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Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

DOI 10.1007/s10096-014-2160-5


Actinomyces osteomyelitis in bisphosphonate-related

osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ): the missing link?
J. De Ceulaer & E. Tacconelli & S. J. Vandecasteele

Received: 8 April 2014 / Accepted: 6 May 2014

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw Introduction

(BRONJ) is a rare complication of bisphosphonate treatment
characterized by the development of exposed, necrotic bone in Since its first description in 2003 by Wang and colleagues [1],
the jaw with inflammatory signs. The pathogenesis of BRONJ bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) has
is not yet fully understood. This review analyzes the evidence been recognized as a distinct but not yet fully understood
supporting the hypothesis that BRONJ may be considered as a condition that strongly resembles the “phossy jaw”, or
bisphosphonate-induced Actinomyces infection of the jaw phosphorus-induced jaw necrosis with osteomyelitis observed
according to the modified Koch’s postulates. The main argu- in the 19th century match factory workers [2]. In a position
ments relies on the following factors: (1) the high prevalence paper of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
of isolation of Actinomyces from bone BRONJ lesions Surgeons (AAOMS), BRONJ is defined as the presence of
(73.2 % in retrospective series); (2) the similar pathological exposed, necrotic bone in the maxillofacial region
appearance of BRONJ and Actinomyces osteomyelitis in most persisting for more than 8 weeks in patients treated with
studies, although BRONJ lesions without inflammation have bisphosphonates and in the absence of a history of radi-
been reported; (3) the high incidence of events that disrupt the ation therapy of the jaw bones [3]. Rheumatologists,
normal mucosal barrier as a necessary trigger to develop oncologists, hematologists, maxillofacial surgeons, and
BRONJ in bisphosphonate-exposed patients; (4) the predilec- dentists are among the health care workers most fre-
tion of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis for the bones of quently confronted with BRONJ.
the jaws; and (5) the favorable response of BRONJ on treat-
ment that is active on Actinomyces. If BRONJ confirms to be a
bisphosphonate-induced Actinomyces osteomyelitis of the Background
jaw, this has major consequences for the prevention and
treatment of this condition. Clinical picture of BRONJ

Clinically, BRONJ is characterized by necrotic bone associat-

ed with inflammatory signs with or without pain, purulent
J. De Ceulaer
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, AZ Sint-Jan Brugge, Bruges,
drainage, fistulization, osteolysis, or pathological fractures
Belgium [3, 4]. The risk of BRONJ is incremental with the duration
e-mail: and total dose of bisphosphonates used, and the more potent
intravenous preparations (which have a bioavailability in the
E. Tacconelli
bone of 60–70 %) inherit a higher risk than the less potent oral
Department of Infectious Diseases, Tuebingen University, Tübingen,
Germany preparations (which have a bioavailability in the bone of only
e-mail: 0.4–0.6 %) [2, 4, 5]. Intravenous preparations are most fre-
quently used in the treatment of hematological malignancies,
S. J. Vandecasteele (*)
metastatic bone disease, and hypercalcemia of malignancy,
Division of Nephrology and Infectious Diseases, AZ Sint-Jan
Brugge, Bruges, Belgium whereas oral preparations are used mostly in the treatment of
e-mail: postmenopausal osteoporosis [6]. There is a delay of several
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

