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PROCESS BOOK - LXMT 730 - SPRING 2022 - Professor A.Cannata

Michelle Dominguez - Junwen Wu - Yimeng Wang


Brand Building History 6

Period Overview 10

Mission Statement 14

Current Status 15

SWOT Analysis 16

Brand Identity 17

Brand Equity 18

Brand Strategy 21

Market Overview 31

Market Future Trends 37

Customer Segment 44

Customer Future Trends 52

Future brand building strategy 60

Executive Summary 66
Key success factor



Customer service

Emotional connection

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is a British luxury car manufacturer and a wholly owned subsidiary of the BMW Group. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited was

established in 1998 after BMW acquired the Rolls-Royce brand and logo from Volkswagen Group, and has been the sole manufacturer of Rolls-Royce cars

since 2003.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars originated from Rolls-Royce Limited, which was founded by Henry Royce and Charles Rolls in 1906.
Rolls-Royce has remained one of the most famous names in engineering throughout the w

Merlin during WWI

Rolls-Royce was founded by Henry Rolls-Royce produced the ‘Eagle En- Royce from a smal
Royce. gine’, its first aero engine. major contender in

1884 1914 1940

1906 1931

Henry Royce manufactured the Develop the ‘R’ engine to power Brit-

six-cylinder Silver Ghost, earning ‘The ain’s entry in the International Schnei-
Best Car in the World’. der Trophy seaplane contest.
world, find out more about our history and the keys milestones that have helped shape us.

Returned to the private sector, creat-

II transformed Rolls- Rolls-Royce entered the civil aviation ing the only company in Britain capa-
ll company into a market with teh Dart in the Vickers Launched the RB211 for the Lock- ble of delivering power for use in the Allison Engine Company in Indianap-

n aero propulsion. Viscount. heed L-1011 Tri-Star. air, at sea, and on land. olis was acquired.

1953 1960 1987 1995

1944 1959 1971 1990 1998

Began the development of the aero The capability of the British aero-en- Early problems with the RB211 led to Rolls Royce formed an aero engines Rolls-Royce Motor Cars were sold

gas turbine. gine industry was consolidated when the company being taken into state joint venture with BMW of Germany. by Vickers to Volkswagen, although
Rolls Royce merged with Bristol Sid- ownership and the flotation of the mo- BMW holds the rights to the name and

deley. tor car business in 1973 as a separate the marque for use on Rolls-Royce

entity. cars.

Brand Awarenss
Brand Loyalty
Brand Association
Brand Density

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars were sold

by Vickers to Volkswagen, although

The MT30 marine gas turbine was The UK Governm
BMW holds the rights to the name and
selected to power the US Navy’s first contract to develo
the marque for use on Rolls-Royce
Rolls Royce formed an aero engines Opened our 6,000 square meter Ma- two DDG-1000 multi-mission destroy- system for the ne
joint venture with BMW of Germany. rine facility in Shanghai. ers. clear-powered su

1990 1998 2005 2007 2011

1987 1995 1999 2006 2009

Returned to the private sector, creat- Allison Engine Company in Indianapo- Took full control of the oil and gas joint The Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 is the Began on a manufacturing and as-

ing the only company in Britain capa- lis was acquired. venture, Cooper Rolls, with the ac- only engine optimized specifically for sembly facility at Crosspointe in the

ble of delivering power for use in the quisition of the rotating compression the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. United States.

air, at sea, and on land. equipment interests of Cooper Energy

ment awarded RR the
The Trent XWB engine takes to the First Airbus A350-900, revenue flight Trent 1000 TEN enters service, with
op a new propulsion
skies for the first time on an Airbus from Doha to Frankfurt (Qatar) pow- Air New Zealand, Scoot, and Norwe-
ext generation of nu- Trent XWB - 48, has been powering
A380 test aircraft in Toulouse, France. ered by Trent XWB-84. gian.
ubmarines. the world’s longest scheduled flight for

1 year.
2013 2015 2017

2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

The Apprentice Academy opened in The first Boeing 787-9 entered service The Trent 1000 TEN completes its First Airbus A350-1000 revenue flight 25 years of Trent, with the first Trent

Rolls-Royce, Derby. equipped with with Air New Zealand, powered by the first flight test, on the Flying Test Bed (Qatar) powered by Trent XWB-97. 700 entering service in January 1995
workshops to help train the high-class Trent 1000. (FTB) with Cathay Pacific, powering the Air-

engineers of the future. bus A330ceo.

