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BACH2 2021-22


AN OPINION ESSAY is a piece of writing which requires your opinion on a topic.

When you write an opinion essay you:
1. Present the issue and your opinion.
2. Present reasons, facts and examples to support your opinion.
3. Summarize your arguments and restate your opinion.
How is it structured?
An opinion essay has a standard format:
● Paragraph 1: A general introduction to the topic. State your opinion.
● Paragraph 2: First point in support of your opinion.
● Paragraph 3: Second point in support of your opinion.
● Paragraph 4: A conclusion, summarizing your opinion.

Essay task
Read the following opinion essay and do the activities below.
Tipping – Why bother?
Many people feel that since good service is an expected part of a restaurant meal, customers should not
have to tip the waiter. They also feel that prices at restaurants are high enough, so tipping is unnecessary.
However, I disagree with this view.
First of all, the way in which restaurants are run is based on tipping. Waiters are often paid the minimum
wage or less. As a result, they depend on earning a certain amount in tips in order to make ends meet.
Moreover, although we may resent the high prices charged at restaurants, waiters are certainly not to
Secondly, waiters need encouragement to do their best. They are required to remain patient, efficient and
polite despite working at a job that is often quite physically and emotionally demanding. For this reason,
they need incentives such as tips.
In conclusion, waiters rely on tips both in order to make a living and to stay motivated. Even though this
may not be the best system, I believe that at present there is not much choice but to be generous and add
some extra cash before we leave the table.

⮚ Ideas
1. Present the issue and your opinion. Read the title and the first paragraph.
1. What issue does the essay deal with?
2. Does the writer give a clear indication of his or her position in the opening paragraph?
3. What’s the writer’s opinion?

2. Present reasons, facts and examples to support your opinion. Read the second and third
1. What is the function of the first sentences in the second and third paragraphs?
2. What are the main arguments that the writer uses?
3. What reasons does he / she give?

3. Summarise your arguments and restate your opinion.

1. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
2. What conclusion does the writer reach?

4. In which paragraph of the essay could the following statements be written?

1) It is the management that sets the prices.
2) They work long hours with few breaks, carrying heavy trays and dealing with
customers’ demands and complaints.
3) Since the system is probably not going to change anytime soon, it seems that
customers will be expected to leave tips.
4) Moreover, they feel forced to leave a tip even if the service is less than perfect.
5) Tipping helps them feel that customers appreciate their hard work and service.
6) It’s a system that allows restaurant owners to increase their profits by paying their
workers very little.
5. What’s the meaning of the phrase to make ends meet?

⮚ Language
1. Find examples of each of the following in the model essay.
1. A connector of cause
2. A connector of result
3. A connector of addition
4. A connector of contrast
5. Sequencers
6. A connector of purpose
7. An adverb of frequency
8. An adverb of degree
2. What expressions of opinion does the writer use?

How to write an opinion essay 2

BACH2 2021-22

⮚ Language work
1. Correct each sentence changing the words in bold.
1. The Countess was a great animal lover. Nevertheless, she left all her money to her dog.
2. Those two shops are not at all similar, but there are some differences.
3. I didn’t buy anything despite there were some great bargains.
4. I wanted to know the price of the sunglasses. In addition, I couldn’t read the price tag.
5. I’m not coming on the trip owing to I’m broke at the moment.

(Click on the link below to practice connectors).

2. Expressions to introduce arguments. Complete the text with the appropriate words from the

it is said true saying there is no

It is often (1) __________________ that we should work to live, and not live to work. And it is
(2) ____________________ that almost everyone would agree with this statement. However,
(3)________ clear that many people today seem to live to work. It goes without (4)
________________ that we would all prefer to ignore this, but (5) ____________________
denying that it is true.

3. Look at the ADVERBS OF DEGREE language box and answer the questions below.


⮚ She’s got a(n) extremely / really / very good job.

⮚ My new company is far / much better than the previous one.
⮚ It’s not especially / particularly important.
⮚ The interview was rather / pretty high.
⮚ I feel a little / a bit / kind of nervous.
⮚ She’s not a bad boss at all.

1. Which adverbs must be used with a comparative adjective?

2. Which adverbial expression must include a negative?
3. Which adverbial expressions are informal?
4. Complete the sentences. Use each adverb only once.
a bit especially fairly not at all really
1. It’s …… easy to get a good job in Spain.
2. What an interview? It was ……. terrible.
3. It’s 25ºC today, so it’s ……… warm.
4. It’s OK if you’re ………… nervous on your first day.
5. Of all the skills, this one is ……….. important.
(Click on the link below for further information about adverbs of degree.)
Writing strategy
Action plan!

I. Indicate what you are going to write about in the first paragraph.
II. Make your position clear in the first paragraph.
III. Begin each discussion paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly introduces the focus.
IV. End with a short conclusion.
V. Do not include any significant new information in the conclusion.
VI. Do not try to cover too many points in your essay.

1. Brainstorm ideas for what to write about and make notes in a mind map.
2. Choose the best ideas from your notes and organize them into paragraphs.
3. Write your essay using your notes from step 2. Use linking words where appropriate.
4. When you have finished, check:
✔ Have you followed the writing plan?
✔ Have you clearly stated your position at the beginning?
✔ Have you started every discussion paragraph with some of the expressions to introduce
✔ Have you correctly used connectors of cause?
✔ Have you used appropriate expressions of opinion throughout your essay?
✔ Have you used adverbs of degree to make your meaning clearer?
✔ Is your conclusion clear and concise?
✔ Spelling
✔ Grammar
✔ Punctuation

How to write an opinion essay 4

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