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~ 20. following ae iammtmotogie effects et 1.4, exempt A~Tmpotiant mveiinion of the hepatic usite plas convalescence pense during injtry and @ Aitenmates FNF-alpha and IL-1 activity wh humor necrosis factor receptors (= TMT Ics) 29. the Faltowing are Gue oF IL-R, exeepic Biomarker for the tisk of urliple ajgen failure. thor Produce th with INF A potent chemoattractant pe 4, Potent setivator of riguteaplils. 1) the fallowving isfare tre ereept a.-Mothulator of TNF-alpha aetivity , +b, Neutralization oF 1-10 ducing encotoxetaia inoreases monoeyte TNE-alpha prodvetion anal mortality i 7 © Altenustes 1L-18 messenger tibomicleic acid (mRNA) expression in mat fnistratiem is associated with decrensed bacterial load 4 reality. ele 41. the following are rue of 1.12, excepie a. Has a primary role In cell-snedinted tugsnunity be isthe iit ys In fecal peritonitis as well as tnse with bum injury, survival inoreases sith I-12 adininistmtion, |. 4 IL-12 neutralization results in high mortality, 42. the following are true of IL.-12, except: quam as) Cupable of inducing an inflammatory response forup \ Me ‘of TNE-alphie and IL-1. », Promotes neutrophil and coagulation alivetion, . ¢. Promotes the expression of both proinflammatory and anti-inflamimatory sh © mediators. ae re 4, Contributes to the overall proinflammatory respor®. 13. the failowing are true of HL-13, except: iructural and functional properties of TL wu nitrio oxide production 44. the following ore true of IL.-13, excepl: j a Tuhibits i judlampaiory cytokines Tabibi 5 %. Attenuates leukocyte interaction with nctivated endothelial surfaces, d The net eflect of IL-13, along with IL-€ and IL-10, is nnG-inflammatory. _ 45. the following are true of IL-L5, exeept: f macrophage-derived cytokine es ish Tah rea fa, Wualielaiat bara ia he as SiS Parle TOE eR WRAL Che reco inks goktoed UR teeta Mean xcttt Rupiah gS) ewtedaeceretton | a Det Wharsier fh x teins ey He cemeeerteatht ais pacedtin belinese hay? stow cSt $3: Weis taevepecsrusesiog ede tr a ieagey Be ene she so nce Bp Wolime teplisvnicat wing 20505 tg ec pope oh = Meteo fear iG) 282001 kasheliha 7} Heatecies spidereessricg 16 bey bo eb ecieien be be Sion tar are reueaten zine BE Sa tie Hetuindes ieee 3E ABs a day of Bute ceswrceatton' Panent nqrcannbanp ni enrortecintration Te cetowiai nesta Be ie Bc csnsra Ee netics The ce fae eseaar need sonal ntor oe * cee ware “BO. Whee folds Utd in eng lala itu 2 Habuledacevigaee JD & sepeenticct ieparia 3 SE 0, Tis lcsaceaercat has =" pllaatiae 220 , a fi ‘Tepiensatitioncs ’ bie 7 fotaoeae © spreeomrmendecamnich iPOD ICAREARE PIGS Baa pte me es 9 Hina aang 4) ve ters lis eepitnet a 2% b. i. A 6Lshe dtiowing ave uve functional fhuid compartments: eacent Gost Aluid evanpartmens otryascular fui mpastments b> i. “ey extrgellalae fukl . nul fo the extent of tissue injury operation, more s0 than the durution of the surgical procedure itselt. doth proinflammatory and an anti-inflammatory roles 2 ss uA % oR p ‘ enn ts invading riletonegunian bead injuries of limited duration aie usually rene sstoration ith minimal Intervention ve gels 19 the host we sssciatet th ay owe so ‘mL orerwhelming intlanatary 4. None of the nbove A nts are CNS 1 eogating iottoramation, Petating cov auton signal nM TeNpence vont tain Thee autor estes Fulates het, Oho rene, oplatory na stival motility, and body temperstons ; & The eutonomo nervaue system segues infairaation n'a ex manner & Inlaninaion ovighog bon «specie locaton emvaginee sie hypotiatanwus B 5 tne tioning are te statements abou Afferent inflammatory Signats 10 the Brain, except «CNS receives inmmunologic input from both