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)\ Global Stage }Language Book 6 EPO Ener cinekeres mneemien ra a Language Review © A Listen and write. How did all the children feel? Unscramble and write the crime words. 1 fehit thief viiceedte rineginrfpt.f clusiusspos ulec < nstwsie Vocabulary Emotions: Crime; Nature; Being Eco-Friendly; Storytelling: Work and Skills 3 Find and write five positive words and five negative words about nature and the environment. Positive Negative Ce ee 1 eco-friendly. 6p____._ susTaINaBLer de Tp CONSERVATION /____. GCOPRIENDLYA 30 —— 84 PCTNAGROOKPPE ENDANGEREDOC as ak NOTTULLOPPIY BE oe EGAMADRHMSSC ae OMRRXUWIQSOL ADS JXISXPUJNE I saw a great movie yesterday. The main 1_character was a man called Kasper, a brave 2 trying to stop his worst 3 acvel 4 who was controling people's minds and taking away their 5 Wi Read and choose. 1 a. Look at the gi@ia) / whot's wearing 3 a. Lookat the shelf who / where the dolls are. a soccer shirt b. What did the girl say? She told the boy she b. What did she say? She scid that she was 100 small / small enough to reach the loves 7 loved chess. doll 2 a. Lookatthe boys who J where are 4 a. Look at the stall who / that’s selling camels near the sushi stall b. What did the man say? He said he didn't b. What did the boys say? They said they have too enough money. aren't # weren't hungry. Complete with the correct form of the verbs. Caleb: Ethan: Caleb: Ethan: Caleb: Ethan: 11 _was thinking (think) about joining o new club when I saw the notice about the Guitar Club. You're a member, aren't you? (join) the club, you'll make lots of new friends Iwas walking to school this moming when 13 She said she 4 (want) to join, too, That's greot. f1 5 (be) you, Id bring her to the meeting tonight. Ifshe came with you, it 6 (be) a great help as you could practice together. But even if you came alone, you 7 (not be) on your own for long. Ifyou 8 (artive) early you might hear Jessica playing ct the end of her individual lesson. She's amazing! Yes, and if you 2 (see) my cousin Alex. How much does it cost? Youd (not hove to) pay to join the club—it's free =F D Look and write. There is more than one possible answer. Be sate ONLINE blog, blog post blog \ | (hr ets @) Listen and write. Then watch and say. 7 Search the Net Y comment - Search the net, search the net. Search the net, search the net. / _ crash My turn to search and write the u download blog-post LE A email Search the net, search the net. earch he ne ee Facts—who can find the most? Donit4d ‘that—it's trash! a A Search the net, search the net. Search the net, search the net / save to = Sencar My computer's going to 5 t favorites 7 - F Pronunciation. Listen and say. Copy the sentence stress. Find other sentences in the poem and notice the stress patterns. ee and write the bldg p ecu ee eRe oT search history \ B_ Find and number the words in A. Then listen and check. ©) < Close your eyes. Listen, visualize, and say. 10 opie Sentence Stress: Content Words 29 my \\)\u FE] crammar vers er Tnking XE Be 53 Daniel: Deepak: Daniel: Peoecbesetcces { B Look at A. Complete the table. What verb forms can follow if or wh— words? Verbs of Thinking he always wakes up on time. remember iflwhether the children play them. we'll go into class playing music some day. which website it was. don't they have drums. © Think and discuss. Then choose. 1 We can use if'and whether after a verb of thinking when the answer to the question is yes or'no fo specific detail 2 We use awh word I ifor whether after a verb of thinking when we're considering who, where, what, why, or how. Hey Deepok—I have a lot of facts about Ghane for our blog. Did you D Listen and say know thet the official language is English? 9 ” Interesting, What else did you find out? E Read and complete the sentences with the correct word. Well, [read on one boy's blog that schoolchildren can get up between 1 [forgot what the homework is. 5:30 and 6 o'clock—before it's too hot, 2 [can remember all my friends This boy I read about gets up at 4:30. birthdays ore, 4:30! | wonder if he always wakes up on 3 [wonder {il get many comments time—I don't know if I could do that. on my blog. Before school, children usually clean the house, 4 [don't understand the intemet works. fetch water, or help prepare the evening meal They make their own breakfast, too, 5 [don't know Il go to college in Wow! Do you know how they get to school? the future. Most children walk—sometimes for an hour. 6 [wonder _ tll be able to finish my When it's time for class, drums start playing. homework on time Drums? I don't understand why they have drums, To get everyone excited about the schoo! day, I guess! But ] don’t remember if the children ploy them. Let's look ... Oh, I forgot which website it wos. Did you save it to favorites? Yes ... here itis! ] wonder whether we'll go into class playing music some doy. 7 ('mnot sure time the school ploy storts. 