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Janah Marie L. Rico

Nepthalene C. Escobido
Eric T. Lascoña
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Major in Mathematics

Group 9

MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

Iligan City

Many of people have stayed up late or having overnight for a number of times

just to play computer games online. Few of them have even heeded complaint from

their parents or close friends about the pack of time they spend on it. Maybe some of

them have even sneak in a game while they we’re on class or office work, and this is

commonly the problem of the society nowadays especially on the students.

Psychologists and Scientists are starting to observed or noticed that playing too much

on online games is a growing phenomenon.

Video gaming has become entrenched in the lives of many youth, especially

boys (Charlton & Danforth, 2009). Over 90% of children play video games (Hagedorn &

Young, 2011). Researchers have found relationships between video gaming and school

performance, self-concept, interpersonal relationships, and other non-academic


Video game usage tends to drop significantly during the first year of college.

Over 7% more students report playing no video games at all after the first year than

they did at the start of their freshman year. The same trend is seen at the extremes,

with around 25% fewer males admitting to playing more than 20 hours of videogames

per week (UCLA Higher Education Research Institute, 2009).

The trend towards increased online games and other interactive digital media

usage does not appear to be going away. The upcoming college students are even

more likely to be tightly tied to their technology than students are today. The current

generation is go beyond comfortable with technology and electronic entertainment

especially the millennial. One study noted that the average American youngster now

spends one-third of each day with some form of electronic media (Escobar-Chaves &

Anderson, 2008). One of the highest rating or popular online gaming this year is not

only DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) but also they have the ROS or Rules of survival,

basically this game has been released after the playerunknown’s battlegrounds game

and it hits almost millions of players online than PUBG’s game.

Rules of Survival is an online battle royale shooter that plays similarly

to Playerunknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite in which players engage in Hunger

Games-like battle to the death. On playing a mobile, this game is pretty cool for those

players who are constantly on the go and can’t stay tethered to a PC or Xbox for long,

although many argued that if you’re in it for the win, you’re in it for the long haul. But

while they use a variety of guns, grenades, and vehicles, as well as their fists and

moving vehicles, to kill other humans, there's no blood or gore. Using in-game currency

earned or bought with real money, players can purchase various outfits, include some

for female avatars that are skimpy, fetishistic, or incapable of covering their ample


The rules of survival are simple. Survive at any cost. 120 players will enter a

large desolate area. Once your parachute in, scour the area, abandoned the buildings,

and huge expansive HD map for weapons and other items. As your safe zone begins

expanding, the fight to survive becomes even tougher as players are forced into tight

quarters and combat is ensured. Playing rules of survival alone with friends are fun in

which you can choose multiple game modes as you use a wide variety of weapons,

heals and other items to be the last person standing in the massive battle royale. You

just need to boost a number of vehicles to help you to find safety or danger in Rules of

Survival on PC and Mac or even on mobile.

The teens or minority of today’s society no longer seem to spend their downtime

same as their olden days, such as outdoor games or with toys. Alternatively they tend to

spend their free time on computer games or video games at their homes and computer

shop. Playing ROS game become their habit, like it so hard for them to avoid that game.

It has such an intense impact on not only for the students but also for all. As addiction of

ROS arises, many issues also arise. It may be about on peers, family, relationships, and

substantially education.
I. Defining the Problem

This study sought to find out the impact of playing ROS to the academic performance of

students in MSU-IIT.

The researcher wanted to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of?

a. Frequency of ROS

b. Average time span of playing ROS

2. How does playing ROS affect the academic performance of the students in relation


a. Class Participation

b. Frequency of Absences in Class

3. Is there a significant difference between playing ROS and academic performance of

the students?

II. Making Assumptions

ROS game has a big impact in the academic performance of engineering students of


Hypotheses: There is no significant difference between playing ROS and academic

performance of the students.

III. Defining Variables

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Playing Rules of Survival Academic performance of
students in MSU-IIT

Figure 1
Scope and Limitation of the study

A survey was conducted about the evaluation of the respondents regarding in the

study of the impact of playing ROS on students’ academic performance in MSU-IIT

students. In a random order, 30 selected students in MSU-IIT were given questionnaires

to get information that were needed in the study. This study was conducted to

determine the effects of online gaming to students’ academic performance, problem-

solving strategy, decision-making and spatial visualization. The problem-solving

strategy, memorization and decision-making capabilities will be measured through a

series of situations and identifications on the questionnaire.

