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‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 Detailed Zoning Classification (HLURB) 19, Water Zone (W2) MUNICIPALITIES whichinclude rivers, streams, takes |x| x | x | v ivi x | vi |v and seas except those included in other zone dassifcation 20, Tourist Zone (72), ‘re tes within cities ane municipalities endowed natural or manmade physicalattibutesand =f * | * | vy J v vf * | ov fv resources that are conduct to recreation lelsure and other wholesome activites The CLWUP general land use zones boundaries that overlapped with other ECAN zones will form part of the “Zonal Conflict Map”. The planning group may then assess/evaluate the conflict map in two ways: i. Ground truthing — validation of the conflict area through ocular inspection ii, Social ground truthing — validation of the conflict arca through consultation with key informants (those who are part of the mapping of CLWUP land use zones, and/or those who are affected on the ground by the mapping of the seme zones) One issue to consider here is that the description of each HLURB general land use zones ‘may be applicable to several ECAN zones. Hence, there may be a need to separate or differentiate the general land use zones further according to the specific activities in the zones. 3. Strategic Integration Method: Comparison and review of ECAN strategies and CLWUP strategies Inputs: Results from thematic mapping, ECAN zones management guidelines, EZP (if available), CLWUP strategies ‘Outputs: Strategic Conflict Map/Matrix for validation and action; Integrated ECAN-CLWUP strategies This part of the INTEGRATE process is a review of strategic elements in the ECAN and CLWUP. It will consider both the zonal elements (allowable uses and identified activities in cach zone) and suprazonal elements (strategies and activities that are cross-cutting or that transcend: ‘geographic zones). This review process can be both quantitative and qualitative in nature and will be guided by the SEP Law and its policies and guidelines, the LGC, and the HLURB policies and guidelines. Any conflict that may be identified may be mapped or put in matrix form and will form an integral part of the Strategic Conflict Map. This map/matrix will then be brought to the local planners and administrators for their comments and a consensus will be sought in order to reconcile the strategies in the plans. The satisfactory application of Strategic Integration will lead to integrated ECAN-CLWUP strategies. A sample Zonal Conflict Matrix is shown in the table below. ‘able 2. Issues generated and recommended actions from topology overlays of the ECAN ‘Map and Existing Forest Land Uses in Roxas (FLUP Roxas 2012, modified). Posible Teen ‘Status OF Proposed | HowTo Resolve | Responsible Contisting Claim | Recommendation | The Problem | Agency Forest Land ‘To Resolve The Uses ‘Problem TPsICes Tinian With CALT | Applyieomply Follow existing | NCIP, PCSD, Amacigs resin application | regutement fr PCSD | guidelines LGU, POs, IPs, tapping in Core TA application and ees one NCI CADTICALC Talo With GALT | Applyieomply Tollow existing | NCIP,PCSD, application | regutements for PCSD | guidelines LGU, POs, IPs, TA spplication and 11 |Page ‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 ‘NCIP CADTICALE Tec. Sea Miguel | win GALT | Applyicomply Follow existing | NCIP,PCSD, application | requirements for PCSD | guidelines LGU, POs, IPs TA application and Ices INCI CADTICALC. NGabala | Wik GALT | Applsicomply Follow existing | NCIP,PCSD, application | requirements for PCSD | guidelines LGU, POs, Ps, TA application and Ices NCIPCADTICALC “Abaroun Proslaimed | Applyleomply Follow existing | NCIP, PCSD, TAZ through | requirements for NCIP | guidelines LGU, POs, IPs, Psp) CADIICALC ees Proclamation Nos ‘Operational | Baaonebayan Desire ar special | Endorsement | NCI watershed with | (33h) management area for | resolution, LOU, POs, Is, Core ane Tarsangsa (114 the protection of Core | establishment, — | TCs a) aus zone by the LGU and | declaration . DENR sma (4S Mendon 687 Sandoval (300| ae Tumsrbone (30 hs a Waisthedin ‘Comanayement of | MOA (obligation | Local Water ancestral domain overipping aca by | of every pay), | Assocation, (aotieipated) tau, identify or Lau, ENR, and IPs clneate DENR, NCIP, ‘overlapping ares PCSD 2 POs, NGOs, Ps, Barangays, and stirs to be ientifed during planning 4, Formulation and Approval of ECAN Zoning Plan ECAN planning for sustainable development requires an integrated approach involving social, economic, cultural, ecological, and