Brand Awarenss
Brand Loyalty
Brand Association
Brand Density
Changes were everywhere to been seen.
Political Social
- In the 1880s, problems of unemployment, urban housing, pub-
- By 1870, Britain was the most powerful empire in the world.
lic health, wages, working conditions, and healthcare led the
- Political development was fairly stable.
way for the advent of a new and powerful political movement in
- In 1984, a new Trade Union Law was enacted.
Great Britain: the Labour Party.
- By 1875, Britain began its worldwide colonial expansion.
- An industrious middle-class made great fortunes in the early
- Early in the 20th century, the Labour Party replaced the
days of the industrial revolution.
Liberal Party.
- The rise of the middle class put pressure on the upper class-
- The parliament Act of 1911, in the British Parliament was
- Between 1870 and 1900, economic output per head of the United es for increased representation, which resulted in a series of
regarded as another step in the gradual democratization of
Kingdom rose by 50 percent reform acts giving commoners increased representation in
the British Constitution.
- Britain’s controls of coal, iron and stream of underbeneath it’s parliament.
- From the Second World War onwards, the unions began to
economic power through trade. - In 19th-century England, the establishment of trade routes,
play a role in government and policy making.
- The textile and railroad industries were very prosperous and the emergence of the bourgeois mentality. More and more
- In response to the nation’s needs, royce designed his first
- British make high profits converting improted raw material into people in the world like to live in affluence. It helped to boost
aero engine - the eagle, providing some half of the total
new products for worldwide distribution life expectancy and quality of life but they also reinforced class
horsepower used in the air war by allies
- By 1900, wages were stagnating while prices continued to rise divides that had existed in Britain for centuries. Previously, Eng-
Rolls-Royce has cooperated with the military, providing chassis,
throughout the country. land was controlled by the landed gentry or wealthy landholders
engines, etc. in many wars
- The urban centers of the city faced crumbling housing and tene- who gained their status through family lineages.
ments arose throughout every major industrial center. - Children’s education was popularized during this period.
- Workers responded to their problems by putting their faith, not
Rolls-Royce has cooperated with the military, providing chassis, en-
in the Liberal Party, the group that traditionally received the work- gines, etc. in many wars
er vote since industrialization, but in the oft-militant trade unions,

organizations that advanced worker demands in Parliament, cared

for disabled workers, and assisted in pension, retirement, and

contract matters.

- Demand for the Merlin during the Second War transformed Rolls

Royce from a relatively small company into a major contender in

aero propulsion.

- The Second Industrial Revolution is generally dated between

1870 and 1914 (the beginning of World War I)

- Exotic indulgences were more easily shipped across coun-

tries and from continent to continent. Luxury goods percolated

through the classes, and luxuriousness as we know it today

emerged from the austerity of the 1920s, also known as the

Roaring Twenties, when the industry benefitted from technol-

ogies like assembly lines and mass production. Automobiles,

which before the war were widely unaffordable, became much

cheaper to produce on a bigger scale.

- Different technologies are widely used in different industries,

creating many new inventions, motorcar, wireless transmitter,

- The age of the film, radio, motorcar and airplane
radio, gramophone.
Rolls-Royce has cooperated with the military, providing chassis, en- - The first performance of Peter Pan
gines, etc. in many wars
- The public are entertained by the novelty of motion pictures.

- In the 19th century publicly displayed religious art once again

became popular, movements such as the Pre-Raphaelite Broth-

erhood and the Glasgow School contended with established Aca-

demic art.

- It was in the Victorian era (1832–1900) that the novel became the

leading literary genre in English. Women played an important part

in this rising popularity both as authors and as readers.

