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As a pandemic, what do you think are the effects of the COVID-19 / Corona virus in

terms of:

a. education and educational system;

-The implications of COVID-19 on education and the educational system, in my
opinion, are that it confines people to their houses and halts everyone's freedom of
movement. As a result, people's daily lives have been significantly impacted,
particularly the everyday lives of students. Because of COVID-19 students were
forced to rely more on their own resources to continue studying via the Internet,
television, or radio. Teachers have to adjust to new teaching methods for which they
may or may not have been prepared. Higher education was also severely impacted
by the COVID-19 outbreak, with universities closing their doors in reaction to
lockdown measures. Although it is convenient for us in higher education to go from
face-to-face to online learning, this approach has had a negative impact on every
student's learning. As they transitioned to alternative or remote teaching modalities,
both synchronous and asynchronous, teachers and administrators were tasked with
modifying and adjusting course requirements. Students and instructors needed
access to electronic devices and stable Internet connections, as well as learning
apps like Google Meet, Zoom, and Skype, which are now widely utilized.
Nonetheless, these arrangements became unsustainable, and some colleges were
forced to cancel remote or online sessions due to students' differing socioeconomic
level, which limited their access to these modes of learning.
b. national and world economies;
- COVID-19's consequences on national and global economies, in my opinion,
are severe because of the pandemic's spread, which causes major losses in
revenue, increased unemployment, and disruptions in the transportation, service,
and industrial industries. The illness has not only become a public health
emergency, but it has also had an economic impact on the world. Reduced
productivity, loss of life, company closures, trade disruption, and the annihilation of
the tourism sector have all had significant economic consequences throughout the
world. The COVID-19 pandemic has a direct impact on income due to sudden
fatalities, workplace absenteeism, and productivity losses, as well as a negative
supply shock, with industrial activity stalling due to worldwide price fluctuations and
factory closures. Travel reductions have had a considerable impact on service
businesses such as tourism, hospitality, and transportation. The epidemic has had a
significant influence on our economy, particularly in the Philippines, which is a third-
world country. The government's debt has increased, as has the number of
unemployed, transportation and manufacturing interruptions, and a decline in
c. national and international politics;
- The impact of COVID-19 on national and international politics, in my opinion, is
that as a result of the epidemic, governments were forced into crisis management
mode, attempting to strike a delicate balance between preserving lives and
livelihoods while also preparing for the post-COVID-19 economic and social
recovery. Different countries have begun lifting lockdowns and opening up their
economy to reclaim lost ground based on the occurrence, experience, and peak of
the epidemic. However, as damaging as COVID-19 has been in terms of death
rates, social, economic, and political consequences, given the situational ironies and
contradictions it exposes and underlines, it has also provided opportunities for
change and hope for a better future. Also, as a result of the pandemic, each
country's government began to collaborate with one another to combat the
pandemic, and other countries began to collaborate with one another to assist all
countries in combating the virus.
d. society;
- For me, the COVID-19 has a wide-ranging impact on society, affecting
education, the environment, and the poverty of all people. Almost half of all students
in every country are affected by this epidemic since not all pupils can adjust to this
new kind of learning, which sometimes leads to children quitting school and looking
for work to get by. COVID-19 has an impact on every person's economic, livelihood,
social, and political issues. Finally, COVID-19 has resulted in a high percentage of
poverty all across the world.
e. religion;
- The COVID-19 pandemic has had a variety of religious consequences,
including the suspension of several faiths' worship services, the closing of Sunday
schools, and the cancellation of pilgrimages, rituals, and festivals. During the
pandemic, many churches, mosques, and temples have offered worship via
streaming. Because many worship systems include physical touch between
worshippers, this pandemic has ramifications for religion. COVID-19-containing
respiratory droplets can settle on a person's hands and be transmitted to others
through physical contact, which is why adjustments are needed to maintain the
safety of faith-based gatherings, ceremonies, and rituals. That's why, in order to
comply with the social-distancing standards, many churches have turned to digital
churches as alternatives to traditional face-to-face church services, such as
f. culture; and
- The COVID-19 epidemic is driving cultural institutions and heritage sites, as
well as the entire sector, to adjust to the new normal. While many of these steps are
likely to be transitory, some of them may lead to longer-term structural changes in
the way the sector runs, whether it's in management systems, cultural programming
and outreach, or conservation. One of the cultural repercussions of COVID-19 is the
closure of cultural institutions, archaeological sites, and historical sites as a result of
the pandemic, which has led to reports of increasing insecurity for cultural property
and places around the world. The epidemic is worsening an already weak security
situation, particularly in nations experiencing conflict or post-conflict. The shutdown
of sites that rely significantly on tourists to keep their doors open could put the site's
long-term management and working conditions in jeopardy. Because of the low
number of employed personnel, criminal cases like as theft at museums can
sometimes arise owing to a lack of employees due to unemployment caused by the
epidemic. Not only that as well as the risk of poaching has increased as a result of
the reduced presence of tourists and workers.
g. environment?
- The global COVID-19 epidemic is impacting all aspects of human life, including
the physical environment. The steps taken to monitor the virus's spread and the
slowing of economic activity have a direct impact on the climate. Furthermore,
increased usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks and
