Chemical Equilibrium

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CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM NCERT Level Exercises Ne Chemica Equiriam Subjective Type 1 2. B 2 ‘At 700 K, equilibrium constant fr the reaction Ha) +h @) == 241) is 54.8. 1f0.5 mol L* U(@) is present at equilibrium at 700 K, what are the concentration of Hz (g) and Iz (g) assuming that we initially stared with HI(g) and allowed it to reach ‘equilibrium at 700 K An equilibrium mixture of CO(g) + H20(g) == COs) + He) present in a vessel of one litre capacity at 815°C was found by analysis to coniain 0.4 mole of CO03 rnole of #40, 0.2 mole of COs and 0.6 mole of Ho. (a) Caleulate Ke Inthe dissociation of Hl, 20% of Hl is dissociated at equilibrium, Calculate Ke for ant 1 Mg) = Fil) + he. ‘At 540 K, 0.10 mole of PCIs are heated in a 8 live flask. The pressure of the equilibrium mixture is found to be 1.0 atm, Calculate Ky and Ky for the reaction. ‘At equilibrium, the mass of each of the reactants and products remains constant. Does it mean that the reaction has stopped? Explain Reaction between acetic acid and ethyl alcohol attains a state of equilibrium in an open vessel but decomposition of CaCOs does not. Why? ‘At equilibrium, the amount of eacb of the reactants ‘and products remains constant. Does it mean that the reaction has stopped? Explain. What happens to the equilibrium constant if temperature is increased? From the following data show that whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. K= 124 x 10% at 25°C K=2.34x 107 at 50°C ‘What conclusions can be drown for the following? @Q=K; GQ>K iD Q 2CuO{s) + ANOxtg) + Ort) (8) CHSCOOCH(a9) + HO) = CH:COOH(ag) +CsHsOH(a9) (€) Fe(aq) +30 FOS) Explain why pure liguids and solids can be ignored ‘while writing the value of equilibrium corstant ‘What quantitative information can you cbtain from the value of the equilibrium constant? [Name the three common types of stresses that can be placed on a chemical reaction. Which 0” these will have no effect on the following reaction. Which of these will have no effect on the following reaction? 2NAg) 1Ox(g) <= -2NO(E)AH = 180 Ld ‘The following reaction has atained equilibrium What happen if CO(g) + 2h) CHOH(@), AH" = - 92.0 kT nol! (a) Volume of the reaction vessel is suddenly reduced to half? () the paral pressure of hydrogen :s suddenly doubled? (©) am inert gas is added tothe system? {A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapous in a seated container et a fixed temperature, The volume of the container is suddenly increased. (a) What is the initial effect of the chanye on vapour pressure? {b) How do rates of evaporation and condensation ‘change intially? (©) What happens when equilibrium is restored finally and what will be the final vapour pressure? Explain why the addition of inert gas dues not affect the equilibrium in a rigid vessel? Given two examples in which K, and Ke are equal and they have no unt. (@) What effet would the introduction of He gas have on the partial pressure of each ga: in a system containing Nz, Hp and NH at equilibrivn? (©) What will be the effect of addel He on the position of the equilibrium? What is the effect of temperature, pressure, concentration and addition of argor. gas to the following equilibrium {H PCL(gyS—PCh (g) + Che) ~ heat {Gi) NaOu (g) 5" 2NOalg) AH = + 52 KI State Level Exercises (Chemical Equitorium Sing 1 “4 le Correct Answer Type In any chemical reaction, equilibrium is supposed to be establish when {@) Mutual opposite reactions undergo {(@) Concentrtion of reactants and reslting products are equal (© Velocity of mutual reactions become equal (6) The temperature of mutual opposite reactions become eal ‘According 10 lar of mass action rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to (a) Concentration of reactants (&) Molar concentration of reactants (c} Concentration of products (4) Molar concentration of prodvets For the system 34+2B equilibrium constant is , the expression for (ANB) tcl @ © Baral (are (C) Og © arer In the reversible reaction A+B C+D, the ‘concentration of each C and D at equilibrium was 0.8 moleiltre, then the equilibrium constant K, will be @ 64 ) 0.64 © 16 (@) 160 4 moles of A is mixed with 4 moles of B. At equilibrium for the reaction A+B = C+D, 2 moles of C and D are formed. The equilibrium constant for the reaction will be 1 OF 1 On a given condition, the equilibrium concentration of HH and 1, are 0.80, 0.10 and 0.10 moleitre The equitibrium constant forthe reaction Hy +1, = 2HL willbe (a) 64 @) 2 ©) 8 @ 08 In which of the following, the reaction proceeds towards completion (@) K=10° @) K=107 (©) K=10 @ Kel ‘A reversible chemical reaction having two reactants in equilibrium. Ifthe concentrations of the reactants are doubled, then the equilibrium constant will (@ Absobe doubled (b) Behalved (©) Become one-fourth (2) Remain the same ‘The equilibrium constant in a reversible reaction at a siven temperature (@) Depends on the initial concentration of the reactants (b) Depends on the concentration of the products at equilibrium (©) aes not dépend on the initial concentrations {€) lis not characteristic ofthe reaction 10, iL. B. vy 15, In which of the following reaction, the value of K, will be equal to K (@) He+le~ 2H (©) PCI, = PCIs+ Cl, (© 2NH, + Ng+3H, (@) 280, 1 0; = 250, Equilibrium constants K,and. Ky for the following equilibria Now@)+0, E> NO,io and 2NOp{g) = 2NO(g) + Oplg) are related as @) K. (b) Kp =k? @) K-53 @ kez For the reaction PCIs(g)+Chig) = PCigla) at 250°C , the value of K, i8 26, then the value of K, on the same temperature will be (@) 061 (@) 057 © 0.83 (6 0.46 CH,COOH y) +C, HOH) = CH;COOC;Hs,) +0 In the above reaction, one mole of euch of acetic acid and alcoho! are heated in the presence of little cone. H,S0,. Ox equilibrium being attained (@) 1 mole of ethyl acetate is formed (b) 2 mole of elayl acetate are formed (©) 1.2 moles of ethyl acetate is Formec (@ 23 moles of ethyl acetate is formec If the equilibrium constant of the reaction 2H = Hy + Ty is 0.25, thea the equilibrium emmstant ofthe reaction Hy +l 2H! would be (@) 10 {b) 2.0 () 3.0 (@) 40 For the chemical equilibrium, Ca0\s}+CO,{g) AF, can which one of the following plots \ ©) i “iat © @ As La oat r CaCO,(5) = be determined from @ apevey 18, 20. 