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Local Literature

Students’ success in school and beyond depends greatly on their

ability to comprehend what has been read. Reading comprehension
entails mainly an understanding of words. Vocabulary size has a
bearing in the students' English grades. The students with
extensive vocabulary have the tendency to have better grades for
word knowledge is the foundation of comprehension which is vital
in achieving school success in general (Bacus, 2018).

According to (Aquino, 2005), the effects of using monolingual

Filipino, monolingual English, and bilingual Filipino-English on
preschoolers' literacy development. Teaching literacy in a
specific language, and that using the children's L1 as language
of instruction helps them learn literacy skills faster and

Studies showed that many fourth graders experienced difficulties

in reading due to problems that are foundational in nature. These
are underdeveloped word recognition skills, low vocabulary,
unexpressive reading, and inadequate comprehension strategies
(Cidro, M. G. O., Reoperez, M. G. C., Zara, N. O., Alipustain, E.
H. G., & Salvador, A. M. M. S, 2020)

According to Bellido, W. A & Rico, F. M. (2021) There was

significant relationship on the level of vocabulary skills of the
students before and after exposure to context clue and visual
association strategies. It is recommended therefore that
appropriate supplementary instructional materials be devised and
utilized in order to enhance the level of vocabulary skills of
Grade 9 students.

Children these days have easy access to all kinds of free reading
material courtesy of the worldwide web as well as public and
private libraries, but getting them to actually read remains an
overwhelming challenge to parents and teachers. (Salazar, M. D,

A study recommended that multimedia annotation should be utilized
in the unlocking of unfamiliar words before reading the passage
for the pupils to recall words easily and to be more motivated to
learn. (Estandarte, C. R. T, 2016).

 According to Susanto, A. (2017), vocabulary is considered as the

central in language teaching and is a paramount importance to a
language learner. Vocabulary is a basic of one learns a foreign

Most of the gathered local literature benefits include
improving language skills, increasing the ability to compose
stories, memorizing, analyzing a problem, and enriching
vocabulary. Apart from the cognitive side, the benefits of a
flashcard can also increase self-confidence, develop good and
effective communication skills, and enhance creativity. With
students not meeting the threshold of vocabulary expected at
their level, teachers can be strategic about introducing new
vocabulary to students repeatedly, by providing a rich discussion
and analysis of the words, and by exploring possible vocabulary
interventions that suit the level and context of the students. In
so doing, students will achieve success in the use of English.
Moreover, students’ success in school and beyond depends greatly
on their ability to comprehend what has been read. Reading
comprehension entails mainly an understanding of words. To get
the meaning of what has been read, one has to know a great number
of words. Thus, students’ vocabulary knowledge is very important
in reading development.

Aquino, L. F. Y. (2005). The effects of language of instruction

on preschools' acquisition of literacy skills. The RAP Journal.
Retrieved (07/06/22)

Bacus, Remedios, G. (2018).Words Matter: The Case of Junior High

School Students’  English Achievement, Volume:7, Issue:4.
Retrieved (07/06/22)

Bellido, W. A & Rico, F. M. (2021).Instructional Material

Development for Vocabulary Enhancement of Grade 9 Students of
Botolan National High School. Volume 2 no. 12. Retrieved

Cidro, M. G. O., Reoperez, M. G. C., Zara, N. O., Alipustain, E.

H. G., & Salvador, A. M. M. S. (2020). Developing fluency,
metafluency, and comprehension of grade four pupils using
modified fluency development lessons. College of Education,
University of the Philippines Diliman. Retrieved (07/06/22)

Estandarte, C. R. T. (2016). The effect of multimedia annotation

on the vocabulary recall of Grade five pupils. MSU Gensan
Graduate Education Research Journal. Retrieved (07/06/22)

Salazar, M. D. (2015). Teaching kids to read one flashcard at a

time. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved (07/06/22)

Susanto, A. (2017). The teaching vocabulary: A perspective.

Retrieved (07/06/22)

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