hand gloves, as well as their haphazard use and disposal of disinfectants, as well as
the production of a large amount of hospital waste and the burden of untreated
wastes, are endangering and negatively impacting the climate.
2. Describe and explain how the COVID 19 pandemic has changed the world in terms of:
a. countries’  interdependence;
-Because of the effect of COVID-19 it result for high number of unemployment
that’s why in terms of every countries interdependence other countries are investing
in different countries to gain profit just like the country of South Korea the rate of
unemployment in their country increase because some business in South Korea are
starting to face bankruptcy due to the effect of COVID-19 that’s why some
businesses start to open stores in other countries since the profit rate in other
country are high but the salary that can be given to the people working are low that’s
why it can give them more amount of profit. Because of COVID-19 it changes the
globalization of one country because there is only one who is gaining all the profit.
b. United Nations’ governance;
-The COVID-19 changed the world in terms of UN’s governance by making all the
leaders all around the world to strove to maintain a delicate balance between saving
lives and livelihoods that make them work with each other to stop and put an end on
this pandemic and other country start to relay with each other to help all the country
to stop this problem. From here we can see the unity and solidarity of all nations
regardless of the race of a country maybe it be Asian, African, Black, or White we
can see each other’s privileges. Each countries government set aside each other
countries conflict and prioritize the people’s life and stop this pandemic.
c. Migration;
- The COVID-19 changed the world in terms of migration by making the people
migrate to the places that are safer and have many resources in order to continue
living. Since one of the effects of COVID-19 is the continuous soaring rate of poverty
and some community start to lack financial resources and essentials for a minimum
standard of living people are force to migrate to other country in order to look for a
job that is safe, legal, and have a high rate of salary. Also because of COVID-19
most family start to migrate to other countries that is safer and can give a good
quality of vaccine to avoid the pandemic. The COVID-19 also changed the world in
terms of migration because of guidelines to avoid the pandemic such as travel
restriction and because of this some people are stranded to other countries and are
unable to go back to their own countries. The COVID-19 drastically changed global
mobility in complex and unprecedented ways and has caused severe impact to
migrants because of air travel suspensions and complex mobility restrictions.
d. cultures; and,
- The COVID-19 changed the world in terms of cultures as its effect changes the
ways populations around the world work, go to school, seek entertainment,
understand their moral obligations to others, and interact with every institution in
society. Because of the impact of COVID-19 it affects the fundamental right of
access to culture, the social rights of artists and creative professionals, and the
protection of a diversity of cultural expressions. It also changed every people’s life as
billions of people are turning to culture as a source of comfort, well-being and
connection but because of guidelines to avoid this pandemic almost all the culture
sites such as museums and churches are forced to close their doors to people to
avoid the spread of this pandemic but despite of that in order to still give culture
information to people culture sites such as museums and churches are able to adapt
through online solutions such as virtual tours or engaging the public through social
media challenges such livestreams.
e. sustainability.
- The COVID-19 changed the world in terms of sustainability by affecting the world
severely in terms of quality of life, political, environmental, and economic sustainable
development, and the global economy. As a result of people being restricted to their
homes and being asked to maintain self-isolation most people around the globe are
losing their jobs that are the source of their income. The financial stability of all the
countries has been shattered as the pandemic has targeted many lives. Restrictions
on consumers being able to purchase ultimately result in an economic downturn that
sometimes results to malnutrition of every people. The pandemic has affected all
types of businesses and have a long-term effect on globalization. There are
shortages of medical equipment such as masks and Personal Protection Equipment
that has made us realize how fragile our systems are and that no country can face
this crisis on its own. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the
political, environmental, and economic aspects of human life on which sustainability
are dependent. This ultimately affects the quality of life by disturbing people’s living
3. How will you explain the process of globalization in the vaccination program of the WHO
both for the developed and developing countries? Cite examples to justify your answer.
- The globalization regarding to the vaccination program of the WHO for the developed
countries are different from the globalization for developing countries. Because since
develop countries have more income than developing countries they receive the
vaccination program earlier than the developing countries and after they receive they
invest on it and make developing countries buy from them from here develop
countries will earn profit and developing countries will have a huge amount of debt
because they only have low income. Because of developing countries without high
rate of income they will have no access to vaccines amid the COVID-19 pandemic
that will cause significant economic damage that puts decades of economic progress
at risk. Just like here in the Philippines in order for us to have a good quality of
vaccine and to stop this pandemic we have now a huge amount of debt. An example
of the difference of globalization in the vaccination program of the WHO both for
the developed and developing countries are the fact that the people from develop
countries already have their second dose of vaccine and is already a COVID-19
FREE place unlike developing countries like Philippines there are still a huge amount
of people that still don’t have their first doe of vaccine and the amount of COVID-19
cases are still continuously elevating that almost every day there 6,000 new cases or
unlike in developing countries like India because of slow flow of goods, services, and
vaccine it’s been hard for them to coup with this kind of problem.

