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Activity 1.1: “Let us combine!!!

” (Critical Thinking, Collaboration)

Instruction: Below is piece of article. Read the article together a member of

your family, have a discussion of whether the decision of the individual in the
article is a rational or logical one or not. Narrate your findings and discussion
on the space provided. You may collaborate with the member of your family
to narrate your discussions. You may also try to look some follow-up
questions below to help your discussion.

A Family Discussion

Nurse diagnosed with COVID-19 commits suicide over fear of spreading it by Rodney
Artida | News

A nurse working in the frontlines in Italy took her own life after
contracting coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and feared that shethe San Gerardo Hospital in
Monza, Lombardy, the epicenter of the coronavirus .The Telegraph reported that Trezzi suffered
trauma by her experience in working on the frontline since the outbreak exploded in Italy. The
National Federation of Nurse in Italy initially said she was under quarantine since testing positive
with the disease last March. The group released a statement expressing its dismay over the death of
their young “What Daniela had witnessed recently had contributed heavily….it. was the straw that
broke the camel’s back,” Telegraph quoted the group statement.

The federation stressed that “the condition and stress to which our professionals are subjected is
under the eyes of all” and noted that a similar case occurred a week ago in
Venice, with the same underlying reasons. According to Gruppo Italiano per la Medicina Basata sulle
Evidenze (GIMBE), around 5,760 health care workers have tested positive for COVID-19 in Italy,
which accounts for 8 percent of the 69,176 cases recorded by Civil Protection Agency on Tuesday.

Follow-up Questions:
1. Do you think the nurse did make the right choice? Explain.
2. According to the research done in n europsychology, biopsychology and
psychiatry, usually people with brain damage usually do not know what
they are doing. In the article given, do you think the nurse has contacted
brain damage to render herself to decide unfairly of her demise? Explain.
3. If you are in the position of the nurse, as a front liner, would you also do
the same, as retribution for your mistake? Why? Why not?
4. Why do you think stress can affect the brain’s function to perceive and
handle problems, especially in traumatic experiences?

Activity 1.2: Reading Comprehension (Critical Thinking)

Instruction: Read the two paragraphs below. After reading, make a simple
reflection about what you have read.

- Source: Wikimedia
My Reflection…

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