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Name: Justice Marie P. Salaya Yr. & Sec.: 4E3 Major: Social Date of Submission:
Studies September 23, 2022

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 Use concepts and processes of action research.
 Identify sample models of AR such as DepEd, 2017; McNiff & Whitehead, 2006; and Nelson, 2014.

I. Analyze

Choose the Action Research sample Abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.
Analyze the components vis-à-vis only one model out of the 3 presented.
 If you choose to compare with Model A-McNiff & Whitehead, 2006, here are the
Title of the Action Research: “Evidence-based Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies”
Author of the Action Research: Dr. Barry S. Parsonson
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR II. Reflect
OBSERVE The research's problem is the wide range of tactics supported by research that
teachers can use to cut down on challenging and distracting actions in their 1. What
classrooms. have
REFLECT In every classroom setting, it includes a variety of previous techniques meant to you
reduce the emergence of undesirable behaviors, as well as a variety of those that
give acceptable student behavior a positive response. It also contains details on
instructor comments and an assessment of methods for improving teacher-
student interactions.
PLAN The research used a Qualitative type wherein they interview and observe
classroom which encourage group activities and it is indicated that the strategy
the authors used was the same strategy that was used by Seymour and Stokes on
1976 which was training the young generation in evaluating their work, then
after careful examination of the quality of their work they will when invite the
teacher in order to give comments regarding their work. Through this strategy,
the students were able to look at the quality of their work while proving them
with the positive attention from their teacher.
ACT It's possible that solely focusing on interventions on a single student in the
classroom won't ultimately resolve a behavior issue. For the past 44 years, ABA
has shown the application of it to classroom behavior. The research stated that
both the antecedent and contingency management strategies may be used in
order to have a positive learning environment for the teachers and the students
whilst maintaining the harmony and avoiding disruptive behaviors.
EVALUATE In this study, the authors were able to deliver feedback to aspiring special
education instructors in the classroom from remote locations, which had a
positive impact on their ability to teach and showed some indication of transfer
to non-feedback situations. This strategy shows promise for using technology to
support teachers' in-service professional development as they put behavior
management techniques into practice. It has been demonstrated that adding
experienced teachers to the classroom to help students build their classroom
management skills through goal-setting, feedback, and appreciation is an
effective way to improve teaching abilities and student academic performance.
because stress-inducing low-level disruption can be pervasive Interventions that
target the entire class can be more successful than those that focus on specific
students since they can serve as a springboard for more troublesome classroom
behaviors. The study shows a wide rage in order to encourage positive behaviors
there are initiatives, such as token economies and prize giveaways, to promote
good behavior. a contest like the Good Behavior Game
MODIFY Although the Action Research covered positive relationship building and tackles
problematic behavior by students, the final outcome has inadequate data to
summarize and conclude if the Action Research manifest a healthy and peaceful
learning environment and if the strategies regarding behavior management is
effective to both the teachers and the students. I would very much likely move to
another cycle of action research in order to have a better grasp of the situation in
a classroom setting.
understood about the concept of AR and how will these be utilized in your practice?

My personal understanding about the concept of Action research is that it is a sort of collective, self-reflective inquiry
that researchers including me in social circumstances engage in to enhance ones understanding of our own social or
educational activities, as well as the situations in which we use. As a student teacher, I can utilize the concept of Action
Research through following a system then continuously reflecting on my action and the response of my students.
Through thorough evaluation of my knowledge and action I can look at the problems my class is facing and is about to
face then I can seek solutions to avoid and stop such problems in order for my classroom be a safe environment wherein
students can be open and learn in peace.

2. As a future teacher, is conducting an AR worth doing? Why? Why not?

Research can help an individual in so many ways. As a future teacher, having a deeper knowledge about AR and
conducting one is a must and is surely worth doing. In terms of teaching strategies, classroom management, setting up
the learning environment, creating instructional materials, and evaluation, action research can educate me how to
become a better if not the best teacher I can be. It will  teach me more about a broader range of research techniques I
can employ later. It also has the power to provide me greater room to contemplate the problems that face teaching and
learning in depth. As well as it can support my interaction with my mentor and classmates so I can conduct action
research to enhance my teaching strategies and practices while aid me in learning new information that is pertinent to
my field of expertise

III. Check for Mastery

Direction: Check from the choices, what answer/s respond to the question correctly and put an X if otherwise.
1. Action research requires a teacher to be:
_______ observant of what is happening in the classroom.
_______ asking oneself of how to improve the teaching.
_______ following the daily routine all the time.
_______ finding ways on how students should learn better
_______ blaming learners for their inability to learn.

2. There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cyclical process. The process include:
_______ Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act
_______ Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect
_______ Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect
_______ Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect

3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as a person who is

_______ Systematic
_______ Reflective
_______ Rigorous
_______ Futuristic
_______ Situational

4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an Action Research? Why?
_______ Changes in the classroom practices. Why? _________________________________________
_______ Effects of curriculum restructuring. Why? __________________________________________
_______ Understanding of self as a teacher. Why? ___________________________________________
_______ Teaching a new process to the students. Why? ______________________________________

5. Which of the following relates closely to what action research is?

_______ Used to address practical problems in the classroom.
_______ Refers only to everyday life of the learners.
_______ Allows teachers to study their own classroom.
_______ Brings theories and practices together.

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