Institutionalization of ECAN Taytay

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‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 =) os, Tava Z qm] [S| [e| fee] Figure 32. Institutionalization of the ECAN (Note: The boxed portion in red is the critical part of EZP Administration.) 7.2 IMMEDIATE ACTIVITIES After formulation and approval of the Plan by the ECAN Board, the following activities are to be undertaken by the ECAN Boatd, with the assistance of the PCSDS. ADOPTION OF THE ECAN ZONING PLAN This activity requires the following sequential steps: ECAN Board’s endorsement of the Plan to the Sangguniang Bayan Public hearing in the Municipality of Taytay Adoption of the Plan by the Sangguniang Bayan and endorsement to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan ‘* Approval of the Plan by the PCSD INTEGRATION OF THE ECAN ZONING PLAN WITH THE MUNICIPAL CLWUP ‘The ECAN Zoning Plan, as prepared by the ECAN Board in behalf of the LGU, shall serve as the general physical plan of the municipality. Thus, it shall be the basis of other planning activities, such as land use planning, tourism master planning and resource ‘maniagement planning as a whole (PCSD Resolution 05-250, Section 30). The recommended process in the integration/harmonization of the Plan with the Municipal CLWUP is called INTEGRATE (incorporating the SEP and ECAN into Local Land Use Plans). The INTEGRATE process has six complementary steps {indicated in the figure below), not necessarily sequential in application, with four integration stages: physical integration, strategic integration, plan integration, and institutional integration. These steps are outlined in Annex F. ADOPTION OF THE ECAN MAP FOR COASTAL/MARINE COMPONENT This activity may involve the following the steps: 136 | > ‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 ‘+ Compilation of results of Coastal Resource Assessments (CRA) and Participatory CRA (PCRA) studies by the PCSDS and other institutions, ‘+ Compilation of existing functional and proposed MPA maps as candidates for coastal/marine ECAN Core Zones and Multiple use zones ‘* Consultation of major stakeholders (LGU,OMA,MFARMC,BFARMCs) ‘+ Asneeded, further conduct of Coastal Resource Assessments (CRA) and PCRA in proposed/priority sites, ‘+ Public consultation on areas affected by Coastal/Marine ECAN Maps (priority on barangays with coastal Core zones) ‘+ Presentation of the Coastal/Marine ECAN Map to the ECAN Board who will deliberate and endorse the map to the Sangguniang Bayan ‘+ Adoption of the Coastal/Marine ECAN Map by the Sangguniang Bayan (with public hearing) and endorsement to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan ‘© Approval of the Map by the PCSD 7.3 POSSIBLE SOURCES OF FUNDS Implementation of the components and activities of ECAN zoning will not be possible without the active participation of other concemed agencies such as PCSDS, DENR, DA, NCIP, PNP, and others. Civil society and the private sector are also expected to contribute to the implementation of ECAN Zoning in as much as the deterioration of the environment will directly affect their socioeconomic welfare and business profits, respectively. Tourism, fisheries, agriculture, and forestry ate directly threatened by ecosystem and habitat degradation thereby affecting households and businesses dependent on natural resources as their source of employment and income. The funds will not solely come from the LGU. Other cooperating organizations such as government agencies (DA, DENR, PCSDS, NCIP ete.}, NGOs, and the private sector (resort owners, business establishments, etc.) will also be tapped to contribute their share in the implementation of ECAN zoning. Other potential sources of funds may include the following: ‘+ Share of the Province in the Malampaya funds ‘© Special lending windows for environment of the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and other private banks ‘+ Shell Philippines Exploration (SPEX) grant for sustainable development projects, Malampaya Foundation grant for sustainable development projects On-going and pipeline foreign-assisted projects of DENR, DA, and other government agencies ‘* Bilateral and multi-lateral donor institutions such as JICA, the World Bank, ADB, AusAID, USAID, UNDP, GEF (Table 65 lists the multilateral and bilateral funding agencies which can be tapped for environment and sustainable development programs and projects.) ‘+ Foreign embassies and international foundations and NGOs ‘+ Local foundations and NGOs ‘+ Philanthropic organizations (local and international) ‘Table 71. List of potential foreign funding organizations Bilateral Multilateral ‘Australian Agency for Intemational ‘Asian Development Bank (ADB) Development (AusAID) Canadian Intemational Development European Union (EU) Ageney (CIDA) Danish International Development Agency | Global Environment Facility (GER) 137 | Pag ‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 (DANIDAY Development Fund for Intemational Development (DFID) Taternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD-World Bank) ‘German Society for International Cooperation, Ltd. (GIZ) International Financing Corporation (IFC) Japan Intemational Cooperation Agency ICA) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ‘New Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAID) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ‘Netherlands Embassy British Embassy Activities involving large sums of expenditures such as ecosystem rehabilitation, sustainable livelihood projects, ground marking of ECAN zones, and law enforcement may be submitted for foreign funding through NEDA administered Official Development Assistance (ODA) portfolio or through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) fund. To avail foreign funding support through Official Development Assistance (ODA), the proponent fhould identify the Country Program Priorities of the donor agencies and ‘match them with the needs of the locality. The next step is to prepare project proposal for funding assistance in consultation and with the collaboration of partner agencies such as DENR, DA, and others. The proposal is then submitted to NEDA for consideration under its ODA program. Being one of its kind of undertaking that will employ the management of ECAN zones on the ground using a combination of various actions will possibly draw the interest and support of international fimding agencies because of the potential local and global replication of such techniques. The successful implementation of ECAN strategies that will be developed can be applied in other areas in the country and abroad in sustainably managing communities and protected areas, One of the possible international donor institutions that can be approached for this undertaking is the UNDP which administers, together with the World Bank, the GEF fund in the form of grant, Likewise, the European Union which had supported a lot of projects on Protected Areas in Palawan may possibly consider funding selected activities of the Rehabilitation Component for Taytay, Management of the coastal/marine component of ECAN zones may be supported by resort owners considering the impacts of their activities in these areas. 7.4 MONITORING AND EVALUATION Monitoring and evaluation of plans, programs, and projects prescribed in this Plan shall be undertaken annually after its adoption by the Sangguniang Bayan, The ECAN Board, assisted by the PCSDS, shall perform a self-assessment to gauge the efficiency and transparency of the administration and management of the ECAN resources and implementation of the ECAN Zoning Plan. The constituted Monitoring Team shall recommend the proper management effectiveness assessment tool to the ECAN Board. It may develop and customize performance evaluation criteria and indicators for the purpose. The Monitoring Team may use existing evaluation tools developed in other ‘management areas, particularly those used in similar settings in Palawan. Since the 138 | Poe. ‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 province of Palawan belongs to the network of biosphere reserves inscribed by UNESCO, the assessment tools developed for island biosphere reserves can be used in assessing the management effectiveness of the ECAN Zoning Plan of Taytay. The monitoring protocol shall include test of sustainability of programs and projects under the ECAN Zoning Plan which shall cover determination of whether targets have been completed and assessment of the following aspects of implemented projects: Economic Viability Ecological Viability Technological Viability Technological Viability Socio-cultural Viability Political Viability Institutional Viability Ideally, the tool should also determine the impact of the SEP and ECAN to the stakeholders of Taytay 139 | Pag ‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 REFERENCES. Acos, R. L., et al. (2014). Terms of Reference: Updating the Ecological Profile of the Municipality of Bauko, Mt. Province Los Bafios:University of the Philippines. Department of Environment and Natural Resources ~ Community Environment and Natural Resources Office. (2014). Forest Land Use Plan. Taytay, Palawan. Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Community Environment and Natural Resources Office. (2012). 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