2 In which of the following equilibria, the value of K, is less than K, @ Hyvl,= 2H (©) Nz+3H, = 2H, (©) N,+0,= 2NO (@) CO+H,0% C0, +H, The vapour density of completely dissociated NH,CI would be (@) Stight less than half that of NHC (b) Half that of NH,CI (6) Double thet of NH,CI (@) Determined by the amount of solid NH,C! in the experiment In an equilibrium reaction for which aG =0, the equilibrium constant K-= @o @1 @2 @ 10 No +p ~ 2NO-Qcals Inthe above reaction which isthe essential condition for the higher production of NO (a) Hightemperature —_(b) High pressure (©) Lowtemperature _(@) Low pressure Which of the following reactions proceed at low pressure (@) Nz +3H, = 2NH, (b) Heth (© POlg = PCI +Clp (@) No+Or In the following reversible reaction 280, +O, = 2505 +Q Cal “Most suitable condition for the higher production of 8, is (8) High temperature and high pressure (©) High temperature and low pressure (©) Low temperature and high pressure (@) Low temperature and low pressure When the pressure is applied over system foo = vate what will happen? (a) More water will form (b) More ice will form (©) There will be no effect over equilibrium (d) Water will decompose in H, and O, On the velocity in a reversible reaction, the correet explanation ofthe effect of catalyst is (a) It provides a new reaction path of low activation energy (b) Tr increases the kincic energy of reacting molecules (©) Itaislaces the equilibrium sate on right side (d) It decreases the velocity of backward reaction ‘According, to Le-Chatelier’s principle, if heat is tiven to solidlquid system, then {a) Quantity of solid will reduce {b) Quentiy ofiquid will reduce Chemical Equiriam (©) Increase in temperature (@ Decrease in temperature In the reaction Alg)+28(g) = Clg.+Qkt, greater product will be obtained oF the forvard reaction is, favoured by (2) Athigh temperature and high pressure (b) Athigh temperature and low pressure (©) Atlow temperature and high pressure (@) Atlow temperature and low pressure Archives For a reaction equilibrium, N:Os(g) = 2NO: (g) the concentrations of NiO, and NO: at equilibrium are 4.8 « 107 and 1.2 « 10° mol/L n:spectively, The value of, forthe reaction is: [BETSAT 2007] (a)3 «107 mol/L (b) 3.3 * 107 mol/L (c)3 * 10" mol/L (d) 3.3 « 107 mol/L Conjugete base of POs is IBETSAT 2007] (@) HsPO. (b) PCs (©) POF (6) HPO Ina 500 mL flask, the degree of dissociation of PCl: at equilibrium is 40% and the inital amount is $ moles. The value of equilibrium corstant ia mol L forthe decomposition of PClsis_BITSAT 2008] (233 (6)2.60 (©) 532 (40 In chemical reaction A= B, the system will be Jknown in equilibrium when IKCET 2009} (@) A completely changes to B (©) 50% of d changes to B (©) The rate of change of 4 to B and 8 to A on both the sides are same (®) Only 10% of A changes to B Which is false [KEAM 2008] (@) The greater the concentration of the substances involved in 2 reaction, the lower the speed of the reaction (©) The point of dynamic equilibrium is reached when the reaction rate in one direction just balances the reaction rate in the opposite direction (@) The dissociation of weak clectrolyte is a reversible reaction (@) The presence of fee ions faclitates chemical changes For the system A(g)+2Blg)= Cll. the equilibria concentrations are (A) 0.06 mole'litre (B) 0.12 molelitre (C) 0216 molellitre. Tae K,-for the [Orissa JEE 2009] () d6 @ 1s B, C and L on the basis of gaseous system A+2B = C..3D ate A= 0.20; B = 0,10; C= 0.30 and D = 0.50 atm. The numerical value of equilibrium constant is [VETEEE 2009] reaction is (@) 250 (©) 4x10" Partial pressures of 4 Chemica Equiorium (@ 1125 (b) 18.75 5 (@) 3.75 ‘The equilibrium constant for the given reaction is 100. (BITSAT 2009] Nx) + 202(e) = 2NOaLe) ‘What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction given below? Nong) 3u@ + 0x8) (a) 10 1 ot (@oo1 2 moles of PCiy were heated in a closed vessel of 2 Titre ‘capacity. At equilibrium, 40% of PCI, is iscociated into PCl, and Cly. The value of equilibrium constant is [KCET 2010] (@) 0.266 (b) 0.53 © 2.66 @ 53 For which of the following reactions does the equilibrium constant depend on the units of concentration IKEAM 2010], (2) NOy 2 Nan + 380 (0). Zr) + Cubs, = CUsy + Znby (©) CyH:OFly = CHsCOOMy = CH{COOCHyy +H,O (Reaction cated in an ner solve!) () COClgy = CO) +Claw Unit of equilibrium constant for the reversible easton Hyfy = 241 is [Orissa IRE 2010) fa) mol” litre (b) mol titre (e) mol titre * ‘he decomposition of at 250% in chloroform. Ween equ has bees established, 0.2 mol of NzO, and 2x10 mol of TNO, are present in’ lie solution. Te equilibrium constant for reaction NO, # 2NO3 is (a) None of these ), t0 NO; is carried out [VITEEE 2010} (@ x10? (b) 2x10% (9 110% (@ 2x10 Ina reaction A+B # C+D, the concentrations of 14, B, Cand D (in molesiltre) are 0.5, 0.8, 04 and 11.0 respectively. The equilibrium constant is {KCET 2011) @) ol (b) 1.0 ©) 10 Ox ‘The equilibrium constant for the reaction N,i3H,22NH, is K, then the equilibrium constant forthe equilibrium NH,=* 4a +3 constant forthe equilibrium NH, = 3;Nz+5He 3 [KEAM 2011] ee eS @ VK ue © K @ vk ‘The reaction between Np and H, to form ammonia thas K,=6x10% at the temperature 500°C. The numerical value of K,, for this reaction is [Orisse JEE 2011] (@ 15x10% (b) 1.5«20° © 15x10 @ 15108 The equilibrium constant (K) for the rezetion Cu(s) + 2Ag" (2a) > Cu” (aq)+2Az(8) will be [Given, Ey, (a) Ke= Antilog 15.6 (©) Ke Antilog 1.5 For the reversible reaction, Nog + 34a) = 2H) at 500°C, the value of Kp is 146x10 when pamial pressure is measured in atmospheres: The Corresponding value of K, with concentration in mole lire’ is IKCET 2012} (@) 1.4410" /(0.082%500)* (b) 1.44 «10°°/(6.314%773)* (© 14x10 /(0.082%773F (a) 14430" 0.082773)" 'At 400°C, the equilibrium constant for the synthesis OLTis 50, the value of K forthe dissociation of HT 0.46 V) (BITSAT 2011} {b) Ke= Amtilog 2.5 (@) Ke= Antilog 12.2 will be {KEAM 2012], @ 200 (e) 2.0 © 02 (@) 0.02 CoCOyy C00 +COya) Which oF the following expression is correct [VITEEE 2012} (a) Kp = Pox * Poo! Pescosh (0) Ke = Peo, (©) Kp x1Peaa * Poon) Peacon (ay KelOx0 1008) {CacOs] IF K; is the equilibrium constant for the formation of NH, the dissociation constant 0° ammonia under the sametemperature willbe _[KCET 2013] kK @ Se (©) KE (d) UK, 3.2 moles of hydrogen iodide were heated in & Sealed bulb at 444°C till the equilibrium was foached. The degree of dissociation of HI at this temperature was found to be 22%. The number of ‘moles of hydrogen iodide present at equilibrium are "KEAM 2013] (@) 187 ih) 2.496 (e) 4.00 (a) 2.00 2. 