the cireulitiais andd neural pathways, 7, ENS devait:of blood-brain basricr do pot admit the pussaue of ory mediators such as TNFvalphe. Fevers, anorexia, ression in Hiness ere attritoted to the tytnoral circulatory) route oF ttilamunory signaling 4. Afferent stimuli toitigomgus werve inchle cytokines, baroreceptors, cl 9 orighting ftom he ite of injury robot Chalnmrsie Antiteddamnaiory Pathan, on i finked fo the paresyiapadhstic sipnaliny dine, the primary neirotrmsrites. reduces tisgue macrophage reinase of the TNFalpha, IL-1, I-18 and itM(0-y realuces release of IL-10, prointiam maton ill 4 Pupil ecomton, 4. Pupil O -6, the following sxe polypeptide hormanes, except 3 oytokines, De gluengan, a , Mesum 8 r-mcbwmrebommat sil an ci x ' e eroniy” {hiseeurinne + ti ‘ 4 he i eran ii ol ah a. glucorarticoids h_ presiaglanin oe Deparbncet ot See Serr. Supers! BURNS NO (ORING BERLIN ‘Br. Tee Barcekey 8 Gallo Inawviey 27, 2057. Feo te donaciecticss : © Ceenfen secteur hai ' Be ean rete 2 WH ote toloniie at Bonsiaeree Satara EI AION, A Sitiedserwsumin ons I Fievots dieisentniry watie i: “Rp Henetn bet teperatars Ti) Wisi of the fotki ti tay ean allay HC a Thermal baine so oF hie Sion ig feshrwwed by eleett cen cacti Hale? na Sane Su thkeyatheptyistolgy of barns the felldwog arv wnmectad to bi excel, a fds 3 eS x {2 Decteaved 6) aibttiny Bars * Dacreate euetabouie Fate einer perl ay) aol et # Nan bias ening oy Drea ce ee fk With oftaetettsaiang fare tiechacscteremi® Dees par suclaelr Bien? 4 Mealy palatal, @ Oh pbeestexpitany rel eer ioe ecstacy cops al: Denuseiettd ulna portiog S) EeetdiatBeperipheryel thenound (Xe Bonsepeaianie fee a eaters er Sat a a dark ot coegotition: S onivss Rypetemes. GR Reaqatunnte: ouster _) tte ES as ose ich rd nea reat iioomeiion a Tose ch omagubaion Jeo tepeathynecemns _ #2 (Ci) fewer i Td, Jonatseccosis | EL Whi of ie followlag tea celteria or neeral > aber cet a Pirvialaheeincss bern SAHA e aby Barns invobiion basae a Bhra'iejucyia paticas neh eRe eared Cr | % 5 Bus lpn penser nnd ere ; I. ot tink fo teats shied tie wap eae , ' ee Se nica “een eal : i : 3 a Seater 1 . ‘ea A Fateh wmtersetceincend arene eso i YS tan gre aster bamaalte dh Heilte Torche: Ace § sOUS TISSUE ID NUMBER: lowing ere functions of the skin except: ) Synthesizes vitamin D with UV 4.) Regulates boay nea b,) Regulates body heal (94+ None of the above &) Prevents unnecessary water loss 2. The most common infectious organisms found with human bites ere the following: 2). Sreptoccci ek Staphylococcus All of the above 1) Bacteroides ca 3. A deep-seated infections that result in muliple draining cutenecus sinuses 2) Folfultis a) Allotte 2 te] Carbuncle ) we ©.) None of the aboy ©.) Furuncle oom 4, Ils du to the infoction of the hai fllcte: ‘a Follicultis ©.) All ofthe ab b) Cerbunee ’ @) None of tre above ¢) Furunce 5. The following are risk factors for the development of Necrotizing Soft Tissue infections, excep! a) Diabetes Mellitus: be 8) Matnuintion imsitas b) Obesity a None otthe above ©) Steroid Use. 6. itis a chronic inflammatory disease due to a defect of the terminal follicular epithelium: -€ Hidradenitis suppurativa d.) Actinomycosis 'b. Furuncolosis ©) None of the above ©) Ganrbuncles 7. It is & Non Infectious Neutrophilic Dermatosis and is associated with Inflammatory bowel disease: a) Actinomycosis 4d.) Allof the above .b) Pyoderma Gengrenosum ©.) None of the above ¢) Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 8. This Infiemmatory disease represent a spectrum of an autoimmune reaction to stimul <2.) Actinomycosis d)) Allefthe above b.) Pyoderma Gangrenosum @.) None of the above ‘G) Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 9. In the management of Low risk Basal Cell Carcinoma, which of the following is the standard recommended excision margin? a.) 2mmclinical margin 4) trem climical margin b) 3mmectinical margin, .) None of the above. _£) 4mm clinical margin. 