Shimizu 2020

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Received: 26 July 2019    Revised: 13 February 2020    Accepted: 2 March 2020

DOI: 10.1111/1440-1681.13297


Stimulation of brain cannabinoid CB1 receptors can ameliorate

hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats

Takahiro Shimizu  | Masaki Yamamoto | Suo Zou | Shogo Shimizu |

Youichirou Higashi | Motoaki Saito

Department of Pharmacology, Kochi Medical

School, Kochi University, Nankoku, Japan Abstract
Excessive activation of the sympatho-adrenomedullary system plays a pathogenic
Takahiro Shimizu, Department of role in triggering and sustaining essential hypertension. We previously reported
Pharmacology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi that, in normotensive rats, intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered neuropep-
University, Nankoku 783-8505, Japan.
Email: tides, corticotropin-releasing factor and bombesin induced activation of the sympa-
tho-adrenomedullary system, and that brain cannabinoid CB1 receptors negatively
Funding information
The Smoking Research Foundation in Japan; regulated this activation. In this study, we investigated the effects of brain CB1 re-
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, ceptor stimulation on blood pressure and the sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in
Grant/Award Number: 26460909; The
Japan Health Foundation spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), commonly used animal models of essential
hypertension, and in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats, normotensive controls of SHRs. In
18-week-old SHRs and WKY rats under urethane anaesthesia (1.0 g/kg, i.p.), SHRs
exhibited significantly higher systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressures and plasma
noradrenaline and adrenaline, and a lower heart rate than WKY rats. Single admin-
istration of arachidonyl 2′-chloroethylamide (ACEA, CB1 agonist, 1.4  µmol/animal,
i.c.v.) significantly but partially reduced mean and diastolic blood pressures and the
plasma level of noradrenaline in SHRs compared to vehicle (N,N-dimethylformamide)-
treated SHRs. These ACEA-induced reductions were abolished by central pretreat-
ment with rimonabant (CB1 antagonist, 300 nmol/animal, i.c.v.), which alone showed
no significant effect on blood pressures or plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline lev-
els of SHRs. On the other hand, ACEA had no significant effect on blood pressure or
plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline levels in WKY rats. These results suggest that
stimulation of brain CB1 receptors can ameliorate hypertension accompanied by en-
hanced sympathetic outflow without affecting blood pressure under normotensive


brain, cannabinoid CB1 receptor, central sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow, hypertension,

noradrenaline, spontaneously hypertensive rat

Abbreviations: ACEA, arachidonyl 2′-chloroethylamide; CRF, corticotropin-releasing factor; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; DMF, N,N-dimethylformamide; dPAG, dorsal periaqueductal
gray; FAAH, fatty acid amide hydrolase; HR, heart rate; i.c.v., intracerebroventricularly; MBP, mean blood pressure; NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius; PVN, paraventricular nucleus; RVLM,
rostral ventrolateral medulla; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SHR, spontaneously hypertensive rat; WKY, Wistar-Kyoto.
The peer review history for this article is available at https://publo​​n/10.1111/cep.13297

1254     © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2020;47:1254–1262.
SHIMIZU et al. |

