integration Strategy[J]. Urban Watch,
[5] Jia Wang. Analysis of landscape planning and design 2014, (5): 153-168.
in the construction of beautiful countryside, Jiangxi [11] Liming Liu. Development history of rural landscape
Building Materials, 2016, (5): 41-45. planning and its development prospects in China[J].
[6] Yanyan Li. The application of regional rural land- Rural Ecological Environment, 2001, 17 (1): 53.
scape design in the planning of beautiful country- [12] Cook E, Van Lier H N. Landscape planning and eco-
side—Taking Nanxun Village, Longhu Town, Jinji- logical networks[C] Elsevier; Developments in Land-
ang City as an example[J]. Fujian Architecture, 2016 scape Management & Urban Planning, 6F. 1994.
(03): 17-20. [13] Chonglai Liu, Three Best of the Rural Construction
[7] Xuemei Ma. Preliminary exploration of the construc- Movement: Yan Yangchu Liang Shuming Lu Zuo-
tion of beautiful rural landscapes in the context of fu[N]. Guangming Daily, 1999.

Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: 13

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences

Heavy Metal Emission Characteristics of Urban Road Runoff
Xintuo Chen1,2 Chengyue Lai1,2 Yibin Yuan1 Jia She1,3 Yiyao Wang1 Jiayang Chen5 
Zhaoli Wang1, 2, 3* Ke Zhong1,4*
1. Institute of Water Environment Research, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu,
2. Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Laboratory, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science,
Chengdu, China
3. Institute of Model Research and Application, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Cheng-
du, China
4. Institute of Watershed Research, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu, China
5. Chengdu Experimental Primary School, Chengdu, China


Article history Pavement runoff sampling points were set up on the main roads of
Received: 21 February 2020 Chengdu city. Six rainfall-runoff events from July to September in 2017
were sampled by synchronous observation of rainfall, runoff and pollu-
Accepted: 27 February 2020 tion. The concentration changes of copper, lead, zinc, chromium and cad-
Published Online: 31 March 2020 mium in the runoff process were monitored, and the pollution emission
regularity and initial scouring effect were studied. The results show that
Keywords: the emission regularity of pavement runoff pollution is closely related to
Heavy Metal rainfall characteristics and pollutant occurrence, and the concentration of
dissolved heavy metals reaches its peak at the initial stage of runoff. The
Pavement runoff peak time of particulate heavy metal concentration lagged slightly behind
Emission characteristics that of rainfall intensity. There is a big difference between the strength of
Flush effect initial scouring degree and dissolved heavy metals the stronger the initial
scouring degree of total heavy metals, the weaker the dissolved heavy
metals. Reducing pavement runoff in the early stage of rainfall is an ef-
fective means to control heavy metal pollution.

*Corresponding Author:
Zhaoli Wang,
Institute of Water Environment Research, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu, China;
Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Laboratory, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu,
China; Institute of Model Research and Application, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu,
Ke Zhong,
Institute of Water Environment Research, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu, China;
Institute of Watershed Research, Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Chengdu, China;

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1. Introduction 2. Research Method

ith the rapid construction of urban roads and 2.1 Research Area
the increasing frequency of traffic activities,
for urban roads with high traffic flow, large The sampling site was located at an overpass of Cheng-
runoff pollution intensity and pollution load, as well as du Second Ring Road. Sampling points were set at the
toxic and harmful substances produced, are the most pol- drainage risers of overpass bridges to collect instanta-
luting part of urban surface runoff [1]. The potential and neous samples of runoff. The runoff collection section is
long-term hazards of various heavy metal pollutants in a one-way three-lane bridge deck with 0.3% cross slope,
0.5% longitudinal slope and 15m bridge width. The runoff
pavement runoff have aroused widespread concern of rele-
flows through the symmetrical rainwater outlets on both
vant scholars [2-3]. Relevant studies show that heavy metals
sides of the bridge deck and collects from the branch pipe
contributed by urban road runoff account for 35%~75%
to the drainage riser. The distance between the rainwater
of the total water environmental pollution [4]. According
outlet and the upstream rainwater outlet is 40m, and the
to particle size, heavy metal contaminants can be classi-
sampling area is 500m2. Pictures of scene and outlet are
fied into two types from their occurrence states: granular
shown in Figure 1.
(>0.45μm) and dissolved (<0.45μm) [5]. Particulate heavy
metals can persist in water sediments and can be trans-
formed into soluble state under certain conditions. Soluble
heavy metals are easily absorbed by aquatic organisms
and enter the human body through the food chain. Long-
term accumulation will cause serious harm to human
health [6].
In the study of heavy metal pollution in pavement run-
Figure 1. Pictures of sampling site
off, the first flush effect has attracted wide attention. The
initial scouring effect can be divided into two categories:
2.2 Sampling and Monitoring
concentration initial effect and load initial effect. Re-
searchers find that load initial effect is more valuable. The 2.2.1 Sampling Method
scouring effect at the initial stage of load is that the initial
runoff carries most of the pollution load of the whole run- Runoff is sampled manually at certain intervals through-
off disproportionately [7]. out the whole rainfall process. Rainfall monitoring results
Overseas systematic monitoring studies on scouring were recorded with a dump rain gauge (JFZ-01) combined
effect of initial load have been carried out for decades with real-time rainfall data published by Chengdu Meteo-
. In recent years in China, domestic scholars have rological Bureau. The runoff samples were brought back
carried out relevant studies in Beijing, Guangzhou, to the laboratory to analyze the water quality after the
Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi'an and other places [14-20]. How- sampling.
ever, runoff pollution discharge is affected by many fac- 2.2.2 Monitoring Method
tors, and its process is complex and changeable, lacking
uniform law. There is no consensus on the determination The test indexes include copper, lead, zinc, chromium
method of initial scouring effect and the existence or and cadmium. Samples were directly filtered by 0.45μm
absence of initial scouring effect. Different research filter membrane before final test. All the metal indexes
methods give different conclusions and criteria for initial were determined by ICP-OES (Avio 200 ICP-OES Spec-
scouring, which results in great differences and no cor- trometer, PerkinElmer) according to China environmental
relation between the results. standard HJ776-2015: Water Quality-Determination of
In view of the close relationship between the initial 32 elements-Inductively coupled plasma optical emission
effect of heavy metals and the control of urban non-point spectrometry.
source pollution, this paper sets up pavement runoff sam-
2.3 Rainfall Characteristics
pling points on the main roads of Chengdu city in China
to study the characteristics of heavy metals pollution dis- Six rainfall runoffs in Chengdu from July to September in
charge from urban road runoff, in order to provide refer- 2017 were sampled artificially. The specific characteristic pa-
ence for the study of pavement runoff scouring effect. rameters of different rainfall processes are shown in Table 1.

