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Senior High School Department


The Perceive Pros and Cons of Technical Tactics of Cyberbullying

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Submitted by:

ICT 12 – 05



Ragasa, Ryan

Quintanilla, Quinn Nicole

Reyes, Howard Job

Reyes, Hiroshi

Sarabia, Desiree

Submitted to:

Mrs. Romalaine D. Del Rosario, LPT


August 2019– April 2020

Senior High School Department


This thesis entitled

“The Perceive Pros and Cons of Technical Tactics of Cyberbullying”

Prepared and submitted by Ragasa, Ryan, Quintanilla, Quinn Nicole, Reyes, Howard Job,
Reyes, Hiroshi, Sarabia, Desiree in partial fulfilment of the requirements of ICT 12 – 05 in
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Approved by the research adviser with a grade of PASSED on <date of defense>

Mrs. Romalaine D. Del Rosario, LPT

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of ICT 12 – 05 in Inquiries, Investigation

and Immersion

Mr. Holden Kenneth G. Alcazaren
Research Coordinator, Basic Education Department
Senior High School Department


We would like to express our gratitude to our Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

teacher who guided us throughout this project, As well as our principal, who gave us the

golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic, which also helped us in doing a

lot of Research and we came to know about so many new things we are really thankful to


I would also like to thank our friends and our family who supported us and offered

deep insight into the study. We wish to acknowledge the help provided by the technical and

support staff in University of Perpetual Help System Dalta Molino Campus.

The researchers would also like to give special thanks to each of our member for

giving all of our best in this study. This study would not be completed if we don't work as a

group, the following people who participate for helping us finalize this project.
Senior High School Department


Cyber-bullying has become rampant among our adolescent population. So, although

bullying is a problem at virtually every level of schooling in this country, it is particularly

pervasive during the middle school years. Building and maintaining positive social

relationships is of paramount importance to students in this age range.

Cyber bullying is an online aggressive behavior in the digital space. Bullying is a

form of peer aggression which can be as damaging as any form of conventional aggression

(Mickie, 2011). The problem investigated in this research concerns cyber bullying that

disturbs university students psychologically and emotionally. Bullying also prevents students

from achieving good grades. It seems that technologies are in some ways creating more stress

on our young in the form of cyber bullying rather than to help them progress. Research

findings have shown that young students who become victims of cyber bullies suffer great

stress (Elizabeth, 2010). Hence there is an urgent need to understand the problems faced by

the victims so that concrete and proactive measures can be taken by university authorities,

teachers and parents to address this global problem.

The study is to bring awareness about cyberbullying. This study is important because

the researchers would propose solutions that can help victims and potential victims from

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TITLE PAGE................................................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET....................................................................................................................ii
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................vii
DISCLAIMER ..........................................................................................................................viii
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................................ix
Background of the Study ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Research Objectives…………………………………………………………………………...2
Significance of the Study ..............................................................................................................3
Review of Related Literature ..................................................................................................... 2-6
Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................................. 7-8
Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................................8
Scope and Limitation ....................................................................................................................8
Definition of Terms .................................................................................................................. 8-9
Research Design and Research Site................................................................................................9
Respondents of the Study ............................................................................................................10
and Data Collection ....................................................................................................................10
Data Analysis.............................................................................................................................10
Research Instrument ...................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER 3: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................................................................... 11-13
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 14-15
References ........................................................................................................................... 16-17
Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 18-22
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Table 1.........................................................................................................................................8
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Figure 1 .....................................................................................................................................11
Figure 2 .....................................................................................................................................12
Figure 3 .....................................................................................................................................13
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The study has been made the product of hard work of the researchers. It has been

approved and accepted by the panel of reviewers. Hence, no part of this paper may be used

without proper citation or approval from the authors.


Senior High School Department


This survey is intended to find out The Perceived Pros and Cons of Technical Tactics

of Cyberbullying of the senior high school students. This is part of our performance task in

Practical Research II, a subject of grade 12 students. Bearing this in mind, we respectfully

request your participation by filling out this survey. The first part aims to elicit information

on your background. While the second part requires your insights on cyberbullying. By

signing your name on the conforme below, this would mean that you consent to responding

to this survey. We assure you that the information disclosed here shall not be used for any

other purposes except for the ones mentioned above.


Senior High School Department

Chapter 1: Introduction

A. Background of the Study

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means.

Cyberbullying is also known as online bullying. Cyberbullying is when someone bully or

harass others on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media

sites. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a

victims' personal information, or abusive labels (i.e., hate speech). And now cyberbullying is

uncontrolled social issues today’s stage of life concerned.