months or even years between the first exposition of the The phossy jaw in the 19th century
patient to bisphosphonates and the development of clinical
signs [5]. The mandible is affected in about two-thirds In 1839, the first reports of phosphorus-induced osteonecrosis
of patients, and the maxilla in one-third [5]. In most of the jaw emerged in otherwise healthy workmen of match
patients, the development of BRONJ seems to be pre- factories who were extensively exposed to white phosphor
cipitated by an incident that disrupts the normal muco- vapors [10]. With the growth of the phosphor industry, a new
sal barriers of the oral cavity, such as dentoalveolar disease called “phossy jaw” came to existence, with an attack
surgery, inflammatory periodontal and dental diseases, rate of far less than 1 % of exposed workpeople [10]. The
or ill-fitting dentures [3, 4, 7, 8]. Other risk factors are condition consisted of a progressive necrosis of the jaw, with a
diabetes mellitus and corticosteroid treatment, observed in, mortality as high as 50 % [10]. The condition could be
respectively, 60 and 25 % of cases [8]. The pathogenesis of reproduced in rabbits extensively exposed to phosphorus,
BRONJ is not yet well understood. but only in those animals in whom the periosteum was trau-
matically exposed to the mouth flora [10]. In an eloquent
review in 1962 on the phossy jaw, Hughes and co-authors
Bisphosphonates concluded that, “It appears to be necessary to have both
phosphorus (or other chemicals) and infection from microor-
Bisphosphonates (P-C-P) are chemically stable derivatives of ganisms, and the only place where the two can commonly
pyrophosphate (P-O-P), with the oxygen being replaced by a coexist is the jaw” [10].
carbon that renders protection against breakdown by hydro- A damage of the gingival margin, either by direct trauma or
lysis and mediates a tight binding to the hydroxyapatite crys- from inflammation, preceded the condition in almost all affect-
tals in the bone [2, 9] (see Fig. 1). The hydroxyl group on the ed patients [10]. Clinically, the disease started with aching in
carbon position determines the stringent binding to bone one of the teeth, frequently accompanied by a dull red discol-
hydroxyapatite, from which it can only be removed by acid- oration of the affected mucosa, usually leading to the extraction
mediated bone resorption by osteoclasts, resulting in a bone of a tooth [10]. The subsequent wound did not heal, and slowly
half-life for bisphosphonates of more than 10 years [2]. The evolved into a large, oozing defect in the cheek [10]. Pain was
R1 substitution on the carbon position is related to the potency variable in severity, and usually worse at night, but might also
of the bisphosphonate, with nitrogen-containing side chains, have been absent [10]. In the wounds, organisms consisting of
as found in all commercially available preparations, providing the normal flora of a healthy mouth are usually recovered, but
the most potent bisphosphonates [2, 9]. In the osteoclasts, in the available reports, no further specifications on the nature
bisphosphonates inhibit the farnesyl pyrophosphate synthe- of these organisms is given [10]. The phossy jaw was consid-
tase, an enzyme involved in the mevalonate-to-cholesterol ered a form of osteomyelitis by contemporized physicians [2,
pathway, thus suppressing the isoprenylation of small guano- 10]. The phossy jaw disappeared after the international Berne
sine trisphosphates at the ruffled border of osteoclasts, even- Convention in 1906, which forbad the use of white phosphorus
tually stopping bone resorption and inducing apoptotic cell in the match industry [10].
death in the osteoclasts [9]. Despite its physical hardness, The case of the phossy jaw as a form of bisphosphonate-
bone is normally a dynamic self-renewing structure, with a induced osteonecrosis has been detailed by Marx in 2008 [2].
turnover cycle of 150 to 180 days, which is called sigma, and The white phosphorus vapors to which match factory workers
which is probably shorter in the jaw [2]. This bone renewal were exposed extensively consisted of a chemically unstable
cycle is initiated by the secretion of diverse growth factors (and, thus, easily igniting) form of phosphate oxide (P4O10) that,
exactly by those cells that bisphosphonate toxicity targets: the when combined with H2O and CO2 available in expiration air,
osteoclasts [2]. As such, bisphosphonates reduce or even and common amino acids such as lysine available in the respi-
eliminate the natural bone regeneration cycle, leading to old, ratory tract, forms bisphosphonates that are chemically almost
adynamic bone [2]. identical to alendronate and pamidronate [2].

