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Complete the ersation.

What does
estions 1- Jenn h? For
hoe the correct letter A-H.
extra letters
io not need to use.
are two DOWNLOAD
geo efor?
A Who
When you have to complete the gaps
Does it tak to find a in a conversation, the gaps might all
B cache?
be questions. First, read the reply to a
cHow often de v look for caches?
(uostion in the text and try to work out
p Is it easy to pet started? what the question could be. Then look at
E Whal does geo2ching involve? tho options and choos0 the one that is
the most logical question for the reply in
F What do you do when you find a cache? the toxt. Romember that the words Yos
GHowdid you get involved in
gcocaching? and No argn't used to reply to a question
H Have you ever hidden a cache? with a quostion word.

5Match the words in bold in the

sentences with the words from the article that mean the same.
devices hunt objects position treasure

1 When you found the cache, were there many items in it?
Pirates used to steal
2 and then hide their valuable
3 We can check on a map to find the exact location of the cave.
4 The policemen's search for the bank robbers was successful.
5 Nick always has the latest mobile phone and small machines.

6 Work with a partner. Think of a place you both know well, such as your school or a local shopping
area. One of you decides where you will hide a cache. Your partner must ask no more than 20
questions to find out where you have hidden your cache.

Jenny: Geocaching sounds like a lot of fun!

Josh: It's my favourite activity. I try to do it every weekend.
Jenny: 1G
Josh: A friend told me about it and asked me to go with him one
Saturday. After that first time, I was hooked!
Jenny: 2 D
Josh: Yes, all you need is a membership and a GPS 8. 3514
device or phone.
Jenny: 3 H
Jenny: 4
Yes, a couple of times, but I prefer looking for them. It's

Sometimes. The GPS details help you to get to the area where the
cache is hidden, but then it's up to you to look carefully and that
more fun!

can take time.
Jenny: 5 F
Josh: Well, first, I sign the logbook and return it to the cache. Then
put the cache back exactly where I found it. That's very important

Jenny: 6
Josh: Anyone who loves adventure and wants to do something


a-2 Vocabulary 1
Label the points of the compass with these directions

east north south west


Libya Fgyp

Mal Niger Chad 2 Read the sentences, look

Sudan rea
the map of Africa and find
Pjibouti the places.
tral African Republic 1 It's west of Egypt and
north of Chad
Equatorial Uganda
Gainea ocratic Republi Kenya L
Rwanda 2 It's east of Ethiopia, and
ongo Congo Burundi
north of Madagascar

3 It's south of Algerna and
forambigy east of Mauritania
Mdagascar Mal
4 It's west of Zimbabwe anc
Swazile south of Zambia
South Africaa

3 Complete the text with the words.

autumn equator hemispheres northern

seasons southern spring summer winter

There is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth. It is

calied the 20g It separates the world into two
ghest one above the line and the other below it
Countries such as Australia, Argentina and South Africa are in
the hemisphere Countries such as Canada
Finiand and Nepal are in the CA n hemisphere
Tne four of the year are
completely 4Circle the odd ones out.
different in the two hemispheres In July when it s
in Greece it is
moon tree Space
in New
2 hull
Zealand n April when it is
lake river
France. it is 3 forest
in Uruguay neld wood
ire steam
2Vocabulary 2
Word Formation

1 Complete the table.

1 , I

3 0


6 ttn


from 1.
sentences with some of the words
2 Complete the point!
drops below
Canada often part of Europe.
1 The temperature in
are countries in the
Ukraine and Hungary there w e r e no clouds.
2 Poland. m 0 o n because
and I could see the
3 It was atn) 0rD> Country.
in because it is a 0
4 Many people go climbing Nepal
because the roads
5 Be careful driving today cold, wet and grey.
6 Yesterday was a typical. day in England
part of Europe.
are countries in the.
7 Germany. France and Spain me feel better.
soon made
8 In the living room, the. ofthe fire

Collocations & Expressions

need to use two words twice.
words in the correct form. You will
3 Complete the dialogues with the

go light lose
a fire at 4 A: Why is your hair wet?
1 A: We need to
B:IIt wet when the
the campsite.
B: Don't worry. I know how to do that. started.
the ma
camping this 5 A: We can't . a
2 A: Let's
weekend. they're wet.
B: That's a great idea. B: Oh no! What are we going to do?
3 A: Why don't you want to camp anymore? 6 A: How did you
B: I've interest in in outdoor activities?
camping B: I joined a club.

4Circle the correct words.
at rain. I think it's really fun!
love walking /in the
2 At the campsite, we cooked all of our meals over / to a fire.
3 Did you know that the moon can appear jn on the sky during the day?

4 We took our sleeping bags outside and slept with under the stars.
5 It was a cold day, but the sun was out up, so it was1n't too bad

is life in on other planets?