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N stimulation of central CB1 receptors might reduce blood pressure
by inhibiting central sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in SHRs. In
Activation of the central sympatho-adrenomedullary system is es- this study, we compared the effects of centrally administered ara-
sential for adaptation to stressful conditions.1-3 In contrast, in re- chidonyl 2′-chloroethylamide (ACEA), an agonist of CB1 receptors
sponse to excessive or sustained stress, activation of the central on blood pressure and the central sympatho-adrenomedullary out-
sympatho-adrenomedullary system can play a pathogenic role flow between SHRs and their normotensive controls, Wistar-Kyoto
in triggering and sustaining essential hypertension.4-7 Therefore, (WKY) rats.
it is necessary to clarify the regulatory mechanisms that control
sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow, by focusing on the brain,
to elucidate fundamental mechanisms for the “establishment” of 2 | R E S U LT S
We have investigated central regulatory mechanisms for sym- 2.1 | General features of experimental rats
patho-adrenomedullary outflow using several stress-related
neuropeptides, such as corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), argi- At the age of 18 weeks, systolic, mean and diastolic blood pres-
nine-vasopressin or bombesin. We reported that each peptide ad- sure (SBP, MBP and DBP) were significantly higher in the SHR
ministered centrally induced elevations of plasma noradrenaline group than in the WKY group. Heart rate and body weight in
and adrenaline, and that these elevations were potentiated by cen- the SHR group were significantly lower than in the WKY group
tral pretreatment with antagonists of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in (Table 1).
rats.8-10 Other groups reported that administration of anandamide,
an endogenous ligand for CB receptors,11 into the nucleus tractus
solitarius (NTS) prolonged baroreflex inhibition of renal sympathetic 2.2 | Effects of centrally administered ACEA or
nerve activity through CB1 receptors in rats, 12
and that anandamide rimonabant (a CB1 receptor antagonist) on blood
or CP55940, a synthetic CB receptor agonist, administered intrace- pressure and heart rate in SHRs and WKY rats
rebroventricularly (i.c.v.) or into the hypothalamic paraventricular nu-
cleus (PVN), a regulatory centre of the sympatho-adrenomedullary Central treatment with ACEA (1.4  µmol/animal, i.c.v.) in SHRs
outflow, decreased blood pressure through CB1 receptors in rats. significantly reduced MBP and DBP compared to SHRs centrally
These lines of evidence suggest a possibility that brain CB1 recep- treated with vehicle (3 µL N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)/animal,
tors might decrease blood pressure by inhibiting the central sym- i.c.v.), and SBP showed a tendency to be reduced in the ACEA-
patho-adrenomedullary outflow. On the other hand, some groups treated SHR group compared to the vehicle-treated SHR group,
reported CB1 receptor-mediated increases in blood pressure. For while there were no significant changes in heart rate between
example, administration of anandamide or WIN 55212-2, a synthetic the ACEA and vehicle groups (Figure  1A-D). These reductions
CB receptor agonist, into the cisternal system, the rostral ventrolat- in blood pressure induced by ACEA in the SHR group were not
eral medulla (RVLM) or the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) of rats observed in the rimonabant (300  nmol/animal, i.c.v.)-pretreated
induced pressor response through CB1 receptors. Therefore, SHR group (Figure 1B-C). In SHRs, at 180 minutes after the cen-
central roles of CB1 receptors in the regulation of blood pressure are tral administration of ACEA or vehicle, increments to SBP, MBP,
still controversial. DBP (mm Hg) and heart rate (bpm) from these values at 0 minutes
The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is the most commonly were as follows: 1.0 ± 1.0, 1.0 ± 1.5, 1.0 ± 2.0 and 0.3 ± 11.1 in the
used animal model of essential hypertension with elevated sympa- vehicle-treated group (n = 4), −4.0 ± 1.4, −8.2 ± 0.2, −10.0 ± 0.6
thetic nerve activity.18-20 In SHRs, alterations of central CB1 receptor and −3.7 ± 1.8 in the ACEA-treated group (n = 4), and 4.0 ± 2.3,
expression can contribute to hypertension and elevated sympathetic 3.6 ± 2.3, 3.0 ± 2.4 and 11.0 ± 8.1 in the rimonabant- and ACEA-
tone,21,22 indicating a possibility that modulation of central CB1 re- treated group (n  =  5), respectively (Figure  1A-D). In addition, at
ceptor-mediated signalling can ameliorate hypertension in SHRs. 240  minutes after the administration of ACEA or vehicle, incre-
Therefore, based on our previous reports,8-10 we hypothesized that ments of SBP, MBP, DBP (mm Hg) and heart rate (bpm) from these

TA B L E 1   Basal values of blood pressure and heart rate and body weight of SHR and WKY

  SBP (mm Hg) MBP (mm Hg) DBP (mm Hg) HR (bpm) Body weight (g)

SHR (n = 13) 168.2 ± 4.1* 137.2 ± 3.5* 121.6 ± 3.2* 345.4 ± 3.7* 363.1 ± 5.2*

WKY (n = 8) 138.6 ± 3.8 119.2 ± 4.1 109.7 ± 4.4 399.9 ± 6.0 391.3 ± 7.7

Note: Values collected from SHR in Figure 1 and WKY in Figure 2 indicate means ± SEM
Abbreviations: DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; MBP, mean blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SHR, spontaneously
hypertensive rats; WKY, Wistar-Kyoto rats.
*P < .05, when compared to the WKY group using an unpaired Student's t-test.
1256       SHIMIZU et al.