- From around 1910 the Modernist movement began to influence

British literature. While their Victorian predecessors had usually

been happy to cater to mainstream middle-class taste, 20th-centu-

ry writers often stay away from it.

Art & Literature

ROLLS ROYCE, a world-leading provider of power systems and services for use on land, at sea and in the air, operates in four global mar-

kets - civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy. It continues to invest in core technologies, products, people and capabilities
with the objective of broadening and strengthening the product portfolio, improving efficiency and enhancing the environmental performance

of its products. These investments create high barriers to entry.Rolls-Royce has cooperated with the military, providing chassis, engines, etc.

NAME: Rolls-Royce Motor Car

COUNTRY: British

YEAR: 1906

NETWORK: 138 authorized dealers spread in 50 different countries.

HEAD: wholly owned subsidiary of BMW

PRODUCT LINE: 4-door luxury car






Is to deliver ‘better power for a changing world’. We create power.

Our core business is the gas turbine and this is used to power aircraft, ships and electrical generators.
Strength Weakenss
Brand Image Evolutionary Design:

Backing from the parent company The design of Rolls Royce cars has evolved over

Superior design time and thus the various cars look like clones of

Luxury Variants a single model.

Skilled workforce The product range is Limited.

Pan-global presence


Status Symbol

Opportunity Threat
Technology savvy cars Focus on sustainability

Increased focus on automation Increased competition in SUV: Rolls Royce fac-

Growing customer spending es competition from brands like BMW, Mercedes

Benz, Audi, and Lamborghini.

Aaker’s Matrix

Brand as Product Brand as Organization




Pioneers cutting-edge technologies



Brand as Person Brand as Symbol






highly skilled


Hiigh performance

Kapferer’s Prism
Keller’s Pyramid

Resonance: a sense of community( upper class), loyalty.

Judgment: Great quality, innovative, classic, high performance.

Feeling: Success, sense of achievement.

Brand Performance: High price, High quality, powerful engine, classic design.

Imagery: Luxury, heritage.

Brand Salience: The legendary maker of some of the best luxury cars you can buy

has had a reputation for exemplary engineering since its introduction in 1906.
Unique Revelation
Pioneers of power

“Take the best that exists and make it better. ”― Sir Henry Royce

Promise a seamless “magical carpet ride” for customers

BRAND Belief System

A synonym for luxury

STRATEGY Hand-craftsmanship

from the finest materials and honed with masterful skill

Illustrious figurine, the Spirit of Ecstasy

With unlimited optional extras, upgrades, and customizations, the true cost of a bespoke Rolls-Royce has no limits.

The handmade pantheon grille, the self-righting wheel centers that ensure the RR logo is never rotated, and the Spirit of Ecstasy ornament.

A virtually silent ride

Starlight Headliner

It became the only choice for the world’s elite.

A model only designed for the royals and other heads of state.
Brand Rituals
Request the background information of chauffeurs

White Glove Chauffeuring

Rise of the spirit of esctasy

Those who enter the Rolls Study sign a special guestbook and join an elite club

Customers choosing bespoke motor cars are asked to record their designs on special cards to be locked in Rolls Study safe. It is history in the making
Distinctive Lexicon
For the last 115 years, Rolls-Royce has been making the impossible a reality. With exceptional motor cars, come exceptional words; new

phrases for concepts and ideas never before seen. Words which describe and embody the essence of these bold innovations. We’ve cre-

ated words which are one-of-a-kind, unique and necessary when inventing new, bespoke features or celebrating icons of the Rolls-Royce

brand. This chapter explains just some of them.

Customers choosing bespoke motor cars are asked to record their designs on special cards to be locked in Rolls Study safe. It is history in

the making
Spirit of Escatsy
Request the background information of chauffeurs

White Glove Chauffeuring

Rise of the spirit of esctasy

Those who enter the Rolls Study sign a special guestbook and join an elite club

Customers choosing bespoke motor cars are asked to record their designs on special cards to be locked in Rolls Study safe. It is history in the making
Pantheon Grille
Inspired by Rome’s imposing Pantheon temple, the Rolls-Royce grille is iconic. The Pantheon’s majestic columns were purposefully built with wider mid-

dle sections so that the human eye perceives each long pillar to be completely straight. It’s a perfect optical illusion and a genius stroke of design.

