Module 3 - Anaphy-Fernandez, RR12

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Module 3: Cells

Veronica Shane F. Fernandez RR12

1) All of the following are protein components of the cytoskeleton EXCEPT ________.
A) microtubules
B) microfilaments
C) intermediate filaments
D) centrosomes
E) All of the choices are correct.

2) The nucleolus
A) is located in the cytoplasm.
B) is the location for production of large and small ribosomal subunits.
C) has its own distinct membrane.
D) is important for the formation of Golgi apparatus.
E) All of the choices are correct.

3) Secretory vesicles pinch off from ________.

A) the Golgi apparatus
B) ribosomes
C) lysosomes
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E) the nucleus

4) Which of these cells would most likely have the largest number of mitochondria?
A) Bone cells
B) Muscle cells
C) Adipocytes (fat cells)
D) Blood cells
E) Skin cells

5) Cell membranes are said to be selectively permeable because they

A) allow the free passage of some materials and restrict the passage of others.
B) allow the passage of materials in one direction but not the other.
C) permit the passage of most materials but not of water.
D) allow the passage of positively charged particles but not negatively charged particles.

6) Endocytosis
A) involves the formation of a vesicle by invagination of the cell membrane.
B) involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell.
C) is the opposite of phagocytosis.
D) is a kind of passive transport.
E) Both “involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell”; and ”is the opposite of
phagocytosis”are correct.

7) Transcription
A) takes place in the nucleus of the cell.
B) occurs when double strands of DNA separate, and RNA nucleotides pair with DNA
C) produces mRNA.
D) determines the sequence of codons on a particular mRNA molecule.
E) All of the choices are correct.

8) In humans
A) the diploid number of chromosomes is 46.
B) each body cell has 23 chromosomes.
C) each body cell has 2 pairs of sex chromosomes.
D) a male has two X chromosomes in each body cell.
E) each body cell has 46 autosomes.

9) The process called diffusion

A) is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area
of low concentration.
B) is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution.
C) always produces net movement of materials against the concentration gradient for that
D) Both”is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration”and “is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules,
and ions in a solution”are correct.
E) Both”is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration” and “always produces net movement of materials against the
concentration gradient for that material” are correct.

10) This diagram best shows a cell during the ________ stage of mitosis.
A) anaphase
B) metaphase
C) prophase
D) telophase

11) Which of the following statements concerning solutes and solvents is true?
A) The solvent is the predominant liquid or gas in a solution.
B) At equilibrium, all solute particles cease movement.
C) When oxygen is present in the blood, blood is the solute and oxygen is the solvent.
D) All solute particles move into or out of the cell by diffusion.
E) All of the choices are correct.
12) Our body cells perform several important functions, including
A) cell metabolism and energy use.
B) reproduction and inheritance.
C) communication.
D) synthesis of molecules.
E) All of the choices are correct.

13) The ________ endoplasmic reticulum manufactures lipids and carbohydrates, whereas the
________ endoplasmic reticulum assists with the synthesis of proteins, which it sends to the
Golgi apparatus.
A) rough; smooth
B) smooth ; curved
C) curved; smooth
D) smooth; rough

14) The powerhouse of the cell is the

A) mitochondria
B) nucleus
C) lysosome

15. The blueprint of life is called

A) genes
B) chromosomes
E) genetic materials
Using illustration or drawing (NOT COPY PASTING), compare and contrast the
stages of cell division. Highlight significant events that take place in each of the
What is it in our discussion today you appreciated and impacted you the most?

In this module, I appreciated the different parts of the cell and its functions
because the human body is composed of cells. I appreciated it more because their
importance in our bodies can be seen in the fact that they give structure to the body,
absorb nutrients from nourishment, turn those nutrients into energy, and perform
specific activities. I am amazed that cells also carry the body's genetic material and may
replicate themselves.

Having understood the different characteristics of life, how would you make use
of these learnings in your practice as a professional nurse someday?

Knowing the characteristics of life will help me in my future profession as a nurse.

Knowing about the numerous stages in our lives, such as growth and aging, would allow
me to make better judgments for my patients who have a limited awareness of life.
When it comes to their health issues, my patients will have more faith in me and regard
me as a reliable source of information. With this information, I could base my actions on
what I knew would be most beneficial to them. That being the case, these lessons can
help me become more connected to my patients and my future work.

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