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Presented By:-
Garima Jain
Renu Sharma
There are many challenges to communication in rural. The major ones
o Low literacy level
o Poor media reach and exposure
o Vast, heterogeneous and diversely spread rural audiences.

Identifying and profiling the target audience

Determining communication objectives

Designing the message

Selecting the communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience • Knowing your customer
• What your target audience looks like
Determining communication objectives • Profiling is done on the basis of
different segmentation parameters:
Designing the message Geographic
Selecting the communication channels
Example – profiles of an SEC R3 person
Budgeting for rural communication
and an SEC R4 person in rural Punjab
could be in sharp contrast to the profiles
Designing the communication mix strategy of people from similar socio economic
classes in Bihar
Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience Awareness – to bring about awareness among a
certain percentage of target audience
Determining communication objectives

Designing the message Interest- to improve knowledge to generate interest

Selecting the communication channels

Desire- to strengthen the liking or preference of goods

Budgeting for rural communication
or services

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication Action- to persuade the customer to buy the product or
Identifying and profiling the target audience • What to say : message content
• How to say it logically : message structure
• How to say it symbolically : message format
Determining communication objectives
• In what context to say it : context association
• Who should say it : message source
Designing the message

Selecting the communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience
Message content
Determining communication objectives

Designing the message

Selecting the communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience
Message structure and format
• Simple, short and self-explanatory
Determining communication objectives • Pictorial representation
• Story based commercials
Designing the message • Use of symbols

Selecting the communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience
Message source
Determining communication objectives
• likeable source- Thanda matlab
Designing the message
• Trustworthy source- word of
Selecting the communication channels
mouth includes friends, relatives,
Budgeting for rural communication
• Expert source- opinion leaders are
Designing the communication mix strategy according to product category

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience 1. Personal communication channels
• Advocate channels: consisting of
Determining communication objectives company salespeople
• Expert channels: consisting of
Designing the message independent experts
• Social channels: consisting of friends,
family, neighbors
Selecting the communication channels

2. Non-personal communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication
• Mass media
• Events
Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience • Objective and task method

Determining communication objectives • Estimates are generally prepared on

the basis of different activities one
Designing the message plans to conduct

Selecting the communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience Factors affecting communication mix
Determining communication objectives
i. Type of product: push or pull strategy
Designing the message
ii. Buyer’s readiness stage
Selecting the communication channels
iii. Product lifecycle stage
Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Identifying and profiling the target audience Generally non-conventional media is used
in rural areas.
Determining communication objectives
Effectiveness and impact of
Designing the message communication plan are measured using
controllable and non-controllable
Selecting the communication channels

Budgeting for rural communication

Designing the communication mix strategy

Measuring the impact of communication

Conventional media Non-conventional media
1. Mass media 1. Video vans
 Radio 2. Haats
 Television 3. Melas
 Print/press 4. Mandis
 Cinema 5. Folk media
2. Outdoor media  Folk theatre
 Wall paintings  Folk songs
 Hoardings  Folk dance
3. Personalized media  Magic shows
 POP  Puppet shows
 Direct mailers


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