Pretest 10

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NAME: ___________________________________

YEAR & SECTION:_________________________________

Encircle the most appropriate letter for each item.

1. I have only one independent clause and no dependent clauses.
a.) Complex c.) Compound-complex
b.) Compound d.) Simple
2.) I am a sentence with one independent clause and one dependent clauses.
a.) Complex c.) Compound-complex
b.) Compound d.) Simple
3.) I am a sentence with two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
a.) Complex c.) Compound-complex
b.) Compound d.) Simple
4.) I am a word that joins words, phrases, and clauses.
a.) Conjunction c.) Verb
b.) Noun d.) Preposition
5.) The bus slowed and pulled up to the curb in front of a T-shirt shop.
a.) Complex c.) Compound-complex
b.) Compound d.) Simple
Directions: Underline the correct verb in these sentences. (Subject Verb Agreement)
6.) Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.
7.) The dogs (bark, barks) at strangers.
8.) Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies.
9.) The game (was, were) exciting.

Put a ♥ if the sentence is correct, an  if it is not correct. (Subject Verb Agreement)

_____ 10.) They have been waiting a long time.
_____ 11.) The pen or the pencil are lost.
_____ 12.) Someone don't understand.
_____ 13.) Those has been cheaper in the past.
_____ 14.) Randy and Juan like sports.
Choose the correct pronoun in each sentence below. (Pronoun Antecedent)
15.) During early rehearsals, an actor may forget (his or her, their) lines.
16.) The Washington team was opportunistic; (it, they) took advantage of every break.
17.) A person needs to see (his or her, their) dentist twice a year.
18.) The committee members put (its, their) signatures on the document.
19.) If any one of the sisters needs a ride, (she, they) can call me.
20.) When someone has been drinking, (he or she, they) may drive poorly.
Encircle the correct answer for each item. (Tenses of the verb)
21.) Chynna's mom ________ her home from school most days.
a.) Drived c.) Drive
b.) Driving d.)Drives
22.) One day last year Dan___________ for his mom at the front door.
a.) Will wait c.) Waited
b.) Wait d.) Did wait
23.) Just before he got there, a tree branch ________ down on the car.
a.) Will crash c.) Crashed
b.) Crash d.) Crashing
24.) The branch __________ John's mom inside the car.
a.) Trap c.) Will trap
b.)Trapped d.) Trapping
25.) The firefighters _____________ her.
a.) Rescued c.) Rescue
b.) Will rescued d.) Rescuing

Give 5 irregular verbs and conjugate each.

Present past future
Teach taught will teach

Presesnt past future
Has/have taught had taught will have taught

Present past future
Am/is/are teaching was

Perfect progressive
Present past future

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