Employee Navigator Guide - Complete

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Administrative Resource Guide

This Guide is intended to serve as a

resource for managing Employees in the
Employee Navigator Site. Utilize this
resource to assist with making pertinent
updates. If you have any questions,
concerns or site issues contact your
Support Rep.

I. ACCESSING EMPLOYEE NAVIGATOR................................................................................................3

II. RESET A FORGOTTEN PASSWORD.......................................................................................................3
III. Add an Employee...........................................................................................................................................4
IV. TERMINATE AN EMPLOYEE...................................................................................................................8
V. RE-HIRE EMPLOYEE.................................................................................................................................10
VI. CHANGE EMPLOYEE CLASS.................................................................................................................11
VII. UPDATING A QUALIFYING LIFE EVENT (QLE).............................................................................13
VIII. VIEW CHANGES MADE TO AN EMPLOYEE (EVENTS TAB)......................................................17
IX. VIEW CHANGES MADE TO AN EMPLOYEE: CHANGE HISTORY............................................18
X. MANAGE EMPLOYEE ENROLLMENTS.............................................................................................21
XI. THE ENROLLMENT EDITOR.................................................................................................................27
XII. HOW TO UPDATE INSURABILITY REQUESTS................................................................................29
Status Definitions:...............................................................................................................................30
XIII. VIEW COBRA INFORMATION..............................................................................................................31
XIV. ENROLL EMPLOYEE IN COBRA...........................................................................................................32
XV. MANAGE COBRA ENROLLMENTS.....................................................................................................34
XVI. TERM OR EXTEND COBRA.....................................................................................................................35
XVII. EMPLOYEE UPDATES – PROFILE.........................................................................................................36
XVIII. EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT AND UPDATES – THE PROFILE TAB..........................................37
Update Leave Status: FMLA, Military, Leave of Absence, Sabbatical (profile continued)........38
Update Medicare Edibility (profile continued)...............................................................................39
Update Compensation (profile continued)......................................................................................40
Reset an Employee Password (profile continue)............................................................................41
XIX. PENDING HR APPROVALS....................................................................................................................42
XX. LOCKED ACCOUNTS...............................................................................................................................43
XXI. CREATE A COLUMN OR ROW-BASED REPORT.............................................................................44
Ad Hoc Reporting checkbox options:..............................................................................................46
Commonly Used Reports...................................................................................................................49
XXII. THE WALL – WALL NOTIFICATIONS................................................................................................50
XXIII. ADVANCED SEARCH OPTION.............................................................................................................53

Page 2

Step 1: Login to your Employee Navigator account by following the link below:


Step 2: Use the Username and Password you created during registration to access the site.


Step 1: “Click” Reset a forgotten password

Page 3
III. Add an Employee

Step 1: Login to your Employee Navigator account by following the link below:


Step 2: Click “Add Employee” found on the Home tab under Helpful Tools & Information

Step 3: Add the required information. View each step as completed in the Status box on the

Page 4
Step 4: Enter SSN – then select Next

Step 5: Enter the employee information

Page 5
Step 6: Add the employment information

Page 6
Step 7: Select the correct Onboarding tasks (if applicable). If none - select Finish up

Step 8: Send a registration email to the employee or select Not Now if you would like to
complete this step at a later time.

Step 9: Success! Select Go to profile, Go to enrollment, Add another employee or Finished.

Page 7

Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select the name and access the
Employee Management screen.

Step 2: Select Terminate Employment found on the right side of the screen under ACTIONS

Step 3: Enter the termination date and reason in the Terminate Employee Tool and select the
Terminate button.

Step 4: A pop-up box will appear – Select Confirm

Page 8
*Please note: The system is set to follow eligibility rules, if you terminate the employee and the date exceeds 30
days, you will receive the additional pop-up below:

Step 5: (Only if applicable) Select the Override Button

Step 6: Confirmation of termination – select Back to Manage to return to the Employee Management


Page 9
Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen.