26. AG\HIg)=+1.7k). What is the equilibrium constant at 25°C for 2HI(g) 3 H2\g) + f2(g) [Orissa JE 2013} (a) 24.0 (b) 3.9 (© 20 (05 Ina reversible reaction, the catalyst [VITEEE 2013] (2) Increases the activation energy of the backward reaction (b) Increases the activation energy of the forward reaction (c) Decreases the activation energy of both, forward and backward reaction (@ Decreases the activation energy of forward reaction For the cquilibrium 2NO,(g) = N,O,(g) 4146cal the increase in temperature would IKCET 2014] (@) Favour the formation of N30 (©) Favour the decomposition of NO, (©) Notalter the equilibrium: (© Stop the restion Which of the following factors will favour the reverse reaction in chemical equilibrium (Orissa JER. 2014) (@) Increase in the concentration of one of the reactants (&) Removal of at least one of the product at regular time intervals (©) Increase in the concentration of one or more products (@) None of these Given reaction is 2X gj +¥iqay = 2Ziea) +80koa! Which combination of pressure and temperature gives the highest yield ofZ at equilibrium IVITEEE 2014] 21, 29. Chemical Equitrium (@) 1000 atin and 500°C (©) 500 atm and 500°C (©) 1000 atm and 100°C (@ 500 atm and 100°C Consider the reaction HON yy = Hi +CNigg «At equilibrium, the addition of CN. would IKCET 2015] (@) Reduce HCN, concentration (©) Decrease the Hj.) ion concentraion (©) Increase the equilibsium constant (2) Decrease the equilibrium constant Tn the gaseous equilibrium H,X, + heat = 2X, the formation of HX willbe favoured by IKEAM 2015} (2) High pressure and low temperature (b) High temperature and low pressure (©) Low temperature and low pressure (@) High temperature and high pressure Reaction in which yield of product will increase ‘with increase in pressure is [Orissa JEE 2015] (Hag + Hyg) 2H ©) HO yg +C0g, & COny + Hoy (©) HO) + Cy) * COy) + Hayy @) C04) + BHagy F Cay + HO ‘The endothermic reaction (M +N 5 ?} is allowed to ‘attain an equilibrium at 25°. Formation of P ean be increased by IVITEEE 2015] (@) Raising tomporature (b) Lowering temperature (©) Keeping temperature constant (@) Decreasing the concentration of MW and NV JEE Level Exercises Single Correct Answer Type Level 1 For the reaction PCh(g}+Cl{a) + PCi(al_ the position of equilibrium can be shifted to the right by (@) Increasing the temperature (©) Doubling the volume (©) Addition of Ciy at constant volume (@) Addition of equimolar quantities of PCI, and PCI, Chemical equations convey quantitative information onthe (a) Type of atoms/molecules taking part in the reaction (b) Number of atoms‘motecules of the reactants and products involved in the reaction (©) Relative number of moles of reactants. and products involved in the reaction (® Quantity of reactant consumed and quantity of product formed A mixture of 0.3 mole of H, and 0.3 mole of I, is allowed to react in a 10 litre evacuated flask at 500°C. The reaction is Hp +l, 2H, the K is found to be 64. The amount of unreacted [y at equilibrium is (@) 0.15 mole () 0.06 mole (©) 0.03 mole @ 0.2 mole 28 g of Np and 6g of Hy were kept at 400°C in 1 lite vessel, the equilibrium mixture contained 27.54g of NH,. The approximate value of K, for the above reaction can be (in mole”? ftre®) (@) 75 (b) 50 ©) 25 @ 100 ‘An amount of solid NFHS is placed in 2 flask already containing ammonia gas at a certain temperature and 0.50 atm pressure. Ammonium hhyérogen sulphide decomposes to yield INH, and HS gases in the flask. When the decomposition reaction reaches equilibrium, the total pressure in the flask rises to 0.84 aim. The equilibrium constant for NHHS decomposition at this temperature is (@) 030 (b) 0.18 © 017 @ ou In the reaction A+2B =2C, if 2 moles of 4,3.0 moles of B and 2.0 moles of C are placed in a 2.01 flask and the equilibrium concentration of C is 0.5 mole/!. The equilibrium constant (K,) for the reaction is (a) 0.073 (©) 0.147 (©) 0.05 @ 0.026 Ina 500ml capacity vessel CO and Cl, are mixed fo form COCI,. At equilibrium, moles of COCI, and 0.1 mole of each of CO and it contains 0.2 10, 2. ir (Chemical Eguitriuen (CO. The equilibrium constant K, forthe reaction cO+C%, Coe is @ 5s (b) 10 @ 1s @ 2 5 moles each of hydrogen and iodine heated in a seiled ten lite vessel, AF equlium, 3 moles of HI wore found The equilibrium constant fo Hyg) +1o(q) = 2HINg) is @l ) 10 @s (d) 0.35 The rate constant for forward and backward reactions of hydrolysis of ester arv 1.110% and 15x10 per minute respectively. Equilibrium constant forthe eatin is CH,COOCH, + HO = CH,COOH! +C,H,0H (a) 4.33 ) 5.33 (©) 6.33 (a) 7.33 For the resetion 2NO4y) = 2NO Oa Ke 1.8x20° at 185°C. ALIRS'C Me Ker N+ 2 > NO i (a) 1.95.10" (e) 75108 (b) 1.95%10% (ogni Ife y+ Si = HS end Hg Brag = 2 ‘The equilibrium constants respectively, the reaction 1 Brgy + HS) 2HBigy+5Szs) would have are Ki and Ky equilibrium constant ©) KyxKy OK, © KyIK, (@ KK, Some solid NH,HS is placed in a flask containing 0.5 aim of NH, what would be pressures of NE, and H,S when equilibrium is reached NH GH) = NHygy + HpSq), Kp =0.11 (@) 6.65 aim (b) 0.605 am (©) 0.0665 aim (@) 66.5 asm For the reaction, PClyg)+Clyyy Play) the value of K, at 250°C is 26. The value of K, at this mperature will be (a) O61 (b) 0.5” (co) 0.83 (a) 0.40 If equilibrium constant for reaction 2AB=* A, ~Bp, is 49, then the equi.ibrium constant 1,1 for reaction AB = 4, +48, wi a Bet Z Be, will be @7 (b) 20 (©) 49 @ 2 ‘The chemical equilibrium of a reversible reaction is not influenced by Chemical Equitorium (a) Pressure () Catalyst (©) Concentration of the reactants (@ Temperature 16, Consider the following reversible reaction at ‘equilibrium, 24,0.) = 24a +Oag)3 AH = 201.7k Which one of the following changes in conditions ‘will lead to maximum decomposition of HO, (@) Increasing both temperature and pressure {(b) Decreasing teroperature and increasing pressure (©) Increasing temperature and decreasing pressure (@) increasing temperature at constant pressure 17. For the reaction Hp(g)+T,le)=2HMlel, the equilibrium constant changes with (a) Total pressure () Catalyst (©) The amounts of H and I, taken (@) Temperature 18, Calculate 4G° for conversion of oxygen to ozone 3/20,lg) Osha 298 K, if K,for this conversion is 2.4710 (a) 163k mol (&) 2.410 kd mol* (©) 1.635 mol (@) 238210" is mol 19. In which of the following gaseous