F I G U R E 1   Effects of centrally
administered arachidonyl
2′-chloroethylamide (ACEA) on blood
pressure and heart rate in spontaneously
hypertensive rats (SHRs) (A–D) and
Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats (E–H). ACEA
(an agonist of CB1 receptors) (1.4 µmol/
animal) or vehicle (3 µL DMF/animal)
was i.c.v. administered. In some SHRs,
rimonabant (Rimo, an antagonist of CB1
receptors) was pretreated (300 nmol/
animal, i.c.v.) 30 minutes before the
administration of ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal,
i.c.v.). ΔSBP (systolic blood pressure),
ΔMBP (mean blood pressure), ΔDBP
(diastolic blood pressure) and ΔHR (heart
rate): increments of SBP (A, E), MBP (B, F),
DBP (C, G) and HR (D, H) in comparison
with each value measured just before
the administration of ACEA or vehicle.
Values present means ± SEM. *P < .05,
when compared with the Bonferroni
method to the vehicle-treated group. The
number of animals per group is indicated
in parentheses. A–D:  Vehicle (n = 4),
ACEA (n = 4) and Rimo + ACEA (n = 5).
E–H: Vehicle (n = 4) and ACEA (n = 4)

values at 0 minute were as follows: 0.3 ± 1.2, −0.3 ± 3.0, 3.0 ± 2.0 0 minute were as follows: 2.0 ± 1.5, 1.6 ± 2.3, 1.3 ± 2.7 and 1.5 ± 1.5
and −2.5  ±  14.5 in the vehicle-treated group (n  =  4), −3.3  ±  1.9, in the vehicle-treated group (n = 4), and 4.7 ± 2.3, 4.9 ± 1.1, 5.0 ± 0.6
−6.5  ±  1.5, −7.3  ±  1.9 and −8.3  ±  7.7 in the ACEA-treated group and −2.0  ±  8.0 in the ACEA-treated group (n  =  4), respectively
(n  =  4), and 3.3  ±  1.9, 4.0  ±  1.6, 4.3  ±  1.5 and 19.7  ±  2.3 in the (Figure 1E-H). There was no significant difference in each increment
rimonabant- and ACEA-treated group (n  =  5), respectively between these two groups.
(Figure 1A-D). In the ACEA-treated group, values of MBP at 180 Central treatment with rimonabant (300  nmol/animal, i.c.v.)
and 240  minutes and values of DBP at 240  minutes were signif- alone in SHRs showed no significant changes in SBP, MBP, DBP or
icantly (P  <  .05) lower than values in the vehicle-treated group heart rate compared to SHRs centrally treated with vehicle (3  µL
(Figure 1B-C). Actual MBP (mm Hg) at 0, 180 and 240 minutes was DMF/animal, i.c.v.; Figure 2A-D). In SHRs, at 240 minutes after the
as follows: 141.7 ± 8.5, 150.4 ± 3.9, and 149.1 ± 2.3 in the vehicle- administration of rimonabant or vehicle, increments of SBP, MBP,
treated group (n = 4), 141.3 ± 1.7, 133.9 ± 2.2, and 134.6 ± 3.7 in DBP (mm Hg) and heart rate (bpm) from these values at 0 minutes
the ACEA-treated group (n = 4), and 130.2 ± 5.3, 128.9 ± 1.9, and were as follows: 0.3 ± 1.2, −0.3 ± 3.0, 3.0 ± 2.0 and −2.5 ± 14.5 in
128.8  ±  3.0 in the rimonabant- and ACEA-treated group (n  =  5), the vehicle-treated group (n = 4), and 4.0 ± 1.6, −1.1 ± 2.3, −2.5 ± 1.9
respectively. Actual DBP (mm Hg) at 0, 180 and 240 minutes was and 13.4 ± 12.1 in the rimonabant-treated group (n = 5), respectively
as follows: 125.8 ± 7.7, 133.7 ± 3.4, and 131.5 ± 2.5 in the vehicle- (Figure 2A-D). There was no significant difference in each increment
treated group (n = 4), 126.3 ± 1.8, 116.7 ± 2.4, and 118.7 ± 4.1 in between these two groups.
the ACEA-treated group (n = 4), and 114.6 ± 4.6, 113.3 ± 1.3, and
114.7  ±  1.8 in the rimonabant- and ACEA-treated group (n  =  5),
respectively. 2.3 | Effects of centrally administered ACEA or
On the other hand, central treatment with ACEA (1.4  µmol/ rimonabant on plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline
animal, i.c.v.) in WKY rats showed no significant changes in SBP, in SHRs and WKY rats
MBP, DBP or heart rate compared to WKY rats centrally treated
with vehicle (3 µL DMF/animal, i.c.v.) (Figure 1E-H). In WKY rats, at Basal values for plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline at 0 minutes
240 minutes after the administration of ACEA or vehicle, increments were 544 ± 40 and 321 ± 49 pg/mL in the SHR group (n = 18), and
of SBP, MBP, DBP (mm Hg) and heart rate (bpm) from these values at 394 ± 44 and 139 ± 33 pg/mL in the WKY group (n = 9), respectively.
SHIMIZU et al. |