Customers choosing bespoke motor cars are asked to record their designs on special cards to be locked in Rolls Study safe. It is history in the making
Three Lines
We’ve always respected the idea that simple designs are the greatest.

The fundamental design of every Rolls-Royce can be captured in just three strokes.

Customers choosing bespoke motor cars are asked to record their designs on special cards to be locked in Rolls Study safe. It is history in the making
At the home of Rolls-Royce, there’s only one dedicated craftsman entrusted with the final aesthetic task: Rolls-Royce Coach-

line. He uses special custom-made brushes to ensure the line is precisely level and a uniform 4mm in width.

every Rolls-Royce can be captured in just three strokes.

Starlight Headliner
A ride under the stars with a shimmering celestial atlas woven into the ceiling overhead. This panoramic constellation is personalized to each owner and

can be customized accordingly. Clients can request a precise constellation relating to a specific time, such as a birthday, wedding, or anniversary. We’re

able to map the stars of a particular date down to the minute, all verified by a local observatory.
Magic Carpet Ride
When enjoying our cars, one does not simply drive, but glides as though floating above the surface of the road. Our legendary ride has become so re-

vered that customers have affectionally named it the ‘Magic Carpet Ride’.
Market Overview
The Luxury Cars segment is influenced by the distribution of wealth within a country or region and

generally follows economic trends.

What this means is that sales, therefore revenue are affected by recession periods.

In addition, ownership of a luxury car is seen as a status symbol, and their high price tags dictate

how many can be bought, and by whom.

Bentley, Cadillac, Lincoln, Mercedes-Maybach, Porsche, and Rolls-Royce will continue driving

sales in this segment.

Key market segments
By Vehicle Type:

- Hatchback

- Sedan

- Sports utility vehicle

By Fuel Type:

- Gasoline

- Diesel

- Electric

(The most lucrative segments)

Luxury cars sales worldwide


2022 Revenue


cars sold in 2020

Global luxury car
market size
- Around 551 billion euros

- Increase of 9% each year

- Dynamic fluctuation

- Quick recovery: In 2020, the luxury car market contracted due to the pandemic worldwide. in 2021, the
global luxury car market recovered quickly despite the global chip shortage.

Market share of
luxury cars
- Asia-Pacific leads the market

- China: the highest growth potential

- 2020, Hongqi H9 (only available for high-ranking government officials )

was designed by Rolls-Royce’s ex-designer.

- India: one of the fast-growing markets

- Mercedes and BMW dominated the luxury sedan segment of the Indian

Top 15
Luxury Car

Rank 13

Budget Luxury Ultra Luxury

Mercedez-Benz Rolls-Royce

Volkswagen Luxury Car Porsche

Aston Martin

Audi Bentley

Kia Maybach

Lexus Lamborghini

Cadillac Ferrari
- Keep increasing

- Over past 14 years

- Quick recovery from Covid

- Sales rise 49% to a record high in 2021 than the past 177 years
- Rolls-Royce saw big demand and wasn’t affected by the chip crisis.

2021 Rolls-Royce
- Reason for sales booming:

- Wealthy people got even richer

- More dramatic stratification

- People had more time but fewer opportunities to spend on travelling and

eating out, so they directed their spending toward exclusive and special

products they could enjoy within their country.

Power of Trent

Powerful engine:

Members of the Trent engine family are now in service on the Airbus A330, A340, A350, and

A380, as well as the Boeing 777 and 787 Dreamliner.

Business Jet
2020, the global business jet market was worth over 24B U.S. dollars.