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Table 1. Characteristics of rainfalls 3. Analysis and Discussion

Rainfall Average Rain- Maximum Rain-
Rainfall Rainfall
duration fall Intensity fall Intensity
Pre-sunny 3.1 Analysis of Heavy Metal Outflow
Date (mm) days
(hour) (mm/h) (mm/h)
2017.7.14 8.6 2.8 2.4 11 8 The variation of heavy metal concentration and rainfall
intensity with runoff duration in six rainfalls are shown in
2017.7.30 11.9 1.9 6.3 18 16
Figure 3 to 8. Six rainfall events can be divided into three
2017.8.10 40.1 7.2 5.9 39.5 11 categories according to rainfall and rainfall intensity pa-
2017.8.16 8.3 6.5 1.3 4.6 6 rameters, as shown in Table 2.
2017.8.20 3.2 2.6 1.2 3.2 4
Table 2. Classification of Rainfalls
2017.9.12 25.6 1.8 14.2 61 23
Rainfall Date Features
2.4 Analysis Method A 2017.8.16 2017.8.20
Less rainfall and less rainfall intensi-
Deletic et al. [11] have done a lot of research, which shows Heavy rainfall and strong initial
B 2017.7.30 2017.9.12
that 30% of the runoff in the early stage of rainfall carries rainfall intensity
80% of the pollutants, and the initial scouring effect is C 2017.7.14 2017.8.10
Long rainfall time and plentiful rain-
fall peaks
strong. In this study, this method is used as a criterion for
the degree of initial scouring effect.
Bertrand et al. [9] proposed to fit the measured dimen- 3.2 Analysis of Runoff Pollution
sionless cumulative pollutant curves and quantitatively Figure 3 and 4 show the variation curves of pollutants
characterize the initial scouring degree by fitting index b, with runoff time under two Type A rainfall conditions
as shown in equation (1): (2017.8.16 and 2017.8.20). It can be seen that the fluc-
Y = X b (1) tuation of the concentration of heavy metal pollutants in
Type A rain pattern is obvious with the change of rainfall
In the formula, Y is the cumulative pollutant discharge intensity, and the peak value of concentration lags be-
proportion, X is the cumulative runoff ratio and b is the hind the peak value of rainfall intensity slightly. Because
fitting index. According to the value of fitting index b, the of the small initial rainfall and the weak dilution effect,
initial scour of different degrees is expressed as follows the effective erosion of pavement sediments can not
(Figure 2): 0<b<0.185, strong; 0.185<b<0.862, medium; be realized. When the rainfall intensity increases, the
0.862<b<1, weak; b>1, no initial scour. erosion effect strengthens and more pollutants enter the
runoff, the runoff pollutant concentration increases to
the peak value, but lags slightly behind the peak value of
rainfall intensity.
In addition, the runoff pollution concentration of Type
A rainfall event is relatively high, and the overall pollu-
tion is more serious. In the two rainfall events of Type A
rainfall in 2017.8.16 and 2017.8.20, the peak concentra-
tion of Cu was 68.2 and 82.6μg/L, the peak values of Zn
concentration were 132.1 and 186.5μg/L, respectively,
and the pollution level was significantly higher than that
of other rainfalls. It can be seen that for Type A rainfall
events, the variation of rainfall amount and intensity is the
main factor determining the pollution discharge of such
runoff, more runoff should be collected and processed in
order to effectively control the pollution of the receiving
water body.

Figure 2. Cumulative pollutant curves

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peak value of 3.8mm at the initial 0.2 hours (12 minutes)

of runoff, then the concentration of Zn rapidly reached
a peak of 176.8μg/L at about 0.4 hours and the concen-
tration of Cu reached mas value of 85.6μg/L at about
0.2 hours due to influence of the high initial rainfall in-
tensity. In addition, due to the long duration of rainfall,
the pollutants discharged by traffic during the rainfall
process are gradually brought into the runoff in the later
stage, which makes the pollutant concentration in the fi-
nal runoff rise slightly.

Figure 3. Variation of pollutant concentration with runoff

time (2017.8.16, Type A)

Figure 5. Variation of pollutant concentration with runoff

time (2017.7.30, Type B)

Figure 4. Variation of pollutant concentration with runoff

time (2017.8.20, Type A)
It is considered that the effluent of pollutants is less
affected by runoff scouring, and the concentration fluc-
tuation is mainly related to the dilution caused by runoff
variation, even if the rainfall intensity of pollutants is low
at the beginning of runoff, they can still enter runoff and
cause high concentration pollution [18]. In Type A rain-
fall-runoff events shown in this study, the pollutant out-
flow accords with this rule.
In Type B rainfalls (Figure 5 and 6), the concentration Figure 6. Variation of pollutant concentration with runoff
of Cu and Zn varies widely with rainfall intensity. The time (2017.9.12, Type B)
peak concentration of pollutants occurs in the early stage It can be seen from the runoff process that the pol-
of runoff and lags behind the peak value of rainfall in- lutants are easy to enter the runoff in Type B rainfall
tensity. Because of the large rainfall intensity and runoff, events, and reach the peak value and the concentration
the effective erosion of high intensity rainfall on the road level is high in the initial stage. Then the concentration
surface at the early stage results in a significant reduc- drops rapidly to the bottom value. For example, in the
tion of runoff pollution concentration in the middle and two rainfall events of 2017.7.30 and 2017.9.12, both Cu
late stages compared with the peak value. For example, and Zn reach the peak value in the initial stage of runoff,
the intensity of Type B rainfall in 2017.7.30 reached a and then the concentration of pollutants decreases within

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about one hour of runoff. It is easy to remove from the during the rainy period, the concentration of pollutants
pavement in the early stage of high intensity rainfall fluctuated slightly again.
scouring, and the slight increase of concentration in the The heavy metal emission rule of Type C rainfall is
middle and late stages is related to vehicles driving and similar to that of Type B rainfall events in the initial stage,
discharge of ground sewage. that is, the pollutant concentration reaches the maximum
Figure 7 and 8 are two Type C rainfall events, the at the initial stage, and then fluctuates slightly with the
intensity of this kind of rainfall is greater in the whole change of rainfall intensity. In the later stage of runoff, the
process, and there are two high intensity rain peaks in pollutant concentration increases slightly under the influ-
the middle process of runoff. There is a good correlation ence of traffic immediate sewage discharge during rainy
between the fluctuation of pollutant concentration and period.
the change of rainfall intensity during rainfall process.
3.3 Analysis of Pollutant Scouring
The heavy metal pollutents discharge rate and runoff rate
of all rainfall events are plotted according to equation (1)
as shown in figure 9, the fitted value results of index b
are shown in Table 3. The curves of all field rainfalls did
not deviate significantly from the angular bisector, that is,
there was no strong initial erosion; most of the heavy met-
al curves fluctuated around the angular bisector, showing
moderate, weak or no initial effect.