Human Actinomyces species

The colonization of BRONJ seems to be ubiquitous, with

Actinomyces species being the dominant pathogens. However,
the role of Actinomyces in the development of BRONJ is not
clearly defined. Human actinomycosis is caused by Gram-
positive, non-sporulating bacteria that tend to produce branching
filaments and that are classified in the families of
Fig. 1 Biochemistry of bisphosphonates Actinomycetaceae, Propionibacteriaceae, and Bifidobacteriacea,
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

with Actinomyces israelii, Actinomyces gerencseriae, and Acti- Cochrane Database, and by reviewing the references of retrieved
nomyces naeslundii/viscosus implying more than 75 % of the articles. Index search terms included: [Bisphosphonate] and
clinical isolates [11]. The pathogenic Actinomyces species do not [Actinomyces]. The search was restricted to full articles pub-
exist freely in nature and are ubiquitous commensals of human lished in English up to August 2013. No attempt was made to
and animal mucous membranes, with a predilection for gingival obtain information on unpublished studies. Data were then ex-
crevices, tonsillar crypts, and dental caries, where they form tracted and reported according to the revised Koch’s postulates.
biofilms [11–14]. Actinomyces species have a considerable host
specificity [12]. Actinomyces species can cause invasive disease,
most frequently presenting as slowly but progressively growing Does Actinomyces in BRONJ fulfil the classic Henle–Koch
and difficult-to-cure inflammatory masses, and more rarely pre- postulates?
senting as an acute soft tissue infection [12]. Inflammatory
pseudotumors in chronic actinomycoses consist of multilocular The classic Henle–Koch postulates are used as reference
cavities with central scars and more peripheral abscesses, with criteria in the evaluation of the causal relationship between
fistula that discharge sulfur granules or “drusen” in about one- an infectious agent and the clinical disease to which it is
fourth of the cases [8, 11]. Co-pathogens are isolated in the associated [16]. According to the 1976 revised Henle–Koch
majority of cases [11]. postulates concerning the causative relation between a micro-
The diagnosis of invasive actinomycoses is made by tissue organism and a chronic disease, the two essential types of
culture or by pathological examination [12]. Actinomyces spe- evidence necessary are: (1) the simultaneous presence of the
cies grow best under anaerobic growth conditions and are quite organism and the disease appearing in the correct sequence
fastidious concerning their nutritional requirements, and cul- and (2) the specificity of the effect of the organism on the
tures are easily overgrown by other bacteria [11]. On patho- development of the disease, based on physiological, patho-
logical examination, Actinomyces species grow in clusters of logical, experimental, and epidemiological grounds [16].
tangled filaments that are surrounded by polymorphonuclear
leukocytes and in inflammatory reactions consisting of granu- 1. Osteomyelitis with Actinomyces is present in the majority, if
lation tissue, extensive fibrosis, and sinus tracts [12]. Histolog- not all, of the cases of BRONJ
ical diagnosis is difficult because many clinical species contain
only a few of the pathognomonic sulfur granules, and the Actinomyces species are ubiquitous colonizers of the human
accompanying inflammatory reaction is non-specific [12]. oral cavity [11, 12]. Actinomyces colonies accompanied by
Actinomyces species are in vitro susceptible to natural clear signs of tissue invasion and reactive tissue inflammation
penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, tetracyclines, and are almost universally observed in bone affected by BRONJ as
macrolides [12, 15]. Given the very slow clinical response to far as looked for [17]. Invasive Actinomyces was observed in
antibiotics, and the high risk for disease relapse, antibiotics are 73.2 % (407 of 556) of the patients reported in the literature,
usually given for 3 to 12 months or longer [12]. For severe with half of the papers reporting bone invasion by Actinomyces
diseases, the initial antibiotic treatment usually consists of IV in 100 % of the cases (see Table 1). These results should be
penicillin for 4–6 weeks [12]. Antibiotics targeting only interpreted with caution and are probably an underestimation of
Actinomyces species and not the frequently encountered co- the real incidence of invasive actinomycoses in BRONJ. Most
pathogens seem to be sufficient to lead to cure [12]. of these data rely on a retrospective analysis of pathological
records of BRONJ without clear definition of invasive actino-
mycoses. Cultures were generally not taken, or taken while the
Aim of the review patient was on antibiotics treatment [18]. Molecular techniques
or matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight
The current review aims to analyze the evidence supporting the (MALDI-TOF) were not used. The largest case series on
role of Actinomyces as a “necessary” link between the excessive BRONJ which mentioned “frequent observation of invasive
exposition of the bones to bisphosphonates and the develop- Actinomyces” was excluded due to the lack of more precise
ment of BRONJ using to the revised Koch’s postulates. information on the number of patients included [5].

