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New Era University

#9 Central Ave, New Era, Quezon City

1107 Metro Manila
Fernandez, Patricia Andrea Alexei
NCM101-18 Health Assessment

Module 5 Lesson 1 Infants, Children, and Adolescents


Critical Thinking:

Maria is a 2-year-old girl whose mother brought her in for a checkup. Her mother
reports that Maria was born at 40 weeks’ gestation after an uncomplicated pregnancy
and in normal spontaneous delivery (vaginal delivery). She is pretty sure that Maria
has met each developmental milestone at the normal age and does not have any
problems that she has identified. Maria is a very energetic child and is often running
around in the backyard and loves to play with their dog Chiechie.

The mother states that she is very careful with what she feeds to her family, and that
Maria has good eating habits although sometimes she throws her food at the dog and
laughs. Maria’s parents have some good friends whose youngest child is being
carefully monitored by his pediatrician because of what is thought to be “significant
development delays”. Consequently, Maria’s mother became very concerned about
developmental milestones and wants her daughter to be evaluated to make sure
everything is alright. The mother states that she has read a lot of information on the
internet on child development but still asks many questions regarding the care and
needs of the child. She seems very anxious during the visit and very concerned that
she may have missed something in Maria’s development.

1. What are the expected physical development for a 2-year-old child such
as Maria?
- Expected physical development for a 2-year-old child, runs fairly well;
follows simple command; open doors by turning door knobs.

2. What level of language development is expected for a toddler?

New Era University
#9 Central Ave, New Era, Quezon City
1107 Metro Manila
- At round 12 months, the first two words and she will start talking to you.
By 18 months, she might know how to use 20-100 words. By 3 months,
900 words.

3. Identify at least two standardized tools that are used to assess physical
and psychosocial development across the age span?
- Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) and the Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

4. What are the expected cognitive development for 2-year-old child?

- Her grasp of language is increasing, and she’s beginning to form mental
images for things, actions, and concepts. She also can solve some
problems in her head, performing mental trial-and-error instead of having
to manipulate objects physically.

5. How might you validate the assessment of Maria’s Mom that she has
good eating habits?
- According to Maria’s Mom, she was very careful to what she feeds to her
family so that she has a good eating habit.

6. In assessing the growth and development of Maria, what are the nursing
considerations that must be observed?
- A basic understanding of growth and development enables the nurse to
recognize the needs of each individual and thus, to provide appropriate

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