2028, this market is projected to reach just under 37B U.S. dollars.
Major Player

- Exclusive price

- Brand heritage

- Brand association with status marker

- Top quality
Rolls-Royce Porsche Aston Martin Maserati
Name: Rolls-Royce Name: Porsche Name: Aston Martin Name: Maserati

Year: 1906 Year: 1931 Year: 1913 Year: 1914

Location: England Location: Germany Location: England Location: Italy

Price: Starting at $343,000 without upper Price: Starting at $91,000 Price: Starting at $149,000 Price: $74,740 to $110,240

limitation Model: 6 Model: 4 Model: 5

Model: 4-6 Core: Powerful, precise-handling sports cars Core: Beautiful design, speed Core: Elegance, speed

Core: Powerful engine, Customization

Bentley Maybach Lamborghini Ferrari
Name: Bentley Name: Maybach Name: Lamborghini Name: Ferrari

Year: 1919 Year: 1909 Year: 1963 Year: 1940

Location: England Location: Germany Location: Italy Location: Italy

Price: $202,500-$7,000,000 Price: $184,900-$202,550 Price: $200,000 - $500,000 Price: $215,000 without upper limitation

Model: 3 Model: 2 Model: 3 Model: 8

Core: The exhilaration of motion Core: Comfort, convenience, and top of the Core: Stylish, high-performance Core: Incredible speeds

line technology features

- Engine

Exhibits longevity, track record, long-

held core values

- Innovation

Presenting new visions and new ide-

as, all in keeping with the core values

of the brand.
- Social status

Brand association with social status

- Craftsmanship

Key Success
Presenting the highest quality and

craftsmanship. The connection is

intimate and personal, like the touch

- Heritage
of a hand.
Exhibits longevity, track record, long-

held core values

- Sense of place and time

Connect by being both timely,

grounded in the here and now, and

timeless, transcending time from the
- Customization
past to the future.
Increases perceived service quali-

ty, customer satisfaction, customer

trust, and ultimately customer loyalty

toward a service provider.

Trends Electric Car Digital
Address issue:

high prices

poor battery quality

10 years inadequate charging infrastructure

fleet electrification Pick and buy the vehicles they want

Rolls-Royce Spectre arriving 2023:

Self-driving 73% of the luxury car customers bo
Realiability Minimize the need for human drivers cars via websites
a heroic simulation of over 400 years of use Reduce downtime
for a Rolls-Royce Make public transportation relatively safer. 62% of the mass-market customers.
New End of the
Technology Automotive
Personal voice assistance

Retina recognition

t online Connected The European Commission, in any case, has

NFTs proposed an effective ban on gasoline and

ook their Cars Introduced a new thing to collect —something

diesel engines by 2035.

A safe, comfortable, and convenient multime-

that wouldn’t take up space, gather dust, or
dia experience through the use of on-demand
. take months to ship.

Giving collectors a place to (digitally) meet,

A wide range of entertainment services
talk about a common passion, and feel like
Advanced navigation system
they’re part of a global community.
Reduced chances of an accident

Insurance will decrease

Security features track the vehicle

Remote access
Consumer Trends
Plays a vital role in the sale of luxury cars

Geographic Demographic Behavioral B

- Age: 35 and above Purchase and usage behavior O

- Location (country, state, city, ZIP code): Developed countries - Gender: No limitation, but mostly male - High demand for car engines -

and regions with Rolls-Royce delivery locations - Ethnicity: No limitation - Craftsmanship in exterior and interior -

- Cultural preferences: No restrictions, customers with car - Income: high income, disposable income $2,500-3,000 - High privacyurban areas

needs - Level of education: high education

- Language: local language and English - Religion: No limitation

- Population type and density: moderate population density, in - Occupation: Entrepreneurs, lawyers, and other high-income

urban areas groups

- Family structure: No limitation

Behavioral Behavioral Psychographic
Occasion or time based segmentation. Benefits sought segmentation on Rolls Royce Personality traits:

- For everyday use - Technical support from the company. - Low profile

- Preparing limo for dinner parties - Unique design - Pursuit of comfort and convenience

- High privacy

- Attention to detail

- More spacious interior

- The highest level of craftsmanship and the highest quality


- Customization
Mental & Market
Space Mental space

Mental High income, high wealth, Low time

Space Luxury native, Luxury explorer

Opulent, understated

Market space

High income, high wealth, Low time

Luxury native, Luxury explorer

Opulent, understated, superstar

Mix of values
Mental space & Marketspace

Aesthetic value

Functional value

Symbolic value

Benefits, the value proposition provides

Mental: Convenience, Understated, Comfortable, Attention to detail.

