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February 25, 1986 - June 30, 1992

Anaud, Gliezel
Aradanas, Christian Joseph
Demaguil, John Ashnaz
Doronila, Rod Jasper
Pinongcos, Joey
Vito, Veronica
Corazon Aquino, in full Maria Corazon Cojuangco, (born
January 25, 1933, Tarlac province, Philippines—died
August 1, 2009, Makati), Philippine political leader who
served as the first female president of the Philippines,
restoring democratic rule in that country after the long
dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos.

Corazon Cojuangco was born into a wealthy, politically

prominent family based in Tarlac province, north of
Manila. She graduated from Mount St. Vincent College in
New York City in 1954 but abandoned further studies in
1955 to marry Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr., who was then
a promising young politician.
During Corazon Aquino's State of the
Nation Address in 1990, she said that
science and technology development shall
be one of the top three priorities of the
givernment towards an economic recovery.

On August 8, 1988, Corazon Aquino created

the Presidential Task Force for Science and
Technology which came up with the first
Science and Technology Master Plan or
STMP. The goal of STMP was for the
Philippines to achieve newly industrialized
country status by the year 2000.
During her term, President Corazon Aquino
encouraged scientists and inventors to bring the
Philippines to its former position as second to
only Japan in the field of science and technology.
One of the goals of her administration was to
achieve the status as being an industrialized
country by 2000. She urged that the private
research sector form a stronger bond between
public research to help jump-start the progress in
the area of Philippine Research and
Contributions of
in Science and
Technology in the
National Science and Technology
Authority (NSTA) to Department of
Science and Technology in 1987. She
replaced the National Science and
Technology Authority to The Department
of Science and Technology (DOST) which
has given the science and Technology a
representation in the cabinet.

1987 - 1992 1990 1988

Created the Medium Announced in her She created the presidential Task Force
Term Philippine SONA that science for Science and Technology which came up
Development Plan and technology shall on its first Science and Technology Master
which has highlighted be one of the top Plan (STMP). Its goal was for the year the
the role of science and three priorities of her philippines to achieve newly industrialized
technology in administration country status by * 2000.
economic recovery and towards economic

sustained. economic recovery. • She also urged scientists and inventors to

bring the Philippines back to its Former
position as second to Japan in the field of
Science and Technology.
The END...

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