According to Livingstone & Haddon (2009), technology evolves rapidly and the

advent of the Internet has substantially changed the way most people live their lives. There

have been obvious social benefits arising from advances of the Internet and communication

technologies: easier access to educational information and resources, creation and

maintenance of friendships, and instant access to a wide variety of entertainment; these are

only a few of the many ways to describe the Internet’s pervasiveness in daily life.

In the previous study of Aftab & Belsey (2011) and Hester (2012), there are

seemingly infinite modalities to carry out cyberbullying through ever-evolving technological

media. Email is among the most frequently used means of digital communication. Instant and

text messaging are typically shorter forms of communication between two or more 11 people.

It is now common for these types of communication to include image, video, or sound

content. Cyberbullying through messaging services takes many different forms, but most

obviously is the sending of angry or threatening messages. In accordance with chat rooms,
Senior High School Department

message boards, blogs, and user created websites are also prone to cyber harassment and

flaming as they are loosely regulated. Social networking websites, such as Facebook and

Twitter, allow users to become part of a virtual community and thus provide an additional

avenue for cyberbullying.

According to Patchin & Hinduja (2012), most websites require users to build a basic

profile that can include demographic information, photos, personal essays, short comments,

and so forth. After a profile is created, users can interact with others by following their

profiles, sending messages, or leaving comments directly on other profiles. Not only does

this open the door for cyber harassment, fake profiles or parody accounts can easily be

created to embarrass or trick other users. Today there are hundreds of social networking sites

with millions of users and more registering each day.

The general study aims to identify the pros and cons of technical tactics in

cyberbullying encountered before and after getting. The group needs to know the technical

tactics to know how and what are needed to prevent them from bullying. This study might

help the students, school, and parents to prevent the bullying that may encounter.

B. Research Objectives

• To determine what would be the results of cyberbullies to the victims.

• To obtain information about the technical tactics of cyberbullying in order or attack

their victims.

• To cite the strategies to apply in order to block/prevent the bullies or offenders.

Senior High School Department

C. Significance of the Study

• Students – this study will be significant to students because they will be able to know

the different types of techniques and tactics that the cyberbullies use. Knowing these

techniques and tactics, they could be able to prevent themselves f rom getting

cyberbullied on social media.

• Teachers – This study will be significant to the teachers because this research will be

able to provide good and accurate information about cyberbullies in social media.

They could consult the victims/perpetrator and take action using the given

information from this research.

• School – This study will be significant to the school because this research will be able

to provide strategies to apprehend the offenders that continue to cyberbully the

students from their school.

• Parents – this study will be significant to the parents because they can be able to

provide the needs the school or the teachers weren’t able to provide to their children

who were a subject in cyberbullying.


Senior High School Department

D. Review of Related Literature

Gollwitzer & Steffgen (2010), Cyberbullying has been defined as intentional harmful

behavior carried out by a group or individuals, repeated over time, using modern digital

technology to aggress against a victim who is unable to defend him/herself

From the words of Guilia Mura, Cidgem Topcu, Ozgur Erdur-Baker of the Middle

East University, the study underlined a high occurrence of ICT usage and the experience of

both cyber bullying and cyber victimization among two samples. It seems likely that cyber

bullying and victimization may be more connected to the use of ICT than nationality and

cultural factors, as Italian and Turkish seem to share very close experiences in the usage of

ICT. Moreover, while previous studies usually detected cyber bullying and victimization

among secondary school students, the research shows the presence of such phenomena also

in older and more educated age groups.

Based on the study “chat room: perception of cyber bullying in Hong Kong schools”

by the University of Hong Kong, Bullying has been recognized for a longtime, but a question

remains about the seriousness of traditional bullying and cyberbullying in Hong Kong.

Moreover, it is essential to explore whether there are any changing patterns between

traditional bullying and cyber bullying. Thus, the following is going to analyze the

seriousness of bullying in Hong Kong and try to determine whether any prediction can be

made on the trend of traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Wong suggested that school

banding is related to school bullying and that schools with higher academic achievements

have less bullying. He also explained that students with better academic results may have
Senior High School Department

some personality characteristics such as high conscientiousness, obedience and self-

discipline which are contrary to bullying.