higher than those in the WKY group (P < .05, unpaired Student's t-

test or Welch's test).
Central treatment with ACEA (1.4  µmol/animal, i.c.v.) in SHRs
significantly reduced plasma noradrenaline, but not adrenaline,
compared to SHRs centrally treated with vehicle (3  µL DMF/ani-
mal, i.c.v.) (Figure 3A-B). The reduction in noradrenaline induced by
ACEA in the SHR group was not observed in the rimonabant-pre-
treated SHR group (300 nmol/animal, i.c.v.) (Figure 3A-B). In SHRs,
at 180  minutes after the central administration of ACEA or vehi-
cle, rates of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline (%) relative to
those at 0  minute were as follows: 101.8  ±  2.4 and 104.7  ±  18.0
in the vehicle-treated group (n  =  4), 71.4  ±  9.0 and 92.7  ±  9.3 in
the ACEA-treated group (n = 6), and 116.1 ± 7.9 and 114.4 ± 11.2
in the rimonabant- and ACEA-treated group (n  =  4), respectively
(Figure 3A-B). In addition, at 240 minutes after the administration
of ACEA or vehicle, rates of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline
(%) relative to those at 0 minute were as follows: 104.7 ± 3.6 and
115.4  ±  28.2 in the vehicle-treated group (n  =  4), 75.2  ±  7.0 and
98.2 ± 12.6 in the ACEA-treated group (n = 6), and 103.6 ± 5.3 and
121.8  ±  33.2 in the rimonabant- and ACEA-treated group (n  =  4),
respectively (Figure  3A-B). In the ACEA-treated group, rates of
plasma noradrenaline at 180 and 240  minutes were significantly
(P < .05) lower than those in the vehicle-treated group (Figure 3A-
B). Actual plasma noradrenaline (pg/mL) at 0, 180 and 240 minutes
was as follows: 566.3 ± 113.9, 577.7 ± 119.6 and 586.3 ± 103.3 in
the vehicle-treated group (n = 4), 536.3 ± 56.1, 345.0 ± 62.3, and
412.0 ± 67.2 in the ACEA-treated group (n = 6), and 454.9 ± 88.2,
517.5 ± 94.5, and 500.0 ± 20.6 in the rimonabant- and ACEA-treated
group (n = 4), respectively.
On the other hand, central treatment with ACEA (1.4  µmol/
animal, i.c.v.) in WKY rats showed no significant changes in plasma
noradrenaline or adrenaline compared to WKY rats centrally treated
with vehicle (3  µL DMF/animal, i.c.v.) (Figure  3C-D). In WKY rats,
at 240 minutes after the central administration of ACEA or vehicle,
rates of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline (%) relative to those
at 0  minutes were as follows: 96.0  ±  1.0 and 101.2  ±  34.9 in the
vehicle-treated group (n  =  4), and 106.7  ±  6.3 and 116.5  ±  5.6 in
the ACEA-treated group (n  =  5), respectively (Figure  3C-D). There
was no significant difference in each increment between these two
F I G U R E 2   Effects of centrally administered rimonabant on Central treatment with rimonabant (300  nmol/animal, i.c.v.)
blood pressure and heart rate in spontaneously hypertensive alone in SHRs tended to increase plasma noradrenaline or adren-
rats (SHRs). Rimonabant (Rimo, 300 nmol/animal) or vehicle
aline compared to SHRs centrally treated with vehicle (3 µL DMF/
(3 µL DMF/animal) was i.c.v. administered. The vehicle-treated
animal, i.c.v.), but there was no significant change between these
group is the same as in Figure 1. ΔSBP (systolic blood pressure),
ΔMBP (mean blood pressure), ΔDBP (diastolic blood pressure) two groups (Figure 4A-B). In SHRs, at 240 minutes after the cen-
and ΔHR (heart rate): increments of SBP (A), MBP (B), DBP (C) tral administration of rimonabant or vehicle, rates of plasma nor-
and HR (D) in comparison with each value measured just before adrenaline and adrenaline (%) relative to those at 0 minutes were
the administration of rimonabant or vehicle. Values present as follows: 104.7  ±  3.6 and 115.4  ±  28.2 in the vehicle-treated
mean ± SEM. The number of animals per group is indicated in
group (n  =  4), and 112.8  ±  6.4 and 110.9  ±  35.3 in the rimon-
parentheses: Vehicle (n = 4) and Rimo (n = 5)
abant-treated group (n = 4), respectively (Figure 4A-B). There was
These values were collected from SHRs in Figures 3 and 4 and from no significant difference in each increment between these two
WKY rats in Figure 3. Both values in the SHR group were significantly groups.
1258       SHIMIZU et al.

