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Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

CE683A: Traffic Engineering

Assignment - 10
Submission Date: 26th November 2020

Question 1

On a certain section of a road (say section A) speed (u)- density(k) relation is given as:
u = 100 1 −

where u is in kmph and k is in pc/km. The service flows in this section of road (in pc/hr) on this
road for different levels of service is as follows:

LOS Service flow

A 600
B 1200
C 1800
D 2400
E 3000

Downstream of this section A (say section B), due to some reasons the following speed (u)-
density(k) relationship is observed:
u = 80 1 −

Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the maximum density allowed for levels of service B, D and E in section A?

(b) Determine the service flow in section B for levels of service A and C.

(c) What is the level of service in section B if the flow in this section is 1500 pc/hr?

Question 2

A toll-plaza with one kind of toll-booth (service rate µ veh/hr) is to be designed. The arrival rate
at the plaza is Λ veh/hr. It is decided that N, the design value of the number of toll-booths at
this plaza will be the minimum number of booths required to ensure that the average number of
vehicles in the system (this includes those waiting to pay as well those in the process of paying
toll) is less than a user-specified value of α. Show that in this case,
αµ −Λ

Question 3

On a four-lane expressway, the peak flow rate is 2500 veh/hr in each direction. A toll plaza
with mix of manual and automatic toll-booth is planned. It has been observed from similar
sites elsewhere that a manual toll-booth typically takes 20 seconds per vehicle and automatic
toll-booth takes 4 seconds per vehicle. Determine the design values of number of automatic
toll-booths (Na ) and number of manual toll-booths (Nm ) such that total number of toll-booths
(Na + Nm ) is smallest and average delay to all vehicles at the toll-plaza (this includes those
waiting to pay as well those in the process of paying toll) is less than a minute when,

(i) the fraction of vehicles that can use automatic toll-booths is 0.5

(ii) the fraction of vehicles that can use automatic toll-booths is 0.7

(iii) the fraction of vehicles that can use automatic toll-booths is 0.9

(iv) Comment on total number of toll-booths needed as the fraction of vehicles that use auto-
matic toll-booth increases.

(v) Plot the graph of average delay to all vehicles at the toll-plaza versus the number of auto-
matic toll booths (Na ) when the fraction of vehicles using automatic toll booths is 0.7 and
number of manual toll-booths (Nm ) is 4. Comment on the results obtained.

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