Definition of Terms

 ROS – Rules of Survival

- Is an online battle royale shooter

- can be played in PC or MAC and Mobile.

 Respondents – concerns to the college students of MSU-IIT.

 Academic Performance – This refers to the students’ Grades of their major


IV. The Solution

This part presented the procedures in conducting the study. It included the

subjects of the study, the instruments used, and the data gathering procedure.

Subjects of the Study

The study was conducted to the selected 30 college students of Mindanao State

University- Iligan Institute of Technology during A.Y. 2018-2019.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used qualitative research method to collect and analyse the

details or data received. As the population for the entire population in MSU-IIT, the

researchers supervised the questionnaire or did an online survey to the 30 selected

students containing questions about the respondent’s demography, his/her experience

in playing ROS and various other aspects were being asked in order to achieve the goal

of this research. The data collected were primarily from those who were playing ROS

only as this study sought to find out the impact of playing ROS to the academic

performance of college students of MSU-IIT.

Instruments Used

The research instrument used by the researchers was a questionnaire or online

survey. The researchers chose the online survey due to the fact that people may be

more likely to answer it than paper surveys.

Statistical Tools

Different types of statistical tools are used in this study in order determine the impact of

playing ROS to the students’ academic performance. Making a contingency table, pie

charts, line graph and linear correlation are used to measure academic performance in

relation to time spent playing ROS. The researchers used a number of pie charts and

line graphs to illustrate some interesting.

V. The Results

This chapter presented findings and analysis regarding the research question of

the study. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of two parts; demographics

and motivation. In this chapter, demographics of the subjects were used first and then

the relationship between the gender, computer use, and GPAs.

After implementing our methodology by using 18 questions for 30 respondents in

MSU-IIT, we got different results from the students/respondents.

5.1 Demography

Figure 2 Respondents’ Demography

Among 30 respondents, Figure 2 showed that 4 (13.3%) of them were in the age

of 18 years old, 19 (63.3%) of them were in the age of 19 years old, 4 (13.3%) of them

were in the age of 20 years old, 2(6.7%) were in the age of 21 years old while 1(3.3%)

were 22 years old. Majority of the respondent were from the age of 19 years old.

Figure 3 Respondents' Year Level

From the data gathered, majority of the respondent which was 26 or 86.7% of

them were from third year level, 3 or 10% of them were from fourth year level and the

remaining 1 (3.3%) was from fifth year level.

Figure 4 Respondents' Gender

The pic chart above showed the gender of the respondents. A total of 53.3% or

16 of the respondents were male while a total of 46.7% or 14 of the respondents were

Grade Point Average of Students



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Before 11 12 13 14 15 16

Figure 5 Respondents’ (1-16) Before and After GPA

Figure 5 showed the GPA (Grade Point Average) of the first 16 respondents. The

blue line represented the grades where respondents have not yet played the game

while on the other hand, red line represented the grades where students had indulge

themselves playing the said game. By observation, it was apparent to say that

respondents’ GPA varied, some were increasing and decreasing.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Before 27 28 29 30

Figure 6 Respondents’ (17-30) Before and After GPA

Figure 6 showed the GPA (Grade Point Average) of the 17-30 respondents. The

blue line represented the grades where respondents have not yet played the game

while on the other hand, red line represented the grades where students had indulge

themselves playing the said game. By observation, it was apparent to say that

respondents’ GPA varied, some were increasing and decreasing.

Survey Questionnaire Results

Figure 7 Chart for result on Question #1

Figure 7 above showed that 24 (80%) of the total respondents used

desktop/laptop to play ROS while 12 (40%) used smartphone and 4 (13.3%) used

tablet respectively.

Figure 8 Chart for result on Question 2.

From the 30 respondents, it was clear to say that 46.7% of them liked to play the

game always while 40% liked to play it sometimes and 13.3% rarely play the game

Figure 9 Chart for result on Question 3.

The other questions asked by the researchers were how many hours the

respondent spent their time on playing ROS and the highest answer are 7-9 hours per

day which were 14 respondents or 46.7%. Second highest were 13 respondents or

43.3% that were playing ROS game for 4-6 hours per day followed by 3 or 10% of them

playing within 1-3 hours per day while none of them are playing for 10 hours or more.

