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PT.NAME : B/O Tahenyat Karimkhan.

AGE : 9 Days SEX : F

REF. BY : Dr. Baby Hospital, Miraj. DATE : 30/08/2022

Sample Collected Outside the Laboratory

Exam. Requested :CBC PS


Normal Range
Haemoglobin : 13.5 g/dl 17.5 - 22.0 g/dl
WBC Total Count : 12300 /cumm 5,000 - 20,000 /cumm
Neutrophils : 52 % 15 - 35 %
Lymphocytes : 41 % 41 - 53 %
Eosinophils : 06 % 0- 4 %
Monocytes : 01 % 01 - 09 %
Basophils : 00 % 0-1%
R.B.C Count : 3.81 millions / cu-mm 4.5 - 6.5 millions / cu-mm
Hematocrit : 42.3 % 40 - 54 %
MCV : 111.0 fL 80 - 96 fL
MCH : 35.4 fL 27 - 33 fL
MCHC : 31.9 gm/dl 33 - 36 gm/dl
RDW : 19.1 % 11.0 - 14.5 %
Platelet Count : 1,55,000 /cumm 1,50,000 - 5,50,000
RBC Morphology : Normocytic,Normochromic,Few Macrocytes seen,Polychromasia
W.B.C Morphology : Relative Neutrophilia,Mild Eosinophilia.
Platelets on Smear : Adequate
Malarial Parasites : Not seen
Abnormal Cells : Not seen

-------END OF REPORT -------

Checked By Dr. Ajay Chouthai

. MD (Path)

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