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Historical and Spiritual Analysis of Purpose


Institutional Affiliation


Historical and Spiritual Analysis of Purpose

After critically tracing the definitions of the word purpose by using both Old and New

Testaments, therefore, the paper underpinned the concept of purpose as the most part that is

consistent. The next section is to evaluate critically the concept of purpose by using the historical

articles or writings of Christian scholars from various range of periods especially from first

century to present life.

Time Period 0-300 CE

Book and Chapter Origen on Pure Mind.

Chapter VIII: The power of your thoughts and mind

Quote I have given you the choices today about the death and life, amidst blessing and
curses. Therefore, I call upon heaven and earth to be like witnesses about the choice
you make. Oh, that you need to choose life in order you and the family or
descendants might live.

Author Origen

Back ground of  He was born in the city of Alexandria in Egypt

the Author
 He was a martyrdom passionate at a tender age because of the influence
from the father.
 He was taught by Clement of Alexandria, Ammonius Saccass and Leonides
 He wrote different books most especially the “De Principiis”, taken as one
of the earlier efforts towards the theological system.
 He was ordained to be a priest by the Caesarea Bishop
 He finally died not as a martyr but a confessor. (Communications, 2019)

To whom was Origen communicated to Church in the middle first century in Egypt especially in

Origen Alexandria.
The topic focuses on the nature of our mind in relation to purpose. This is because

What is the focus as we think directly, one must wipeout toxic values to healthy mind or behavior

of the Topic and (Elwell, 2017). In addition, one should not emulate the customs and behavior of

the purpose? the world, but instead the transformation of God to become a new creature in the

way of thinking. Therefore, one is likely to reveal God’s will that is good, perfect

and pleasing in his or her peace of mind.

Where is the The concept of purpose is mostly used by the priests to impart value and peace of
concept or the
mind to the churches in Egypt.
teaching used?
When is the Most of the residents used to argue about heaven and Earth. People used to say that
concept taught
heaven does not exist. However, Origen came out and preached about the
and under what
arguments and even wrote some sections in explaining such (Elwell, 2017). Most
significant is that he used to emphasize on the nature of thought transformation.

Why is the It was according to Origen’s Platonism that God did in him to administer to his
concept used in
this particular people. By considering the Plato, Origen subscribed to the souls of pre-existent
doctrines that was not good according to the industry of Orthodox that was

established. The account of Origen about the God’s first creation but before time

was considered to be the collection of souls (Schafer, 2019). Above all, the human

soul of Christ had fainted away. He further emphasized on the Lord’s prayer to

relate with the daily life where one should have thoughts about the kingdom of


How is the This chapter entails the purpose and the ideology of thoughts towards the Heaven

meaning of the and the kingdom of God as it is with the Lord’s prayer.
word “Purpose”
related to this


Origen practiced his works through writing books basing on the scholarly wealth and the

works of theology that the communities or church used to face and experience. The quote in this

particular context reflected to the doctrines of the bible whereby focus on believing what is not

viewed but having faith and thought about the existent Spirit of Heaven. Origen elaborated to

people through his works that peace of mind or thought among the people creates the purpose of

the God’s existence. The quote explains the Choice one decides about the unending life and the

world or earthly works. However, Origen teachings were in line to directing the leaders of the

church and the state to impart such sense of belonging to the congregation about the soul and


Time Period 500 - 1500 CE

Book and Chapter Saint Chrysostom: Homilies On The Epistles Of Paul To The Corinthians
Volume XII: Aim and Intention about circumstances of the Christian

Quote It is indeed not by only God’s name howbeit by intention something comes to
happen. He therefore quoted that, I speak not to accuse the motive of the word but
the aim is so admirable which dignifies the intention of the word. The layman
should intentionally approve the conditions though it’s by the almighty lord.
Author St Chrysostom

Back ground of  He was born in Antioch, Syria


the Author  Known for preaching in Constantinople of the empire

 He was a golden mouthed and the further of the church
 Became the emanate teacher of philosophy, rhetoric and theology

To whom was Chrysostom preached to the church of the early second century in Syria especially
Communicating the city of Constantinople
The topic encapsulates on the ideology aim and intention about prevailing

What is the focus circumstances. It is believed that when one focuses on something, he or she

of the Topic and acquires it out of intention in relation to the purpose ((Schafer, 2019). Therefore,

the purpose? lord’s word emphasizes on the focusing on what one feels that it is right according

to the purpose such as healing and blessings. His teaching about this concept

focused on the belief and the intention of the Lord’s word.

Where is the The concept in this context was directed to the priests and the leaders of the church
concept or the
to influence people with the word of purpose categorized with the intention of the
teaching used?
God’s word.

