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1. Why direct mail

2. Benefits of direct mail
3. Role of direct mail in the marketing mix
4. Consumer behavior
5. Creativity
6. Problems
7. Solution
8. Suggestions
9. Conlusion

What is direct mail?

Direct mail is a form of advertising that allows businesses to communicate straight to the
Direct marketing by sending an offer, announcement, remind, or other item to a person at a
particular physical or virtual address

98% of consumers bring in their mail the day it is delivered and 77% sort through it immediately
Why direct mail
6,400 online shoppers receiving print catalogs buy more often & spend more meaningful time at
retail websites
The result held regardless of age, income, region, education
On average those who receive a catalog spend 28% more and buy 28% more items than those
who do not receive a catalogs
Benefits of direct mail
Highly targeted
Cost efficiency

Role of direct mail in the marketing mix

Most suitable medium for one to one communication
Ability to give something to the recipient on the spot
Able to reach to a person at a particular physical or virtual address
One gets updated with a specific offers of service or product
One of most measurable forms of marketing
It is easy to record the number of mailers that are sent
Coupons or codes are used to record response rates
Personalize to select geographic, demographic or psychographic target market
Highly effective with the incorporation of technology
Marketers now use it by featuring URLs, website links short animated clips, footages
Allows viewer to individualize their selection
Deliver message at incredible speech and lower costs
Using and delivery data effectively
Delivers the message and information in concise form
Connects and relates with the viewer
Generates interest through format
Consumer behavior
It drives interest and curiosity about the latest offer or scheme of the product or service
Plays a key role in purchase decision making process
Persuades people through the core information delivered to them
Creates needs and requirements

Customers have a range to choose from based on their likes and dislike
Builds loyalty and goodwill among customers
Makes consumers do a comparative analysis with all brands
Allow customers to give their feedback after purchase is made

Draw attention by presenting in a unique form. For example, free gift and ask for feedback
Vibrant uses of colors and photographs to catch the reader’s attention
Creative format compels the consumer to read the message
Innovative activity makes readers engage and view the content repeatedly
EX: Cut easy, cut fast

Low response
- Emphasis of more other channels leads to low response
- May offend potential customers
- May consumer perceive direct mailing to be “ Junk mail”
- A lot goes directly into the garbage


- The cost of designing effective mail advertisement can be high

- Cost more in hiring photographer, copy writers, artists
- Paying a printing company to produce fliers or brochures can also be expensive
- If the direct mail is not sent to the target group the advertising would be wasted


- Lots of time taken in direct mail

- It is hard to get as immediate impact
- It takes time to reach consumers

- Customers get annoyed due to continuous incoming mail

- Prohibition act against companies takes place to stop the service

Limited reach: Direct marketing has a limited reach. There is an inherently limited geographic reach to
direct marketing involving fliers and street advertising

Laws: distribution of direct mail often prohibited by law in certain areas. Certain customer bases will be


- The fact that it is a measurable and discrete medium should make it a hotbed of
- Simple direct mail sent to interested customers is much more cost effective than fancy mail
sent to unresponsive addresses
- KISS: Keep it simple and short. Lists and bulleted items help quickly explain main point
- Personalization: can increase response rate up to 50%. It also includes tailoring the mail to
the lifestyle, experience and interests of the customers
- Budget: Budgeting can be made easy by knowing the quantity to be mailed, using popular
formats, anticipating inflation and testing the direct mail campaign with small quantities
before sending them all
- Response mechanism: the direct mail should tell people how to response
- AIDA: overall, direct mail packages should get attention Arouse, interest, Stimulate Desire
and Prompt Action
- Create an adverting curriculum that teaches as it sell

EDM (Electronic Direct mail)

EDM is used to target a large group of prospect, and is focused on building customer
relationships and generating leads
Consistency is a key
Call to action
How to achieve success? combine with technology
1. Video
- Direct mail could suffer as a stand alone
- When made part of a multichannel strategy, it can becomes stronger
- Video has been the hottest technology for years , shows no signs of slowing down
2. QR code
- The most basic and inexpensive way to integrate video into direct mail is through the use of
QR code
- You can create immediate conversions
- As the users in transported directly a custom landing page on their Smartphone
3. Augmented reality
- Augmented reality (AR) is
Live, direct or indirect
Physical view
Real world environment whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory
input such as sound, video, graphic or GPS data
Direct mail will greatly benefit from AR
As apps on smartphone are being developed at a rapid pace
4. Other technologies
Goog;e class, el sustituto digital de tus ojos
These suggestions can be as inexpensive or expensive as you choose

Direct mail is not dead . an advance towards the future

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