10. Which of the following are risk factors for the development of squamous cell carcinoma? 2.) Chronic Non-Healing Wound <,) Albinism b.) Burn Scars 27) Allof the above G) UV.exposure 11. Inthe management of Low risk Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which of the following is the standard recommended ‘excision margin? a.) 2-4mm clinical margin 4.) 1-2 em climical margin, GC Eb) 3-Smmeiinical margin Low grade lesion: fim 2.) None of the above ¢) 4-6 mm clinical margi’. High-grade lesion: 6mm 12. Inthe management af Melanoma, which ofthe folowing exeieton margin is racommnanded for Winor THERAS of 4mm? . aiesaren d) 3am b) 1-20m ©) 40m 9) 2om. ae w 15. Defined as the inotropic State of myocardium: 8 Afterload eae ‘ © Resi be Contractility i d Rebel The force resisting fiber shortening once systole begins: eo terload. - ©. Resistance b. Contractitity d Preload B : Itmeasures hemoglobbin saturation _ @ Ventilation Monitoring Pulse Oximatry Gas Monitoring oa ABG 18. Useful in assessing a Ventilation ullmonary function and shovid be interpret n elation tothe inspired oxygen tension. Gas Monitoring @. Capnometry ). ¢ fasured by infrared light absorption’@nd is the measurement of carbon dioxide in the airway throu respiratory cycle, Ventilation monitoring é © Gas Monitorifig, b. Pulse Oximetry o> Caphometry 20. What is the normal Intracranial Pressure? = Less than 10 mmHg ©. greater than'50 mmHg b. 10mmHg- 20 mm Hg 6.30 mmHg ~50 mmHg » 21, Increased Intracranial Pressure'is most frequently seen on the following head injury EXCEPT. a Encephalitis ¢ Brain tumors (bo Extra Dural Hematoma d. Subarachnoid Hemorhhage 22, Measures Voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain @ Glasgow coma score -@ Electrosncephalography «>. Intracranial pressure é d. - Cerabral function monitoring * bs Normal urine Output for an average sized adult cao au-aon gochett ae ©. 40-50 mi per hour © 30-40 mi per hour vA 4. 0-60 mi per hour 24. this Pere fellable method for GFR measurement tinine Ratio 22 Creatinine pt SE WT gi ciate Gearon oer OE Atom ver EXCEPT, f Dee a © Protein. ce Clotting Factors : _A® None of the above 2 f SOT APACHE ¥ 287 C6ha teitiae Stem (virito A if @ component and if not) 27, Mean Anca A2. Arterial ply S88 aaienet A229. Respiratory Rate C 80. systolic Blood Pressure Components of Modified Early Warning s, fe ‘Serum Potassium 22. White Blood Cell Count 8. Glassgow Coma Scale HED MULTIPLE , P1aparoscony A. Direct Pune 1B Direct visu, NOLCE: Chote the ane aes 8 BEST answer foreach ‘tem question, Ure Technique NeatiOn Technique © bothaee One of the above i lOsertion of Hasson’ trothar # Pn needic punchy technique Be 10768 direct puncnee art Whe intial Seatmopontine fe etter of ocrar ange fe naum vith Varese meee” ‘ FB opens direct Fe nealeh of betonecmn a my ‘Of ttochar BYTE: WHO Patient Sates, o Sicnin © Time out Sigh Our D. allof the above TF done immealately prior to ingucty Of anesthesia WL. Query on wristhor sr —— © Verbal veriication proce, EE 7 vertat conimaton on ihe = introduction of the surgical te tems 16 ~ g0- D¢; OphiyiaNs was given the hackiist last 60 minutes aM members by name & re inition of Errors A Adverse Event e B. Sentinel Event Te. patient was no: hermed cd a =F medical management of the p tis below the ace = 18 unfavorable pation cuscono me to prevent SSF hy pranice varaion tavern en consequences, pled standard of cae ©F uspreventable medical er 7 Suh variation