equilibrium an fnerease in pressure will increase the yield of the products (@ BHI Hy +le (b) 280, +0 = 2505 (©) He} Bry = 2HBr (@ H,0+CO =H, +CO, 20, The exothermic formation of CIF, is represented by the equation Cay; +3Fag) % 2CFag)3 AH = 320d ‘Whicn of the following will inerease the quantity of GFF, inn equilibrium mixture of Cl,,F, and CIFy (2) Increasing the temperature {(@) Removing Cl, (6) Increasing the volume of the container (@ Adding Fe 21, Formation of SOs takes place aecording to the reaction 250, +0, 5 2805;AH =-45.2heal Which of the following factors favours the formation of SO, (a) Increase in temperature {(b) Increase in pressure (©) Removal of oxygen (@) Increase in volume 20. For the chemical reaction 3X(g}+Yigl= XYi0), the amount of X,Y at equilibrium is affected by (2) Temperature and pressure (b) Temperature only (©) Pressure only (@) Temperature, pressure and catalyst 23. In which of the following system, donbling the volume ofthe container cause asbift the right @) } + Cla(g) = 2HCKa) (6) 2COg} + Op{g) = 2COz{g) (©) Nag) +3Helgl=2NH4(@) (d) PCIg(a) * PCIs(g)+Cle(g) 24. Which ofthe following equilibria wil sift to right side on increasing the temperature @) CO yy +H) COze + Hog: (©) 2804) + O24 * 2505) (©) HiOg = Hog +5 Ozha: @)_ GHCIg) + Og, > 2g) + 2Claye 25, Sodium sulphate dissolves in water with evolution of heat, Consider a saturated solution of sodium sulphate. If the temperature is raised, then according, to Le-Chatelier’s principle (@) More solid will dissolve {b) Some sold will precipitate out fi the solution (c) The solution will become supersa:urated (4) Solution concentration will emis unchanged Level 2 1. Fea an endothermic reaction where SH represents the enthalpy ofthe reaction in kl/mo, the misimam Value for energy of activation willbe {@) less than AH () ze (more than Alt (6) equel o att 2, Which equilibrium in gaseous phase would be ‘unaffected by an increase in pressure" fa) 2NO; — (b)N2 + Oz —= 2NO (N+ 3iky — INH (6) CO+ 10; 2 CO: 3. Forthe resction Ha +h <=* 2H (b) Ke + Ke (@) Ko Ke 4. Forth chemical reaction, 3X(q) # Y(g) > XY(@)s the amount of XoY at jum is afected by! (2) temperature and pressure {@) temperature only (c} pressure only (@)temperatre, pressure and catays 5, Forthe action, PCK(g) == PCI(g) + Ch{g) ‘The forward reaction at constant temperature is favoured by (@) inteducing an inert gas at constant volume (©) introducing chlorine gas at constant volume {@ introducing an inert gas at constant pressure {@) none ofthe above 6. The reaction which proceeds in the forward rection is 10, (a) Fe.Os + 6HCI=2FeC + 34:0 (b) SoCh, + HgCh = SnCl + 2HgCl {c) NHs-+H,0 + NaCI~ NHAC1* NaOH (@) 2Cul +b 4K" = 200 + 3K For the reversible reaction, NA@) + 3H(@) —> 2NHS(g) at 500°C, the value of Ke is 1.44 « 10% when partial pressure is measured in the atmosphere, The corresponding value of Ke, ‘with concentration i mol lire (a) 1.44 = 107/(0,082 = 500)? (b) 1.44 * 10°48.314 x 773)? (©) L44 « 10°/(0.082 = 773)? (d) 1.44 = 10°5/(0.082 x 773)? For the Haber's process for the formation of NH at 298 Kis; No+ 3H: es 2NHs; AH =- 460k Which of the following is correct? (a) The condition for equilibrium is, Gy, +36, is. Gibbs energy per mole of gaseous species measured at that partial pressure (©) On adding Nz, the equilibrium will shift to forward direction because according to 1! law of thermodynamics the entropy must decrease in the direction of spontaneous reaction (©) The catalyst will inerease the rate of forward reaction by 2 times and that of backward reaction by 1.5 times (a) None of the above 2Gyu,+ where Given: [Ag(NH)'] == Ag(NHG)' + NE; Kj = 1410 Ag(NH)’ == Ag! +NHy, K3 = 343x104 The instability constant of the complex Ag(NES) is equal to (@) 7.14% 10° (0)233 «10 (c) 6.02 x 10* (d) 1.66 » 10” Consider the following equilibrium in a closed container lg) === 2NOxg) ‘Ata fixed temperature, the volume of the reaction container is halved. For this change, which of the given statements holds tue regarding the equilibrium constant (Ks) and degree of dissociation @? (a) Neither Ke nor a changes (b) Both Kp and a change (c) Ke changes, but a does not change {@) Ke does not change, but a changes ‘At constant temperature, the equilibrium constant (Ke) for the decomposition reaction, NiO. = 2NOz is expressed by, (4x"P) 12, an 18, emical Equlorium Where P = pressure, x = extent of decomposition Which of te following statements is true? (@) Kr increases with increase of P (b) Ke increases with increase of x (6) Kr increase with decrease of x (4) Ke remains constant with change in P of x When two reactants A and B are mixed to give products C and D, the reaction qvotient, Q at the initial stages of reaction: (a) is zero (b) decrease with time (©)independent of time __(4) increases with time ‘AG? for the reaction X + ¥ —* J is -4.606 kal The equilibrium constant for the reaction at 227°C (@) 100 (o) 10 2 (0.01 The partial pressure of CHsOH(a), ("O(g) and Ha(e) in equilibrium mixture for the reaction, CO(@) + 2H: (g) —= CHLOH(g) are 2.0, 1.0 and 0.1 atm respectively at 427°C. The value of Kr for the decomposition ef CH;OH to CO and Fh is: () 16 atm (0) 2 « 10" ata! (©) 50.atm" (@)5* 10° atm? ‘The value of logio K for @ reaction A = Bis: Given: Adis x = 54.07 KI mot", A,Siogge =+ 10 J mot", and R= 831 JK? mol? 2.3030 x 8314 « 298 ~ $705) @s (b) 10 ©) 95 (a) 10¢ Tn an aqueous solution of volume 5(40 mb. when the reaction of 2Ag" + Cu = Cu + 2Ag is reached equilibrium the [Cu], was x M. When $00 mL of water is further added, at the equilibsium [Cu**] witl be (@2xM (byw {c) between x M andx/2 M_ (d) less than x/2M N:Oz = 2NO>, Ke = 4. This reversible reaction is studied graphically as shown in fisure. Select the correct statement out off Hand IL 1. Reaction quotient has maximum vslue et point A. Tl Reaction proceeds left to right at ¢ point when IN:O4] = [NOz] = 0.1 M. TIL Ke = Q when point D or Fis reacxed @10 (b) 1,1 (1, nr (@) 1,0, UL ‘The reaction X; + Yo = 2XY was studied-at a certain temperature. In the beginning 1.0 mole of Xo was taken in @ mote litre flask and 2 moles of Ya was taken in another 2 L flask and both these containers are connected so equilibrium can be ot (Chemical Equioriam 19, 20. 