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Healthcare System In Malaysia

Comparative Healthcare System –

Malaysia and
Developed countries
Health Comparative
• The way a health care system is set up, paid
for, and managed is the most fundamental
comparative factor.
• Comparing how health services are offered,
paid for, planned, and regulated, as well as
how citizens can access them, is part of this
Healthcare Comparative Data
• Information on several healthcare providers
that may be compared on a variety of very
technical and medically sound criteria makes
up comparative healthcare information, which
is often complicated information (attributes)
Purpose Of Comparative Analysis
• Comparative analysis involves contrasting
objects against one another to identify their
similarities and differences.
• When a company wishes to evaluate a
concept, issue, theory, or query, doing a
comparative analysis enables it to
comprehend the problem and provide
Types Of Comparative Analysis
• There are several methods of doing
comparative analysis and Tilly (1984)
distinguishes four types of comparative
analysis namely:
1. Individualizing
2. Universalizing
3. Variation-finding
4. Encompassing
• Individualizing comparison contrasts a small
number of cases in order to grasp the
peculiarities of each case (Fredrickson, 1997).
• This involves describing fully the
characteristics or features of each of the cases
being studied.
• This helps to broaden knowledge and gives
insight into cases in-depth.
• This involves the use of comparison to
develop fundamental theories with significant
generality and relevance. E.g. development of
theories of industrialism, social revolutions
• In philosophy, variation-finding comparison
seeks to 'establish a principle of variation in
the character or intensity of a phenomenon by
examining systematic differences between
• E.g. Green (1997) study of the modern Jewish
Diaspora and Moore (1966) study on Social
Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy.
• Comparing 'places different instances within
the same system to explain their
characteristics as a function of their
relationships to the system as a whole'.
• E.g. explaining the difference between two
children's behaviour by their orders of birth,
attributing the characteristics of rural
communities to their connections with a
nearby city or urban area.
Comparative Systems Of Health Care
• Identifying the conditions under which health-care
systems function most effectively has become a vital,
albeit elusive, goal.
• Studying other systems, including their successful as
well as failed health-reform efforts, provides a global
laboratory for health-systems development.
• Social scientists are increasingly turning their attention
to the experience of other countries. This work
promises an in-depth yet practical understanding of
how health care can be organized and financed.
• Methodology for comparing health-care systems can vary
widely. A standard approach would include some or all of
the dimensions outlined below.
• The most fundamental comparative dimension is the
organization, financing, and control of a system.
• This involves comparing which services are provided, how
they are paid for, and how citizens gain access to them.
• Physicians are an important factor when comparing
health-care systems.
• Hospitals and long-term care arrangements are also
important point of comparison. Nordic countries have been
highly conscious of gaps in the coordination and continuity
of care.
• Swedish healthcare is based on three fundamental
principles: solidarity, universality in the nature of services,
and equality among residents in access to services.
• The Swedish system is primarily one that is funded and
owned by the public.
• The Swedish welfare state, which includes social and health
services, is one of the biggest and most inclusive in the
entire world.
• The state oversees healthcare and assigns responsibilities to
each of Sweden's twenty-one county governments.
• Swedes are free to pick the primary care doctors they want.
Swedish citizens are taxed excessively to retain the quality
and amount of services they demand.
Student Activity
• Discuss healthcare delivery system in
• Discuss comparison healthcare delivery
system between under developed, developing
and developed countries.

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