can lead t injury bat ar 9F Such variation can load undesiatle ‘thal requires immogiate inves BD ay tmantiipatod outcome relsiing to death or serious ‘Consequences thet requires tgaton, stein opp of Adfresimensticsitrupie wrmone (ACTH), OxESIT Shy the y Mes aay is charwcterizes ty elevations in eortiectxopin-releasiag Hormens nivel ACTH th f ht are proportional to te severity oF inii"Y 8 «None of the above The ti : The toklowing ave yranasinent enedintorn of ACTH retense it the init rod patients. & i cholecystokinin 12, The following are true statements of Cartivol, exept Tilurocortinetd ih hunni i essential for survival during Se sisol is elevaied depeniding on the-type of system’ £1 ee Caacatniny sui dsat teyel for ap 10 4 days sts ce me ny wd eaorhiage my edit share petiods of cortisol © 13: the thilowing ere metabolic effects of cortisol, except aoe entines the actions oF glucagon and epinepiine that manifest hyperalyeentia. 15) jn the liver, cortisol stinates the enzyinati activities fvoring > ghucon Je bul indvces insulin resisiance inrauscles end adipose (sxe tg 3 ‘atienunien protein degradation. ne % i 4 pal ielease of fice fatty acids, triglycerides, and glabra from adipose Wit tad vin ore true of Ace akrenal josidficiency, «xOePt tee lite-dreatening commpieation inon commonly een in acutely i i A 15.0 a7 aon - a itivity responses. 8 17. she totlowing wre true statements about Macrophage inhibitory faster, © t 4. A ghacovesticaid antagon) Li produced by activated ids. SURGERY 2"? BIMONTHLY UNIT EXAM COMPILATIONS “ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION & ONCOLOGY” QUESTIONS, ANSWERS 1 Transfer of calle tissue, or an organ from one | Adotramplant part of the body to ancther part in the same person, 20 [2 Transfer of celia, tissue, or an organ from ore | ‘Alotranaplant person to another of the some species. The immune system of the recipient recoprizes the donated organ as 6 foreign body. 20 innunosuppression i required in order | te avold rejection. 3 The first human transplant with long-term | Joneph iturray, auecess with living related lidney transplant between | identical twins 4 “The first Inver tranaplant was performed by iret larg transplant was performed by | pancreas transplant was parformedby | t ‘The firnt mccessful heart transplant wos! Christiaan Bamard performed by Antigens (HLA-A, HLA-G, and HLA-C) are] ‘Clase lantigens expressed by all nucleated cells 9 The principal function of HLA antigens is Present the fragments of foreign proteins to T lymphocytes. w. ‘A very rapid type of rejection resuts in| Hyperacute rejection ireeversible damage and graft loos within mites to hours | after eran reperfusion that result in diffuse | intravescudar congdation, causing ischemic necrosia of | the graft ft. Axattioprine (AZA) A Converted to &-mercaptopurine und inhibits both the de novo purine syrthesie and valvage purine symthesis. B. Decreases T-ymphocyte activity and decreases antibody production ©. terference with DNA synthesis D. Most significant side effect of AZA, often dose ‘elated, 6 bone enarrow suppression fi ‘Side effect of AZA ‘Bone marrow suppression Sroka ‘The miT OR inhibitors bind to FREDE-binding protein (FBP) | and the sirolimus-FKBP complex binds to mTOR, th Side effect of Srolimas Chronic rection | ‘Hypertrighyoaridemia. 15 mhBte the cotivky of calcheurin, thereby | Cyclosporine decreaving the expression of several critical T-cel | {Caleinewrin inhibition is the backbone of deivation nen | imrunotuperetve regimen) | 8, ‘Cyelesporine binds with its cytoplasmic receptor | ee Te eienat ete castle ca ia Cpe EE eas R NDE UN Pai tae fates bwabte ha ppebed Surlingtnitsg ol waa ealaee rE 4 Sees met ee ea Fibecbiner spheric Be Keratunbeyte at acian, Matching rpc tos 6 te 7H Pheu Sape of mount healing 227 Hamareavtite en maton & Feckcteting. 