Market: High-end, rich, unique, quality, Unique design, commemorative meaning, scarce quantity

Customer profile
Tim Brown Jiaying Zhang
Age: 41years old Age: 22 years old

Occupation: Founder of search engine Occupation: Influencer

Education: Master’s degree in Science Education: Master’s degree in Fine Art.

Wealth: 2 Billion USD Wealth: 1 Billion USD

Experience: Ordinary family, Self Made entrepreneur. Experience: Born in a wealthy family, have 7million follow-

ers online. interest in art, chosen Rolls Royce because of

Consumers are attracted to electric vehicles because of

concern for the environment

Consumer concerns about:

Placement of charging posts

The price of a private charging station

Range anxiety

Future of Automotive
Public charging post facilities

Potential increase in electricity prices

Consumer Trend
#2 #3
f lower fuel costs and Consumers are willing to connect and share personal data in exchange for easi- Due to the epidemic, consumers are more inclined to use private transportation,

er trip routing and vehicle health reports. and for luxury cars’ target customers, private jets are also very common.

Consumers in most countries still prefer offline dealerships to online viewings, Porsche Cars North America and the private airline Wheels Up have partnered to

but the convenience, ease of use, and speed of virtual software are the main rea- provide premium customers with VIP access to the skies and a lifestyle experi-

sons consumers choose online viewings ence.

Future Brand
Building Strategy

The future of the ultra-luxury car is a tech-based complicated

system. With keeping existing old money consumers, Rolls-

Royce is also committed to developing the increasing new

money consumers globally from both mental and market

space. Rolls-Royce will retain its ultra-luxury root and explore

the new-tech trend at the same time. Artificial Intelligence will

become the main crucial trend for Rolls-Royce in the future

10 years. AI will help Rolls-Royce to strengthen its brand

equity through Cannata’s Diamond.

Cannata’s Diamond

Purpose Product

People Placement

To preserve and upgrade Rolls-Royce’s excel-

lence through new technology.

#1 Spirit of Ecstasy:

An inspirational muse, an artist’s sculpture, and an embodiment of speed and grace. She is the

soul and spirit of Rolls-Royce. She has a voice now. To launch the AI system successfully into the

Rolls-Royce ultra-luxury cars, we will provide three services.

#2 Multimedia-glass:

Zoom in

Rolls-Royce will provide the consumers with a new technology “a window to the world”. The con-

sumers can draw shapes with their fingers on the glass. They can even zoom in on an object

visible from a distance.

Turn-by-turn navigation

The tech could pair up with turn-by-turn navigation, showing owners on their glass where the driv-

er is about to turn.
#3 Connected car: #5 AI driving:

Rolls-Royce will provide ​​a safe, com- AI driving is gonna provide consumers

fortable, and convenient multimedia with a safe and relaxing driving experi-

experience through the use of on-de- ence.

mand features with a wide range of

entertainment, advanced navigation

system, reduced chances of an acci-

dent, Insurance will decrease, security

features track the vehicle, and remote #5 AR/VR ordering

access. Consumers can explore the Rolls-Royce Good-

wood factory virtually to prevent the risk of

global travel lockdown during the pandemic.

#4 Iris recognition
Meanwhile, consumers can customize their
Iris recognition is an auto-
Rolls-Royce with RR Augmented Reality cam-
mated method of biometric
era to have a safe shopping environment. Be-
identification. Rolls-Royce
sides, Roll-Royce will keep consumers’ privileg-
will provide Iris recognition
es in the factory once in the future.
service on the handles and

steering wheel of the car; #6 NFTs:

hence, consumers can enter Rolls-Royce will wade into the NFTs space
and start a Rolls-Royce car to collaborate with designers
through a glimpse without the NFT offers a new way and new thing for
remote control key. (Only for people to collect.
SUVs and electric cars) Rolls Royce NFT project will focus on vir-

tual automotive products, concept artwork,

The price strategy will remain extravagant

as before without too much fluctuation. New

technology is not an extra service, they are

the new element for improving Rolls-Royce

brand equity.