2. Arguments in favor of a pathogenic role of Actinomyces

Search strategy and selection criteria osteomyelitis in the development of BRONJ

Articles presenting data pertaining to the epidemiology, patho- Pathological grounds

genesis, diagnosis, and treatment of BRONJ were identified
through computerized literature searches using MEDLINE (Na- Shortly after the discovery of BRONJ, a German review of 79
tional Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD), EMBASE, and the cases defined the histological findings in BRONJ as “similar
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Table 1 Literature review of the incidence of invasive Actinomyces in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ)

Reference Year Design No. of cases No. of Percentage Remarks


[8] 2013 Retrospective, clinical, and pathological BRONJ, 52 52 100.0 Healing 25 ptn. Surgery and AB. Time
54 cases 12.5 (IV) to 4.2 PO
[30] 2013 Retrospective, pathological BRONJ, 51 cases 51 44 86.3
[31] 2014 Retrospective, pathological BRONJ, 30 cases 30 16 53.3 Healing in 14/27 ptn
[32] 2012 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 11 cases 11 11 100.0 Favorable outcome in the 9 patients
treated with AB
[23] 2011 Prospective, clinical BRONJ, 13 cases 13 13 100.0 Treated with debridement and 3–12
months AB PO
[33] 2011 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ treated with 25 15 60.0 Treatment with debridement and
plasma, 25 cases plasma, cure in 80 %
[18] 2011 Prospective, BRONJ treated with surgery, 108 36 33.3 AB in all patients, cure 71.3 %. Not
108 patients established how diagnosis was made,
culture taken under AB
[34] 2010 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 18 cases 18 11 61.1 Surgical treatment, AB NA
[26] 2010 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 34 cases 34 18 52.9
[24] 2010 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 10 cases 10 9 90.0
[35] 2009 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 101 cases, 30 29 96.7 No cultures were positive
30 with pathology
[36] 2009 Case report 1 1 100.0 Not cured
[27] 2009 Retrospective, clinical IV-induced BRONJ, 59 cases 59 47 79.7
[37] 2009 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 34 cases 25 18 72.0 Best outcome in combined surgical and
AB treatment. Diagnosis based on
culture results
[38] 2008 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 32 cases 32 32 100.0 Radiological appearance study
[39] 2008 Retrospective, BRONJ with myeloma, 3 cases 3 3 100.0
[17] 2007 Retrospective, pathological, 45 patients with 26 26 100.0
actinomycosis, including 26 with BRONJ
[40] 2006 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ, 6 cases 6 6 100.0
[20] 2006 Retrospective, pathological BRONJ, 8 cases 8 8 100.0
[41] 2006 Retrospective, pathological and clinical BRONJ, 11 10 90.9
11 cases
[42] 2004 Retrospective, clinical BRONJ in myeloma, 3 cases 3 2 66.7
Total 556 407 73.2

to osteomyelitis with a high number of Actinomyces colonies” osteoclasts, suggestive for BRONJ lesions without signs of
[19]. Despite this striking similarity, histopathological argu- suppurative osteomyelitis [21]. Vessel obliteration, which has
ments on the pathogenic role of Actinomyces in the develop- been thought to be a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of
ment of BRONJ remain inconclusive as to whether BRONJ for a long time, is only observed in less than one-
Actinomyces triggers bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis third of the cases [17]. Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia,
or whether bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis triggers sec- which is the invasion of hyperkeratotic epithelium in
ondary colonization and infection with Actinomyces. subepithelial tissues, is noticed in up to two-thirds of BRONJ
In all reports, BRONJ lesions are characterized by scattered lesions [17]. If present, Actinomyces colonies are mainly
areas of necrotic bone, as evidenced by empty osteocytic attached to the bone in the direct absence of inflammatory
lacunae, Volkmann’s canals, and Haversian systems [8, 17, cells, while being less often present in the more superficial
20, 21]. Most papers describe a patchy, inhomogeneous ap- parts of the fistula and inflamed soft tissues [17, 20, 21]. These
pearance of the necrotic bone with interspersion of the med- light microscopic observations have also been confirmed in
ullary space containing variable amounts of viable osteocytes scanning electron microscopy studies [17, 23].
and a mixed inflammatory infiltrate consisting of neutrophils, Differences in inflammatory response observed in different
histiocytes, eosinophiles, and plasma cells with some degree pathological studies of BRONJ may be due to several reasons.
of fibrosis [8, 17, 20, 22]. Some papers, however, report a None of these studies were corrected for the sampling time of
notable absence of inflammatory cells, blood vessels, or the biopsy in the time course of BRONJ, nor for the use of
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