3 Graiuintioniprabfetitian: & Reonabructiog ABR Calbagch emit 758i. Roem iro sttlsdcrrvasion weareioaite 7 fk, Weeensston bata spirits €5, Graybesonnasafaeaaion 3 ob Rplbeeanen oe 62. Colaninsteenerstiles ne Pat seine c_ Ruetinneatearointh tutor oo dor Fe bc ects apes Warne atten es tou rang cage (Sue ep aeiscets yn mar aentand urees te poe oa out ore Sopra wsdlpoatesoseien Bi The fllzeane rantemnents topic en soe ch Colleges eatio.of ype tus 41 f ollagea ratio of ype til a sense onbyoearltl ee? ae sg eaten alpen iat coe his SEC AL Wound fiapemnercane iv xrengtn fon un tor Ripkara ee ae: Sane 1G. extapentoneal hernia repair oe 7 D alahesoe s, Mareen patient handled by more than one specialist q @ ay: D, ailottne aoove ©. physician shoited at his patient allot the sbove Fo a eat 80d PE tiie ioc praning a poseibio blood trancusion reaction, LY error committed rere is oes ¥ Bi mane of the above ecalisé oF he folowing, EXCEPT: _hiahiy complex & non-inear \Gonncoted that any disturbance can be "nan of the above rapidly Te re eaUlto tomcte beccus of ine flowing obstacles in healiicare ‘\Gaipttesized collection of paiient data Tull protection fram toga) erecover te of idlvidual responsibity & bias 1D. nane'o! the above I AF GOAIS In th promotion of | y & lability 4 ation! salty, Exceey : lessens incidence of maden soi, ._onsty 8 loam trom errors fee ee BEE OF. tere arses no esas gps arta ‘ahagieg pavents espabilios =) ak facts for rang si suigery, EXCED F Tmankine corey the ste ot suger KN ration patent acsscana iigeor: C pators: ©: organizational chart aow mel and Sol fCBIENAe& srs nt consagun f PRN we set at cor ag wat SES tha ever event D slit the above a infections 1-4 ined PEM novnen com senate I-18 proxiwetion lh HRB b ye folowing mre {LILA R sian i oeinted ith he expe ‘lvlr adhesion moleeale-1 410 AM4-1) 1}. Downsttestn rcdiator of borh FHE-alphi and Fs Hane -shdwsss hepatotoxicity. _ pe Sipgitivant elevations af creating I-18 during spss. ave noted For 4 on nos 1H ly d, Blevatioss in H-10i8 patticularly pronounced inpatient P50. no totloming sttemcots are tus of Het shark: pote == 'n_ Also know 3s stress proteins, fh. Phoduceil ty cells in reqpomse to Injury ot tisave teehemnin, Zancatial for the ability of cells to sveerecine HIre53 sion of faneriunally notive é “ 8 i CaN i ene oc coulis het dick tor, meat ne ‘This ae the rnscription factors thal axe activated by eowfoecuticnsl chants upon inhssys b, Prwiatovatt no dhe wc Joy! to the LSP promoter rxions, = Promotes the GL_ Promotes cedvetion of oxyzen metabolites, promoting Tri2:cell proliferation, and inhiditing NF-kB activation. At 52 tne following statentents are ewe, excepts "0% ‘a. Water constitutes i ‘body weight 1b, The relationship between total cight and total body water (TBW) is See ‘elotively variable for an individual. ce Lean dsroes sich as muscle and sold organs have higher water content than ae fat and bone. e } Young, tean males have a higher proportion of body welkhtx3 water “© 5 the fottowing statements are tue, except: erin avemge young. adult mule wil have-s0% of fis «otal body weight. se TRW a ill be 50% of his total body weights “ C 2 6 8 d. Noneof the ehove A 54. the following statements are trie of fluids end electrolytes, except: ‘0, wide mnge of normal values is: function of sox. body size und weight 2 Lao. eag eat 08 zi oe id ey gy decrease upto 52% in males. d._ nine of the above 45. total body water of the body weight in young female adult, except: rrormal vnrint fo toca smount of subcinaneous fat Bb a b « © cy qd