Step 2: Select Rehire found on the right side of the screen under ACTIONS

Step 3: Enter the Rehire Date and select any plans to re-instate. If you don’t select any plans, the
employee will go through the New Hire Eligibility period. *Please note: if the employee is enrolled in
COBRA, update the Manage Cobra tab after the rehire is completed.


Page 10
Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen.

Step 2: Select the Profile tab:

**Please note all important updates made to an individual employee are made on the Profile Screen**

Step 3: Change Class from Part-Time to Full-Time (Class may vary based on set-up)

Step 4: Enter the appropriate change date and select save:

Page 11
**Please note: if the new class change makes the employee eligible for benefits, you will see another pop up
message display, indicating the allowed coverages.**

Step 5: (If applicable) Select Proceed

Step 6: Select Save at the top right so the new changes apply


Page 12
Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen.

Step 2: Select the Update Benefits tab

Step 3: Select the reason for the QLE

Step 4: Information required will vary based on the type of event

Page 13
 Enter the event date and the date your prior coverage ended and select Save

 If the QLE requires a dependent add or term, you may need to add them select add a new one

Step 5: Add the dependent the changes apply to (if applicable)

Page 14
Step 6: Select each coverage that needs to be updated, the site applies insurance eligibility rules and will
only allow you to enroll in the plans you are eligible for in a QLE. Select Save.

Page 15
Step 7: The dependent has been saved. Add Another dependent or select Return Home

Step 8: Select the Benefits Summary tab to see the updated changes


Page 16
Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen

Step 2: Select the Events Tab:

You are now able to see:

 Event Type
 Date/Time Stamp
 Description of Change
 Name of Person who made the change


Page 17
Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen

Step 2: On the right-side of the Employee Management screen under Reviews, select Employee Data

**Due to the wealth of data listed on this page, you will need to scroll right and scroll down to view

Step 3: Employee Review: Includes all demographic information about the employee.

 Able to view if the employee was imported or manually added to the site.

Step 4: Dependents: Displays all of the dependent demographic information

 Able to view who added the dependent and last updated by.

Step 5: Enrollments: displays all Employee, Dependent and COBRA enrollment information. (site
defaults to current enrollment data).

Page 18
 Select the different types of enrollment options in order to view more specific information.
 Select removed in order for the Demographic Change Field Tracking screen displays when you
scroll down. This will show you who made updates like Class Changes in the site.
 As you scroll further you are able to view details about any plan the employee has enrolled in,
(Cafeteria, Voluntary Life, HAS/HRA, Dental, ACA, etc.)

Step 6: Demographic Change Field Tracking and Recurring Payroll Deductions: These updates are
visible to the system only.

 You must select the removed type checkbox in the Enrollments section to view this data.

Page 19
 Able to view any class updates and who processed the update.

Step 7:Enrollment Changes (Scroll Up)

 Plan title: Indicates what plan was changed

 Event: Defines the change
o Examples: Enrollment Ended, Add Newborn, whatever type of change was made.
 Changed on: Date and Time Stamp

Step 8: Employment History: The employment history indicates complete information based on the
information added in Employee Navigator. It will display the following:

o Hire Date
o Termination Date
o Original Hire Date
o Rehire information (when applicable). The 2nd line is the Rehire Employment History.


Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen

Page 20
Step 2: View Manage Enrollments below the employee information

Step 3: Active options will vary based on the type of enrollment the employee is eligible for.

1. New Hire Enrollment: This option is active when the employee is a new hire and in
the New Hire Enrollment period.
2. Modify Current Enrollments: You should only modify enrollments due to data
entry errors. An example of this would be the Employee has EE+Spouse coverage
and you need to correct the enrollment information in EN. If the employee has a
QLE, you will need to use the Update Benefits Tab.
3. Open Enrollment: The enrollment type is active when the Open Enrollment period
is active.
4. Newly Eligible Enrollment: You will use this enrollment type when an employee is
newly eligible for benefits. For example, if the employees class changes from Part-
Time to Full-Time, this link will become active.

