Religion PrelimExam

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Minane, Concepcion, Tarlac

Religion, Religious Experiences, and Spirituality

Prelim Term Examination
1st Semester A.Y. 2022 – 2023

Name: ________________________________________ Score: ______

Class Schedule: ________________________________ Course/Year/Section:______
Instructor: Kelvin Paul B. Panuncio, LPT Date: __________________

General Instruction:
 Read and understand each question carefully.
 Underline the letter of the correct answer from the test one.
 All items must be answered before submitting your test paper.

Test I. Multiple Choice

1) God is an ________.
A. Omnipotent B. Omniscience C. Omnipresent D. All of the above
2) It is a belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and
governor of the universe.
A. Religion B. Religious Exp. C. Spirituality D. Faith
3) Simple put all religions celebrate a sense of.
A. Sacred life B. Natural life C. Religious life D. Spiritual Life
4) Religion is derived from Latin "religio" used by what country.
A. Greeks B. Egyptians C. Romans D. Philippines
5) It is origin in word "religare" means.
A. To Bind B. To Reconnect C. To Connect D. All of the above
6) The following are the basic elements of religion, EXCEPT
A. Wisdom B. Work C. Worship D. None of the above
7) They believed that universe is governed by a creator.
A. Theist B. Pantheist C. Atheist D. Agnostic
8) For him faith and science complementary and equal ways if seeking truth
A. Constantine B. Sigmund Freud C. St. Thomas D. Martin Luther
9) Which religion has no official Jewish creed
A. Christianity B. Judaism C. Islam D. None of the above
10) They neither assert nor denies the existence of God but keeps an open mind about it.
A. Theist B. Pantheist C. Atheist D. Agnostic
11) He believed that religion is form of escapism.
A. Constantine B. Sigmund Freud C. St. Thomas D. Martin Luther
12) This is the primary food ingested during the Passover.
A. Matzah B. Seder D. Kosher D. Dietary Practices
13) He became the first Christian emperor of the Empire.
A. Constantine B. Sigmund Freud C. St. Thomas D. Martin Luther
14) Hebrews refers to those who accepted as their God.
A. Jehovah B. Yahweh C. Allah D. Jesus Christ
15) It means “ritually correct” and particularly refers to food preparation and consumption.
A. Matzah B. Seder C. Shahadah D. Kosher
16) An emphasize the doctrine of the Unity and Oneness of God.
A. New Testament B. Old Testament C. Torah D. Qur’an
17) It is the only synagogue in the Philippines
A. Beit Yaacov B. Beey Yaacor C. Beiz Yancor D. None of the above
18) It comes from the Greek word means book.
A. New Testament B. Old Testament C. Bible D. Torah
19) It is also called the promised land.
A. Jerusalem B. Israel C. Philippines D. None of the above
20) It tries to observe the traditional practices and beliefs of Biblical Judaism.
A. Conservative B. Orthodox C. Reform D. Conversos
21) It aims to modernize Judaism a religion without dogmas and subject to the criteria of reason
A. Conservative B. Orthodox C. Reform D. Conversos
22) He is often referred to as ‘the seal of Prophets’ and the last Prophet.
A. Muhammad B. Moses C. Abraham D. Jesus Christ
23)They believed that God is everything and everything is part of God.
A. Theist B. Pantheist C. Atheist D. Agnostic
24) It is the one of the parts of Passover where in the paschal meal shared by family on the eve
of the first day of the feast.
A. Matzah B. Seder D. Kosher D. Dietary Practices
25) They deny the existence of a creator "God".
A. Theist B. Pantheist C. Atheist D. Agnostic
26) The first Jews in the Philippines were converts to Christianity.
A. Orthodox B. Conservative C. Reform D. None of the above
27) The most important among them are believed to be sign of God’s grace.
A. Holy Bible B. Baptism C. Sacraments D. None of the above
28) It recognizes that change has always been part of religion.
A. Conservative B. Orthodox C. Reform D. Conversos
29) The revelation of Allah to Muhammad.
A. Angel Michael B. Angel Rafael C. Angel Gabriel D. Angel Angelo
30) Declaring there is no other God, but Allah and Muhammad are His messenger.
A. Shahadah B. Sawn C. Salat D. Zakat

Test II Enumerate the following

31-35. The five books of Torah
36-40 Elements of Judaism
41-45. Elements of Christianity
46-50 Elements of Islam

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Subject Instructor Program Chair

Noted by:


College Dean

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