lefitie above: (56. the tottewing statements are tals, except: a laqge amount of subcutsneous fat increases total body water 6 (ola! body water a8 « percentage of body weight decreases with age. 4 Bt " te bail zeae eee ‘luid compartinent constitutes: a 20% _ f 3%of DW | effects of pneumoperiteneum that have caused patient's hypotension&bradyeardl a ie epinephrine C. ineoste Inari lovel carton danas fpenioneum stinwining vegalresponse none of this above fonyaur answer above, the effect can be minimize by: Putting the pation’ in’ Trendelanberg position ©. increasing 0» inhale eC cayncccocm cs 5 moaicas eee “increase in ihtraabsorinal Gas volume’ pressure will lead to incitase: venous return C. tunne cutpit B. systemic pressure > subeutaneous emphysema all ofthe above His folowing gases dissolves slowly inthe biood & may eauisé gas emboli but has less risk of combustion eatbon dioxide ak /_. tirous oxide 5. hetisey D Be Systemic effects of oneumoperitoneum, EXCEPT A, increased epinephrine release Bi hypercartia BT, Yhllsiory changes association with increase intcadbdominal press ne Geereased vitel capacity C. decrensed intrthoracio pressure 8) decreased airway pressure 1; decreased work of Breathing ITH following statements are trus retarding carbon dioxide absorption through the pentonoum, EXGEPT: itiont we empaysema will have high uk of having incraas# COs blood fevers 7a. Sogettrer with inecrase ietraabanmial pressure, incroaeas rick (0 develop COs empaiiom te aciancie ls Inovitabla bocauise of decreased cardiac dutbyt even i healthy paverits ‘catia cardiac daprassian & corciovarmise colapee ¥ CO, lovals mare then 15 MMHG Fol prieumerpantonowin thal ie LEAST LIKELY require: medical injervantion, bradycardia due to vagal raftex © COsemboization 17 aecreased urine cuteut dus to decreased GFR 1D doap venus thrambosis | Batly hypercynamic response of hyporcarbia, EXCEPT: A. increased heart rate P jnereased cardiac output Seah Gasisss laparoscopy. has the following advantages over leparasc aumoperitoneum: | A betier operative working space B._ lesser fisk of bowel perforation all of the above oliowing ie! ase signs & symptoms of carbon dioxide emnbiolism from preumaperitenetiny C._ mill wheel murmur ‘heck veins FV aiiof the above e d changes during a thoracoscopy: fare expecter i @ deflated ipeliaterel dna ailot ine above a 1 UGE 7) the following stieynents ore te volume dali exp «hai Ine indie Yh, Wo rapid reticion in 4€ i, toe tmp infusion dangerous hyper emia none of the above | 72. the Following axe the genoral guisolines tive the pre-operative: fui ruahiagement, exept : a. voversal of signs of volume deficit _%. stubilization of blood sire ot oo a ¢ of False: Write the whofe word true or flee inthe space provided 75, Bold compartments we relatively constant in: individunl pationts in n steady state 74 Nemutucrt fa the percentage of RC of wele blood £5, plana cones oui boe Boe at A decreas: in the umber of RIC 76. aneraia gil ory en T_T 7 avenge tnsensible water losses amounes to 600 mal /day _T___ 79. sweat eoantains about 19 mil of NaC! in cclimatized paersons FF _ 30. Auid losses from’ Scqimmatimemetecs: to the plasina. bys ——_— 8) heaton sre iv the Wubulor fluid de to itd relative ‘pont reabsoxption. ‘ 1? with etronie acidosis the dominant mecianism of acid elimination is ‘rough the exctetion of NHy. J __83. a decreese in Paap and increased pil are the most important stimuli for inereased H*ion secretion by the tubules in acidosis. J 4. Acidosis deereases the ratio of FHICO,/H" in rena) tubular Suid TESS. respimtory is caused by decrease ventilation and increased Pet, to carbonic anhydrwe inhibitor diuretics. aint coms a8 = tmctaboliy aciclogis. 88. ci ts as soluced plast pH, tcrenged Per simple aud increased plasma HCQ3.afler partial rene] compensation ___“T___89. in simple metubolie agidasis one expects a low pH, low HCO, and z low Pog after: epic eiprantion. 5 _T_ 90. 0.996 NaCl solution is ideal for the initiet correction of ECF volume deficit Jypongiremia, eerie ‘anid metabolic alkalosis ; ( fl, ESSAY: Bea K LAS ke