Figure 10 Chart for result on Question 4

The researchers try to find out whether the respondents that participate in this

questionnaire fully engaged by the game or feel a sense of flow while playing the game.
For this question, the researchers has made an expectation that the most of the

respondent fully engaged by the game. Unexpectedly a total of 30 respondents

answered yes or 100% of them.

Figure 11 Chart for result on Question 5.

Figure 11 showed that 80% of the respondents were most likely to play the game

with their family members. Only 20% of them chose to be alone when playing the said

the game.

Figure 12 Chart for result on Question 6.

Because of the feature of the game that it can connect to distant friends, over

86.7% among the respondents said that playing the game kept them stay in touch with

their distant friends. Meanwhile, 13.3% said no.

Figure 13 Chart for result on Question 7.

When asked about their opinion on the question if they feel more extroverted

when they play, a total of 24 or 80% of the respondents answered yes while only a total

of 6 or 20% of the respondents answered no.

Figure 14 Chart for result on Question 8.

When asked about their sense of belongingness to a larger community, 50%

answered yes while 50% answered no too.

Figure 15 Chart for result on Question 9.

A total of 28 (93.3%) of the respondents answered yes about the question if they

contribute on wikis or making a demo video in playing the game while the remaining 2

(6.7%) of the respondents answered yes.

Figure 16 Chart for result on Question 10.

When asked about the accomplishment they feel upon playing the game, 93.3%

answered yes while 6.7% answered no.

Figure 17 Chart for result on Question 11.

Figure 17 showed that 86.7% of the total respondents answered yes when asked

about the resiliency they feel towards the game while 13.3% answered no.

Figure 18 Chart for result on Question 12

Figure 18 showed that 25 or 83.3% had skipped classes just to play the game.

Meanwhile, 5 or 16.7% answered that they haven’t skipped classes.

Figure 19 Chart for result on Question 13.

Figure 19 showed that 60% of the respondents skipped 1-2 days on classes

while 40% of the respondents answered 3-4 days.

Figure 20 Chart for result on Question 14.

Figure 20 showed that 22 or 73.3% of the respondents answered yes that they

feel eagerness to listen in a class discussion after playing the game while 8 or 26.7%

answered no.
Figure 21 Chart for result on Question 15.

After the respondents were asked about the impact of the game towards their

grades, 90% strongly disagree that their grades suffered because of the time they spent

in playing ROS while 10% disagree. There were no students who answered that their

grades were suffering.

Figure 22 Chart for result on Question 16.

When asked if the respondents gained friends through playing ROS game,

76.7% were agree, 13.3% answered neutral and 10% strongly agree respectively.
Figure 23 Chart for result on Question 17.

Figure 23 showed that 53.3% of the respondents were neutral when asked if they

feel incomplete when they could not play games. Also, 36.7% of them answered agree

and 10% were strongly agreed.

Figure 24 Chart for result on Question 18.

Figure 24 showed that 66.7% answered yes and 33.3% answered no when

asked if does it affect their daily life and mood when playing ROS, they lose equipment,

or and in game’s partner or squad has left them.

Linear Correlation Computation

For this analysis, linear correlation is used to evaluate the relationship in academic

performance between students who play ROS/gamer and students who quietly play

ROS in their leisure time. The researchers arrive at the following expression for the

linear correlation:

x = (GPA)

y = Average hours of playing

n = the total number of respondents

𝑛 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 − ∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦
√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]

30(372.57) − (51.15)(213)
√[30(88.19 − (51.15)2 )][30(1629) − (213)2 ]

r = 0.88

Summary of Findings and Conclusions

This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken and the

conclusions drawn from this study. This study focuses on the impact of playing ROS to

the academic performance of students in MSU-IIT.

The students’ demographic profile, the effect of playing ROS on their academic

performance and if there is a significant difference on the academic performance

between students who play ROS/gamer and students who quietly play ROS in their

leisure time were undertaken.

Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study are as follows:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of?

a. Frequency of ROS

- From the 30 respondents, 46.7% have answered always while 40% sometimes and

13.3% rarely like to play the game respectively.

b. Average time span of playing ROS

- From the gathered data, 46.7% of the respondents spend 7-9 hours playing the game.