According to the “Bullying and Cyber bullying: History, statistics, law, prevention,

and analysis” by Richard Donegan of Elon University in America, Technology’s progression

is often equated with the advancement of human societies. Pivotal innovations, such as the

Internet, have forever changed how people interact. Though these developments have

allowed the human race to make great strides in many fields, they have also allowed forms of

transgression to become more rampant and wide spread. This is evident when considering

how traditional bullying has evolved into an issue today known as cyber bullying. While

bullying and cyber bullying are often similar in terms of form and technique, they also have

many differences. Unlike traditional bullying, cyber bullying allows the offender to mask his

or her identity behind a computer. This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to strike

blows against a victim without having to see the victim’s physical response. The distancing

effect that technological devices have on today’s youth often leads them to say and do crueler

things compared to what is typical in a traditional face-to-face bullying situation.

Based on the study of Padgett and Roden, the word cyberbullying did not even exist a

decade ago, yet the problem has become a pervasive one today. Cyber bullies do not have to

be strong or fast; they just need access to a cellphone or computer and a desire to terrorize.

Anyone can be a cyber-bully, and such persons usually have few worries about having face-

to-face confrontation with their victims. In fact, the anonymity of cyber bullying may cause

students who normally would not bully in the tradition-sense to become a cyber-bully.
Senior High School Department

In this cyberbullying, this mode takes the form of leaving a website, deleting

threatening message etc. In the context of cyberbullying, some studies include technical

coping or directly addressing the bully in this model (Paris, Varjas, Meyers & Cutts, 2011).

Ellly & Keijer (2013), Cyberbullying showed that victim exposure to antisocial media

content was significantly associated with cyberbullying behavior, especially in victims who

experienced anger and frustration due to face-to-face victimization. Goodness of fit indices

demonstrated a good fit of the theoretical model to the data and indicated that exposure to

antisocial media content acts as an amplifier in a cyclic process of victimization-related anger

and cyberbullying behavior.

Synthesis and Research Gap

There are very few research studies about the technical tactics that cyber bullies use

and some research studies about the mindset of the perpetrators who do these kinds of online

harassment. therefore, we are missing some critical related literatures that can help make this

research study easier for the researchers. We need more research studies related in this field

so that we can find more accurate information about the technical tactics of cyberbullying.

Studying these literatures that we researched, it appears that cyberbullying affects the

victims negatively and positively affects the perpetrators. With today’s technology, many

studies have shown that the offender is able to get away easily because of the anonymity in

the social media using fake information as a guise.

Cyberbullying has caused many damages to the different victims, that’s why the

researchers are finding out the technical tactics to defend the future and past victims of the
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said problem. We also need to come up with some strategies that can help aid the victims and

that also combats the offenders in online harassments.

E. Theoretical Framework

Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and gratification theory builds off of a history of communication theories and

research. Blumler and McQuail laid the primary groundwork in 1969 with their

categorization of audience motivations for watching political programs during the time of the

1964 election in the United Kingdom. This eventually led them to develop UGT later on with

their colleagues.

Uses and gratification theory seeks to understand why people seek out the media that

they do and what they use it for. UGT differs from other media effect theories in that it

assumes that individuals have power over their media usage, rather than positioning

individuals as passive consumers of media. UGT explores how individuals deliberately seek

out media to fulfill certain needs or goals such as entertainment, relaxation, or socializing.

Today, UGT has more relevance than ever as a tool for understanding how we as

individuals connect with the technologies around us. These technologies span everything

from the Internet to video gaming to mobile phones. UGT research into mobile phone usage

has found that people seek a number of gratifications from their phones, including

affection/sociability, entertainment, and mobility, among others. As another example of a

contemporary technology, when using social media, users can be motivated by factors like a

need to vent negative feelings, recognition, and cognitive needs. Animated news and
Senior High School Department

entertainment media are just two other examples of media technologies that UGT researchers

continue to explore.

F. Conceptual Framework


(Affection/Sociability) (Negative Feelings) TACTICS

It comes from social media which are the main cause of the cyberbullying that gives them

a negative feeling/effect on that might cause them to other bad things technical tactics makes

you avoid the cyberbullying situation or fight them.

G. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the perceived pros and cons of the technical tactics of

cyberbullying in the University of Perpetual Help – Molino. We chose 190 students in the

grade 12 senior high school.

This research is designed to expand the knowledge of the people about the different

cyberbullying technical tactics and the strategies for preventions.

H. Definition of Terms

• Cyberbullying - A form of harassment with the use of technology and social media.

• Internet - A network that connects the computer systems all around the globe.
Senior High School Department

• Social Media - A website or a phone application that enables people to connect with

each other.

• Technical Tactics - Planned actions to attain a certain response or goal.