Figure 7. Variation of pollutant concentration with runoff

time (2017.7.14, Type C)

Figure 8. Variation of pollutant concentration with runoff

time (2017.8.10, Type C)
The pollutant concentration reaches its peak value in
a short period of time after the beginning of runoff, and
then decreases gradually. In this process, the erosion abil-
ity varies with the changes of rainfall intensity, and fluc-
tuates in a zigzag shape. After two typical rainfall peaks,
Figure 9. Relation curves between pollutant emission rate
the pollutant concentration tends to be stable. Because of and runoff rate during rainfalls
the long duration of rainfall, the middle and late period of
runoff is also affected by the immediate sewage discharge

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

Table 3. Judgement of initial scour effect for different which means that the initial scouring intensity is moder-
pollutant in each rainfall ate. For these two types of rainfall, heavy intensity or long
duration rainfall is necessary condition for initial scouring
Rainfall Date Pollutant Value of index b Initial scour strength
effect of pollutants.
Cu 0.3452 moderate
For the rainfall event of 2017.9.12, which belongs
Pb 0.5932 moderate
to Type B. Although the amount of rainfall is relatively
2017.8.16 Zn 0.8012 moderate large, but the rainfall time is short, runoff process is not
Cr 0.7604 moderate obvious, and the effective scouring of pollutants cannot
Cd 0.7471 moderate be formed. The b value is greater than 1, indicating that
Cu 0.8948 weak there is no initial scouring during rainfall process. Heavy
Pb 1.3193 none metal pollutants can enter the surface runoff only when
2017.8.20 Zn 0.8789 weak the rainfall and scouring degree are high, so the rainfall
Cr 0.7863 moderate events with small rainfall intensity or short rainfall time
Cd 0.9709 weak
cannot provide enough scouring force to form a strong
initial scouring effect. The remaining three rainfalls are
Cu 1.6733 none
2017.7.14, 2017.7.30 and 2017.8.20, belonging to Type C,
Pb 1.4144 none
Type B and Type A respectively. However, the scouring
2017.7.30 Zn 1.7476 none
intensity of each pollutant is below the moderate level, or
Cr 0.8716 weak even none. Again, there is no significant correlation be-
Cd 1.1239 none tween erosion characteristics and rainfall types.
Cu 1.1319 none Among the heavy metal pollutants, the runoff concen-
Pb 1.3904 none tration and total amount of Cu and Zn are the highest, and
2017.9.12 Zn 1.0967 none their scouring effect is also the most obvious. They main-
Cr 1.1063 none ly come from the wear of motor vehicle tires and brake
Cd 1.1546 none pads, and are related to the traffic flow in the study area
Cu 0.7675 moderate
during the rainfall process. However, there are still some
deficiencies in the detection and research of this aspect.
Pb 1.0308 none
2017.7.14 Zn 0.8032 moderate 4. Conclusion
Cr 0.8935 weak
Cd 0.9128 weak Pollution discharging regularity of pavement runoff is
closely related to rainfall characteristics and pollutant oc-
Cu 0.6586 moderate
currence. Heavy metal pollutant concentration reaches its
Pb 0.7156 moderate
peak value in the early stage of runoff, and is less affected
2017.8.10 Zn 0.6603 moderate
by runoff scouring characterized by rainfall intensity.
Cr 0.5989 moderate
For rainfall events with low rainfall intensity and run-
Cd 0.6472 moderate off, the ability of runoff to scour the surface and carry
The initial scouring effect of heavy metals in runoffs pollutants is limited, and the pollutant concentration fluc-
are significantly correlated with rainfalls and pollutants. tuates slightly throughout the runoff. Even at the end of
When rainfall intensity is strong in the early stage, heavy runoff, the pollutant concentration remains at a high level.
metal pollutants are prone to scour in the early stage, on For rainfall events with large variations of rainfall in-
the contrary, this phenomenon is more difficult to occur. tensity and obvious strong rainfall peaks, the strong scour-
For rainfall event 2017.8.10 (Type C), the rainfall amount ing effect makes the pollutant concentration in runoff
and duration are the largest for the 6 rainfall events increase significantly and then decrease rapidly when the
studied, the initial scouring b value of each heavy metal peak rainfall intensity appears.
pollutant in runoff is less than 0.862, and there was a phe- The total amount of heavy metal pollutants has little
nomenon of moderate initial scouring. However, in rain- relationship with rainfall type, but the concentration and
fall event of 2017.8.16 (Type A), although rainfall inten- scouring amount of pollutants are determined by rainfall
sity is small, the rainfall time is long, and the heavy metal intensity and rainfall time. Collection and treatment of rain-
pollutants also form scouring effect in the runoff process, fall runoff, especially initial runoff, can effectively control
the b value of different metal pollutant is less than 0.862, the pollution of receiving water body, and is also the most
fundamental way to solve urban non-point source pollution.

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences

Power Spectrum in the Conductive Terrestrial Ionosphere
Georgi Jandieri* Jaromir Pistora Nino Mchedlishvili
International Space Agency Society Georgia, Tbilisi, 0184, Georgia


Article history Stochastic differential equation of the phase fluctuations is derived for the
Received: 19 March 2020 collision conductive magnetized plasma in the polar ionosphere applying
the complex geometrical optics approximation. Calculating second order
Accepted: 23 March 2020 statistical moments it was shown that the contribution of the longitudinal
Published Online: 31 March 2020 conductivity substantially exceeds both Pedersen and Hall’s conductivi-
ties. Experimentally observing the broadening of the spatial power spec-
Keywords: trum of scattered electromagnetic waves which equivalent to the bright-
Ionosphere ness is analyzed for the elongated ionospheric irregularities. It was shown
that the broadening of the spectrum and shift of its maximum in the plane
Turbulence of the location of an external magnetic field (main plane) less than in
Irregularities perpendicular plane for plasmonic structures having linear scale tenth of
Plasma scattering kilometer; and substantially depends on the penetration angle of an inci-
dent wave in the conductive collision turbulent magnetized ionospheric
plasma. The angle-of-arrival (AOA) in the main plane has the asymmetric
Gaussian form while in the perpendicular plane increases at small anisot-
ropy factors and then tends to the saturation for the power-low spectrum
characterizing electron density fluctuations. Longitudinal conductivity
fluctuations increase the AOAs of scattered radiation than in magnetized
plasma with permittivity fluctuations. Broadening of the temporal spec-
trum containing the drift velocity of elongated ionospheric irregularities
in the polar ionosphere allows to solve the reverse problem restoring ex-
perimentally measured velocity of the plasma streams and characteristic
linear scales of anisotropic irregularities in the terrestrial ionosphere.

