Meal Planning (Adolescent)

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Meal Planning (Adolescent)

Cleshaun Christian, Kimberly-Rae Davis, Keona King

❏ Define terms adolescence, puberty, teenager, adults.
❏ Explain the reason for their nutritional needs.
❏ State suitable foods for adolescents.
❏ Plan meals for adolescents (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack).
❏ Write a menu for the meal.
❏ Prepare and present a suitable meal for adolescents.
What is Adolescence?
Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
Children who are entering adolescence are going through many changes
(physical, intellectual, personality and social developmental).
Puberty, Teenagers, Adults
When a child’s physical and sexual characteristics mature due to
hormones is known as puberty and results in brain development,
rapid growth and sexual maturation. Teenagers, generally from ages
13-18, are known as adolescents since they go through puberty and
hormonal changes etc. Adults, ages 18 and above, are also classified
as adolescents because some are known as “late bloomers” which
means they experience some of these changes at a later age or time
in their life.
Female Adolescents
Female adolescents body size will increase with her arms, legs,
hands, feet as well as breasts begin to grow in advance of the body.
Female adolescents need about 2,000 calories and should eat healthy
foods such as lean protein sources, low-fat dairy products, whole
grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Adolescents Nutritional Needs
After infancy, adolescence is the second fastest growth stage in a
person’s life. The growth spurt during this time requires adolescents
to increase their intake of nutrients specifically speaking Vitamins A,
C, D as well as iron and calcium in a reasonable amount, not too
much and not too little.
Suitable Foods for Adolescents
Adolescents need to have a balanced diet to ensure they are getting
the correct nutrients so they can have starch such as ground
provisions/cereal, fruits and vegetables, foods rich in protein like
beans, peas, nuts FFA-eggs, milk/milk products (low fat and no fat),
meat, ect.
Meals and Menus
Breakfast Menu Lunch Menu
Toast Bread Boiled Creamy Carbonara
Fried Egg Omelette Grilled Steak (Medium)
Apple Juice Steamed Vegetables
Meals and Menus Con’t
Dinner Menu Snack Menu
Curried Chicken Granola Bars
Boiled Rice Fruit Yogurt
Steamed Vegetables Water
Passion Fruit Juice
Male Adolescents
Body size will increase, with the feet, arms, legs, and
hands.Adolescent males will also experience hair growth on their
face, under their arms, and on their legs.And because of these
changes adolescents males require an average of 2,800 calories per
Breakfast Menu Lunch Menu
Oats Porridge Baked Chicken
Buttered Bread Boiled Rice
Orange Juice Steamed Vegetables
Dinner Menu Snack Menu
Steamed Fish Granola Bars
Steamed Bammy A Glass of Milk
Coleslaw Water
Mango Pine Juice
Athletic Adolescents
Young athletes should be eating five or six balanced meals and snacks
each day, and should be eating every three hours. Each meal should
include a balance of complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fat, fruits
and vegetables. Each snack should include a combination of all three
macronutrients: complex carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats.
Foods Suitable for Athletic Adolescents
The following healthy choices are recommended for young athletes:

● Whole grains and other complex carbohydrates (oats, brown rice, quinoa, whole
wheat bread, whole grain breakfast cereals, sweet potatoes, squash and beans)
● Fruits (2 to 4 servings per day)
● Vegetables (3 to 5 servings per day)
● Lean proteins (chicken, fish, beans/lentils, tofu, eggs, yogurt and milk)
● Healthy fats (nuts, nut butter, seeds, olive oil and avocado)
Breakfast Menu Lunch Menu
Apple Slices Grilled Chicken
Ham Omelette Baked Sweet Potato
A Glass of Milk Mixed Fruit Yogurt
Dinner Menu Snack Menu
Grilled Salmon Mixed Nuts
Boiled Rice A Glass of Milk or Yogurt
Steamed Vegetables
Pineapple Juice

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