    are forcal end regina poner) eile hail fAlatebe atxove 1B cChemetheraay @ voranc Radiation Wien of the foiowinn t NOT » halleark of eanenr? a Rca fa Inver wid eutcstant) 4. Ability to evade irpmune destruction ADIRty to evade apoptosis: e@ None of the above &_-Ablity to evade autophagy ” 4, The-cell evcle includes atl of the following phases, EXCEPT. mae G2 b GL x es hich of tha following fectont are suggestive ofa hereditary cancer? ‘c.Assoclation with paraneoplastic w @ Tuner development ata youinger than © normal one cr @& Prasence of multiple primary malignancy b. Fresence of bikatora} disease 5. _Which mutated gene matignant disease esiociation is correct (PTEN and ti-Fraumeni syndrome Pig and synovial sarcoma BRICAL and adrenoeartical eareinama Anticances chemotherapy agents Include all of the following, EX : Part alkaloids 4. Dver Branst cancer incidence’ Is highest In the developed countries, EXCEPT England d, Australis a France 2 10. Which of the following increases the incidence of tiver cancer? ousuts SIN RO won penn St ‘par Hel lc 1 he Rte ‘6 enhances | B._ewrophilia snd lvmphoyton oe Gr we ee ye responsiveness ing ure tue af the miuetalosortioid aldosterone, x=ert ri the sarennl Yona pomeruios. ia vec ne aan mesennnt nouapecific biochemfeal markers proceed by bepotory iManmation. expose to lisse Pemee eien vier soon lina un 2), Avo Phase Proteins incloes the Following, exeapt 6 a © Sompleiaent proteins 4. trenspant proteins, 25. the folloming are trve of Cytokines, except 1, appear t be the most potent mediators ofthe inflammatory expanse (> eradicate invading microorganisms and promote wound heali xg, Oe cau cass de the outcome of ext Freaponses is end-organ failure and tleath 25 the following are trie oF Hent Shack Proteins, xcept (a) intaceltalar pe and teoeisporters b_proteet cells fim the deleterious effects of ae Tey formation requires induotion by ‘d.~expression ig also At sitive, following ate true stmements of Reactive cxygen metabolites, excepts _Sliort-lived, highly reactive inofecular oxygen species with as unpaired outer orbit, b. They cause tise ine edn bf unsaturnted fatty seida within cell membranes. : b that involve seroble J. Sie : ( reactive Ihe following axe true except: ge Activated leukocytes are potent genceatorn of reactive oxygen metabolites. ‘b, Cells are not immune to damage i f (CE Nowmal celle ars the intrsisetlulir nvechanlonts for: otivnted and producti reinains nonfiunetional. 70 mmity or a systolic pressure >100 mmtig. and C. Abemogicbin level betwen and 10 gd; D. Hormonal therapy and aggressive treatment of carthythrigs and metabolic derangements ane also -called for 22, One, and perhaps the most effective Preservation rolution was developed at the University of Wacorsin ard remains in wide use. A. Lactobionate (which helps prevent celular toweling ond reperfusion inky), 8. Raffinose, and Hycranyethyl Starch (which helps reduce eweling of endothelal celle, thereby decreasing edema), 23. Among Kidney recipients, delayed graft function becomen significantly more frequent after cold lachemic. times of necessitating temporary dialysir... which’ is associated with increased risks of graft loss and higher conte. 