1. Introduction Phase structure functions and the angle-of-arrival

(AOA) of scattered electromagnetic waves in the tur-
adiation of electromagnetic waves in the ion-
bulent magnetized plasma have been considered in [3,4]
ospheric plasma is of great interest from both
applying the stochastic eikonal equation. Investigation of
a theoretical and practical point of view. The
the statistical moments in the turbulent conductive iono-
geomagnetic field plays a key role in both the dynamic
processes in the terrestrial ionosphere and irregularities spheric plasma is of practical importance. Collision be-
having different spatial scales usually elongated along the tween plasma particles leads to the absorption of scattered
lines of force of the geomagnetic field. Statistical methods radio waves. Components of the conductivity tensor in
have been proposed to treat radiation in randomly inho- the homogeneous medium have been obtained [5] account
mogeneous media [1,2]. being taken both declination and inclination angles of the

*Corresponding Author:
George Jandieri,
International Space Agency Society Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0184;

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

geomagnetic field. Second order statistical moments of where: η = 1 − ∆ , η ′ =s ∆ 1 (1 + u ) + σ ⊥ , µ = ′ 2 s ∆ 1 u ,

a scattered radiation in the collision magnetized plasma
were considered analytically and numerically in [6].
In the present work, section 2, the dispersion equation µ = ∆ u + σ H , ζ = 1 − v , ζ ′ = s v + σ|| ,
is derived calculating attenuation of oblique incident
plane electromagnetic wave penetrating in a conductive
homogeneous collision magnetized plasma. In section 3  1 1 
= σ || e2 N  +  ,
stochastic differential equation of the phase fluctuations  me ν e mm ν i 
is derived account being taken both dielectric permittiv-
ity and conductivity fluctuations satisfying the boundary
conditions. Second order statistical moment – phase  νe νi 
= σ ⊥ e2 N  + 2   ,
correlation function of scattered radiation is obtained for 2 2 2
 me (ν e + ωe ) mi (ν i + ωi ) 
arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctua-
tions. Broadening of both the spatial power spectrum (SPS)
and temporal spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves  ωe ωi 
are investigated analytically in the conductive = collision σ H e2 N  2 2
− 2 2   ,
 me (ν e + ωe ) mi (ν in + ωi ) 
ionospheric plasma with randomly varying magnetoionic
parameters using the complex geometrical optics approx- 2 2
∆ ≡ v / (1 − u ) , ∆1 ≡ v / (1 − u ) 2 , v(r ) = ω p (r ) / ω and
imation. Numerical calculations are carried out in Section
u = (e H 0 / me c ω ) 2 are magneto-ionic parameters of the
4 for modified spectral function containing both aniso- 1/2
tropic Gaussian and power-law correlation functions of ionospheric plasma, ω p (r ) =  4 π N e (r ) e / me  is the

electron density fluctuations including both the anisotropy

plasma frequency, N e (r ) is the electron density which
factor and the inclination angle of elongated ionospheric
is a random function of the spatial coordinates, e and me
irregularities with respect to the geomagnetic lines of are the charge and mass of an electron, c is the speed of
force using the experimental data. Results and discus-
light in vacuum, s = ν eff / ω is the collision frequency
sions are given in Section 5.
between plasma particles; σ || , σ ⊥ and σ H are the lon-
gitudinal, transverse (Pedersen) and Hall’s conductivities,
2. Formulation of the Problem
respectively, ν e , i is the electron or ion collision frequen-
ω ω
Vector of the electric field E satisfies the wave equa- cy with the neutral molecules, e and i are the angular
tion: gyrofrequencies of an electron and ion, respectively; m i
is the mass of ion. At high frequencies the influence of
{ i j
ij 0 ij }
∇ ∇ − ∆δ − k ε (r ) E (r ) = 0 ,
 j (1) ions can be neglected.

If oblique incident plane wave penetrates into homoge-

where: k0 = ω / c is the wavenumber of an incident
neous conductive collision magnetized plasma at arbitrary
wave with frequency ω ; ∆ is the Laplacian, δ ij is the
refractive angle θ to the external magnetic field H 0
Kronecker symbol, ε=
ij ε ij − i σ ij , σ ij ≡ σ ij (4 π / k0 c)
from equation (1) we obtain set of equations:
are the second rank permittivity and conductivity tensors
of the turbulent conductive collision turbulent magnetized ( t22 + t 2 − εxx ) E x − (t1 t2 + εxy ) E y − t1 t E z = 0 ,
plasma, respectively, which are random functions of the
spatial coordinates.
The ambient external magnetic field H 0 is directed ( t1 t2 + ε yx ) E x − ( t12 + t 2 − ε yy ) E y + t2 t E z = 0 ,
vertically upwards along the Z-axis (polar ionosphere),
wave vector of a refractive plane electromagnetic wave
in the absorptive random medium is located in the YOZ t1 t E x + t2 t E y − ( t 12 + t 22 − εzz ) E z = 0 , (3)
plane (main plane) of the Cartesian coordinate system. We
2 2
suppose that s << (1 − u ) . Components of the second
 N 2 ,
0 N sin θ sin ϕ k0 t1 , t 1 + t 2 + t =
2 2 2
rank permittivity tensor and conductivity tensors of the = where: k x k=
magnetized plasma are : 
= k y k= 0 N sin θ cos ϕ k0=t2 , k z k= 
0 N cos ϕ k0 t ;
ε = ε = η − i η ′ , xy = − ε
 yx µ
=−′ µ 
, ε = ζ − i ζ ′ ϕ is the polar angle between the projection of an incident
xx yy zz

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wavevector k 0 on the XOY plane and the Y axis. Com- − N 22 sin 2 θ ( N1 sin 2 θ − ζ )η + N12 η sin 2 θ − η 2 + 
plex refractive index [9] of the collision magnetized plas-
2 2 2 2
ma: N =( N − i æ) =N1 − i N 2 contains the refractive
coefficient of homogeneous plasma N∗ and the absorp-
+ η ′2 + µ 2 ) + N 22 ζ ′η ′ sin 2 θ  . 
tion coefficient æ :

v (1 − v) v The solution of equation (5) k z / k0 determines the at-

N12 = 1 − 2 , N 22 s 2 [ ∆ + 2(1 − v)(v − 2) ] , (4)
= tenuation of an incident wave propagating in the collision
conductive homogeneous plasma for arbitrary angle θ .