When is the It was observed that the people in the empire of Constantinople used to act
concept taught
foolishly about the purpose of the word of God. Therefore, Chrysostom focused on
and under what
the teachings to build aim and intention of the people in what they do to please

Why is the The criticism of the wealth and continuous exploitation of the needy people.
concept used in
this particular According to Chrysostom, the church especially the Christendom was known by
criticizing the value of the word. The words about intention among individuals in

relation to the purpose in this context, one must have the aim on how to survive

and fight for the kingdom of God as he was continuously austerity in people’s


How is the Most of the people intentionally commit sins with the purpose of either hurting or
meaning of the
word “Purpose” creating happiness in relation to the word.
related to this


According to the works of Chrysostom to the Epistles, he further fell out of favor by the

Constantinople court whereby he was offended because of his reprimanded morals. He was

focused on changing the beliefs of the people towards the decisions made by the followers of the

God’s word. He furthermore emphasized on the philosophical belief that the almighty God can

perform miraculous things but also it depends to the aim and the intentions about the works of

the people to achieve God’s revelation. It is up to the decisions of the people’s ways of living

such as gift of association, enthusiasm among others as the pilgrims of the Christians state.

Time Period 1500-1650 CE

Book and Protestant Reformation

Chapters 3a, 3b and 3c

Quote The Christian reformation story, revival and renaissance tells us that before

dawn, there is always that darkest hour, we should therefore be humans with

hope and prayer not gloom and defeatism. God the Holy Spirit can turn the

situation the other side round within the shortest time and all this comes with

God’s purpose. (Lichtenwallner, 2010)

Author Martin Luther

(1517 – 1546)

Background  He wrote several doctrines, devotions and catechisms. This writing was
of the
his 95th article discussing about the reformation. Martin Luther is
known for having been a famous religious man who even founded a

church known as ‘Lutheran Church’.

 From the past decades, Martin Luther always taught people and helped

them understanding the gospel in their own languages. He therefore

used some of his articles to raise the faith of Lutheran.

Who spoke/ Martin Luther wrote his article of protestant reformation with a purpose of
who wrote
and to stimulating the protestant religion as the catholic region had developed too. He
which group
dedicated this article to the entire mass especially those from the protestant
of people?

What is the The German monk (Martin Luther) posted his theses where he encouraged the
meaning of
the topic or mass to read and interpret the Bible to their fellows who are unable to read. For
its focus?
the purpose of making God’s word known in the region, Martin wanted the

Bible to be translated into local languages. He focused on the say that ‘all

human beings are equal in the presence of the Lord’ and thus catholic leaders

like the pope are never related to God in a special way.

Where is the The word purpose in this context is used by Martin Luther to show the mass that
pt used? the purpose of the Bible is for each and everyone to understand the gospel. Not

only the catholic religion leaders are entitled to the bible and interpreting to

others but also the protestant religion is entitled to that.

When is the This thesis on protestant reformation concentrates on the printing of the bible in
given, under vernacular so that each person is able to read, understand and interpret it in his
conditions? own way. Chapters 3a, 3b and 3c provide an insight to the purpose of interpreting the

bible and understanding God’s words. The purpose is that people are able t draw close

to their God.

Why is the The concept of Purpose is applied throughout this thesis in such a manner that
used this all religions are said to be God’s wish and that His people should be equally
way? Is a
particular treated without discrimination. Martin argued that all religions are entitled to
being made? serve God directly since we are all equal and made in the image of God.

How is the The word purpose in this context is used to mean aim and reason. In this article,
meaning of
the word Martin Luther explained that the bible should be interpreted to all the people in
related in
their own languages to make it easily understood. The people of England and
context? France in 1917 used to be persecuted especially the ‘Huguenots’.


Martin Luther worked hard to spread God’s word and making Bibles accessible by everyone. He

did this to achieve the purpose of understanding and making people close to God. During this

period of protestant reformation, Martin urged religious leaders for both Catholics and

Protestants to bring people close and teach them the purpose of serving the Lord. However,

Luther and his other believers who believed that only salvation by faith and the Bible brings man

close to God and that no religious leader had a special spiritual authority with God. Martin

Luther came to be removed from the Catholic Church and the German emperor declared him an

outlaw. With this, Luther formed a new Church known as the Lutheran Church and encouraged

people to only have purposes and intentions of only Serving God.