Page 21
Step 4: Once you select the enrollment type, you will begin the enrollment process on the
Employees Personal Information page.

**The plans that populate are based on the type of enrollment type you select and will only display the plans the
employee is eligible for.**

Step 5: Enter any required information and Save and Continue

*As you progress through each tab, you are able to view your progress on the left side of the screen.

Page 22
Step 6: Add all dependents on the Dependent Information Tab:

*If you don’t add the dependent here, you won’t be able to elect coverage for them.*

Step 7: Complete the required information and Save and Continue.

Page 23
Step 8: Complete the enrollment process as listed below.

 Select each person who should be covered under Who am I enrolling.

 Complete benefit elections by clicking the Select Plan option
 If you are not interested select the Don’t want this Benefit option and choose a reason
 Don’t forget to Save and Continue
 A check mark will appear beside the benefits listed on the left as you complete them.

Page 24
Step 9: Add the Life beneficiary

Step 10: If dependents are on file, you can copy an existing dependent

Step 11: Allocation amount must equal 100% - Select Save once updated

Page 25
Step 12: Review the Enrollment Summary before selecting the Acknowledgment.

*If the agree button is not selected, the Enrollment will show as incomplete*

Step 13: Once you select the Acknowledgement, the enrollment is complete!

Page 26

Step 1: Select the Enrollment Editor located in the Helpful Tools & Information box on the
Home Screen.

Step 2: Type the employees last name in the search box

Step 3: Select the Editing Tools box beside the Benefit you are editing.

Page 27
Step 4: Select Change or Drop to modify the enrollment information

Step 5: Update the date and add a reason (required) for the change and click Save

Step 6: Access the Employee Management screen and you can view all enrollment edits made
to an employee under the notes section.


Page 28
Step 1: Select the Review Insurability Requests located in the Helpful Tools & Information
box on the Home Screen.

Step 2: Filter by Status or Last Name. The site Defaults to pending.

Step 3: Update the evidence of insurability status based on notification from carrier. Click on
Pending beside the employees name.

Step 4: Choose the appropriate action from the drop down menu

Status Definitions:

Page 29
 Approve: A portion or the entire amount of insurance requested above the
Guarantee Issue Limit has been approved by the insurance company. Insert the
amount and date of approval provided by the insurance company.
 Decline: Amount above GI Select this action if the entire amount of insurance
requested above the Guarantee Issue Limit is denied by the insurance company
after completing the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) leaving only the guaranteed
 Reject: Select this action if the entire application, including the Guarantee
Issue Amount has been denied by the insurance company (meaning the
employee has no life insurance).
 Withdrawn: No Longer Applicable The employee has withdrawn the request for
additional insurance coverage which requires completing an Evidence of
Insurability (EOI). For example, the EOI form was not completed or the
employee decided not to complete the form.

**Please note: Evidence of Insurability Pending requests will apply to any plan that has a
Guaranteed Issue amount, including: voluntary life, AD&D, Critical Illness and disability.**

The EOI requests will pend until this process is completed. The correct benefit total amount
will NOT update until one of the above actions are taken.


Page 30
Step 1: Access the Employees on COBRA tab from the Home Screen under the status box to
view COBRA active and eligible employees.

 The Cobra Enrollees and Candidates screen will list the employees enrolled in COBRA,
Eligible Candidates and any Ended enrollments.
 Click on the employees name to access the COBRA Management Screen.


Page 31
Step 1: Search for the terminated Employee by last name in the Search box

Step 2: Select Manage Cobra under the Actions section.


 The benefits eligible for enrollment are listed with the plan, a qualifying reason, and eligibility
 Once an election has been made for the benefit, a Modify button appears that can be used to
change the plan and dates.
 The Override Effective may be used to track when a change in coverage – like the plan or
coverage level was made so it can be reported to the carrier.


 The members that may elect are listed with the enrollments. Each member can be edited
separately and specified whether coverage is elected or not along with tracking of dates through
which payment ahs been made.