2h, “The number one cauie of cancer regardless of ‘Lung cancer 28. ‘The ajr nak factors for Iver cancer ection with hepatitie 8 ard C viruses and consumption of focds contaminated with aflatoxin 26. Cancer cele, celle become unresponsive (6 rermal bfowth controls. Cel Proliferation and Transformation 2%. Abnormally prolferating. transformed celle ‘outgrow normal cells in the culture dish and commonly display several abnormal characteristics. ‘A bots of contact inhibition (Le., celle continue to prolferate after a confluent monolayer ia formed), C— kess-ef anchorage dependence for growth; ‘D. — immartalization, Gain of tumorigenicity (Le., the ability to give rise ‘to tumors when injected into‘an appropriate heat). 28, Aihough burore usually are from a single cell or clone, it is thought that sometimes nat a single cell but father a large nunber of cells ina target orpan may awe Undergone the inating genetic event. Thus, many rormal-oppearing cele may have an increased malgnant potential Field effect 28, Gell Gude phases affected by cancer are the following, EXCEPT: 3 (GrG-$-GeM) %. Cancer celis mostly affects ths phase of cel couche: GM Phase 1b seal aati aca N ElartteD Pay i ;Proloed |s determined by’ - ‘voime Tha ciaqnonis of eodomval compartment syndrome '§ "ace Wi” Bltor sry i ite rate 2 eke $0 tient 5 i 80. mini ee inact 1 for arvindviGual patient ean Ye etirininied by 3. The appropriately sxzed biood pressure cut shitty Width approumainly 40% Of creumielence length equill fo diatarice tram ibow to wrist © the patient's weight thebody’s sixface area 4 ccsfratssberu son acetal ener: ae leaving the cathator in place fess then & days 1. using @:20 gauge (smaller) cathetor © performaing an arteriognam to document tow gh dhs pacureinie oteey wwe A 5 2 eee rea romeo ‘ ee rl o Sentral venous 8 ate fe nctean ini ti outecne ss eee ‘Prosaurat ‘aivecis 5 ee mae eseoaae oe ot 14, All are VP Campications EXCEPT: “3. Nerve Injury tmal, ane asks what her a.dicease, 3E, A35-year-ald woman Visits har physleinn afeer her ini msmmog IMetine chance for the development of Breast cancer iia fxs no personal or fal history of Bre Het mecerche oceurredat eae 33, ted bar fist etuid was barn when sle-wos 22, She Das never tuber 0°31 eontraeeptives. Whigh is nat a factor in estimating the Gal rsh? a. Ane 4. Age at menarche b Histary of areviaus breast bossy fe. Age at first tive bi Prior history of radiation exponure ‘34. With regard te breast corcinorua in mere which atotement is (tue? is dotected most cammoniy in men 60 to 70 years old be Gynecomastia is a risk foto © Itl-commonly associated with a mutation inthe BREA gene: al the The prognosis is worse stage for stage than for woinen 4. Sentinel lymph node biopsy Is contraindicated. 85, With regard to breast cancer sereening. which of the following !+ ‘American Cancer Society? @ erty esetseto mipotons ae strongly encouraged wnt fata current recommendation should be perfarmed tha week before menses Screening mammograms should be performed yearly jn women older than 4D yeas, ‘Women 20 to 30 years of age should undergo dlin'cal| breast examinations at Jeast every: Syears- Women with greacer than a 20% lifetime risk for. the development of breast cancer should undergo MRI and mammographic screening yearly. fe. Women 40 years and alder show'd have yea cllical breast examinations, 36. Modern therapy for breast cancer focuses on molecular markers to help guide treatment strategies, Which of the following statements scorrect? Carfiets of the BACA2 mutation are more likely to have triple-negative cancers. ti unlkaly torrespond to treatment with trastuzumel ints shoul! be treated with endocrine thera » © a High incidence of breast and ovarian cancer in women 8 Smoking

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