6 Do you think there
7 Every day. the sun rises at in the east
location in on t a r t i is lding toward the sun
8 It's daytime when
and label
pictures of n a t u r a l
d these any of
Have you ever seen them
these words.

nist rainbow
aurora lightnin


RainN Aprora

need to write for each question?

2 Read this task. What kind of information do you think you

Map-reading course
1 Equip e n t
Skills: read a map, use a'COmpoSS_ 2 ast nqna
Teacher: Laura2 Cown
3 A xind of foy
Lunch: coffee and Sandwiches
4 A co
When: Saturday and un day

3 ld
Now listen and complete the notes in 2. Did you guess the kind of information you would
need to write?

Discuss these ons with your

Would o
Art Wh, Why riot?
Do vou do uti What are they
Is there more
I 1 Village?

Read the questions and choose the answers that you think are best. Why did you choose those ones?
1 What time is the a
4 What is the name of the chl?
I t ' s 7 o ciock er the evening I mean. its at
7 o'clocK in the
b Is
7 Hampton School Sorry- tt's Hamptn
2 What can do at the music school?
5 DoIhave to oring any equipment?
You can learn how to sing and
play trhe piano a Yes
It's good fun
6Yes. you have to bring paints, brushes and old
b Singing and piano.
3 How much does it cost?
6 What is the name of the website?
The website is www dot kidspaint dot UK
I t costs £5 for children. b kidspaint

3 Look again at the correct answers in 2. Did the person speaking make any mistakes? What did he or
she do?

4 Follow the instructions and complete the task with your partner. One
of you will be Student A and the other will be Student B. Use the words DOWNLOAD
and phrases in the Language Bank to help
you In this tasK 0ont answer
Student A: Lock a: Card SA on page 123. It gves some irformation abouta the uestions with uSt
nak in the countryside STuDent B ooesnt knon anything about one or two woras Grve
ul answers so yDu can
this or she
He you nask SOme ouEstions about it Use the
omaioa o ansinr the ovesions show how wel you Spea
Engiish f you maKE a
Student B: STucent A nas some information about a nalk in the couritryside
mistake. ts OK to corec
ou don t rno anytnirg about this nalk. so zs StuDent A some
the mistake and say the
estions abour Use the ouestions on Card 5C on page 124
word or phrase again
5 Nom Snap roles

Student B Loc ar Caro 50 on page 124 t ges you somE

rizrmaton acout a camping riolicay
aytnung ao
StuDet A Ooesnt
TmE niDicay He or she will ask you
Some eSTOnS ZoOuTLSE TiE iriiprmation 10 arswer Giving fuli answers
15 on atin
rdormation atOu 2tamping holida There is There are
Se A SuDene Bnas sme
The so ast Studer
ilicay Tre waistoliday websie s
O tk atyTriT atout es. you can
somE esticns a t o r Lse te QuestIons on Caro 5B
page23 Comecting youruett
c r s in pairs to discuss chese questons
ereter ine e r rife CTEr y'SDE
Postcard: Using the right tenses
When you write a postcard.
you usually write about the
different activities that you are doing or have done. it is
important that you use the right tenses. You should use:
present continuous to say what you are doing now.
present simple to talk about things you do every day.
p a s t simple to talk about things you did at a definite time in
the past.
present perfect simple to talk about something you did at
an indefinite time in the
b e going to or the present continuous to say what you have
planned or arranged to do in the future.

Circle the correct words.

1 Yesterday. I was riding rode a horse for the first 4 Next week, we are going/ have gone campiner

time. the forest.

2 Iam writing/ write this postcard in the French Alps! 5 We swim /are swimming in the lake every
3 We took / have taken lots of risks, but you only
live once! 6 Tomorrow, I try/ am going to try surfing

2 Read this writing task and answer the questions below it.
You are on holiday in the mountains with your family. Write a postcard to your friend, telling him about the
weather and the activities you are doing.
Write your postcard. (50-80 words)

1 Where are you? h +me moun tain

2 Who are you with?WiBh your fani y
3 Underline two things do you have to write about.

Read this postcard that was written in answer to

the question in 2 and answer the questions.