Step 3: You are now at the COBRA Enrollment Editor Screen.

Page 32
Step 4: Select the Edit button beside each coverage the employee is enrolling in. Make your
election and add the paid through date and Save.


Page 33
Step 5: If you have any changes, paid-thru updates or terminations, you will need to access the
COBRA enrollment editor screen to Modify the enrollment.

*Note: You will have to modify each individual coverage if employee is enrolled in Medical, Dental and Vision.
Select the Modify button beside EACH coverage to update.

Step 6: Update Plan, Start and End date, Coverage Level, and Prior Eligibility here.


Page 34
Step 7: In order to terminate the COBRA, you will select the Edit button beside the Actively
Enrolled COBRA participants name.

Step 8: In the drop down menu select END or Extend, add the date and Save.

 When you select End, the option to END all Coverages will display, add the end date to
the date box.
 When you select Extend, Paid Through will display beside the date box, add the paid
through date.


Page 35
The Profile screen is accessed from the Employee Management Screen, make all pertinent
updates to your employee under Profile.

Step 1: Search for the Employee by last name in the Search box, select and access the Employee
Management screen.

Step 2: Select the Profile tab – EN will open up to a complete Profile Screen


Page 36
 Profile: Process updates/corrections to SSN, Name, Office, Class (Full-Time or Part-
Time), Payroll Group (Hourly or Salary), Division, Department, Business Unit, Job Title,
 Employment: Process updates/corrections to Employee ID, Payroll ID, Time Clock ID,
Employment Status, Hire Date, Retired, Leave Status, Annual Review Date, and Future
Termination Date
 ACA Classifications: Process updates/corrections to ACA Classification.
o **Please Note: The only time you will change the ACA classification is when
an employee changes fro Part-Time or Variable hour to Full-Time or vice
 Job Description: Add Job attributes in this section. Roles, Responsibilities and Goals.
 Personal: Update the DOB, Gender, Marital Status, Date of Marriage (important if QLE
is involved), Veteran Status, Military Reserve Status, EEOC, and Citizenship.
 Medical: Update Wellness/Non-Wellness, Tobacco User, Disabled, and Medicare
Eligibility (important if employee is now Medicare Eligible and enrolled in benefits).
 Compensation: Update Pay basis (Salary or Hourly), Salary Effective Date, Annual base
salary and Salary review date.
 Address & Contact: Update the Home and Mailing Address, Telephone Numbers and
Email Address.
 Dependents: Add Dependents in this section and update pertinent information like,
dependent disability and student status.
 Login Access: View registration status, User’s Login Name, Primary Email, Last Login.
You are able to Reset the employees Password here or Send the Welcome/Registration
 Qualifications: Add Education, Licenses and Certifications.
 Emergency Contacts: Add emergency contact information
 Time off – Used when PTO is Active
 Withholdings and Employment Verification – Used when Onboarding is Active

Update Leave Status: FMLA, Military, Leave of Absence, Sabbatical (profile continued)

Page 37
 Select the Employment Tab

 Select the Leave Status drop down menu

 More options will populate. Add the Leave start date and end date.

Update Medicare Edibility (profile continued)

 Select the Medical tab

Page 38
 Select Yes for Medicare Eligible
 Select the Medicare Eligible Reason
 Input the effective dates for Medicare A, B, and D

Update Compensation (profile continued)

 Select the Compensation tab

Page 39
 Select the Edit button beside Annual Base Salary

 Update the Pay Basis, Salary or Hourly rate and Effective date and SAVE!

Reset an Employee Password (profile continue)

 Select the Login Access tab

Page 40
 Select Reset Password – the employee will receive an email with instructions to the
Email address on file.

 If you need to add/update the email address, select the Address & Contact tab


Page 41
On the right side Home Screen when you first access Employee Navigator, you will see any
Pending HR Approvals that will require your approval or denial before the update will take
affect in the system.