• ICT – short term for Information and Communications Technology.

• Harassment – An aggressive pressure or intimidation.

Chapter 2: Methodology

A. Research Design

Descriptive research design will be used for this study to gather an accurate

information that are needed. This will be using a descriptive research question survey

since this study is to find out the result of cyberbullying.

B. Research Site

The study conducted at the Senior High School building of

University of perpetual Help System Dalta-Molino. The respondents will be

interviewed inside the school, or any comfortable place that the respondent will

choose to. These respondents will be interviewed in personal via recording their

voices. The researchers chose the place of implementation because it will give

the researchers the needed information for people.

The study will be conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2018-
Senior High School Department

C. Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the 190 students of senior high school of UPH-

Molino. We took the all strand of grade 12 to gather the data that be needed in this


D. Data Collection

In collecting a data the researchers kindly randomly asked someone if he/she can

answer our survey questionnaire, we randomly asked since we think everyone been

bullied or harassed through social media platform. For faster collecting we assigned

one person in every floor to collect a data. When we done we start solving.

E. Data Analysis

The researcher used descriptive statistics for this study to organized and summarize the

data. In this study this study descriptive statistics will be used to organized and

summarize the data that been collected from the respondents.

F. Research Instrument

The researcher used survey questionnaire for this study.

Senior High School Department

Chapter 3: Results and Discussion

A. To determine what would be the results of cyberbullying to the victims.

choice 1
choice 2
60 choice 3
40 choice 4
choice 5
choice 6
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

According to the results from the data we gathered from our respondents, 69% of our

respondents have been cyberbullied. 30% of them got angry at the cyberbullies, and 23% of

them felt insecure about themselves. Most of them were so badly affected that 33% of them

suffered from trust issues and 29% of them suffered anxiety. Their academic performance

was also affected because 38% of them avoided to participate in activities and 27% of them

had absences because of the severity of cyberbullying. It appears that many of them was

negatively impacted due to their positions as victims in the case, this is to be expected as

many of them were angry when they were bullied.

Senior High School Department

B. To obtain information about the technical tactics of cyberbullying in order to

attack their victims.

choice 1
choice 2
60 choice 3

40 choice 4
choice 5
choice 6
Question 6 Question 7 Question 8

From the results we have gathered from our respondents, it seems that the

respondents were mostly the subjects of cyberbullying in Facebook - 49%, twitter - 20%, and

online games - 22%. The respondents mostly encountered verbal attacks - 26%, false rumors

– 23%, physical threats – 22%, and trolling – 22% from the offenders. These results shows

that some of our respondents were cornered in a position where they felt very vulnerable

from the bullies, we also assume that this is also why most of them had trust issues as they

had no idea who was behind the horrible threats and insults they encountered.
Senior High School Department

C. To cite the strategies to apply in order to block/prevent the bullies or offenders.

choice 1
choice 2
60 choice 3

40 choice 4
choice 5
choice 6
Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 Question 14 Question 15

56% of the respondents we surveyed answered that they ignore the threats and insults

from the cyberbullies, 22% of them get therapy sessions, 15% of them get revenge, and 7%

of them do other things to cope. 36% of them private their social medias, 32% of them

stopped publicizing their personal information, and 30% of them stopped posting about

themselves. 55% of the respondents will report them to authorities. Many of our respondents

seems to be aware of the dangers of the internet, although most of them are not really well

versed in the strategies that can help them prevent the bullies or offenders.
Senior High School Department

I. Conclusion and Recommendation


In the first question, it stated if our respondent has experienced cyberbullying, many

of them have been cyberbullied. While there are still a very few of our respondent doesn't

experience cyberbullying, cyberbullying almost happen to everyone. The researchers think

that some of our respondent who answer's no also experience cyberbullying they just don't

want to talk about it, because they feel shy or scared. Also, the researchers put a question on

what they felt when they experience cyberbullying, most of our respondent got angry and

suffered in anxiety, out of 190 respondents 30% got angry and 29% of them suffered anxiety.

Cyberbullying is a threat to people's mental health. The researchers put a question on

how cyberbullying affect a student’s academic performance, out of 190 respondents most of

them avoided to participate to activities and had absences. Cyberbullying can cause a student

to fail because they are shy about what happened or they are scared from cyberbullying.