antibiotics before biopsy or for the local biopsy policy in 1. The almost universal presence of Actinomyces with signs
BRONJ lesions in the concerning center. Moreover, the of osteomyelitis within BRONJ lesions.
methods used for decalcification may have a considerable 2. An almost identical histomorphology of BRONJ and
influence on the subsequent results [17]. Actinomyces osteomyelitis in most studies, although
Just like BRONJ, osteoradionecrosis of the jaw is charac- BRONJ lesions with necrosis without inflammation have
terized by empty osteocytic lacunae, the absence of osteoblas- been reported.
tic rimming, and empty Haversian systems and Volkmann’s 3. The devolvement of BRONJ is almost universally pre-
canals, but the osteonecrosis is much more homogenous, and ceded by an event causing a disruption of the normal oral
the overall fibrosis more pronounced [7, 17, 21]. Also primary mucosa, in both animals as well as humans. This event
Actinomyces of the jaw is characterized by a very similar precedes the development of BRONJ usually by several
pathological picture in addition to the Splendore–Hoeppli weeks to months.
phenomenon, which consists of eosinophilic aggregates with 4. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis occurs exclusively
pseudomycotic structure [17]. in those bones that are in close contact with the oral
mucosa (the mandible and the maxilla).
Experimental grounds 5. BRONJ lesions seem to have a favorable response on
long-term therapy with antibiotics active on Actinomyces.
Osteonecrosis can only be reproduced in animal models by
combining exposure to bisphosphonate and dental disease that These data strongly support but do not prove the hypothesis
disrupts the mucosal barriers [7, 10, 24, 25]. Also, in humans, that BRONJ should be considered as a bisphosphonate-
a factor disrupting the normal mucosal barriers (surgery, tooth induced Actinomyces osteomyelitis of the jaw. As such, bis-
extraction, periodontitis) is observed in the majority of cases, phosphonate exposure should be considered as the trigger that
i f r ep or t ed [3 –5 , 7 , 8 , 2 6, 27 ] . P a t h o l o g i c a l l y, permits colonizing Actinomyces species to become invasive
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, which is a sign of muco- and cause osteomyelitis after disruption of the mucosal bar-
sal irritation and damage, is observed in the majority of riers. The following pathogenesis thus seems plausible:
patients without clear history of mucosal barrier disruption
[17]. Usually, there is a delay of several weeks between the 1. Actinomyces species are among the main colonizers of the
disruption of the oral mucosal barriers and the development of oral cavity. Actinomyces species normally seldom cause
BRONJ [24]. In a rat model for BRONJ, Actinomyces colo- invasive disease.
nies are observed within the bone marrow of the animals, 2. Treatment with bisphosphonates renders bone more sus-
together with a dense inflammatory infiltrate, as seen in oste- ceptible to the development of Actinomyces osteomyelitis.
omyelitis [24]. When using scanning electronic microscopy, Theoretically, this has two possible reasons:
Actinomyces containing biofilms were almost universally ob-
served in samples retrieved from osteomyelitis of the jaw [14]. a. A not yet defined role of phosphorus or
bisphosphonates in the regulation of the virulence
Response of BRONJ on therapy directed against Actinomyces and growth mode of Actinomyces species. This is
suggested by some not yet fully translated Russian
Randomized controlled trials on the ideal treatment of BRONJ studies from the 1970s demonstrating a correlation
are lacking. Long-term antibiotic therapy in combination with between the phosphorus content of the culture medi-
minimal surgery for retrieving sequesters is considered to be um and the induction of filamentous growth mode
the backbone of the treatment [3–5, 18, 23]. In one of the with an enhanced secretion of exoproteins, such as
largest observational studies on BRONJ, a positive clinical antibiotics, in Actinomyces species [28, 29].