24, 2 established. What is the equilibrium concentration of Xz and ¥_? Given equilibrium concentration of [XY] = 06 mollL. @ (4-03}(2 ; 2-06] 3 \3 3 © 1-03), 2-03) (€) (1-06), (2-0.6) Sufficient PCIe was introduced into 2 2.00 L ‘evacuated flask at 250°C so that the initial PCls pressure was 0.244 atm, Once equilibrium for the following reaction was reached, the total pressure inside the flask was observed to be 0.472 atm, What is Ke for the reaction at 250°C? PCL(g) —* PCh(g) + Clg) (@) 0.308 W325 (0.17 (@) 1.03 If AG; for the following reaction is 3.44 kiiimol at 298 K, What is Ky at 298 K? Ha(g) + 1x(g) —> 2H11(2) (The standard state at 298 K of Isis the solid.) (a) 0.25 ©) 050 @10 40 For the reaction: PCL(@) + Clg) —* PCL(e) AG? = -37.2 KJ at 25°C. The gases arc placed in a reaction vessel at 25°C with PCls at 0200 atm, Cl. at 0.500 atm, and PCI, at 0.200 atm. Calealate AG at 25°C, and state whether the reaction procoeds from left to right (L — R), right to left (RL), oF is at equilibrium, (@)AG=- 355K, RL ()AG=-35.5KI,L>R ()AG= +355, RL (@AG = 71.01, RL Hydrogen peroxide (H,0:) decomposes according to the equation 2H.0,() = 2H.0() + Oe) From the following data at 25°C, calculate the value of Ke at 400 K for the above reaction, AH? = 125.65 IK. (@) 144 10% (&) 144% 10 (e) 144% 10° (13 «108 For she reaction: NsOx(g) —> 2NOs(g), the correct relationship between degree of dissociation (a) and equilibsium constant Ke is @a-|— [2 Pas (9) For the reaction PCls —= dissociation (a) is small, itis related to the initial pressure of PCs, p as PCls + Clo, if degree of 1 1 a) aa (b) a acs wax se (act @axt Pe ve 25. Ins 10.0 L mixture of He, and HI x equilibrium at 425°C there are 0.1 mole Ha, 0.1 mole kr and 0.5 mole HL, If 05 mole of HI is now added to this system, moles of HI, when the equilibium is re established is (@0.70 (0) 0.85 (0.75 (2) 1.005 Mattiple Correct Answers Type Ina reaction, PCI(g) ==» PCh(g) + h(a) + x KI ‘The ideal conditions for the dissociation of PCls i, {@) more [PCIs}, low pressure {b) more [PCs], low temperature (6) more [PCI], high pressure (a) more [PCIs}, low temperature 2. Consider the ‘reaction, 2CO(g) * Ox(g) 2COag) + Heat. Under what conditions shift is ‘ondeterminaible? () Increase in temperature and decrease in volume (©) Addition of O2 and decrease in voiume (©) Addition of CO and increase in temperature at constant volume (@) Addition of CO and removal of CO: at constant volume 3. 138 g of N:O4(2) is placed in 8.2 L container st 300 K. The equilibrium vapour density of mixture was found to be 30.67. Then (R ~' 0.082 L atm mol! K") {a) total pressure at equilibrium = 6.75 atm {(b) degree of dissociation of N2Os = 0.25 (c) the density of equilibeium mixture = 16.83 g/L. (@) Ke of Nas —= 2NOx(g) will be 9 atm 4. Areection mixture containing 0.050 atm Nz, 3.0 stm. Hs, and 0.050 atm NHs is hested to 450°C, The value of Ky is 4.28 » 105 atm®, Natg) + 3H:(g) — 2NH(g) ‘The correct statement(s)isare (@) reaction goes towards the le (©) reaction goes towans the right (©)Neand Hi combine to rorm amme nia (@ ammonia gas decomposes into Fiz and Nb 5. The following reaction attains equi-ibrium at high temperature Na{g) + 2H:0(g) + heat —= 2NO(® + 2H) ‘The yield of NO is affected by (6) compressing of reaction mixture () increasing the nitrogen concentraiion (6) decreasing the hydrogen concentration (@) None of the above 6. Consider the reaction 2CO(e) + Ox(e) —+ 2COx(8) + Heat. Under what conditions shift is uundeterminable? a ——— (8) Adgition of ©; and decrease in volume (©) Addition of CO and removal of CO: at constant volume (©) Increase in temperature and decrease in volume (@) Addition of CO and inerease in temperature at constant volume 7. Which of the following statements isiare true about reaction quotient Q? (@) Q2 Ke (©) Q always increases, if reaction proceeds in forward direction (©) Q=Ke= 1, at equilibrium (@Q=Ke, at equilieium 8. A chemical, reaction, A —> B is said 10 be in equitibrium when : (@) 50% of the conversion has taken place (©) only 10% conversion of A to B has taken place (6) the rate of transformation of A to B is just equal to the rate of transformation of B to A in the system (@ there is no change in the concentration of either AorB 9. For the reaction, Nz + 3H2 —* 2NHs + 21.9 keal, the value of the equilibrium constant will not be affected when (2) the volume of the reaction vessel is changed {b) the total pressure ofthe system varies (c) the temperature of the system is changed (@) the initial concentrations of nitrogen and hydtouen are changed 10, 2 mole each of A and B were taken in a container and the following reaction took place, 2A(g)+ Bg) <= 2C(g) + 2D(e) ‘When the system attained equilibrium: (@) [A] > [B] ) [A] <[By (IAl= 1B) @(D]=1C] 11, The equilibrium constant of the reactions; $03 + (1/2)0; == SOs and 250: + 2803 are Ky and Ko respectively. The relationship between Ky and Ks islare: (ks () Ky =Kj © Ky=yKy @ Ky = Ky 12, The relationship between KP and Ke is correctly shown as: fay Ke ART) (0) Ke = Ko(RTY (©) Kp=Ke(RT)™ (@)Ke=Ko(RTY 13, "The esuilibriam constant forthe reaction, CaCOxs) — CaO(s) + COAg) is: (@)Ke~ [COs] () Ke= [Cs0]{COs} [CaCO] (6) Ke= [CaCOnj{CaO]{COs] @Kr~ Ro, Linked Comprehension Type Comprehension During thermal dissociation with increase in the number of molecules, the volume increases and in (Chemical Ezuiterim consequence, the density decreases. As the temperature rises, more and more d:ssociation takes place, and when practically comp ete dissociation ‘occurs the density reaches its lowest limit. ‘The fraction of the total number of molecules which suffers dissociation is called he degree of dissociation. Gas density measurements can be used to determine the degree of dissociation. Let us take ‘by general case where one moleculy of a substance A splits into ‘n’ molecule of B heati An(g) = nB(g) a oo (ex) Beaty x Degree of dissociation a Total number of moles = a—acr-+ nao 1 +(n—Nay] Observed molecular weight of the mixture MA, all+(a—Do] 1, The Kp for the reaction NaO1 <== 2NO» is 640 mm at 773 K. The percentage dissociation of N:Os at ‘cquilibrium pressure of 160 mm is (a) 70% ()30% (©) 80% (@) 60% 2. A sample of mixture under equilibriam has a mean molecular weight is 80. Find che degree of dissociation a for A(g). Ale) Bie) + Cig) mo. w= 6) ml, w= 0 (a) 0.50 (@) 125 (0.25 (2) 1.00 3. For which of the following the equation is correctly matched? ac By 3 Comprebesion2 "The rate ofthe rection is dieetly roportional to tho product of the active masses the reatanis rise 10 the suitable powers, ata. given temperate 2A+bB +6C > product