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Malaysian cuisine in Bali

Visitors can now get to taste gastronomic delights at Lagenda

Malaysian Food Garden in Wina Holiday Village, Kuta. Dancers from Dewan
Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) entertained over 150 guests from the travel
trade, airlines, government agencies and media reps from Malaysia and

The hawker-style stalls served Malaysian favourites like Penang fried

kway teow, mamak fried mee, nasi lemak, chicken satay, curry mee, roti jala,
ketupat, squid and cockle sambal, fruit rojak and spring rolls.

For dessert, there was wajik, kueh bahulu, ice kacang, fruit, lime syrup and
the all-time Malaysian favourite, teh tarik.

The Malaysian chef also dished out Balinese-style fish satay. The marinated
tuna, grilled over a charcoal stove and served without any gravy, was a top
favorite with visiting Malaysians.

Many things have come here through globalization. People bring other
culture to Indonesia and almost change the Indonesian culture. Our cultures
are fading. People keep on bringing other culture in by globalization. How
about us? We did not bring our culture to them and we just do not care about
it. Our culture proves our nationality.

Gastronomic: connected with eating and good food
Broccoli ‘May help protect lungs’
A researcher suggested that a substance found in broccoli may limit
the damage which leads to serious lung disease. US scientists have found
that sulforapane increases the activity of the NRF2 gene in human lung cells
which protects cells from damage caused by toxins. The same broccoli
compound was recently found to be protective against damage to blood
vessels caused by diabetes. Brassica vegetables such as broccoli have also
been linked to a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes.

My opinion about this article is that nowadays people believed that
vegetables can cure diseases. This is an example of a vegetable which can
cure diseases. Another example is the carrot. It brings vitamin A that is
needed for our eyes. The broccoli can reduce the risk of stroke and heart


Sulforapane is found in broccoli and

brussel sprouts
Breaking the Ice

A new radar satellite imaging system is helping ships navigate safely

through sea ice in one of the planet’s last great wilderness, Antarctica. More
tourists more than ever before are visiting the great white continent.
However the water around the continent is a dangerous place, as the
passengers on board the M/S Explorer found out last year when the liner hit
and iceberg and sank in the Antarctic.

With more people visiting and the concomitant the increase in the
number of ships, it is becoming increasingly important to find ways of
navigating safely and avoiding future collisions.

This iceberg around Antarctica is caused by global warming. The heat
from the sun comes in through the ozone layer and then it melted the ice in
Antarctica. The heat slowly melted the ice and it forms iceberg which is very
dangerous to the visitors nearby.

Antarctica may look beautiful but

It can be a dangerous place.

Concomitant: happening at the same time as something else, especially
because of one thing is related to or causes the other.

Plug-in hybrid boosts electric motoring

Toyota has launched trials of the UK’s first petrol-electric hybrid car
that also can be plugged into the mains. Soon drivers should be able to
choose between the petrol pump and the electric socket to power one and
the same car.

With renewable energy sources, such as wind or wave power, also

stands to gain as the power they generate during stormy nights can be sold
to commuters, who should even see their household energy bills come down
as a consequence of a more of the electricity that is being produced during
the night finding a market.

Toyota’s plug-in hybrid offers 40% reduction in overall CO₂ emissions

compared with the conventional petrol vehicles.

This is a way to reduce CO₂ emissions in our planet Earth. We can save
the world by doing this. We can invent things that are not harmful to our
environment. The electric socket can reduce the use of petrol.


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