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Confidentiality: confidentiality urges you to keep a secret – by which we mean
knowledge or information that a person has the right or obligation to conceal. For
example, if the family of a person who has had an HIV test demands that you give them
the result, you must not tell them. You must keep the result confidential unless your
client gives you permission to tell their family.
If the client knows that the health worker is always going to work with the ethical
principle of confidentiality in mind, then they will be able to talk freely about sensitive
His professional obligation to keep a secret arises from the fact that harm will almost
certainly follow if the information is revealed.
Synthesis: Federal regulation requires researcher to make sure studies include.
Appropriate and adequate provision is to protect the privacy of the subject and maintain
the confidentiality of data.
We use the term privacy is reference to individual and their right to control what other
people know about them and their interaction with others. Confidentiality refers in
Particular security, records and information about individual.
Privacy applies the people, Confidentiality applies to information.
Recommendation: Since some people are more private than others make sure, case by
case that your privacy measures, meet the particular needs and expectations of your
Autonomy: Requires that the patient have autonomy of thought, intention, and action
when making decisions regarding health care procedures. Therefore, the decision-
making process must be free of coercion or coaxing. In order for a patient to make a
fully informed decision, she/he must understand all risks and benefits of the procedure
and the likelihood of success.
Synthesis: Autonomy means is that we're rational being, and as rational being we have
the ability to reflect on the option in front of us and choose the path that fits our lives
best. In other words, basically we can think about scenario, we can think about the
situation we're in and we can critically reflect on all of those things and we have the
capacity, because of that we have the capacity govern ourselves, and we have this
capacity for your self-governance or self-determination. We have the ability to decide
what the best path for ourselves is.
And for the principle of autonomy claim that this ability we have and the capacity we
have for this self-governance is something that should always be respected, it's
something we have the right to exercise.
Recommendation: Autonomy is almost like freedom we have, so we have this right to
exercise a capacity to self-governance, so we should be free to govern our own lives in
the way that we see fit.


Health Management, Ethics and Research Module: 7. Principles of Healthcare Ethics.

(n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2020, from

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