Rate =kfaP BIC te rection is writen in reversed dection (Ghemica Equtibrium ky Ke For gascous reaction, equlirium constant, cen also bbe expressed in terms of partial pressure Bquilibrium constant, Ke for aA+bB <= cC+ Dis Kee (cry (AFBI pees = eee PARE Kp and Ke are related with cach other as K,-Ke(RT)"* 1. Calculate the panial pressure of carbon monoxide fiom the following data CaCOx(s) aE= CaQ(s)+COnt; —- Kp=8 x 107 COxg)+ Cis) —= 2CO(e): Ke=2 (@)0.2 am (b) 0.6 atm (0) 0.8 atm. (0) 04 atm ‘A vessel at 1000 K contains CO: with a pressure of 0.5 atm. Some of CO; is converted into CO on addition of graphite. The value of K at equiibium ‘when total pressure is 0.8 atm will be (@) 25 atm (b) 3.6 atm (©) 1.8 atm @09 am 3. Forthe following equilibrium ‘N2Odg) == 2NOxe) Kp is found to be equal to Ke. This is attained when @t-1k @T=25K (co) T= 12.18K {d)T=17,15 K Assertion-Reasoning Type These questions must be answered according to the following codes: (2) Both assertion and reason are correct and the reason is correct expansion fo assertion (b) Both assertion and reason are correct but reason is not the correct expansion of assertion (©) Assertion is correct bat reason is wrong (@) Assertion is incorrect but reason is correct (e) lf both assertion and reason are wrong 1. Assertion: Catalyst alters the rate ofa reection, Reason: Catalyst does not affect the position of cquilibrium. Assertion: At equilibrium AG =0 Reason: AG? = -RT log: Keat equilibrium Assertion: Equilibrium constant of @ reaction changes on changing the stoichiometric coefficients of the reaction, Reason: The reactions: Na(g) + 3H(g) = 2NHs(@) oe and FNL) Nibig) bave same equilibrium constant, 10. Assertion: The Qe for the reaction 28Ox(g) + Org) = 280x(2) is Qe (sO, F102] Reason: When Qe < Ke, the reaction is not at equilibrium and it will be fat in backward direction. “Assertion: The equilibrium of [PCl(g) =* PCls(g) + Ch{g)] is not affected by changing the volume: of container reason: Ke = POUCA [PCIe] Fquilibrium constant Ke does not depend on the volume of vessel, Assertion: Addition of inert gases at equilibrium will support the dissociation of PCIz at constant temperature. Reason: The addition of inert gases at constant volume wil not affect the equilibrium. Assertion: The value of equilibrium vonstant for both forward and backward reaction may be same. Reason: The equilibrium constant of @ reaction is reciprocated when the reaction is reverse Assertion: Ke, Kp and Ky are the equilibrium constant of a resction in terms of cencentration, pressure and mole fraction respectively. Reason: The values of Ke of Kp ot Ky change with temperature Assertion: A dynamic equilibrium means a balance between the tendency towards minimum and maximum enthalpies. Reason: The reaction having AH = ve; occurs from hhigh enthalpy side to low enthalpy side and the reaction AH = ve; occurs from low enthalpy side to high enthalpy side ‘Assertion: AG reaction quotient, Reason: Q may be greater or lesser than Ke but equal to Ke, if AG = 0 \G" + 2,303 RI log Q. where Q is Matching Column Type 1, ch th 8 eet Column T ‘Column TE For the equilibrium P. | Forward NHuls) = NHs(g) + HIG), if pressure is increased at | equilibrium For the reaction = || No change | Na+ 3H = 2NE at equilibrium volume is | increased at equilibrium. | For te reaction | Backward H.0(@) + CO@) = Hx@) +] — | shit | COstg) inert gas is added at constant pressure at equilibrium. | _ | For the equilibrium 5 PCls = PCh + Ch, Ch is removed at equilibrium. inal pressure more than ial pressure Match the following equifbrium types and effecis, Equilibrium types. Effect PCls(g) = PCH(Q) + Cha) |p. | Shit to right on compressing the equilibrium mixture at constant temperature | | Shift to left on ‘compressing the equilibrium mixture at constant femperanre Fa@) + h(g) = 2H) |, | Has Kr > Ke at a ven temperature NE@ + STE) © BNE) | & | Equilibrium composition unchanged on adding Ne(g) at constant p and to 3. Match Column-t with Column CaCOx(s) = Ca0{s) + p. | Re Coxe) above tempera b. | COG) + Chis) = COCKE) [4 [Kr above room temperature ©. | Fa@)*h@) = TAK) e [Ke < Ke above room se temperature & [AC@) = Hegre) |s.[Ke and Ke not defined 4, Match Column with Column-I|____ ‘Cohuma I Coluran Reson) (ifaisneplble wt. 1) = [RO Y@Or7@® _[P. | X@ & YO*Z®) © © Rx® =¥@+ze)— /F @ )2Xe) = Y@+2@_—[s. (Chemica Egulorium Integer ‘Answer Type 10 Ifthe equilibrium constant of the reaction 2HI(e) — Ha(g) + 1x) is 0.25, the equilibrium: constant of the reaction Ho(g) + h(g) = 2HI(@) will be Mixing 4 moles of A with 4 moles of B forms 2 moles of C at equilibrium, according to the reaction : A(g) + Big) = C(g) + D(g) ‘The value of equilibrium constant is __ For the equilibrium AB(e) = A(g) + B(g), at a 1 sven temperature =-rd of AB is dissociated than JF wilt be numerically equal to Kp In a reversible reaction, if the eocentration of reactant are doubles, the equilibrium constant K will be x times the intial equilibrium constant, x will be equal to For the reaction A(@) +B) v* Cla) + Die) ‘The initial concentration of A and B are equal. The equilibrium concentration of C is two times the equilibrium concentration of A. The value of the equilibrium constant is SO:Ch and Cl are introduced inty a 31 vessel Partial pressure of SOxCls and Cle at equilibrium are 1 atm and 2 atm respectively, The value of Ke for the following reaction S0:Ch(g} = $0x(2) + Ch(g)is 10. ‘The total pressure in atm at equilibriem would be ‘A reaction at equilibrium involving 2 mol each of PCls, PCs and Ch is maintained at 250°C and total pressure of 3 atm. The value of Ke is For the equilibrium of the reaction NH.CI(s) = NH(g) + HCI(g), Kr = SI atm? Total pressure equilibrium will be x times the pressure of NHs. The value of x will he __ What weight of solid ammoniam carbamate (NHCOONHL) when vaporized at 200°C will have 2 volume of 8.96 titre at 1 atm? Assume that solid completely decomposes inte CO: and NHs at 200°C and 1 atm. At equilibrium, Ky = 1 then the value of AG? will be equal to (Chemical Equlorium JEE Archive JEE Main 1. Change in volume of the system does not alter the musnber of moles in which of the following equilibrium: N. 2) Ox 2 NO) D. PCy == PChg)* Chip 1. Nag + 3Eai —==2NHse A. $0;Cly SO y+ Clay UTTER 1997) 2. In which of the following reactions, increase in the pressure at constant teraperature does not affect the moles at equilibrium a, 2NHyq == Nyt 38a) b. Cig + 12 Oy) === CO Hyg + 1/2. 