Meanwhile, 43.3% spend 4-6 hours and 10% spend 1-3 hours respectively.

2. How does playing ROS affect the academic performance of the students in relation


a. Class Participation

- From the gathered data, 22 or 73.3% of the respondents feel eagerness to

listen in a class discussion after playing the game while 8 or 26.7% answered no.

b. Frequency of Absences in Class

- The students were asked if they have skipped classes just to be able to play the

game, 25 or 83.3% of them answered yes. For those who answered yes, a follow up

question was asked and from their responses, 60% skipped 1-2 days while 40% of them

answered 3-4 days.

3. Is there a significant difference between playing ROS and academic performance of

the students?

- based on the calculated result in linear correlation, it can be seen that the correlation

coefficient (r) equals 0.88, indicating a strong relationship and indicates that the

coefficient is significantly different from 0. Thus, there is no significant difference

between playing ROS and academic performance of the students.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The researchers concluded that playing ROS can affect the focus and eagerness of a

student towards its study. Though it showed that most of the respondents were eager to

listen to the class after playing but the results were shown in their respective GPAs.

2. Playing ROS can make the students lazy, skipping from class was one of the clear

evidence and its results also were very clear.

3. Playing ROS also developed person’s social activity. It limited a person’s ability act

socially. Most of them prefer to stay at home or somewhere else where internet

connection is available just to play the game instead of going out with their friends. They

were now contented in their so called virtual friends

4. Based on the calculated result in linear correlation, it can be seen that the correlation

coefficient (r) equals 0.88, indicating a strong relationship and indicates that the

coefficient is significantly different from 0. Thus, there is no significant difference

between playing ROS and academic performance of the students.


Wright, J. (2011). The effects of video game play on academic performance,

“Modern Psychological Studies: Vol. 17: No. 1, Article 6. Retrieved April 17,


NetEase, G. (2017). Play rules of survival on PC. Retrieved April 17, 2018,



Yusmar, Z. (2015). The effects of online game: a study on online game addiction among

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The Impact of Playing ROS (Rules of

Survival) to the Academic Performance of
College Students in MSU-IIT
This questionnaire is for a research paper, it will ask you questions about the
impact of playing ROS to your academic performance in school.
The procedure involves filling an online survey that will take approximately 10 minutes.
the survey questions will be about ROS playing habits, relationships and the impact on
academic performance. The information provided to the researchers will be kept
confidential with exception of information.
We appreciate your time and promise that this survey is quick and easy!

Name (optional)
o 1
o 2
o 3

o Female
o Male

What is your Major course? ______________________________

What was your Grade-Point Average (GPA) during 2nd Year, 2nd semester?

What is your current Grade-Point Average?


1. In the past 30 days, which of the following devices have you used to
play ROS? (Please select all that apply)
o Smartphone
o Desktop/laptop Tablet
o I have not used any of these devices to play ROS

2. How often do you play ROS?

o Never
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Always

3. In the past 7 days, roughly how many hours do have you spent
o None
o 1-3 hours
o 4-6 hours
o 7-9 hours
o 10 hours or more

4. Do you feel fully engaged by the game? Do you feel a sense of "glow"?
o Yes
o No

5. Do you play with other family members at home?

o Yes
o No

6. Do you use this game to stay in touch with distant friends?

o Yes
o No

7. Do you feel more extroverted, or more likely to interact with others

when you play?
o Yes
o No

8. Do you feel a part of a larger community?

o Yes
o No

9. Do you contribute to that community - on forums or wikis or by

making a demo video or tutorials?
o Yes
o No

10. Are you proud of your accomplishments in this Game?

o Yes
o No

11. Has the game made you more resilient?

o Yes
o No

12. Have you ever skipped a class just to play the game?
o Yes
o No

13. If you answered yes on item #12, how often do you skip classes?
o 1-2 days
o 3-4 days
o 5 or more days

14. Do you feel eagerness to listen in class discussion every time you
play the game?
o Yes
o No

15. My grades suffer because of the time I spend playing ROS

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
16. I have a lot of friends through ROS
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
17. I would feel incomplete or lonely if I could not play games
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

18. If you played ROS to lose your equipment, or and in game's partner
or squad has left you, does it affect your daily life and mood?
o Yes
o No

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