F I G U R E 3   Effects of centrally administered arachidonyl 2′-chloroethylamide (ACEA) on plasma levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline
in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) (A, B) and Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats (C, D). ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal) or vehicle (3 µL DMF/animal)
was i.c.v. administered. In some SHRs, rimonabant (Rimo) was pretreated (300 nmol/animal, i.c.v.) 30 minutes before the administration
of ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.). Data were calculated as the ratio of plasma noradrenaline (A, C) and adrenaline (B, D) values measured
just before the administration of ACEA or vehicle. Values present mean ± SEM. *P < .05, when compared with the Bonferroni method
to the vehicle-treated group. The number of animals per group is indicated in parentheses. A, B: Vehicle (n = 4), ACEA (n = 6) and
Rimo + ACEA (n = 4). C, D: Vehicle (n = 4) and ACEA (n = 5)

which is in agreement with previous reports. 23-27 In addition, SHRs

3 |  D I S CU S S I O N exhibited a lower heart rate than WKY rats in this study. In fact, our
group previously reported that SHRs exhibited a lower heart rate
In this study, we confirmed that SHRs exhibited higher blood pres- than WKY rats at the age of 18 weeks (SHRs vs WKY rats; 299 ± 3 vs
sures (SBP, MBP and DBP) and basal levels of plasma noradrenaline 328 ± 9 bpm26; 302 ± 4 vs 338 ± 10 bpm27). In line with our present
and adrenaline, and lower heart rate and body weight than WKY and previous data, Batkai et al also reported that SHRs exhibited a
rats. Central treatment with ACEA partially reduced MBP and DBP lower heart rate than WKY rats at the age of 8–10 months. 25 On the
and the level of plasma noradrenaline in SHRs, while central treat- other hand, it was reported that SHRs exhibited a higher heart rate
ment with vehicle or rimonabant showed no effect on these values than WKY rats at the age of 4 weeks (SHRs vs WKY rats; 441 ± 4
in SHRs. These ACEA-induced reductions were abolished by central vs 407 ± 5 bpm28) and at the age of 12–16 weeks. 29 Tachycardia in
pretreatment with rimonabant. On the other hand, centrally admin- SHRs is explained at least in part by attenuation of baroreflex func-
istered ACEA had no effect on blood pressure or plasma level of no- tion. 28,30 However, bradycardia in SHRs is observed at compara-
radrenaline and adrenaline in normotensive WKY rats. tively older ages. 25-27 Therefore, long-term exposure to high blood
Our present data indicate that SHRs exhibited hypertension and pressure might recruit other compensatory mechanisms which can
elevated sympathetic nerve activity as evidenced by higher levels of counteract attenuated baroreflex function in SHRs, thereby induc-
basal plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline compared with WKY rats, ing bradycardia.
SHIMIZU et al. |

