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Worksheet 1.


 The NSTP or National Service Training that is mandated by the RA

9163 comes with a great deal in providing our country a better future
in terms of volunteerism and service. This program is designed to
develop our physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-
being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service while
undergoing the trainings in any of the program components. I can say
that this is a preparation and an opportunity to improve ourselves to
serve others and also gives us a chance to socially involved and have
deeper awareness of ourselves in relation to others. This can help us
develop our personality as we adjust to the real world, it will enhance
our behavior and allow us to change our perspective towards different
situations. Through this it can also help make us to become more
careful and responsible in making decisions, thus it will develop such
leadership skills as we experienced the life outside school.
 I believe that NSTP can contribute to better my citizenship because
this will develops our characters to become more mindful of our
responsibilities, rights, and roles in the society. This enhances the
knowledge and wisdom of us - the youth to be ready in serving our
own country. Some thinks that NSTP can only waste their time but
form me its not because this will help us prepare to be more socially
aware and become a responsible members of the society because
main objective of this law is to train and teach us students to acquire
various principles that will be helpful in the development of our life
and community.
 NSTP will enhance our leadership potentials because with this we will
be given an equal opportunity to participate, express our ideas,
thoughts, and feelings so that we will have a better exposure. We will
also deal with different people in a specific area for us to imitate the
good deeds we observed. With all of this we will be given more ideas
on how to become a better leader.\

1. As a citizen that part of a the state, it's our duties and

responsibilities to follow the rules and regulations. We must
observe the laws to avoid violating against the law and encounter
any problems. It is also our duty to inform, petition, vote and
assemble when the government hasn't resolved a certain issue.
2. The government recognizes the important role of the youth in
nation building since these teenagers become the future leaders of
the next generation. The battlefield of effective and good
governance lies within the youth’s ideals and principles today. The
government should even support these teenagers to be young
leaders today since the future of the world would depend on them.
3. Female also obligated to help the country in times of need.
Females is can also contribute to the defense of our society
because we know that females are also capable of what men can
do for the good of our country.
4. The purpose of NSTP is to promote citizenry of Filipinos that’s why
foreigners are not required to take National Service Training
Program simply because they are not obligated to help the country
in times of need for the reason that they are citizens of other


1. Constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established

precedents according to which a state or other organization is
acknowledged to be governed.
2. According to Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution provides that the
following are the citizens of the Philippines:
 Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the
adoption of this constitutions;
 Those whose fathers and mothers are citizens of the Philippines
 Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who
elect Philippine Citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and
 Those who are naturalized in accordance of the law.
3. Our reciprocal obligations to the state are:
 To be loyal to the republic
 To defend our state
 To contribute to the development and welfare of the state
 To uphold the constitution and obey the laws
 To cooperate with duty constituted authorities
 To exercise the rights and responsibility with due regards for the
rights of others
 To engage in gainful work
 To register and vote
4. The different citizenship values contained in the preamble of the
Philippines constitution are: Faith from God, Unity, Patriotism,
Work, Respect for Life, Respect for Law and Government, Truth,
Justice, Freedom, Love, Equality, Peace, Promotion of the
Common Good, Concern for the Family and Future Generations,
Concern for the Environment, and Order.


1. The manifestation of civilian supremacy over military are:

 The armed forces of the Philippines (AFP) being the protector
of the people and the state.
 The soldiers and officers of the AFP swear to uphold and
defend the constitution duly represented by the Filipino people.
 The member of the armed forces is deemed to manifest
professionalism in the service and the strengthening of the
patriotism and nationalism with respect of the human rights of
every Filipino.
2. The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people.
3. The reciprocal duty of the people is to be loyal to its state. It is our
duty to obey the laws of the state and to pay taxes honestly.

1. Strengths of the Filipino Characters

 Pakikipagkapwa-tao
 Family Orientation
 Joy and Humor
 Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity
 Hard work, and Industry
 Faith and Religiosity
 Ability to Survive
2. Weaknesses of the Filipino Characters
 Extreme Family Centeredness
 Extreme Patriotism
 Lack of Discipline
 Passivity and Lack of Initiative
 Colonial Mentality
 Kanya-kanya syndrome
 Lack of Self-Analysis
 Lack of Self Reflection
3. Roots of the Filipino Characters
 Home
 Social and Economic Environment
 Culture and Language
 History
 Religion
 Educational System
 Mass Media
 Role Models


“Love God. of Oneself, of Neighbors, and of Country”

 Socrates believed that the real self is not the physical body, but rather
the psyche, or the soul.
 Plato, at least in many of his dialogues, held that the true self of
human beings is the reason or the intellect that constitutes their soul
and that is separable from their body. Aristotle, for his part, insisted
that the human being is a composite of body and soul and that the
soul cannot be separated from the body.

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