ϒ 2 (1 − v) − u sin 2 θ ± u 2 sin 4 θ + 4 u (1 − v) 2 ⋅ 
where: = 3. Statistical Moments in the Conductive Col-

lision Magnetized Plasma
⋅ cos 2 θ  , signs corresponds to the ordinary and In this section calculating the statistical characteristics of
 "± "
scattered electromagnetic waves we suppose that the char-
extraordinary waves. Determinant set of equations (3) is:
acteristic spatial scale of elongated ionospheric irregulari-
ties exceeds the wavelength λ of an incident wave. This
t 4 + ( D1 + i D2 ) t 2 + ( D3 + i D4 ) =
0 , (5)
assumption enables to use the complex geometrical optics
approximation ignoring the interaction between the nor-
where: D1 + i D2= (C1 ζ − C2 ζ ′) + i (C1 ζ ′ + C2 ζ )  ⋅  mal waves account being taken that the phase fluctuations
substantially exceed the amplitude fluctuations. Appli-
cation of this method impose well-known restrictions on
(ζ 2 + ζ ′2 ) −1 ,  the distance traveled by the wave in the inhomogeneous
medium. Wave field introduce as [9]

D3 + i D4= (e1 ζ − e2 ζ ′) + i (e1 ζ ′ + e2 ζ )  ⋅ (ζ 2 + ζ ′2 ) −1 , Ei (r ) = Ai (r ) exp [i ϕ (r ) ] , ϕ (r=

) k0 N ( τ r ) + ϕ1 (r=


C1  N12 (η + ζ ) − N 22 (η ′ + ζ ′)  sin 2 θ − 2 (η ζ − η ′ ζ ′) ,  = k0 N ( y sin θ + z cos θ ) + ϕ1 (r ) , (6)

here: ϕ1 (r ) is the phase fluctuation of a scattered wave,

e (r )
N= N e 0 (1 + n1 (r )) , N e 0 is constant value, n1 (r )
2 2 (η ζ ′ + ζ η ′) −  2
 N1 (η ′ + ζ ′) + N 22 (η + ζ )  sin θ ,
is a random function of the spatial coordinates. Dielectric
permittivity is a sum of the constant mean and fluctuat-
=e1 ( N12 sin 2 θ − ζ )( N12 η sin 2 θ − η 2 + η ′2 + µ 2 ) −  ing terms εik =< εik > + εik′ ( < εik > >> εik′ , the angular
brackets indicate the ensemble average). The second term
contains n1 (r ) can be obtained from equation (1).
N 24 η sin 4 θ − ζ ′ (2η η ′ + 2 µ µ ′ − N12 η ′ sin 2 θ ) − 
Substituting equation (6) into (1) fluctuating phase sat-
isfies stochastic differential equations:
N 22 sin 2 θ − ( N1 sin 2 θ − ζ )η ′ + N12 η ′ sin 2 θ − 2ηη
 ′− 
∂ ϕ1 ∂ϕ
(a z + i az′ ) + (a y + i a ′y ) 1 = k0 ( A + i A′) n1 (r ) ,(7)
∂z ∂y
− 2 µ µ ′ −η ζ ′ ] ,

where: a y N1 sin θ (η − N12 ) (η + ζ ) + N12 (ζ − η ) sin 2 θ 
=e2 ( N12 sin 2 θ − ζ )(− N12 η ′ sin 2 θ + 2η η ′ + 2 µ µ ′) + 

µ 2  , a z N1 cos θ  2 ζ (η − N12 ) + N12 (ζ − η ) sin 2 θ  ,

+ N 24 η ′ sin 4 θ +ζ ′( N12 η sin 2 θ 2 2 2
− η + η ′ + µ ) − 

= {
a ′y N1 sin θ (η + ζ ) ( N 22 − η ′) − (η − N12 ) (η ′ + ζ ′) + 

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+  N12 (η ′ − ζ ′) − N 22 (ζ − η )  sin 2 θ − 2 µ ′ µ } , D+iE

Ψ 3 2 N1 cos θ
( Ψ 4 + i Ψ 5 ) , (9)

= {
az′ N1 cos θ 2 ζ ( N 22 − η ′) − (η − N12 )  +  where: Ψ
=1 a ′y a z − a y az′ , Ψ
=1 a y a z + a ′y az′ , 

+ sin 2 θ  N12 (η ′ − ζ ′) − N 22 (ζ − η )  , } Ψ 3 = a z2 + az′2 , Ψ=

4 A a z + A′ az′ , Ψ
= 5 A′ a z − A az′ .

If wave propagates along the ambient external magnet-

ic field ( θ = 0 ) − a + i b =0 , i.e. no dumping caused due
A =
( N14 − 6 N12 N 22 ) (ζ 1 cos 2 θ + η1 sin 2 θ ) + 4 N13 N 2 
to conductivity fluctuations; at angle θ = 450 we obtain
− a + i b =± 0.02 + 0.67 i . Scattered electromagnetic
⋅ (ζ ′ cos 2 θ + η ′ sin 2 θ ) − ( N12 − N 22 ) (1 + cos 2 θ ) (η ζ 1′ +  waves dumped stronger in proportion to the angle θ .
 Correlation function of the phase fluctuations is:

< ϕ1 ( x + ρ x , y + ρ y , ρ z ) ϕ1∗ ( x, y , ρ z ) > 

Vϕ ( ρ x , ρ y , ρ z ) =
+ ζ 1 η ′ + ζ η1′ − ζ ′η1 ) + 2sin 2 θ (ηη
 1′ − η ′η1 + µ µ ′)  + 

∞ ∞
ζ 1′ − η ζ 1 + ζ ′η1′ + ζ η1 ) + 
+ 2 N1 N 2 (1 + cos 2 θ ) (η ′= 2 π k02 ( D 2 + E 2 ) ∫ d k x ∫ d k y WN ( k x , k y , − b k y ) 
2 a ky
−∞ −∞

+ 2 N1 N 2 sin 2 θ ( 2η ′η1′ + 2ηη

 1 − µ ′2 + µ 2 ) − (η 2 − η ′2 ) 
1 − exp( − 2 a k y ρ z )  exp(i k x ρ x + i k y ρ y + i k z ρ z ) , (10)