response to an antibiotic regimen directed to Actinomyces with b. Bisphosphonates render bones more susceptible for
suppression of the main symptoms and progression of BRONJ osteomyelitis, either by their mode of action of
is reported in 90 % of the patients [5]. blocking the bone regeneration cycle, by some kind
of interference with bone immunity, for example, via
the mevalonate pathway, or by their effect on neovas-
Conclusion cularization of the bone [4].
3. When the bones of the jaw are exposed to the Actinomyces
BRONJ is a bisphosphonate-induced Actinomyces species of the mouth due to trauma or periodontal disease,
osteomyelitis of the jaw there will be a higher likelihood of developing osteomy-
elitis when the patient is exposed to bisphosphonates,
The current literature review on bisphosphonate-related whereas no disease will develop when the patient has
osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) demonstrates: not been exposed to bisphosphonates.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Thus, the question seems more whether bisphosphonates are role of Actinomyces in BRONJ is worthwhile to confirm
the missing link between Actinomyces colonization of the mouth, or negate via a series of experimental and clinical stud-
periodontal damage, and the development of BRONJ as a form of ies. Experimental studies could explore whether the si-
Actinomyces osteomyelitis than whether Actinomyces is the miss- multaneous presence of bisphosphonate exposure and
ing link between exposition to bisphosphonates and BRONJ. Actinomyces species suffices to cause BRONJ-like lesions
in bones that are normally not exposed to mouth flora.
Clinical studies could prospectively explore whether
Eras of future research Actinomyces is present in all BRONJ lesions, and which
treatment strategy (surgery, antibiotics, or a combination
The data summarized in this review strongly support a of both) should be preferred in the management of
prominent role of Actinomyces in the pathogenesis of BRONJ. A prospective international registry on BRONJ
BRONJ. Based on these data alone, it remains, however, and Actinomyces would be helpful in unraveling the
still possible that bisphosphonates induce initially sterile nature as well as the ideal therapy of BRONJ. A better
osteonecrosis that is generally followed by colonization understanding of the pathogenesis of BRONJ may also
and secondary infection of the bone. Given the potential contribute to the development of safer agents for the
therapeutic consequences, the hypothesis of an etiological treatment of osteoporosis or malignant bone disease.

Summary: Actinomyces and Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the

jaw (BRONJ)

1. BRONJ is defined as necrotic bone in the maxillofacial region persisting for

more than 8 weeks in patients treated with bisphosphonates and in the
absence of a history of radiation therapy.

2. The risk for BRONJ is incremental with the duration and dose of
bisphosphonate exposure. The more potent intraveneous bisphosphonates
inherit a higher risk to develop BRONJ.

3. According to the Koch criteria that are used to establish a causal relation
between an infectious agent and a disease, BRONJ must be considered as
an Actinomyces osteomyelitis of the jaw:
1) Actinomyces with signs of osteomyelitis is almost universally present
within BRONJ lesions
2) In most studies, BRONJ and Actinomyces osteomyelitis have an
almost identical histo-morphology
3) The devolvement of BRONJ is almost universally preceded by an
event causing a disruption of the normal oral mucosa, both in animals
as in humans. This events precedes the development of BRONJ
usually by several weeks to months.
4) Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis occurs exclusively in those
bones that are in close contact with the oral mucosae (the mandibular
and the maxilla).
5) BRONJ lesions seem to have a favourable response on long term
therapy with antibiotics active on Actinomyces.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

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