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l. With the help of a circuit diagram. explain brieO) how a p-n junction diode 2
works as a half-wave rectifier.

What results do you e.,q>ecl if a-particle scattering experiment is 2

2. (e)
repeated using a thin sheet of hydrogen in place of a gold foil ?
Explain. (Hydrogen is n solid at temperature below 14K)


(b) Why ii is the rrequenC)' 1md not the intensity of light SOllnlC that 2
determines whether emission or photoelecu-ons will occur or not ?

3. Why II phot~diode is operated in t'C',CTSe bias whereas current in the forward 2

bios is much larger than th tll in the reverse bias ? E.."plain.
Mention its two US<.'S.


4. Dn1w a groph showing the variation or number of panicles scaucred (N) 3

with the scnncring angle 9 in Gcigcr-Mnrsdcn C'l(pcriment. Why only a small
frt1ction of the purticlcs arc :.can\!f'Cd 01 0 > 90" ? Mention two limitations of
Rutherford nuclear model ofnn atom.

5 [P.T.O.
•SSJS/1 ,
s. (i) Drow V-1 charoctcristics ofn p-n Junction diode.

(ii) Differentiate between the threshold , oltnge and lhe breakdown

voltage for a diode.

(iii) Write the property or a junction diode ,,bich makes ii suitoble for
rectificntion of ac voltages.

6. In a fission event of ~ 28 U by fost moving neutrons. no neutrons arc cmiued 3

and final products, after the beta decay oflhc primary fragments, arc •:cc
and : Ru . Calculate Q for lhis process. Neglect the masses of electrons/
positrons emitted during the iotennediate steps.

Given : m (~
U)= 238.05079u: m (•:ec) = l39.90543u
m(:Ru) = 98.90594u; m(bn) = I.008665u
7. I-low can you dilTcrcnliate whether a pattern is produced by n single slit or 3
double slits? Derive the expression for the angular position of(i) bright and
(ii) dark fringes produced inn single slit dilTraction.
(i) Deline SI unil of po,,cr of a lens. 3
8. (a)

(ii) A piano convex lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5.

The radius ofcurvatun: of the convex surface is 25 cm.

(ii.i) Colculotc the focnl length of the lens.

(ii.ii) If an object is placed 50 cm in front of the l<.m, find

the nature and position of the image fo1TT1cd.


(b) A slit of width 0.6 mm is illuminn1cd by a beam of light consisting 3

of two wavelengths 600 nm and 480 nm. The dirrmction paUc:m is
observed on a scrcen 1.0 m from the sliL Find :

(i) Toe distance of the second bright fringe from the central
maximum pcnaining to light of600 run.

(ii) The least distance from thcccntral maximum at which bright

fringes due to both the wavelengths coincide.

9. (a) Calculate the energy and momentum of a phOlOll in a monochromatic 3

beam of wavelength 331.5 run.

(b) How fast should a hydrogen atom travel in order to ho,fe the same
momentum as that of the photon in port (a)?
JO. A my of light passes through a prism of refractive index Ji as shown in the 3
ligun:. find :



(I) The angle of incidence (Lr2) at face AC.

(ii) The angle of minimum deviation for this prism.

I I. (a) (i) Arrange the following electromagnetic radiation °in the 3

llS«nding order of their frequencies :
X-rays. microwaves. gamma rays. radio waves

(ii) Write t\\ O uses of any l'\-..o of these radiation.


(b) With the help of a ray diagram explain the working of a reflecting J
telescope. Mention two advantages of a reflecting telescope over a
refracting telescope.

11 fP.T.O.
•SSIS/1 •

12. A roy or ligh1 travels from a denser 10 a rarer medium. refract.ion, ii 5
bends nwoy from the normal. When we keep increasing the angle or
incidence, 1he angle or refraction also increases till the re fracted ray
along lhe interface of1wo media. The angle orincidencc for which ii happens
is coiled critical nngle. If cbe angle or incidence is increased further the ray
will nol emerge and iL will be reflected back in the denser medium. This
phenomenon is en lied totaJ internal rcOection of lighL

(i) A ray of light travels from a medium Into water 111 an angle of
incidence of I 81 • The refractive index of the medium is more than
thnt ofwo1er and the critical angle for the in1crfocc between the two
media is 20". Which one of the following figures best represents the
corrcc1 path of lhc ray ofligh1 ?

(A) (B)



(C) (D)

.551511 [P.T.O.
(ii) A poinl source of lighl is placed al lhe bottom of a tank filled wilb
water, of refractive index µ, to a depth d. The area of the surface of
water lhrough which Light from lbe source can emerge, is :

(iii) For which of 1he following media, with respect to air. the value of
critical angle is ma.ximwn ?
(a) Crown glass (b) Flint glass (c) \Vater (d) Diamond

(iv) The critical angle for a pair of two media A and 8 of refractive indices
2.0 and 1.0 respectively is :
(a) o• (b) 30- (c) 45° (d) 60-

(v) The critical llllglc of pair of a medium and air is 30-. The speed of
light in lhe medium is :
(a) I x 10' m s-1 (b) 1.5 x 10' m s-1
(c) 2.2 x 10' ms· • (d) 2.8xlO'mr

551S/I ,IS

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