 ′ ζ 1′ − ( µ ′2 − µ 2 ) ζ 1 − 2 µ µ ′ ζ 1′ 2 (η ζ − η ′ ζ ′) ⋅ 
⋅ ζ 1 − 2ηη where k x and k y are components of the wavevector
perpendicular to the external magnetic field, ρ x and ρ y
are the distances between observation points spaced apart
⋅ η1′ + 2 (η ζ − η ′ ζ ′)η1′ − 2 (η ζ ′ + ζ η ′)η1 + ( µ ′2 − µ 2 ) ⋅  at a small distance in the main and perpendicular planes,
respectively. The regular phase difference between two
observation points are neglected. Equation (10) includes
⋅ ζ ′ + 2 µ ζ µ ′ .
both field-aligned l|| and transversal l⊥ characteristics
linear scales of anisotropic electron density irregularities.
Double Fourier transformation and the boundary condi-
If a k y ρ z < 1 , exponential term in (10) can be expended
tion ϕ1 |z =0 = 0 yield the solution of equation (7):
into a series. In this case statistical characteristics of the
∞ ∞ phase fluctuations are proportion to the distance L travel-
ϕ1 ( x, y, z ) = ∫ ∫
k0 ( D + i E ) d k x dk y exp(i k x x + i k y y ) 
−∞ −∞
ling by the wave in the turbulent plasma. This statement is
valid beyond of its application [1,2].
In the theory of waves propagation in the turbulent ion-
osphere usually are interested in both amplitude and phase
fluctuations, however in different type systems the regis-
∫ dξ n (k , k , L) exp (− a + i b) (ξ − L) k
1 x y y
 , (8)
tering parameter is the frequency. In general, the intensity
of frequency fluctuations of scattered electromagnetic
here L is the distance propagating by the wave in the waves depends on: 1) the geometry of the task (thickness
conductive collision magnetized plasma satisfying the of a turbulent conductive collision magnetized plasma
condition a k0 L << k0 l ( l is the characteristic spatial slab, angle between the wave vector of an incident wave
scale of electron density fluctuations), coefficients: a , b and the ambient magnetic field; 2) characteristics spatial
, D and E are: scale of elongated plasmonic structures (account being
taken anisotropy factor and the inclination angle of iono-
tg θ spheric irregularities with respect to the external magnetic
− a +=
ib ( − Ψ1 + i Ψ 2 ) tgθ ,
Ψ3 field); 3) absorption caused by the collision of electrons

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with other plasma particles. In this case frequency fluctu- parameters.

ations caused due to scattering on the turbulent plasmonic
structures put natural restrictions on the accuracy of mea- 4. Numerical Calculations
Incident electromagnetic wave has frequency 3 MHz.
The spatial power spectrum (SPS) is the 3D Fourier
Magnetoionic plasma parameters at the altitude of 260 km
transformation of the correlation function of a scattered 2 −6
are: u0 = 0.22 , v0 = 0.28 , σ n = 10 [11]. We will use
radiation [2]. This second-order statistical moment is equiv-
the anisotropic power-law spectral correlation function of
alent to the brightness which usually enters the radiation
Ground-based radar system observations [12] showed that
transport equation. It is characterized by broadening in the
plasmonic structures in the terrestrial ionosphere having
main YOZ and perpendicular planes [3,4]:
linear scales in the interval (10 km > λ > 100 m) are char-
acterized by spectral indices in the range of − 4.8 ± 0.2 ,
∂ 2Vϕ ∂ 2Vϕ
Σx = − , Σy = − , (11) both in the vertical horizontal directions. For irregularities
∂η x2 ∂η y2 in 20 m to 200 m scale size range spectral power could be
presented by the Gaussian function. 3D spectral correla-
where: η x = k x ρ x and η y = k y ρ y are non-dimension tion of electron density irregularities combining anisotro-
parameters. pic Gaussian and power-law spectra [13] is:

Knowledge of the phase correlation function allow to σ n2 Ap l||3

calculate broadening of temporal spectrum of a scattered Wn (k ) p /2
8 π 5/2 χ 2 1 + l 2 (k 2 + k 2 ) + l 2 k 2 
radiation:  ⊥ x y || z 

 Vϕ′ ( ρ ) 2 
< Ω 2 > = − V02  Vϕ′′ ( ρ ) cos 2 θ 0 + sin θ 0  ,(12)  k2 l2 k y2 l||2 k z2 l||2 
 ρ  
exp − x ⊥
− p1 − p2 + p3 k y k z l||2  ,(14)
 4 4 4 
 
here: ρ is the distance between the observation points 2
in the plane perpendicular to the direction of wave propa- where: σ n is the mean-square fractional devia-
gation, θ 0 is the angle between the vector ñ and the drift tion of electron density. This spectral function contains
velocity V0 of the frozen in plasmonic structures. In this anisotropy factor χ = l|| / l⊥ (the ratio of longitudinal
case new allocated direction is appeared – the velocity and transverse linear sizes of ionospheric plasma irreg-
of the ionospheric irregularities. From equation (12) it is p1 (sin 2 γ 0 + χ 2 cos 2 γ 0 ) − 1 1 + ( χ 2 − 1) 2
ularities), =
possible to calculate and measure horizontal drift velocity
of the plasmonic structures if other parameters are known ⋅ sin 2 γ 0 cos 2 γ 0 χ − 2 =
, p2 (sin 2 γ 0 + χ 2 cos 2 γ 0 ) / χ 2 ,
and vice-versa.
p3 ( χ 2 − 1) sin γ 0 cos γ 0 ( 2 χ 2 ) −1 , γ 0 is the orientation
Phase fluctuations are responsible for fluctuations of
the AOA which can be measured by interferometer sys- angle of elongated ionospheric plasma irregularities with
tems. As a part of a radar propagation effects program at respect to the magnetic lines of force; k z indicates field
the Millstone Hill radar facility [10]. AOA has been mea- aligned wave number. A spheroidal shape of plasmonic
sured with a single mono-pulse tracking system. Structure structures is caused due to the difference of the diffusion
function Dϕ= ( ρ x , ρ y , L) 2 Vϕ (0, 0, L) − Vϕ ( ρ x , ρ y , L)  coefficients in the field aligned and field perpendicular di-
allows to calculate AOAs in the main and perpendicular rections. These irregularities are quite readily observable
planes: in the presence of strong artificial and/or natural perturba-
tions in the terrestrial ionosphere.
Dϕ (η x ,0, L) Experimentally observable power-law spectral correla-
< Θ2x > = lim , tion function of the electron density fluctuations has the
η x→ 0 η x2
following form:

