Comm Skills 1

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Name: Anotida T Marerwa

Reg Number: R195976A

Question:With the aid of adequate and relevant examples , justify the pivotal role of
communication as the lifeblood of any organization of your choice.

Communication is the transfer of information from one place, person or group to
another. It involves at least one sender, a message and a recipient.

Lifeblood of an organization is the interpersonal communication with in an

organization. Unity of command, delegation of authority and responsibility, teamwork
and leadership are part of this interpersonal communication which is the
organization’s lifeblood. An organization’s lifeblood is the most important thing that
it needs in order to exist, develop, or be successful.

To further explain we can use a company like Dairiboard in Zimbabwe. Dairiboard is

a dairy based organization producing products like cheese, milk and creams among
others. It has many shop outlets throughout every town all over the country. Although
there are other organizations which specialize in dairy, Dairiboard really stands out to
the point whereby if someone wants to buy any milk, he or she tells the shop owner if
they have “ Dairiboard”, even if the milk has another organization’s name. It also
exports at a very massive intercontinental scale

In our discussion we want to explore how important communication is within an

organization. For example we can have a customer , after having buying a pack of
cheese finds out it has worms ans smells bad and decides to take it back to get a new
on or a refund , provided they have a receipt or not. The customer can approach the
teller to help get a refund or a new bottle if a receipt is provided. The teller is
supposed to relay the issue to the sales department managers so that a returns receipt
is filed and the customer is reimbursed. The manager is the supposed to record the
transaction in the books so that it is accounted for at the losses calculation at the end
of the month. The books are then sent to the regional authorities for evaluation.

If it happens that the teller ill-responds to the returning customer and tells him or her
to back off, the customer is likely to sue the organization as a whole. If this happens
this will paint a bad name of the organization because such news are the ones which
make headlines in the newspapers and social media. This results in the lowering of
interest towards the organization by the consumers . Also, if the teller does not follow
the channel and just orders the customer to go and place the pack back to the
shelf ,there might be a problem. The rotting cheese will produce a very bad smell and
the sight of rot worms can put off consumers. People will assume that the cold rooms
of storage might be bad and they can just leave and go for other brands with fresh
dairy products. There is risk of job loss by the organization’s workers since proper

communication channels will have been broken due to failure to report a small case of
a rotting cheese pack. There is risk of the organization to lose the customer interest in
their products , resulting in lowered profits. Lowered profits means low money into
the organization and low wages tho the workers at the end of the month. This causes
chaos in the organization altogether. There is risk that if such a small issue is exposed
to the press and people respond bad also, this will cause other competitors to take
advantage and rise in the name of poor service delivery by Dairiboard. Also, the ones
in authority can be fired or demoted because they would have failed to appoint proper
trained people who are able to communicate and avoid potential chaos.

Proper communication saves jobs of people within an organization, preserves

positions of others within it and helps profit due to the maintained order.
Communication is the lifeblood of an organization because it directly related to the
preservation of order and flow of work between the authorities, employees even to the
consumers of the organization’s services.


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