in WKY rats. 25,29 These FAAH inhibitor-induced effects were re-

versed by systemic pretreatment with the brain-penetrant CB1 re-
ceptor antagonist (AM251), but not by the peripherally restricted
antagonist. 29 These lines of evidence from our and other groups
suggest that stimulation of brain CB1 receptors can ameliorate hy-
pertension accompanied with enhanced sympathetic outflow in
SHRs without affecting blood pressure under normotensive condi-
tions. Godlewski et al reported that enhanced G protein activation
was observed in brain CB1 receptors of SHRs compared to WKY
rats, 29 suggesting that sensitivity of ACEA to brain CB1 receptors
might be higher in SHRs than in WKY rats. Therefore, at least in
our conditions, centrally administered ACEA may induce no ef-
fect on blood pressure or sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in
normotensive WKY rats. However, based on previous reports, the
roles of brain CB1 receptors in regulating blood pressure seem to
be different depending on the brain regions, with a hypotensive
role in the hypothalamic PVN13,14 and NTS,12 and a hypertensive
role in the RVLM and dPAG.15-17 In addition, down-regulation of
CB1 receptors in the NTS and up-regulation of CB1 receptors in the
RVLM were reported in SHRs. 21,22 Therefore, these changes to CB1
receptors might be a cause of hypertension in SHRs. Since we used
i.c.v. administration of ACEA, a limitation of this study is that it is
unclear which central CB1 receptors were involved in the ACEA-
induced reduction of blood pressure in SHRs. Further studies are
therefore needed to examine the specific location in the brain that
F I G U R E 4   Effects of centrally administered rimonabant on
plasma levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline in spontaneously contributes to CB1 receptor-mediated depressor responses under
hypertensive rats (SHRs). Rimonabant (Rimo, 300 nmol/animal) hypertensive conditions.
or vehicle (3 µL DMF/animal) was i.c.v. administered. The vehicle- Centrally administered AM251 alone showed no effect on
treated group is the same as in Figure 3. Data were calculated as plasma levels of noradrenaline in normotensive Wistar rats in
the ratio of plasma noradrenaline (A) and adrenaline (B) values
our previous reports,9,10 so we speculate that blocking brain CB1
measured just before the administration of rimonabant or vehicle.
receptors shows no effect on normal sympathetic tone or basal
Values present mean ± SEM. The number of animals per group is
indicated in parentheses: Vehicle (n = 4) and Rimo (n = 4) blood pressure of normotensive rats, but can further enhance
higher sympathetic tone and hypertension of SHRs. In this study,
Cannabinoid CB receptors are members of the superfamily of G central administration of rimonabant alone in SHRs tended to in-
protein-coupled receptors and are divided into two subtypes, CB1 crease plasma levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline but showed
and CB2. CB1 receptors are mainly present in the central nervous no effect on blood pressure. Although the dose of rimonabant
system while CB2 receptors are predominant in immune cells. 31,32 in this study might be insufficient to block endogenous CB1 re-
In this study, central administration of ACEA in SHRs partially de- ceptors-mediated modulation of hypertension in SHRs, the dose
creased MBP and DBP and reduced sympathetic tone, as indicated seemed to be sufficient to cancel the exogenous ACEA-induced
by a reduction in plasma noradrenaline with rimonabant-sensitive attenuation of enhanced sympathetic tone and hypertension in
brain mechanisms. Centrally administered ACEA reduced plasma SHRs. Therefore, the dose of rimonabant was suitable for evaluat-
noradrenaline, but not adrenaline, in SHRs, so ACEA may mainly re- ing the involvement of brain CB1 receptors on the ACEA-induced
duce peripheral vascular resistance, thereby reducing DBP. On the responses. Of course, since our data were insufficient to clarify
other hand, in WKY rats, ACEA had no effect on blood pressure or the roles of “endogenous” CB1 receptors in hypertension of SHRs,
on sympathetic tone. These data are supported by our previous re- further studies are necessary to investigate the “dose-depen-
ports showing that centrally administered AM251, a CB1 receptor dency” of rimonabant on enhanced sympathetic tone and hyper-
antagonist, potentiated elevation of plasma noradrenaline induced tension in SHRs.
by centrally administered CRF- or bombesin, while AM251 alone Our present data indicate that in SHRs, stimulation of central
had no effect on the basal level of plasma noradrenaline in nor- CB1 receptors can reduce blood pressure by inhibiting the cen-
motensive Wistar rats.9,10 In addition, systemically administered tral sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow, especially reducing ele-
inhibitor of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which catalyzes the vated plasma noradrenaline. However, there are two limitations of
degradation of anandamide, in SHRs normalized the elevated blood this study: (a) it is unclear whether the ACEA-induced reduction of
pressure and sympathetic tone without affecting these parameters blood pressure in SHRs was mediated by changes of alpha and beta
1260       SHIMIZU et al.

