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3 types

Self Paced

Before training, analyze the current level the trainee is at. Is he/she a novice and has no
pre requisite knowledge that is required?
Experiential vs Guided Learning
Guided : teaching techniques, methods, (lectures, discussions)
Experiential: creative, experimental. (role playing, simulations, activities)

OTJ: job rotation, instruction, coaching, mentoring

OTJ Advantages:
 Employees learn more and retain more as they are practicing whatever they are
 Best to deal with skill shortage in the industry. Teach current employees
 Low cost method. Effective for both big and small companies.
 Best for manufacturing industries where equipment handling requires practice
and classroom training is not possible as companies cannot invest in equipment
for training purposes.
 E.g MTO programs
 Greater risks of errors
 Informal OTJ training (without structure, planning may lead to employees being
confused regarding the tasks and might make more errors. Supervisors telling
new hires “Go sit by Joe and learn”
 OTJ turns into a liability if trainers are not trained. Lower productivity
 Inconvenience for customers present on the site
 job site may have physical constraints, noise, or other distractions that inhibit learning
 OJT involving heavy equipment or chemicals may threaten the safety of others who are working
in close proximity
Example: , KLM Royal Dutch Airlines uses classroom-based training to provide initial customer service
training for new flight attendants. However, follow-up training is conducted on evaluation flights.
Trainees are asked to demonstrate their service delivery skills on the evaluation flights in front of
experienced flight attendants.

OTJ combined with class room learning for complex jobs.

Types of OJT:
1. JIT: sequence of instructional procedures.
-prepare the worker: provide training manuals, handouts, provide realistic
overview of the tasks
-present the task: step by step instructions or demo
-followup – make sure progress is being made

2. Job rotation:
Rotation, as the term implies, involves a series of assignments to different positions
or departments for a specified period.23 During this assignment, the trainee is
supervised by a department employee, usually a supervisor, who is responsible for
orienting, training, and evaluating the trainee. Throughout the training cycle, the
trainee is expected to learn how each department functions, including some key
roles, policies, and procedures. At the end of the cycle, the accumulated evaluations
will be used to determine the preparedness of the trainee and if and where the
person will be permanently assigned

3. Coaching: have the supervisor provide training to the new hire

4. Mentoring: senior executive advising the junior executive in order to help them
excel in their career path.
Classroom Based Learning

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