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International Conference of Innovation and Technology in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

No Time (GMT+7) Agenda PIC
1 08.00 – 08.30 Preparation. - Host (Iqbal R, etal.)
- Participant joins onzoom - Talent
- Pre-event foraudience

2 08.30 – 09.20 Opening - Host

- Opening MC (10minutes) - MC (Hunafa)
- Tilawatil Quran (10 minutes) - Tilawatil Quran(Nauval)
- Sing a song (Indonesia Raya and Hymne UIN) (10minutes)
- Dance talent(video)
- Traditional dance/ opening dance (5minutes)
- Speech
The chairperson of the committee (15 minutes) - Chairperson: Nidya Ferry
3 09.20 – 09.45 Opening Speech - Dean ofFITK
Dean of FITK (40 minutes) Prof. Dr. Sri Sumarni, M.Pd.
4 09.45 – 09.55 Transition section (Video of PusatStudi PPMS) - Host
5 09.55 – 11.25 1stSession - Moderator
Speaker: Dr. ShintaSihDewanti (UIN SunanKalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia) SumbajiPutranto, M.Pd.
Topic: Mathematics Assessment Model in 21st Century
Material presentation (50 minutes)
Discussion (40 minutes)
6 11.25 – 12.50 Break
7 12.50 – 13.00 Video Profile (FITK UIN SunanKalijaga Yogyakarta) - Host
8 13.00 – 14.30 2ndSession - Moderator:
Speaker: Dr. Steven Van Vaerenbergh (University of Cantabria,Spain) Burhanuddin Latif, M.Si.
Topic: Innovation in Artificial Intelligence System for Mathematics Education
Material presentation (50 minutes)
Discussion (40 minutes)
9 14.30 – 15.00 Closing Day 1 - MC
International Conference of Innovation and Technology in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

No Time (GMT+7) Agenda PIC
1 07.30 – 08.00 Preparation. - Host (Iqbal R, etal.)
- Participant joins onzoom - Talent
- Pre-event foraudience

2 08.00 – 08.15 Opening - Host

- MC (Hunafa)

3 08.15 – 09.45 3rdSession - Moderator:

Speaker: Dr. Roni M Ellington (Morgan State University,Maryland,US) FinaHanifaHidayati,M.Pd.
Topic: A Framework for Developing Equity-Focused STEM Content for
Inclusive Student
Material presentation (50 minutes)
Discussion (40 minutes)
4 09.45 – 10.00 Parallel Seminar Preparation MC
5 10.00 – 11.20 Parallel Seminar PIC Parallel
- Each group contains of 4presenters Moderator
- Each participant presentation maximum of 20minutes

6 11.20 – 11.30 Closing Ceremony MC

- Committee information (10minutes)

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