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Lesson self-check 1.

Student Name: Kurt C. Guantero Date Submitted: September 09, 2022

Course and Section: BS Entrepreneurship 2-A

Activity1. Among the 9 principles, what principle you possess that needs further
Continued success comes from having the right kind of perspective and from
maintaining an open mind. Among the nine principles, the principle that I possess that
needs further nurturing is the open to new ideas and creativity. This principle has been
part of me and it plays a vital role in which it welcomes new ideas and diverse
perspectives. As a future entrepreneur, being open to new ideas and innovations help
me to learn more quickly and process information more effectively. Furthermore, an
asset is having an open mind. I am more inclined to remain motivated in my own
profession and retain my team or fellow entrepreneur’s one step ahead of the others
when I am open to new opinions and have creative thinking skills. That is the reason
Why I kept opening myself for thinking new ideas and creativity because it enables me
as a potential entrepreneur to strategize better and absorb more knowledge more easily
as well as helps me to process information more quickly. I am still being free to engage
myself in discovering more ideas and opportunities because I believe that if an
entrepreneur that keeps mind open to new ideas and creativity it will lead to success in
a different way.

Assessment: What do you think is the better approach in managing human capital?
The entrepreneurial leadership or simply leadership? State your points.

Entrepreneurial leadership is one of the improved characteristics for leaders

today. Employees are more open to the future when their leaders are entrepreneurial as
they have faith in the company's objectives. Entrepreneurial leadership enables a
diverse range of resources, addresses issues, fosters critical thinking, and helps
organizations accomplish their goals. I will go for entrepreneurial leadership as a better
approach in managing human capital because the needs of leaders in a business world
equipped with entrepreneurial behaviour and competence. Additionally, there are some
aspects that human capital revolves where in the entrepreneurial leadership should be
manage it. That aspect helps organisations align the goals of the business with
individual abilities and experiences.
Lesson self-check 1.2

Student Name: Kurt C. Guantero Date Submitted: September 09, 2022

Course and Section: BS Entrepreneurship 2-A

Activity.In your locality, site some specific environmental responsiveness a

certain company or organization has rendered. Give 5.

1. 7/11
Announced that their mission is to reduce and stop plastic bags. They are doing
this to help mitigate global warming and also conserving the environment. More so, they
install bins for separation of wastes in order to manage garbage from the upstream for
the community.

2. Youth Ministry
They conducted a basic orientation on youth ministry (BOYM). One of the task
there is to plant seedlings on their respective household. In a way that the ministry will
teach or influence the new youth members also to help the environment for greener place.

3. MDRRMC (Responders)
Responding immediately and manage the adverse effects of emergencies and
carry out recovery activities in affected are whether it is caused by calamities or an
accident, ensuring that there is an efficient mechanism for immediate rescue.

4. LESCOFAMPCO Agricultural Cooperative

Leon is known as “Vegetable Garden of Iloilo” due to its supply of cabbages,
baguio beans, sayote, eggplants, carrots and others vegetables. That is why there is
agricultural co-op that has been set up to enable rural people to improve further its
economic condition as well as to maintain the good outcome by working together.

5. Living Faith Purified Drinking Water Station

Leonians can develop a greater awareness of the environment with the guidance
of Living Faith. Here's how: promote the advantages of reusable water bottles over
single-use plastic bottles, start a trend, set an excellent example, and come up with a
clinch approach (stay hydrated and help the environment).

Assessment: Why do you think entrepreneurs should live up to this 3 key

principles? Site your points.

I think the entrepreneurs should live with these principles; clarity of vision and
expectations, open to new ideas and creativity and accept responsibilities for all
actions. Entrepreneurs that are successful sense a great need for challenge as well as a
need for an objective that is continually changing. Entrepreneurs and their staff find
inspiration in using the clear vision and expectations to focus energy in interesting and

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