0) == Ha0) A. Hyg t Lag = Hey (UT-JEE 1997) 3, For the reaction: COfp) + 1/2 Orig) ==" COngy KyKe is a. RT b. RD, e. (RD @. (RT)? (UIT-JEE 1998) 4. For the reaction equilibrium; NO jig) == ZNO the concentration of N,O4 and NO, at equilibrium are 4.8 * 107 and 1.2 « 10 mol/L respectively. The value of K for the reaction is: a 3x1 b. 310M 33x10 M 4. 3x10"M (IT-IEE 1999) ‘5, ‘The conditions favorable forthe reaction: 280 yu) + Opi) > 280 epi AH 198 KI are a. Low temperature, high pressure b. Any value of Zand P Low temperature and low pressure 4. High temperature and high pressure (IIT-IEE 2000) 6. What isthe equilibrium constant forthe reaction: Pus) + 50x) == PPro) L 10,7 (05° a. K; a Ke= (UT-IEE 2000) 1. For the reaction, COjy + Chi = COCnp» the Ky/Ke is equal to a. 10 b. Rr Ta 4. WRT (AIEEE 2002) ‘The equilibrium constant for the reaction: 8 gy * Ong > INO at temperature Tis 4x 10°. The value of K, for the reaction NO) = V2 Ny) * U2 Oa a the temperature is a, 0.02 b. 50 «. 4x104 a. 25% 107 (AIEEE 2002) 9. The exothermic formation of CIF, is represented by the ‘equation Ch; + 3F yg = 2CIF yyy AH = 329 Kimo Which of the following will increase the quantity of CIF in an equilibrium mixture of Cl. F>, and CIF a. Increasing the temperature b. Removing Cl, ce. Increasing the volume of container a. Adding F, (AIEEE 2003) 10. For the reaction: 2NOsig) == 2NOp) * One) K.-1.8 «10% ct 184°C and R=0.083.1/K-mol. When Kp and Kare compared at 184°C, it is “ound that: a. Kp>Ke Db. Kp (5) (AIEEE 2006) 14, The equilibrium constant for the reaction: ener 305) 8049+ Ly is K.~4.9 * 10. The value of K, for the reaction 250; + Ox) == 2505) willbe: a. 49 «107 e. 2.40% 10° b. 416 4.9.8 107 (AIEEE 2006) 1S, The equilibrium constants Ky, and Ky forthe reactions x 2V and Z == P+ Q, respectively are in the ratio of 1 :9. Ifthe degree of dissociation of X and Z be ‘equal, then the ratio of total pressures at these equilibria is a. 1:36 burl e413 ato (AIEEE 2008) 16, For the following three reactions 1,2, and 3, equiliorium constants are given CO) + HQ == COy + Hyp D. Cig) HO =" C0) + Hg Kp Single Correct Answer Type 1, The oxidation of SO, by Os to SO, is an exothermic reaction, The yield of SO; will be maximum if a. temperatute is increased and pressure is kept constant . temperature is reduced and pressure is increased both temperature and pressure are increased 4. both temperature and pressure are reduced (UT-JEE 1981) (Chemical Equilibrium © CHyp)* 2,0) == COyp)+ 4H Ky Which of the following reactions is comsct? 8. KJ =K be K=K © Ky °K, Ky a. ky KP =K? i (AIEEE 2008) 17, A vessel at 1000 K contains CO, with a pressure of 0.5 sum. Some ofthe CO; is converted into CO on the alton of graphite. Ifthe total pressure at equilibrium i 0.8 atm, the value of K, is a. L8aim b. 3am © 03 atm 4. 0.18 aun (AIEEE 2011) 18. ‘The equilibrium constant (K: for the reaction Ny{g) + Os(g) > 2NO (g) attemperature Tis4% 10. The vaca reac 0 ceo at the same temperature is a. 0.02 ce. 4x104 19. For the reaction, $0; @) + L0x(g) 0, (9, b. 2.5% 10? @. 50 {AIEEE 2012) UKp=K.(RTY where the symbols have usual meanings, then, the value of is (assuming ideality) er (FEE Main 2014) 20, The standard Gibbs energy change at 300 K forthe reaction 2A B + C is 2494.2 J. Ata given time, the composition of the reaction mixture is [|= 2, (B]=2 sne(0-4,renasin poche [R= 8314 HKimol, e= 2.718] 4. forward direction because OK Bb. reverse dircotion because Q> Ke forward dieetion because Q 4. reverse direction because Q = Ki, (JE Main 2015) 2. For the reaction: Hyg) + L(g) = 2HI(g) ‘The equilibrium constant X, changes with a. total pressure b. catalyst ¢. the amounts of H, and I, present 4. temperature (UE-SEE 1981) sr cn u 68 jemical Equilibrium 3. A liguid is in equilibrium with its vapour at its boiling point. On the average, the molecules in the two phases have equal 44. inter-molecular forces b. potential energy &. total energy 4. kinetic eneray (UT-JEE 1984) 4, Pure ammonia is placed in a vessel ata temperature where its dissociation constant (ct) is appreciable. At equilibrium: 2. K, does not change significantly with pressure b. cfdoes not change with pressure €. concentration of NH; does not change with pressure 4. concentration of hydrogen is less than that of nitrogen (CUT-JRE 1984) 5. An example of a reversible reaction is, a. Pb(NO3);(ag) + 2Nal(aq) > PbIy(s) + 2NaNO,(ag) b. AgNOx(aq) + HCKag) + AgC(s) + HNO;(2q) ce. 2Na(s) + H,O() > 2NaOH(aq) + HA(e) 4. KNO;(e9) + NaCl(aq) > KCi(ag) + NaNO,(aa) (IESE 1985) 6. The reaction which proceeds in the forward direction is a. Fe,0; + 6HCI— 2FeCi, + 31,0 b. NHy +H,0 + NaCl —> NH,CI+ NaOH & SnCl, + HayCh > SnCly + 24gCl, a, 2Cul ++ 4K 2Cu? + 4K (TEE 1991) 7. One mole of N,O,(g) at 300 K is kept in closed container under one atmosphere. It is heated 10 600 K when 20% bbymass of N,O,(g) decomposes to NO;(g). The resultant pressure is, a. 12atm b, 24atm e 20am d. 1.0m (IIT-JEE 1996) 8 For the chemical reaction 3X(g) + ¥(g) <2 X;Y(g) the amount oF X¥ a equilibrium is affected by a. temperature and pressure b. temperature only pressure only 4. temperature, pressure, and catalyst (HT-JEE 15 9, For the reversible reaction, Nile) + 3H(e) = 2NHY) at $00°C, the value of K, is 1.44% 10° when the partial pressure is measured in atmosphere. The corresponding value of K, with concentration in mol/L is 9) 1.44x10% 1a4xi0 (0.082 x 500) es L410 144x108 (@.082.« 773)" (0.082 x 773) (IESE 2000) 0. When two reactants 4 and B are mixed to give products Cand D, the reaction quotient (Q) at the initial stages of the reaction a. is zero . decreases with time . is independent of time d. increases with time (UT-JEE 2000) If. At constant temperature, the equilibrum constant (A) for the decomposition reaction, N Oy = NOs, 15 expressed by K, + Where .? pressure and x= extent of decomposition. Which of the folloy statements is (rue? a. K,, increases with increase in P b. K, increases with increase in.x K,, increases with decrease in x ing 4. K, remains constant with change in P and x (IT-JEE 2001) 12, The set with corect order of acidity i a. HCIO 4, the equilibrium constant K,is___tolthan K, TIEJRE 1997) True/False Type 1, When a liquid and its vapour are at equilibrium and the pressure is suddenly decreased, cooling wecues. (IT-JEE 1984) 2. If the equilibrium constant for the reaction, Ay + By 248 is K, then the backward reaction, soe baad ‘the equilibrium constant is 1/K. (IT-JEE 1984) 3. Acaalyst makes a reaction more exotheimic CITIEE 1987) 4, The rate of an exothermic reaction Sacreases with | increasing temperature. (IIT-JEE 1993) Subjective Type 1. One mole of nitrogen is mixed with tiree moles of hydrogen ina lize container 1.25 percent of nitrogen is converted to ammonia bythe following reaction Nag) +311(@) 2 2NHYe) Chomical Equiioriam calculate the equilibrium constant (K,) in concentration Units. What will be the value of K, for the following equilibrium? 