Dϕ (0,η y , L) σ n2 Ap l||
< Θ 2y > = lim Wn (k ) = p /2 ,(15)
, (13) 8π 5/2
η y→0 η y2 χ 2 1 + l⊥2 (k x2 + k y2 ) + l||2 k z2 

where: η x = k0 ρ x and η y = k0 ρ y are nondimensional

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

 p   5− p   ( p − 3)π 
where: Ap = Γ Γ  sin   , Γ( x) is
   2   2 
the gamma function. In the polar ionosphere geomagnetic
field lines are oriented almost vertically formatting elon-
gated vertical plasmonic structures. Characteristic spatial
scale of electron density irregularities ranges from hun-
dreds of meters to ten kilometers. The geomagnetic field
of the high-latitude ionosphere plays an important role in
the process of plasmonic structures generation. The inci-
dent electromagnetic wave propagating in the conductive
randomly inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma makes an-
gle θ with an external magnetic field in the main plane.
The solution of the biquadratic equation (5) at s << σ ij Figure 1. The broadening of the spatial power spectrum
gives the attenuation of electromagnetic waves propagat- versus anisotoropy factor for different linear scales of
ing in the homogeneous conductive collision magnetized ionospheric irregularities
plasma E ~ exp( − i k r ) = exp( − i k ′ r + k ′′ r ) We have
Numerical calculation of the broadening of the SPS are
four roots:
carried out for the spectrum (14).
Figure 1 illustrates the broadening of the SPS of scattered
± (1 − 0.02sin 2 θ ) + i 0.16 cos 2 θ  and 
t1,2 =
  electromagnetic waves for different characteristic spatial
scales of elongated plasmonic structures: curve 1 corresponds
to the l|| = 3 km, curve 2 is devoted to the l|| = 6 km, curve
± (0.3 − 1.64sin 2 θ ) − i 0.9 sin 2 θ  .
t3,4 = (16)
  3 - l|| = 9 km at inclination angle of elongated ionospheric
irregularities γ 0 = 30 and refraction angle of an incident
Attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the conduc- wave θ = 30 . Increasing parameter l|| , the SPS in the
tive homogeneous plasma substantially depends on the XOZ plane broadens and its maximum shifts to the right due
refractive angle of the penetrated wave vector and the ex- to conductivity fluctuations. Maximum of the curve 1 is at
ternal magnetic field. For our model the imaginary part of χ = 11 , for curve 2 at χ = 18 , for curve 3 at χ = 25 .
ti ( i = 1...4) ) varies from 0.41 up to 0.86 in the interval Numerical analyses show that the broadening of the
00 ≤ θ ≤ 900 . SPS decreases inversely proportion to the linear scale of
One of the important problem of plasma turbulence in ionospheric irregularities in the main YOZ plane due to
the upper ionosphere is the three–dimensional (3D) spa- both external magnetic field and longitudinal conductivity.
tial spectra of the turbulence at various latitudinal regions Particularly, varying parameter in the interval 3 ≤ l|| ≤ 9
describing the evolution of the statistical characteristics km, shift of maximum of the SPS is at χ = 4, the broad-
of scattered radiation. Spectral shape of irregularities in ening approximately is the same, but two order less than
F–region of the ionosphere could be presented as a prod- in the perpendicular XOZ plane.
uct of two functions having various dependencies on the
wavenumber parallel k|| and perpendicular k ⊥ to the
geomagnetic field (the spectra have various inner scales
in these directions). The spatial anisotropy of turbulence
spectra for the geomagnetic north–south (N–S) and E–W
directions has been studied in [14]. Cross-field anisotropy,
whose scale is varying from l⊥ > 0.5 km to l⊥ > 5 ÷ 10 km
plays a significant role in the phase fluctuations, where
the N–S component of phase fluctuation spectra reaches
the saturation. Irregularities of ionospheric F-region are
strongly stretched along the geomagnetic field.

Figure 2. The broadening of the SPS versus anisotropy

factor of elongated ireegularities for different inclination
angle γ 0

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

Figure 2 depicts the broadening of the SPS in the main that large-scale electron density irregularities aligned
YOZ plane. Curve 1 corresponds to the field-aligned with the geomagnetic field having dimensions longer
( γ 0 = 00 ) elongated ionospheric irregularities having than ~2 km along and several hundred meters across the
characteristic linear scale l|| = 80 km, refraction angle of geomagnetic field were formed in the F-region of the ion-
an incident wave in the conductive collision turbulent osphere. From the observed power spectra drift velocities
magnetized plasma is equal to θ = 300 . Increasing angle of irregularities were observed. Since the irregularities are
0 0
in the interval 0 ≤ γ 0 ≤ 15 broadening decreases, how- believed to be at a height of ~ 260 km the drift velocity of
ever maximum of these curves is at χ = 4 . That is for the irregularities ~ 46 m/sec (eastwards). Measurements
large-scale plasmonic structures inclination angle have of plasma drifts performed at Jicamarca show [15] that the
no influence on the broadening of the SPS and shift of its zonal drift is westward and about 50 m/s during the day,
maximum. Numerical calculations show that for the same and eastward and up to 130 m/s during the night.
parameters SPS substantially broadens: Σ x = 0.07 at
γ 0 = 00 , while Σ x =0.44 at γ 0 = 150 . All curves reach
maximum at χ ≈ 18 .

Figure 4. Broadening of the temporal spectrum versus

distance between observation points for different anistoro-
py factor x

Figure 3. The broadening of the SPS versus anisotropy

factor of elongated ireegularities for different refraction
angle θ in the XOZ plane
Figure 3 illustrates the broadening of the SPS in the
XOZ plane for plasmonic anisotropic structures hav-
ing characteristic spatial scale 6 km, inclination angle
γ 0 = 150 with respect to the geomagnetic lines of forces.
Curve 1 is devoted to the refraction angle θ = 150 , curve
2 - θ = 300 , curve 3 - θ = 360 . Analyses show that the
broadening of the SPS substantially depend on the refrac- Figure 5. Broadening of the temporal spectrum versus an-
tion angle of penetrating incident electromagnetic wave isotropy factor χ at different characteristic spatial scales
in the conducive turbulent plasma: this statistical charac- of elongated plasmonic structures
teristic decreases Σ= x 0.74 ÷ 0.08 inversely proportion to
0 0 Figure 4 illustrates the normalized temporal spectrum
the angle =θ 15 ÷ 36 , maximums of these curves shift
versus distance between observation points η x in the XOZ
to the left χ= 18 ÷ 15 . In the YOZ plane for the same
0 plane for different anisotropy factors: χ = 5 (curve 1),
parameters ( γ 0 = 15 and l|| = 6 km) the broadening of
χ = 10 (curve 2), χ = 20 (curve 3), χ = 30 (curve 4) for
the SPS less than in previous case: in the interval of the
0 0 the power-law spectrum (15) at ξ = 100 (i.e. l|| = 16 km).
refraction angle θ= 8 ÷ 30 the broadening in the main
0.04 ÷ 0.01 , anisotropy factor is in the interval The width of the temporal spectrum narrows in proportion
plane Σ= y
χ= 6 ÷ 4 . to the parameter χ in the perpendicular plane
Figure 5 depicts the broadening of the normalized
The electron density irregularities were studied by mea-
temporal spectrum versus anisotropy factor at fixed dis-
suring the intensity fluctuations at the frequencies 430 and
1400 MHz at the Arecibo Observatory [14]. It was found tances between observation points η x = 30 , η y = 30
, θ = 300 and different characteristic spatial scales of