Time Period 1648-1799 CE

Book and Chapter The Quest for True Religion by Jonathan Edwards

Chapter xxvi: The Freedom of the Will

Quote You my brethren, you were meant to become free because the Lord God has

got the purpose as to why you live. However, do not indulge the sinful

nature through freedom to fulfill the purpose on the earth. The quote

emphasizes on the love that should be given to one another for his


Author Jonathan Edwards

(1703 - 1758)
Back ground of  Johnathan Edwards was originally a North American revivalist preacher

the Author

 The father of Edwards was a pastor in churches of East Windsor

 He got the heart of Christianity from his father

 He had remarkable powers of analysis and observation

 He emphasized towards the man’s critical understanding of true religion

To whom was Johnathan Edwards had a connection with Scotland’s community towards
Communicating preaching the word of God (Mcdowell, 2018). Also, his works was attributed to
the neighborhood wilderness parishes of New England.

The topic focuses on creating awareness and understanding of the nature of the

What is the focus world given the freedom and purpose of the earth. The lord thought it wise to

of the Topic and provide essential parts to the living being in order to deliberately offer what God

the purpose? wants (Mcdowell, 2018). The existence of God can be explained and his attributes

can be attained through the usage of universe, destiny and the role of man to

deduce about the works of the nature. Therefore, the moral of the man about

freedom and the purpose is confirmed with a reason to live.

Where is the The sense of perceptible change about the critics of traditional religion while doing
concept or the
theology, the growth of sense of freedom and initial purpose has to be embarked.
teaching used?
When is the The homily was summoned in the period when traditional ages was under
concept taught
transformation in cities with greater powers. The greatest leaders had sense of
and under what
intention and freedom to rule their territories in relation to their purposes (Ward,
2010). Most significant is that, God gives the leaders freedom with the aim he

wants to be delivered to his people.


Why is the The homily by Johnathan Edwards were in relation to the people’s reflection
concept used in
this particular towards the purpose of living in God’s word and the aim. However, several
residents used to criticize the devotions.

How is the Purpose in this context as the bible involves plans, intention or aim, deliberate and
meaning of the
word “Purpose” the reason God has in mind. Therefore, the emphasis was about a living man on
related to this
context? how one decides to focus on the kingdom of God since every ones’ living is by a

given intention (Ward, 2010).


According to the works by Johnathan Edwards he demonstrated the attributes about the purpose

and intentions of living in the universe. The role of someone to be in the universe according to

God’s word is also determined by human being’s intention to work efficiently in line with the

devotions. This therefore shows the certainty of moral freedom of the man and the prevailing life

to be termed by the reason or intention. At first, both intentions and revelation as well as aim can

be viewed as the complementary of the God’s kingdom which is increased through the belief and

freedom as man’s intention is concerned. This was therefore as a result rising political

misunderstanding among the leaders in 17th century who used to believe that power is not given

by God but from their own making.

Time Period 1800-1918 CE

Book and History of the Rise of the Huguenots

Chapter VII- Preparations to carry it into effect

Quote ‘And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these things

must first take place, but the end will not be at once.” Then he said to them,

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be

great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will

be terrors and great signs from heaven ( Bible Study Tools staff, 2018). But

before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you

up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and

governors for my name's sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness’

( Herrington, 2013)

Author Henry Martyn Baird (1832 -1906)

Background  Born in United States of America by Rev. Robert Baird and was
of the
a chancellor for the French Transformation in 1899. He was also
a Theodore Beza.

 He spent his early age and youthful stage with his father in cities

of Paris and Geneva and later graduated in 1850 at University of

New York. ( Herrington, 2013)

 He continued living in Greece and Italy for two consecutive

years and then went back to New York where he was a student

in the ‘Union Theological Seminary from 1853 to 1855American

Historian and teacher. He again graduated at Princeton

Theological Seminary. (Bible Study Tools Staff, 2018)


 He published the book in 1856 known as “modern Greece”, that

was a narrative for the travels and the residence in United States.

Who spoke/ Henry. M. Baird uttered out these words and wrote them to a mass of people in
who wrote
and to France so that they could understand the past issues concerning the Rise of the
which group
of people?

What is the The topic of the chapter is about having positive thoughts on what may happen
meaning of
the topic or at a moment because there is always a purpose or an intention of that occurrence
its focus?
(Hagevi, 2017). God tells us to always be determined and focused on what is

right and also to teach his followers the purpose in believing Him

(Lichtenwallner, 2010).