4. The COVID-19 is a globalized virus because from Wuhan, it travelled to different parts
of China and of the world. It is presumed that the Corona virus may never go away and
that we have to learn to live with it. If this virus will remain with us forever, what changes
or adjustments should human beings need to undertake in their movements and in order
to survive and eventually overcome the fear of the virus? Cite examples or instances
to justify your answer.
- Across the world, humans are living through a period of extraordinary change, with jobs
lost, businesses closed, graduations canceled, and vacations postponed. We don’t know
when or if those jobs will come back, when schools and offices will reopen, when we’ll
be able to hug our family or see faraway friends and relatives. That’s why for me the
changes and adjustments of human beings that need to undertake are we need to
adapt, accept, and move forward so that we can overcome the fear of virus. We need to
adapt given all the changes in the economy so that we can continue living because
unexpected shifts are always around the corner, whether in personal life or in business
so in order to survive we need to adapt and cope with the situation. We also need to
accept the uncertainty of the future that can also means planning one step at a time and
take a step back and pay attention to our mental and physical needs during this kind of
situation because accepting that the world that is uncertain and being comfortable with
that uncertainty gives us the confidence to be flexible that will make us perform the next
adjustment which is moving forward and start to recognize its benefits. In order to move
forward we need to do things that is good for us like exercising, walking, meditating, or
simply breathing to let those fear, stress, and negatives out of us and do recreation
things like cooking we the family to have more bonding and just positivity in life and
accept change instead of shutting down your life and be overcome by the fear from this

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