8 [wonder Ihave so many emails F Think and discuss. Are the sentences in E true for you? Forget what the [already Finish didn't Forget either: I'm going to de it after schol, == | Global Citizenship &D_& Look at the pictures and definitions in A and write. Then listen and check. Sa een canoer a messy create a profile devices lowercase letters _ online privacy online safety password personal information _ register" secure special characters uppercase letters username @ A Listen to an online video tutorial. What information does the tutorial give? put your name control over what being or stoying post personal Read and complete the online safety rues, and other information you sofe when details and other information on give about yourself connected to information on on eee «an offical list over the internet the internet ‘a website or app B Rules For Online Safety + 1 register 2 Ff + Always check for signs that the website is 1_secure . Does the address start with “https! Is there a padiock symbol? Check quality: are there spelling mistakes on the site? + Mony websites, such as video-sharing websites, ask you to 2 Remember to ask your teacher, parent, or guardian fist. I's important to protect your online My Profile 3 + If you want to join one of these websites, you need to & for yourself, Moke your 5 different from your real name, Maybe invent something funny: * Choose a 6 that no one else can guess. Use a special combination of volossPhote uppercase and 7 letters and numbers. It's 0 good idea to use some First name: 8 100, lke *, §, ond % Last : name: + Always log out of o website when you've finished, especially if you are on a shared Dee a fate of birth: q that other people use. ‘one number: umber: + Never give your 10 without checking that it's safe to do so, s Interests; Z @ _P Now listen to Pablo and Mari presenting a podcast. What's the podcast about? E Listen again. Write True, False, or Doesn't Say. 1 Pablo is presenting the second part ofa podcast. True 2. Mori thinks that oll websites are worth reading 3. Children in different countries think differently ARQTSE about some things. 4 Online study groups are only for studying school subjects 5 There is information about the blog for parents. argtse How is technology a part of your everyday life? Meise en RetR cite tag serie tC Unit 1 a Re Eee @ A Listen and read. What does Sofia want? Can she have them? 0 FE] cremmar snp and Frogresive Forms QP XE Gr £3 Deepak, did you know you can get selfie shoes? You put your phone in ‘@ special shoe and use your foot to take a selfiel Really, Sofia? Are you sure that's true? Yes! Daniel told me about it. When fhe was looking for information yesterday on how to take the best selfe, he found an article about it. He wasn't joking! Well, yes, it is, While I was reading it, [found a lot of mistokes. Wait a minute. Look, it says here that the reports are fokel Well I still want some. They'd be a great invention! Deepak: Sofia: Deepak: Sofia: Deepak: B Look at A. Complete the table. Which verbs are used to form questions? Simple and Progressive Forms It here that the reports are fake! Daniel me about it. Do you remember what Miss Goran said? ] taking a look right now. He was for information yesterday. anyone else reporting it? © Think and discuss. Then match. 1 Simple present «©. describes an action that is happening now or around now. enon ae Do you remember what Miss Goran 2 Simple past a said about checking for fake news? 3 Present progressive b. describes a long action in the post Oh, yeah—| forgot. ¢. describes a present state or a habit. 5 4 Past progressive Devyou have ihe website thers d. describes a finished action in the past. Yes, Im toking a look right now. What did Miss Goran tell us to check? Oh, yeah! Is anyone else reporting it? @ D Listen and say. E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Yes, And also to check for things like bad spelling or grammor—is it bod quality? 