adrenoceptors-mediated responses; (b) the effects of centrally admin- 4 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS

istered rimonabant alone on blood pressure in normotensive WKY rats
were not investigated. The former point (a) should be investigated in 4.1 | Animals
the future by confirming whether each adrenoceptor agonist-induced
reversal of ACEA-induced reduction of noradrenaline-mediated sig- All animal experiments were conducted in accordance with NIH
nalling can attenuate the ACEA-induced reduction of blood pressure guidelines and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use
in SHRs. The latter point (b) should also be investigated in the future Committee of Kochi University (#G-6, #H-38, #I-66). All efforts
to clarify the roles of CB1 receptors in regulation of basal blood pres- were made to minimize the suffering of the animals and the number
sure under a normotensive condition, although our previous data in- of animals needed to obtain reliable results. A total of 53 animals,
dicated that centrally administered AM251 alone showed no effect 36 male SHRs and 17 male WKY rats (the normotensive control of
on plasma levels of noradrenaline in normotensive Wistar rats.9,10 In SHRs), were used in this study. Eighteen SHRs and eight WKY rats
addition, because Niederhoffer et al reported that in rabbit isolated were used to monitor blood pressure and heart rate, and 18 SHRs
adrenal glands, electrically-evoked adrenaline release was inhibited by and nine WKY rats were used to monitor plasma noradrenaline and
WIN 55212-2, we cannot exclude a possibility that in SHRs, centrally adrenaline, as described below. Twelve-week-old male SHRs (SHR/
administered ACEA can leak into the systemic circulation and directly Izm) and WKY rats (WKY/Izm) were provided by the Disease Model
stimulate CB1 receptors in the adrenal medulla, thereby inhibiting nor- Cooperative Research Association (Kyoto, Japan). These rats were
adrenaline secretion from the medulla. Previously, we preliminarily housed at two per cage and were maintained in an air-conditioned
confirmed that intravenously administered ACEA showed no signifi- room at 22–24°C under a constant day–night rhythm and given food
cant change of plasma noradrenaline in normotensive Wistar rats.9,10 and water ad libitum. After reaching 18  weeks of age, these rats
However, the effects of intravenously administered ACEA on plasma were used for experiments.
noradrenaline in SHRs have not been investigated yet. In the future,
this possibility should be also investigated by using isolated adrenal
grands from SHRs. 4.2 | Experimental procedures for i.c.v.
Cannabinoid CB1 receptors are widely distributed in the administration
brain,31,32 therefore global stimulation of these receptors in the brain
by agonists is associated with unwanted psychoactive side effects In the morning (09:00–10:00), under urethane anaesthesia (1.0 g/kg,
such as cognitive impairment, dysphoria/depression and tiredness/ i.p.), two catheters were inserted into the femoral artery and the vein
fatigue.34,35 In addition, synthetic agonists of these receptors can to collect blood samples and infuse saline (1.2  mL/h), respectively.
modulate behaviours related to drug addiction induced by morphine Subsequently, each rat was placed in a stereotaxic apparatus for the
or heroin. Interestingly, systemically administered hemopressins, brain (SR-6R; Narishige) until the end of each experiment, as described
which are peptidic ligands for CB1 receptors,38,39 do not activate the previously in a published study from our laboratory.42 The skull was
rat brain reward centres including the ventral tegmental area, unlike drilled for intracerebroventricular administration of drugs using a
other conventional synthetic ligands for these receptors.40 We re- stainless-steel cannula (outer diameter of 0.3 mm). The stereotaxic co-
ported that centrally administered RVD-hemopressin, one type of ordinates of the tip of the cannula were as follows (in mm): AP –0.8, L
hemopressin, reduced centrally administered bombesin-induced el- 1.5, V 4.0 (AP, anterior from the bregma; L, lateral from the midline; V,
evation of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline via rimonabant-sen- below the surface of the brain), according to the rat brain atlas.43 Three
sitive brain mechanisms, while this peptide alone had no effect on hours after surgery, the steel cannula was injected into the right lateral
the basal level of these catecholamines. RVD-hemopressin, but ventricle and each drug was administered as described below.
not hemopressin, has agonist activity at CB1 receptors,38,39 so this
peptide may be a useful candidate to stimulate brain CB1 receptors
without addictive side effects. Furthermore, instead of exogenously 4.3 | Drug administration
stimulating the brain CB1 receptor, enhancing the effects of brain
endocannabinoid by blocking its degradation may also be a useful In a published study from our laboratory, ACEA (0.28, 0.7 or
way to reduce aversive side effects induced by global stimulation of 1.4  µmol/animal, i.c.v.) dose-dependently reduced each stress-re-
these receptors. lated neuropeptide (CRF or bombesin)-induced elevation of plasma
In summary, we demonstrated that stimulation of brain canna- noradrenaline and adrenaline in normotensive Wistar rats.9,10 In ad-
binoid CB1 receptors can ameliorate hypertension and enhanced dition, we preliminarily checked the dose-dependency of ACEA (0.7
sympathetic outflow in SHRs without affecting these parameters in or 1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.) in SHRs, then selected the effective dose
normotensive WKY rats. These findings indicate that agonists tar- of 1.4 µmol in this study. Our preliminary experiments indicated that
geting brain CB1 receptors, like RVD-hemopressin, would be useful the ideal dose of rimonabant was 300 nmol/rat.
for hypertension treatment without the risk of addictive side effects Either ACEA or rimonabant dissolved in 3 µL of 100% DMF was
such as addiction and the risk of hypotension if these agonists were slowly administered into the right lateral ventricle using a cannula
to be administered to “normotensive” patients by mistake. connected to a 10-µL Hamilton syringe at a rate of 10 µL/min, and
SHIMIZU et al. |