governance variables. This means that developing an EZP requires an investigation into a variety of data, information, and plans. In Section 25 of PCSD Resolution 05-250, the considerations in the preparation of the ECAN Zoning Plan are the following: Section 25. Preparation of the ECAN Zoning Plan, After the approval of the ECAN Map, the LGU through its ECAN Board and with the assistance of the PCSDS, shall prepare an ECAN Zoning Plan taking into consideration the following: + Stakeholder’s participation in the protection, conservation, development, exploitation, and restoration of natural resources in the area Encroachment of commercial fishing vessels in municipal waters ‘Treatment of protected arcas under the NIPAS Inter-agency participation Protection of coastal/marine areas and enforcement of fishery laws 172 |Page ‘Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 * Monitoring and evaluation schemes to include coastal pollution monitoring and control to understand water pollution of the area and to institute measures ‘complementary to the PCSDS environmental quality regulation Regulatory measures or permitting system Application of resource rents or user charges Management of funds from proceeds of license fees Allowable activities for each zone Development activities in small islands ‘Waste disposal and sewage Provision of alterative livelihood projects Protection of the access rights of the community to the natural resources ‘Migration and settlement within the coastal areas Appropriation of funds for the implementation of the plan and the management of ECAN zones + Others identified to be necessary and relevant ‘The ECAN Zoning Plan shall contain, among others, the following actions: i, Description of the Area fi, Goals/Objectives iii, Zoning Strategy (priorities, methodologies for marking zone boundaries) iv. Zone Management (activites, regulatory measures policy directions) vy. Administration vi, Monitoring and Evaluation vii, Annexes (maps and references) The recommended steps in coming up with a detailed EZP ate the following: 1, Building of a sustainable development planning database (ECAN Data Infrastructure Development) Determination of the exact boundaries of ECAN zones and administrative boundaries Identification of “Special Management Areas” (SMAs) Development of thematic and integrated planning modules and indicators. Stocktaking of local environmental governance initiatives Development of an ECAN-based land use spatial optimization algorithm using Multi- Criteria Analysis (OPTIONAL) Integrated threats analysis 8, Formulation of ECAN zones and resources plan See Chapter 4 for the details of each of the above steps. 5. Plan Integration: Development of ECAN-Based CLWUP Method: Planning workshops/sessions, consensus building, conflict resolution during ‘meetings and roundtable discussions Inputs: Integral zonal and strategic elements of ECAN-CLWUP (outputs of Physical Integration and Strategic Integration); technical assistance to ECAN Board and to Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) Outputs: Draft modules/sections of Municipal ECAN-based CLWUP After the Physical and Strategic Integration steps, planning for municipal ECAN-based. ‘Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plans can now proceed, 6. Institutional Integration: Approval of ECAN-Based CLWUP This stage of integration is concerned with social acceptability of the ECAN-CLWUP integrated plan. The District Management Office (DMO) and the ECAN Planning Team will work closely with LGU in the institutionalization of the ECAN-compliant CLWUP. This may require attendance as resource persons to Municipal ECAN Board meetings, municipal council legislative sessions, and public hearings. The final output is the approved ECAN-Based CLWUP. ‘with institutional support from executive and legislative institutions. The approval of the plan is four-fold: 173 [Page Taytay ECAN Resource Management Plan | 2015 1, Approval of the ECAN-based CLWUP by the ECAN Board and endorsement to the ‘municipal council; 2. Approval of the CLWUP by the municipal council and endorsement to the provincial council; 3. Approval of the CLWUP by the provincial council (through the Provineial Land Use Committee) and endorsement to the HLURB; and 4, Approval of the CLWUP by the PCSD. ‘The yardsticks of the success of this step are the incorporation of the essential elements, of the ECAN Zoning Plan document into the CLWUP document and the institutional support for ‘the municipal ECAN-based CLWUP. 174|Page

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