11_was checking (check) my emails when Harper called. She (not remember) the website address we found yesterday. Do you have it? 3 (you watch) TV right now? There's o great program about fake news on Channel 6, 4 (you go) to the photography club on Saturday mornings? 5 My mom (drive) me home from the mall when I dropped my phone out of the car window. 61 (take) 9 great photo but the screen cracked! F Show a photo. Say when you took it, what you were doing, and how you feel when you look at it. took this photo when I was traveling in Norway last year -. a Write About It A. Reod the article. Check (/) the topics and opi 1 ©) How many young people use it 2 © How many old people use it 3 © The good things 4 © The dangers eee Wow, The Internet Appeared! * About one in three children worldwide use the internet. There are some risks with A survey by Global Kids Online shows that many Using the internet. We must chiliren think the internet is a necessity. Most children check for fake news and say the two best things about the internet are fst, be careful about giving learning and second, being in touch with people. personal information, But The main things children tke about learning ontine are: think this 15-year-old boy doing research for school and sharing their learning, from the survey is right having the freedom to learn new things, for example, When he says, “We grew the guitar, and listening to music online (using music YP With the internet websites, ike Spotiy) The grown-ups are Talking to Mom like Wows, the internet Children like being in ouch online fstty Because they Gpreare while Is pertely normal for usin my can contac friends or family who live far away. bY ay, the internet is an essential part of our lives—after ‘email or video call. Secondly, they ike sharing things, Gy we dont know what if sie without it ‘such as photos and videos they've made, and lastly, they like playing online games with friends, B_ Look at the structure of the article. Read and answer the questions. 1 How many paragraphs are there and what does each paragraph do? _ Four 2. Which come firs: facts or opinions? 3. How does the writer give details? 4 How does the writer add interest? © Look ot the language in the article. Read and complete the table. ing examples Giving detai A survey shows First, ... second, for example, In my view, Most children say... third, like, {think Firstly, .. secondly, ... such as, lastly, Presenting Facts and Giving Details, Examples, and Opinions; A Fact-Based Article $$ 3% Gy SS. jons about using the internet that the writer discusses. D. Think and discuss. How do you and your friends use the internet? Complete the, mind map with your ideas and research. 911% of children in US play video games more games available ‘online than in stores to look fornew games |eeee | E Plan your article. Look at your ideas in D. Think of a title and make notes for each paragraph. g ° 5g 3 3 g 5 aE Title: Introduction: First main point (including facts): Second main point (including facts): Conclusion (including opinion): Read and Respond Ask your ied trend your ode. Con he/she ink of ofa oan to odd? Unie 1 F Now write your article. Include a photo. . eee © & Watch and listen. What tasks do Gene and Lloyd each agree to do? Wath Wotan yu tl chout Gene and Un fom thei body language? B_ Watch again. Put the phrases in order. Write AC (asking for clarification) or CU (confirming understanding). a. [| Yes, exactly! b. (| Do you mean ...? c. (_} Thot's right. d. [1] What do you mean? AC e. [| Thot's true. f. [_] So, you're soying ...? © Imagine you're going to create a blog post in groups. Think about these questions. + What would you like to create @ blog post about? + What different tasks do you need to do? + How will you decide who does each task and why? We could do something about, cooking and food. How about you do the writing? Reflect {di sk for cacaton? understning? FEY cittearnias rca icemaniuariay PBS How well did you meet the challenge of Unit 1? Read and respond. My Planning Sheet We're all good at some things ‘And we all need to improve some things. I'm good at [need to work on We can always work to improve. Even when we are good at something, we can get better! My plan to improve my English is if my plan works, then I'l Tl know my plan is working when Hellol Remember me? I'm Sofia. Im often late for things and I'm kind of messy. But what's healthy about my life? Find out in Unit 21 txc By

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