Dear Freddy.
in the French Alps!
Im writing this posteard
we go skiing every day.
There's lots of snow, so
sunny too
Its freezing. but it's
a small village
at the
Yesterday we went to
there all day 1 Where is th writer?
mountain. We stayed
top of the snowstorm the road
and h he rech Alp>
because there was a
2 Which tense does the writer use
blocked for hours! to say
what he is doing now?,
and we've been on

Ive also tried

snowboarding, PeSen ComAingo
3 When did the writer go to the
a climbing trip too.
the mountain on village at the top of the mountain
Tomorrow we're golng down
snowmobiles! 4 Do we know when the writer tried

See you soon!

snowboarding or went on a climbinE
Nove e r v n m o b i l e

5 When is the writer going on a

Henry sI
T h e w r i t e r t

t words
C to descrihe tho
that a p p e a ostcard uweather Look at the list below and tick the ones In

Sunny rAin Siowstorm Sun
ainy slomy
Windy snow storm Wind
t lhotos with the
5 Now words below.
rainy storm snowy storm sunny windy

Sonny O

wine a
5 Reload
Vocabulary the correct answers
Choose the correct ansivers.
Why do Dave and Martin look upset?
It seems strange to Europeans that Australians away by the vind
have Nen Year in the middle of
Their tent
a is blown
a ninter
(bwas blown
bsummer blew
Tourists are to the island in a
fishing boar
Nonvay is a country in the northern
a take
a hemisphere
b taking
b equator
) taken
by Danielle or by her mother?
In summer, the children like to lie on the grass at
Danielle organised it all herself
night and look up at the millions of 2
a Was organised the trip
a moons
b Was the trip organised
b stars
space O The trip was organised
all over the road. so it was too 4 This park after very well- look, there's r
There was
dangerous to go out. everywhere
Ice a isn't Iooked
b freeze 6isn't look
steam is looked

5 We couldn'tthe fire in the old house because 5 Some ofthe trees in this forest down e
the wood was all wet. to make furniture.
a lose are cut
b open b were cut
light Carecutting
Lake Baikal in Siberia is one of the largest lakes from milk?
Earth Yes, it is.
a in
aIscheese make
at b Ischeese made
on CWascheese made
We camped by a and the sound of the water 7 'T heard Sam had a car accident.
was beautiful! Yes, he did, but luckily he injured
a field a was
b river bwasn't
forest Cweren't
I was so cold on our walk that I couldn't wait to get 3 Who feeds the
home and feel again
Ted every morning by Daisy and Sime
a warm a They aren't
D freezine b They weren't
iCy They're
9 Ithink if we go cycling now we're going to wet 9 Did you know that lots of plants from o
- iook at those dark clouds
make medicine?
a eo a usedd
D eet b are using
Chave C)are used
10 Look the sun's sO why don t we have our lunch 10 This tree ol
in 1650. so it's very. very
n the earden? a is planted
a up b planted
b over
was planted
Progress Review
ramplete the text with the words. Look at the map to help you.
autumn east eqator north seasans spring summer

e n Zealand

lew Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean. It is actually a group of Australia

sands that are to the of Australia It is part of an
area called Oceania that includes Australia. Papua New Guinea. Fiji and
many other islands Most of the islands of Oceania are above the imaginary
ine around the world that we call theeq or New Zealand is under this line,
so it is in the southern hemisphere. Its are the opposite of countries in
he northerm hemisphere. For example, when it is u e New Zealard
in July in countries in the
it is w n de in New Zealand. Similarly, when the leaves start
alling from the trees in the US in October because umn has arrived. the grass is
green and there are flowers everywhere in New Zealand because it is png

Circle the correct words.

A: It's very hot today and I'm thirsty. 4 A: Your kitten is very cute!
B: How about a glass of water with icel steam in it? B: Yes. it is. It's got lovely soft feathers fur)
2 A: What are you looking at? 5 A: Why do you want to go to Africa?
B: The moons (starsshining in the sky. B: I want to see a lion and hear it buzz roar
3A: What did you see from the plane? 6 A: There's something wrong with my mouse folder
B:Isaw a lake riverwith mountains all around it. B: Maybe it needs a new battery

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

1Switzerland. home of the famous Swiss Alps. is a very OU n a h 2 country. MOUNTAIN

of the sun. WARM
2 They sat on the beach and enjoyed the WINTER
3Idon't like going out in w Y weather.

Mediterranean. EAST
4Cyprus and Lebanon are in the
ye O with my friend today. CONVERSE
5 Ihad an interesting C
Don't touch that spider! I think it s
medal for his
The police officer was given a CARE
8You must hold the sick puppy very Careiub

Choose the correct answers.

a match and start 6 It was a warm evening, so they sat and talked
Here'sthe wood Now lets
afre hit a undeer b by to
a lignt b open
T h e rain has stopped! The sun is and it's a 7 Jane was walking the forest when she saw a
beautiful green bird
Deautiful day b onto
b out COver a along through
a up
the rain and he had a 8 If you see an animal danger. you must help it
He was ariving carelessly a at in) on
a r accdent
a under b with in 9 have to the shopping now l l see you later
weekend? It might be fun! do make
4 Shall we campine this
a Bo b do eet 10 This website sends intormation about animmals Lets
and they were
STnefarmers cows were n
a try on b come up sign up fo
eatine erass wood
a forest b held

Progress Review 5 69

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