Where is the In this instance, purpose is applied to being determined, prepared and focused.
pt used? In the words of Henry Baird, the Archbishop of Aix used his own influence and

succeeded by his thoughts in overcoming the strong army. This was achieved

since the archbishop had a target and was prepared to face any outcome. ( Henry,


When is the The History for the Rise of the Huguenots was provided during the times of
campaign against the vaudois of mérindol and cabrières, and last days of francis
given, under
what the first’.
Why is the The devotionals in the writings of Baird were meant for those people who lived
used this in the district of Vaudois that had been destroyed by war some centuries back
way? Is a
particular before the period it started recovering. This part therefore explains the purpose

argument for destruction of this area since transformation was observed when new people
being made?
settled in this land (Henry, 2012).

How is the The meaning of the term purpose in this case implies that every action, word or
meaning of
the word thought usually has got a purpose of happening at the moment that God has
related in
already prepared and aware. So God prepares the purpose of each event before
context? it happens. (Hagevi, 2017)

The writings of Henry Baird are positively influential and were unique since they were about the

districts of Vaudois that became destroyed by God for the purpose of creating space for other

new people who had a belief in Him. The news about the transformation of Switzerland and

Germany churches rose the desire for Christians to know the purpose of trusting and believing in

God. Baird in his article encourages the people of France and Germany to have determination

and a strong belief in religious leaders other than political leaders who may divert them from

God’s ways.

Time Period 1920-Present

Book and Autobiography


Vol. II: 1937 – 1960

Quote You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness

be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and

trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill

cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a

stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine

before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your

Father who is in heaven.

Author Mircea Eliade

(1907 – 1986)

Background  Mircea Eliade was a Romanian Relious Historian and Author who was
of the
born in Bucharest, Romania.
 Mircea reviewed his scholarly and literary articles and considered them

autonomous but complementary and necessary for balancing both

spiritual and artistic creativity.

 All his works were addressed Romania and most of his scholarly articles

were written in French though some few of his books have been

published in English

Who spoke/ Mircea taught students and other people by making his books translated into
who wrote
and to various languages for easy understanding.
which group

of people?

What is the In this scholarly article, Eliade explained the purpose of religion and so he
meaning of
the topic or attempts to separate religion from factors that are psychological, social,
its focus?
economic, political, historical and other non-religious issues. He regularly

believed that religion has a strong purpose of bringing justice in a unique way.

Where is the The concept of purpose is used after the author arguing on the relationship
pt used? between religious and non-religious issues.

When is the Basing on Eliade’s concept, the myths of creation and other myths of origin
given, under contain the best message for religious people.
Why is the Purpose is used in this case to explain the importance of Christianity religion in
used this the modern world. It gives the believers a hope and a chance of knowing what
way? Is a
particular their religions are all about.
being made?

How is the Basing on the concept of purpose, perceiving the arrogance and provincialism
meaning of
the word of the culture of modern West means that there is quick need for renewing the
related in
culture and new humanism.


Basing on the writings of Eliade, he concludes that the myths of origin provide the most essential

lessons on Christian religion. He explain the purpose that God created a human being and also

describe the transformations in religions that have occurred from the period of creation. This

article also helps humans to overcome their sins and become renewed in the ‘primordial sacred’

fullness of being. He also advices humans to go back to their original sacred of worship.


This chapter has underpinned the concept of purpose through the analysis of quotes and some

writings from various theologians at different time intervals or periods. Several quotes have

elaborated more on purpose in the perspective of deliberate, intention or aim to live. On the other

hand, people in the wilderness world used to say it’s by their own purpose to live in order to

perform all circumstances though the quotes revealed that its God’s purpose or intention for one

to live in accordance to the behavior shown to others. Basing on the various distinctions, the act

of purpose in relation to man and God’s kingdom showed some relation as the lord creates the

aim as to why one is in existence.


Bible Study Tools Staff. (2018). Bible Verses About Purpose. Retrieved from:

Communications. (2019). Bible verses about God’s purpose for you. Retrieved from:
Elwell, A.W. (2017). Purpose in the universe. Retrieved from:

Hagevi, M. (2017). Religious Change over the Generations in an Extremely Secular Society:
The Case of Sweden.Volume 59, Issue 4, pp 499–518. Retrieved from:

Henry, M. B. (2012).History Of The Rise Of The Huguenots Of France Paperback . Retrieved


Herrington, L, M. (2013). Globalization and Religion in Historical Perspective: A Paradoxical

Relationship. Religions , 4(1), 145-165; Retrieved from:
Lichtenwallner, W,A. (2010). Problems Vital To Our Religion (1920) Paperback. Retrieved from:
Mcdowell, C. (2018). Important Bible Verses About Purpose. Retrieved
Schafer, T.A. (2019). Early Life And Ministry. Retrieved from:

Ward, J.O (2010). Classical Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: The Medieval Rhetors. International
journal of Studies in the History of Rhetoric. Retrieved from:

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