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Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 02 | Issue 01 | April 2020

ionospheric irregularities. Substituting equation (13) into

< Θ 2x , y > versus anisotropy factor χ at ξ = 100
(11) the normalized broadening of the temporal spectrum
Ω∗ ≡ < Ω 2 > / V02 is expressed via K 3/2 ( x) McDonald ( l|| = 1.6 km). Curve 1 corresponds to the angle θ = 100 ,
function. Increasing drift velocity of the ionospheric curve 2 - θ = 12.50 , curve 3 - θ = 150 . Numerical calcu-
elongated plasmonic structures, temporal spectrum of lations show that < Θ x > tends to the2 saturation starting
scattered electromagnetic waves broadens. Curve 1 cor- at χ = 20 (see Table 1), while < Θ y > has the asym-
responds to ξ = 50 ( l|| = 800 m), curve 2 is devoted to metric Gaussian form, reaching maximums the curves
ξ = 80 ( l|| = 1,3 km), curve 3 - ξ = 150 ( l|| = 2, 4 km). fast decrease. Particularly, at θ 2= 100 the curve 1 reaches
′ ′′
Increasing characteristic spatial scale of ionospheric ir- maximum at χ = 7.85 , < Θ y >2max =22 19 ; curve 2
< Θ > =16′ 32′′ ; curve
regularities from l|| = 800 m up to l|| = 2, 4 km, temporal has maximum at χ = 6.22 , y max
′ ′′
spectrum broadens 1.4 times 3 has maximum at χ = 4.96 , < Θ y > max =1 14 . In-
Temporal spectrum broadens in proportion to the re- creasing angle θ maximum of the AOA in the main plane
fractive angle for large-scale plasmonic structures. Starting decreases and shift to the left. External magnetic field has
from χ = 1 (isotropic case) temporal spectrum of scat- substantial influence on the AOA in the main plane. Table
tered radiation increases, reaching maximums the curves 1 illustrates AOA in both planes for plasmonic structures
smoothly decreases in proportion to the anisotropy factor having characteristic spatial scale1.6 km, k0 L = 10 (or
of elongated ionospheric irregularities. The reason is that L=160 km). Estimations show that conductivity fluctu-
in the geometrical optics approximation, in non-absorbing ations increase AOAs of scattered radiation in the polar
medium (neglecting fluctuations) when both amplitude terrestrial ionosphere.
and phase Φ are real quantities, vector of the energy-flux
density and the vector ∇ Φ are collinear and directed to
the normal to the phase front, while in absorptive media
(collision conductive magnetized plasma) the direction of
wave propagation ∇ Φ1 and the direction of fast dumping
of the wave ∇ Φ 2 are not coincide [4]. On the other hand,
according to the frozen-in hypothesis disregarding fluctua-
tions of the drift velocity of ionospheric inhomogeneities,
at transversal motion of inhomogeneities V⊥ = 100 m ⋅ s −1
the width of the spectrum ∆ Ω =V⊥ / λ L is of the order
of  3 ⋅ 10 − 2 Hz which is in agreement with [16].

Phase structure function allow to calculate AOAs of

scattered radiation in the conductive turbulent magnetized Figure 6. Angle-of-arrival in the XOZ plane versus an-
plasma for different orientation of the observation points. isotropy factor
Numerical calculations are carrying out for experimentally
observing power-law spectral function of electron density
fluctuations using the experimental data. The AOA in the
main and perpendicular planes are given by:

k0 L χ 2 D 2 + E 2
< Θ 2x > = σ n2 ,
4 ξ 1 + b2 χ 2

< Θ 2y > π 1
= . (15)
< Θ 2x > 8 (1 + b 2 χ 2 ) 2

From this equation follows that the AOA in the

XOZ plane exceeds the AOA in the main plane. Figure
5 and Figure 6 illustrate the dependence of the AOAs Figure 7. Angle-of arrival in the main plane versus pa-
rameter χ

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Table 1. Numerical calculations the asymmetric Gaussian form; increasing refractive an-
gle maximum of these curves shifts to the left, while the
χ θ0 < Θ 2x > < Θ 2y > AOA in the perpendicular plane increases in proportion to
the anisotropy factor and tends to the saturation. Estima-
10 100 10 22′ 21′ 25′′ tions show that conductivity fluctuations increase AOAs
of scattered radiation than in magnetized plasma with
20 100 10 46′ 11′ 58′′
permittivity fluctuations. AOAs in the main plane are less
30 100 10 53′ 6′ 34′′ than in perpendicular plane caused due to the existence of
an external magnetic field and longitudinal conductivity.
40 100 20 4′13′′ Study of the AOA could provide useful information about
the structure of the ionospheric irregularities.
χ θ0 < Θ 2x > < Θ 2y > Frequency fluctuations of radio waves propagating in
58′ 26′′ 8′ 42′′ the conductive turbulent polar ionosphere is investigated.
10 150
Correlation function of the phase fluctuations allows to
20 150 10 8′ 3′18′′ calculate temporal spectrum of scattered radiation account
being taken the drift velocity of elongated plasmonic
30 150 10 8′ 1′ 37′′
structures. Temporal spectrum of scattered electromagnet-
40 150 10 8′ 58′′ ic waves broadens Increasing velocity of a plasma stream.
The broadening of the temporal spectrum depends on the
Numerical calculations of the AOAs were carried characteristic spatial scale of ionospheric irregularities,
out for small-scale ionospheric irregularities hav- anisotropy factor and the angle between the refractive
ing characteristic spatial scale l|| = 80 m ( ξ = 5 ) and wave and the external magnetic field. The width of the
k0 L= 2 ⋅10 3 (or L = 32 km). In this case at θ = 100 , χ = 8 , normalized temporal spectrum broadens in proportion to
< Θ 2y > max =44′ 41′′ at θ = 120 , χ =6, < Θ 2y > max =35′ 4′′
the linear scale of plasma irregularities (at fixed angle θ
) and the angle θ (at fixed characteristic spatial scale of
;at θ = 150 , χ = 5, < Θ 2y > max = 24′ 45′′ ;at θ = 200 , plasmonic structures). The obtained results allow to solve
the reverse problem restoring distance of travelling frozen
χ = 3 , < Θ y > max =14′ 6′′ . in irregularities in the polar conductive ionosphere for
The behavior of the curves is the same than in the case given drift velocity and the angle between the observation
of large-scale ionospheric irregularities. Study of the AOA points and the direction of irregularities movement.
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