Start from $330,000 without upper limitation.

The dealers of Rolls-Royce are located strategically in areas with a higher density of high-net-

worth individuals or in “cluster areas” where other luxury automotive dealerships are located.

Rolls-Royce will preserve the existing market in the developed countries such as North

America, and Europe to not dilute the brand density.

Rolls-Royce will also expand a little bit more into developing countries such as China and

India in the Asia Pacific area. These countries have huge growth potential, fasten-speed

growing GDP, and booming wealthy people which can help Rolls-Royce to improve its

brand awareness and density in the growing market.

Promotion People
#1 Rolls-Royce will not only have the ex-
Rolls-Royce has a tremendous lega-
isting craftsmen in the Goodwood factory
cy and heritage. With its high exclu-
but also provide highly-trained professional
sivity, Rolls-Royce does not follow the
staff to improve customers’ exclusive expe-
conventional advertising strategy in
its promotion.

#2 Except for the existing white chauffeurs,

Rolls-Royce will provide a Personal Butler who

is gonna responsible for our clients’ whole jour-

#1 Multiple adoptions of luxury archetype
ney from their own countries to RR Goodwood

#2 Value-based focus on Aesthetic Value,

Functional value, and symbolic

#3 Advertising focus on ownership. Let clients

join the lifestyle shaped by Rolls-Royce.

#4 Promotions will focus on aspects other #3 The online customer service will be
than products, collaborating with artists, or available 24 hours a day through the whis-
working with charity events. per app.

#4 Owner events: collaborations with

#5 Launching limited edition models to raise important personalities or people of great
money through charity events, Building brand success in different paths of life, increase
association while increasing brand loyalty Evelina Art for Allergy x Dine on the Line' symbolic value &brand association.
With intensive research over the past 10 weeks, Rolls-Royce will preserve and

strengthen its brand equity in the future 10 years. The use of the new technology will

help Rolls-Royce keeps its top position in the ultra-luxury industry.

Preserve and upgrade Rolls-Royce’s artistic expression through new technology.
Rolls-Royce has been considered as inspiring Great-

ness for over 100 years. It is rooted in a strong loyal

British heritage. We analyze and understand how Rolls-

Royce built its brand equity. Meanwhile, analyzing the

new trends in the automobile industry helps us to build

the next 10 years’ plan for Roll-Royce. Rolls-Royce mo-

tor cars have pushed the boundaries of luxury, creating

new realities both within and beyond automotive de-

sign. Rolls-Royce will follow the new tech trends within

the next 10 years.

What are the mai
mensions of com
What drives competi- - New technology
tion? - Innovation

- Customer service
What do they want? - Follow the new tech trend
- Software, Hardware
- Safety shopping experience
- Business ecosystem

Who are our customers? - Keep exclusivity feeling

- Follow new-tech trend

- Not been seen as fogey old people

- Old money who already own the access to at

least one Rolls-Royce

- New money who wants to be part of the exclu-

sive brand
How can we obtain a su-
perior competitive posi-
How intense is the com-
petition? Rolls-Royce has advantages in the industrial

chain, business ecosystem, and technology. At

We face competition from other luxury brands but
the same time, Rolls-Royce has already estab-
not ultra-luxury brands.
lished its own user group and has a special app
The competition of automotive companies is main-
Whisper to serve the core users.
ly in the business ecosystem, companies need to
Through the promotion activities held with core
connect with the Internet ecosystem and big data
users, Rolls-Royce will serve as a platform to
to form a “sales-service-feedback-social interac-

tion” model.
In conclusion, The boundaries of the automobile industry have been solidified in

the past 20 years, but under the trend of electrification and rapid development of

intelligence, Rolls-Royce will enter a new reform, and the core of competition of

future products will not only be limited to products and technology.

Our history. Rolls. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2022, from

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PROCESS BOOK - LXMT 730 - SPRING 2022 - Professor A.Cannata
Michelle Dominguez - Junwen Wu - Yimeng Wang

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