the cannula was retained until the end of the experiment. In some on ice during experiments. Plasma was prepared immediately after
SHRs, rimonabant dissolved in 3  µL of DMF was i.c.v. pretreated the final sampling. Noradrenaline and adrenaline in the plasma were
30  minutes before the administration of ACEA. In this combined extracted by the method of Anton and Sayre 45 with a slight modifi-
administration, the cannula was retained in the ventricle for 15 min- cation and were assayed electrochemically with high performance
utes to avoid leakage of the antagonist and then removed from the liquid chromatography.42
ventricle. Subsequently, ACEA was i.c.v. administered. The exact lo-
cation of the cannula was confirmed at the end of each experiment
by verifying that a Cresyl Violet solution, injected through the can- 4.7 | Treatment of data and statistics
nula, had spread throughout the entire ventricular system.
All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical differences were
determined using repeated-measure (treatment × time) analysis of vari-
4.4 | Experimental groups for i.c.v. administration ance, followed by post hoc analysis with the Bonferroni method. When
only two means were compared, an unpaired Student's t-test or Welch's
In monitoring blood pressure and heart rate, 26 rats placed in a stere- test was used. P values <.05 were considered statistically significant.
otaxic apparatus were divided into six groups: vehicle (3  µL DMF/ani-
mal, i.c.v.)-administered SHR group (n  =  4); vehicle (3  µL DMF/animal,
i.c.v.)-administered WKY group (n = 4); ACEA (1.4 µmol [500 µg]/animal, 4.8 | Drugs and chemicals
i.c.v.)-administered SHR group (n = 4); ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.)-ad-
ministered WKY group (n = 4); rimonabant (300 nmol [139 µg]/animal, ACEA (arachidonyl 2′-chloroethylamide) and rimonabant
i.c.v.)- and ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.)-administered SHR group (n = 5); [5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-N-1-piperi-
and rimonabant (300 nmol/animal, i.c.v.)-administered SHR group (n = 5). dinyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide] were purchased from Cayman
In the measurement of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline, 27 Chemical. All other reagents of the highest grade were purchased from
rats placed in a stereotaxic apparatus were divided into six groups: Nacalai Tesque.
vehicle (3  µL DMF/animal, i.c.v.)-administered SHR group (n  =  4);
vehicle (3  µL DMF/animal, i.c.v.)-administered WKY group (n  =  4); AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.)-administered SHR group (n = 6); ACEA The authors would like to thank SciRevision for linguistical reviewing of
(1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.)-administered WKY group (n = 5); rimonabant the manuscript. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for
(300 nmol/animal, i.c.v.)- and ACEA (1.4 µmol/animal, i.c.v.)-adminis- Scientific Research (C) (No. 26460909 to TS) from the Japan Society for
tered SHR group (n = 4); and rimonabant (300 nmol/animal, i.c.v.)-ad- the Promotion of Science, a grant from The Japan Health Foundation,
ministered SHR group (n = 4). and a grant from The Smoking Research Foundation in Japan.

4.5 | Monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

The monitoring was performed as described previously.44 Briefly, after ORCID

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How to cite this article: Shimizu T, Yamamoto M, Zou S,
at cannabinoid-1 receptors regulate cardiovascular function in hy-
pertension. Circulation. 2004;110(4):1996-2002.
Shimizu S, Higashi Y, Saito M. Stimulation of brain cannabinoid
26. Holmström F, Shimizu S, Shimizu T, et al. Protective effect of hydroxy- CB1 receptors can ameliorate hypertension in spontaneously
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27. Shimizu S, Shimizu T, Tsounapi P, et al. Effect of silodosin,
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