1 3 2N@)* FO HNO) (UTJEE 1981) 2. One mole of Cl, and 3 moles of PCI, are placed in a 100 L vessel heated to 227°C. The equilibrium pressure {s 2.05 atmospheres. Assuming ideal behaviour, calculate the degree of dissociation for PCI, and K, for the reaction, PCI, = PCs + Ch (UT-JEE 1984) 3. The equilibrium constant of the reaction A,(g) + B,(8) = 2AB(a) at 100°C is 50. If@ one lite flask containing | mole of A; is connected to 2 two litre flask containing two moles of B,, how many moles of AB will be formed a1 373K? (IT-IEE 1985) 4, Atacertain temperature, equilibrium constant (K.) is 16 for the reaction: 80,(2) + NOs{@) = SO) + NOW) Ifwe take one mol of ezch ofall the four gases ina one litre container, what would be the equilibrium concentrations of NO and NO? (UE-SEE 1987) N,O, is 25% dissociated at 37°C and one atmosphere pressure. Calculate (i) K, and (ii) the percentage dissociation at 0.1 atmosphere and 37°C. (UTE 1988) 6, The equilibrium constant X, of the reaction, 280,(g) + Ox(g) = 280K) {s 900 atm at 800 K. A mixture containing SO, and O> ‘having initial pressure of 1 and2 aim respectively is heated ‘at constant volume to equilibrate. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas at $00 K. (ITE 1989) 17. For the reaction, CO(g) +2H,(g) = CHOR® hydrogen gas is introduced into a five litre flask at 327°C, containing 0.2 mol of CO(g) and a catalyst, until the pressure is 4.92 atm, At point, 0.1 mol of CH,OH() is formed, Caloulate the equilibrium constants K,, and K, (UEIEE 1990) 8. 0.15 moles of CO taken in 92.5 L flask is maintained at 750 K along with a catalyst so that the following reaction can take place: COfg) + 2H;(g) = CHOH(s) Hydrogen is introduced until the total pressure of the system is 8.5 atm at equilibrium and 0,08 moles of ‘methanol is formed. Calculate (i) K, and K, and (ii) the final pressure ifthe same amount of CO and H, as before are used, but with no catalyst so that the reaction does not take place. (ITSEE 1993) 9, At temperature T, a compound AB,(g) dissociates according to the reaction 2AB,(e) = 2AB(g) + Bag) with a degree of dissociation x which is small compared with unity, Deduce the expression for + in terms of the ‘equilibrium constant K,, and the total pressure, P. (ITE 1994) 40. The progress of reaction AenB with time, is presented in the figure gien below. t B Bot eemin a. The value of. b. The equilibrium constant K. €. The initial rate of conversion of A (IIT-JEE 1994) 11. A sample of air consisting of N, anc O, was heated to 22500 K until the equilibrium N,(@) + 0,(2) = 2NOC@) was established with an equilibrium constant, K, = 2.1 x 10 *. At equilibrium, the mol% of NO was 1.8. Estimate the initial composition of air in mole fraction of Np and 0» (UTJEE 1997) 12, ‘The degree of dissociation is 0.4 at 400 K and 1.0 atm for the gaseous reaction PCI, == PCI, + Cly, Assuming ideal behaviour ofall the gases, calculate the density of equilibrium mixture a 400 K and 1,0 atmosphere (relative atomic mass of Pis 31.0 and Clis 38.5) (UT-IEE 1998) 13, When 3.06 gof solid NHHS is introduced into atw litre evacuated flask at 27°C, 30% of the solid decomposes into ‘gaseous ammonia and hydrogen sulphide i. Calculate K, and K,, forthe reaction at 27°C. fi What would happen to the equi ‘rium when more solid NHJHS is introduced into the flask? (CUTIE 1999) 14, a. Inthe following equilibrium N,O,(@) = 2NO,(8) when $ moles ofeach is taken, the emperatureiskeptat 298 K, the total pressure was found to be 20 bar. Given that GINO.) = 100 kd AGPNO, = 50K i. Find AG of the reaction. ii, The direction of the reaction in which the equilibrium shifts b. Agraphis plotted fora real gas which follows van der ‘Waals equation with PY, taken on Y-axis and p on X-axis, Find the intercept ofthe line where Vis molar volume (UEEJEE 2004) Answers ‘Chemical Equities Concept Application Exercise 1: . @ 2 @ x © 4 @ 5. (d) Concept Application Exercise 2: 1 @) 2 (a) 3) a) 4, © 6. (©) 1 () &. (a) % o) 0. Concept Application Exercise 3: L ©) 2, od s © 4 © 5 © 6 @ 7 @) 8 © Concept Application Exercise 4: L @) 2 @ 3. (a) 4 fay Concept Application Exercise 5: 1 @) 2 (b) 3. «) 4 (b) @) 6. ) a («) 8. ) Concept Application Exercise 6: L @) 2 © 3 (a) 4 (a) (b) 6. @ 7 © . @ Concept Application Exercise 7: £0) 2 © @ 4 ® @) 6. (b) ® & & ) State Level Exercises Single Correct Answer Type L © 2) an) 4 @ 5 (c) 6. @ 7 @ 8 @) . © 0. @ n @ 2 @) 13. @ 14, «d) 15. (a) 16. (b) We () 18, (>) 19, @) 20. (e) 1 © 2 @) 23, f@) a (a) 3 eo Archives LL @ 2 @ x 0) 4 © & @ 6 @) 0) & © % 0. @) mn @ 2 © 13.) “ @ 1. @) 16. @) 7% 1%) wb) 2m 6) 2.) 2 @ 2 ©) 2. tb) 2 ©) 2%.) 27. (b) 28 iby 2. a) 30.) JEE Level Exercises Single Correct Answer Type Level I L © 2 © 3) « @ 5 @ & © rb) 8 % @ 10. (6) nm © m2 3% @) wu @) 5B 6) 1 @ 1% (@) 1% 2. a) 2.) 2 @) B® mw (e) 25.) Level 2 © 2 © « @ © 6 @ @ & @ © 1. @ @ RB @ @ mw @ ® 6 ® 1% @) ®) 20. @) ©) 2 @ © uw () Multiple Correct Answers Type Lp) 2 @e) 3 aed 4 fad) 5 (abe) & ed) 7™ (aah & ad) 9. (aba 10. (bd) 1. be 1 @d) 13. (ad Linked Comprehension Type Comprehension 1 La) 2 2 0) Comprehension 2 L @ 2 nr) Assertion-Reasoning Type Lb) 3B () 4 a @ 6 z @ 8 2 © 10. Matching Column Type 1 @ GMO KO > 6} )-> 2 FH 6.O >; @->(0) 3% MFM BIO +6) 4 MPH LO: @ >) Integer Answer Type 1 @) a 3 ® 4 8 @ 6. mn 8 9 (6) 10. JEE Archives JEE Main Single Correct Answer Type L @ 2 2 © 4 5. @) 6. © © (by © ©) ©) @ w a i) Q) ©) @ @) (a) n @& 8 % @ 10. ML (a) n 13.) rr 15. (@) 16. % @ 18, mb) 20. JEE Advanced Single Correct Answer Type Ll 2 2 © 4 & @ 6 1% @) 8. . 10. Ww @ 2 RB @) 4 Multiple Correct Answers Type L bed 2 2 @ 4 5. @) 6. 7% (abd) Assertion-Reasoning Type LL @ Fill in the Blanks Type 1 K,=K(RT)"* 2 nochange True/False Type L Tne 2 3 False ‘“ (Chemical Equilium (0 @) @ (b) ©) @ ) fa) (a) fa) @) @) @) (a) (4) 40) (bea) ‘) False False

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