The researchers also obtain information about the technical tactics of cyberbullying in

order attack their victims. In question number 6, researchers asked the respondents where

they experiencing cyberbullying? Most of our respondents experience it on facebook, 20%

on twitter and 22% in online games. As of now in our generation facebook is the one people

use, the researchers conclude that facebook can be used for cyberbullying because it is easy

to communicate, post, and socialize with other people. The researchers also put a question on

what are the cyberbullying uses to bully them, out of 190 respondents, 26% of them

encountered verbal attacks, 23% false rumors, 22% physical threats, and 22% trolling. The
Senior High School Department

researchers think that cyberbullying is done in different ways. The researchers also cite the

strategies to apply in order to block/prevent the bullies or offender. In question number 9

most of the 56% respondents answers that they ignore the threats and insult of the


The researchers conclude that ignoring can also help because it can make you not to

think about it, it makes you to move on. 55% of respondents choose to report it to the

authorities. The researchers conclude that this is good because telling it to other people is

better than keeping it to yourself.


The research needs to be more in-depth since we have also missed a lot of important

factors that could very well affect the researcher’s study. It is important not to respond to any

messages or posts written about you, no matter how it hurts you so much or even untrue

stories about you are being exposed don't be so much affected about it. Reach out for help

from your families and authorities.

Senior High School Department


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Senior High School Department

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Senior High School Department

Senior High School Department

Dear Respondents:

This survey is intended to find out The Perceived Pros and Cons of Technical Tactics of
Cyberbullying of the senior high school students. This is part of our performance task in
Practical Research II, a subject of grade 12 students. Bearing this in mind, we respectfully
request your participation by filling out this survey. The first part aims to elicit information
on your background. While the second part requires your insights on cyberbullying. By
signing your name on the conforme below, this would mean that you consent to responding
to this survey. We assure you that the information disclosed here shall not be used for any
other purposes except for the ones mentioned above.


Ragasa, Ryan
Quintanilla, Quinn Nicole
Reyes, Howard Job
Reyes, Hiroshi
Sarabia, Desiree

Part I. Conforme
My signature would mean that I have understood the aims of this survey and I allow the
researchers to use my responses as part of the investigation. Likewise, I consent to the use of
my responses solely for research purposes and shall be assured that my identity shall not be
Signature of Respondent
Senior High School Department

Part II. This section attempts to determine The Perceived Pros and Cons of Technical
Tactics of Cyberbullying on the mental health of the Senior High School Students.

Check (✔) one or more boxes that indicate your answers.

1. I have been cyberbullied. (Left malicious comments under posts, trash-talked during
games, etc.)
▢Yes ▢No

2. How did the cyberbullies make you feel?

▢made me feel helpless ▢made me angry ▢made me feel frustrated

▢I feel/felt bad about myself
▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

3. How did the cyberbullying affect your life?

▢it gave me anxiety ▢it gave me trust issues ▢It gave me low self esteem
▢It gave me stress ▢It gave me suicidal thoughts ▢Others (Please Specify):
4. What are the effects of cyberbullying towards your academic performance?

▢Absences ▢Avoiding ▢Not Cooperating

▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

5. What is your impression if when someone used you for their inconvenienced meme?

▢Ashamed ▢mad ▢don’t care at all

▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

6. What do you think is the motivational of attacker, why did she/he attack the victim?
Senior High School Department

▢They want attention ▢They thought I was an easy target ▢For Fun
▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

7. Where did the cyberbullies target you?

▢Twitter ▢Facebook ▢Instagram ▢Online Games

▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

8. What did the cyberbullies do to you?

▢Verbal attacks ▢Physical Threats ▢Trolling ▢False rumor

▢Impersonation ▢Others (Please Specify):

9. Do you take screenshots on your phone or computer to get some evidences that he/she
bullied you?
▢Yes ▢No ▢Sometimes

10. How did you cope up with the harassments?

▢Ignore ▢Therapy session ▢get revenge

▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

11. What do you do to avoid/ prevent s the cyberbullies?

▢Private the social media ▢ don’t give personal information to strangers
▢ don’t post anything about yourself

▢Others (Please Specify): ________________________________

Senior High School Department

12. Do you fight against the cyberbullies?

▢Yes ▢No ▢Sometimes

13. If someone bully me I will:

▢I will report them ▢ I’ll call for help
▢Others (Please Specify) _____________________

14. What would you do if you see someone cyberbullying your friends?
▢ I will to talk to them regarding on what she/he did
▢I will warn them
▢ I will report them to the authority
▢Other (Please Specify)

15. My advice for the victims of cyberbullying is to ________________________________

▢Be careful on what they posting on social medias
▢Think before you click
▢Always be responsible when using online platforms
▢Other (Specify)

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