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KELAS 9 2022

Text 1
To: Nanda

You won the English speech contest impressively. All contestants and audiences had a high
regard for your talent in conveying English speech and your perfect performance. Congratulation
on your big success! Truthfully, you are really impressive.


1.  Why does Indah write the text?

A.  to give surprise to Nanda about her achievement
B.  to congratulate Nanda about her achievement
C.  to show Nanda that she has won the English contest
D.  to give information that Nanda won the English speech contest

2.  What did all contestants and audiences think highly of Nanda?  
A. Her talent in conveying English speech and perfect performance.
B. Her imperfect performance in English speech contest.
C. Her success of conducting the English contest.
D. Her respect to the audiences of contest.

3.  “All participants and audiences had a high regard for your talent…” It means the participants
and audiences … Nanda’s performance.
A. underestimated
B. dissatisfied
C. mocked at
D. admired
4. The word "impressive" in the text means ...
A.  astounding
B.  obvious
C.  foreseeable
D.  plausible

Text 2
Dear Chandra,

Congratulation on your success as the leader of School Student Association 2020/ 2021.
Hopefully you will be mature in handling all your matters. Good luck and be the best.

Yours truly,
5. Why does Iriana congratulate Chandra? Because  ...
A. He has succeeded to be the leader of school student association
B. His friend has succeeded as the leader of school association
C. He has maturity of facing all of the matters
D. He can handle all the matters perfectly

6.  Hopefully you will be mature in handling all your matters. The synonym of the underlined
word is ....
A.  ripe
B.  full-grown
C.  settled
D.  comprehensive

Text 4
To: Wafiq Fahma

For: Being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J. Your bright smile lights up our classroom
everyday. Great work this year Wafiq.


7. What is the text about?

A. A letter from a teacher
B. A student report 
C. A greeting card
D. An email

8. Diana is Wafiq’s …
A. mom
B. classmate
C. headmaster
D. teacher

Text 5
9. What is the purpose of text?
A. to open a new shop
B. to describe a new home
C. to advertise a new restaurant
D. to congratulate someone on moving to a new house

10. “ a blessing upon your new dwelling” The underlined word has similar meaning with…
A. family
B. houses
C. street
D. room

Text 6
To: Anna

Congratulation on your success in Speech Contest.

You are our pride.
Mum and Dad

11. How do Anna’s parents feel?

A. proud
B. apprehensive
C. sorrowful
D. wretched

12. What has Anna done?

A. successfully made his parents happy.
B. participated in the speech contest.
C. won the speech contest
D. spoken lucratively in front of his parents

Text 7
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama

It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.
Congratulations on your new home
May your new place give you ….
Warmth, happiness and lots of joy!

Your sincerely
Mr. and Mrs. Irfan Hakim 

13. From the text we can say that Mr. and  Mrs. Andika Sautama have just … a new house
A. sold 
B. built 
C. bought
D. moved into 

14. Why does Mr. and Mrs. Irfan Hakim write the card?
A. To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama for  their moving into a new house
B. To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Andika’s house
C. To ask Mr and Mrs. Andika Sautama to come to  their house
D. To help Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama build a new house

The following text is for question 15 to 21



May cause drowsiness or impair alertness. Avoid alcohol and drugs with sedative and/or
relaxing effect, especially before driving a motor vehicle.

Drug dependency

May cause a drug habit. Must not be taken over a prolonged period.

Talk to your pharmacist

Talk to your pharmacist before using this product. He/she must explain the specific
instructions to be followed when taking this medication.

Maybe hazardous to your health if you suffer from hypertension, prostatic hypertrophy,
hyperthyroidism (goitre), or if you are taking antidepressants.


Not recommended for diabetics. This medication may cause adverse effects.


Contains aspirin. Must be avoided if you suffer from gout, stomach ulcers, asthma, or if
you are taking an anticoagulant agent (blood thinner).

15.      What is the synonym of "drowsiness"?

A.     Sleepiness.
B.     Happiness.
C.     Tiredness.
D.     Laziness.
16.      "May be hazardous to . . .”(Contraindication)
The antonym of the underlined word is
A.     cheap
B.     high
C.     safe
D.     low
17.      If the medicine is labelled "Drug dependency", this means that . . .
A.     it makes people sleep
B.     it is dangerous for children
C.     it can cause drug addiction
D.     it should be taken for a long time
19.      Why are people with diabetes not recommended to use the medicine? Because . . .
A.     it may cause adverse effects
B.     it will make the people thin
C.     it can kill the people
D.     it is very expensive
20.      What kind of drug should be avoided by a person who suffers from gout?
A.     The drug which contains aspirin.
B.     The drug which can cause migraine.
C.     The drug which makes people sleepy.
D.     The drug which is sold on the free market.
21.      Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A.     It is important to ask for suggestions from a pharmacist before taking a drug labelled
talk to your pharmacist.
B.     If you are taking antidepressants, it is suggested that you take a drug with the label
drowsiness on it.
C.     It is suggested to take a drug with the label Drug dependency for a long period.
D.     It is alright to ride a motorcycle after taking a drug with the label drowsiness on it.

The following text is for questions number 22 to 25.

Homemade Candy
1 c. water
1 c. granulated sugar
1 c. light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. peppermint oil or other flavour
1.Sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet.
2.Combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan.
3.Cook over medium-high heat until the hard-crack stage. (When the candy caramel cracks, then
dip into cold water).
4.Remove from heat.
5.Add the peppermint oil or other flavour. Stir well.
6.Pour onto the cookie sheet.
7.Sprinkle with more powdered sugar.
8.Cut with a knife as soon as cool enough to handle.

22. What do you learn from the recipe?

A. How to make candies

B. How to sprinkle sugar on a cookie sheet

C. How to stir well

D. How to cut candies with a knife

23. What ingredients do you need to make it?

A. water, granulated sugar , light corn syrup, peppermint oil

B. water, sugar, corn, peppermint

C. cookie sheet, caramel, powdered sugar

D. a knife, cookie sheet, saucepan

24. How many steps are there to make candy?

A. 4                                    C. 8

B. 5                                    D. 10
25. When can we cut the candy?

A. Before sprinkle with more powdered sugar

B. After we pour the mixture to the cookie sheet

C. As soon as the candies cool enough to handle

D. As soon as we remove the caramel from heat

The following text is for questions number 26 to 30.

(1 serving)
½ of avocado
3 tbs. of condensed milk
1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
some ice cubes

How to make it:

1.Cut the avocado into small pieces.
2.Put ice cubes into the glass.
3.Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings.
4.Add the sliced avocado.
5.Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado.
6.MIXED ICE is ready to be served.
7. Combine flour and baking powder.

26. The text tells you ….

A. about avocado
B. how to mix ice
C. how to make Mixed Ice
D. how to eat Mixed Ice

27. You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, EXCEPT ….
A. avocado                                  C. condensed milk
B. ice cubes                                D. sugar

28. How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need?
A. 1 glass                                   C. ½ can.
B. ½ glass                                  D. ¼ glass.

29. How many servings can you get form the recipe?
A. one                                      C. three
B. two                                      D. four

30. You need 3 tbs. of condensed milk. The underlined word is the abbreviation of ….
A. spoon                                 C. tablespoon
B. teaspoon                            D. cup

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