What are Pending HR Approvals?

 They are Qualified Life Events, Profile Changes, Onboarding tasks and PTO will
show in this list when applicable.

Step 1: Select the link for any active pending approval notifications

Step 2: Click on the review tab beside the employee who requested a change

Step 3: Cancel, Approve or Decline. Select one


Page 42
From the Home Screen in EN, under the Helpful Tools & Information, you are able to unlock
the account of an employee who has input the incorrect password 3 or more times.

 When the employee sees the below message, they will need to contact HR to unlock the

Step 1: Select Locked Accounts

Step 2: Select the Lock beside the employees information to unlock the account.

Step 3: Once you unlock the account, the employee can reset the password from the Login Screen or you
can send a Reset Password email from the Profile tab. (refer to pg. 3 or pg. 39)


 Column-Based Report: Displays the data in a column format

Page 43
 Row-Based Report: Displays the data in a row based format

Step 1: Access the Reports Tab from the Home Screen

Step 2: Select Column-Based or Row-Based

Step 3: Option A Fields (Select the fields to report) Defaults to Employee info first

Step 4: Select the Enrollments hyperlink and select the fields to report

Page 44
Step 5: B Options (Review options and filters)

Ad Hoc Reporting checkbox options:

Page 45
 Include Dependents: pulls dependent information in to report along with Relationship
 Exclude:
Declined enrollments: will not pull employees who have declined the benefit onto the
Ended enrollments: will not pull employees who were previously enrolled in a benefit,
but their coverage has ended on the report
Not enrolled: will not pull employees who are not enrolled in the selected benefit on to
the report
 Type of enrollment:
Current: will pull current enrollments that have not been replaced with a new
enrollment record
Open: will pull Open enrollment records only –Only available in OE
 Limit enrollments based on dates: Limits the dates of the enrollments displayed
 Column filters: allows you to filter any field with a "filter" icon to display selected

Step 6: After you make all of the elections, click the View button

*Please note: You can toggle between (1) Fields, (2) View and (3) Save. If you view the report and find
additional information is needed, go back to Option one and select/deselect fields and return to (2)
View. Reports update immediately.

Page 46
The below format is how the information will display. You can now Save your report to
Employee Navigator and/or Download to Excel.

Step 7: Download to Excel

Step 8: Save to Employee Navigator for future access from “My Reports” menu

Page 47
Step 9: Access any saved reports by returning to the Reports menu and selecting the title of the
report under “My Reports” or click on the “manage my reports” link.

Commonly Used Reports

Page 48
These are some Common Reports you can create, download and Save in Employee Navigator
for future access. (All the options are not listed below, these are the most commonly used and
requested reports).

 Ad Hoc Reports
o Voluntary Life: This report allows access to voluntary life specific data, such as
requested versus approved costs/benefits, original benefit, signature date and

 Use the "What to exclude" option to limit your results.  For example, exclude all 3

options if you only want to report on active coverage.  
 Tip:  We recommend selecting "Decline Reason" and "End Date" if you are not
excluding declined or ended enrollments.  
 Type of Enrollment allows reporting on either the current or open enrollment
 Limit enrollments based on dates will allow only those enrollments that were
created or updated between the dates entered to be reported.  If blank, all
enrollments will be returned.  
o Cafeteria Report: Create a custom report that displays complete Cafeteria Plan
 FSA (medical, dependent and limited
 HSA and HRA plan data.
Payroll Deductions Report: This report can be used for a full payroll file of all
active enrollments as of a specific date.  This report is intended to support
current or future enrollments. 
 Change History Reports
o Payroll Deduction Changes: Use this report each pay period to identify payroll
changes since the last time payroll was processed that need to be keyed into payroll.  
o Event Reports: View all event group changes with this report. You are able to filter by
any event or as many as you would like to add
 Employee Hired, terminated, change date of birth, password reset, etc.
 Benefit Reports:
o Benefit Confirmation Statements: This report creates a PDF confirmation summary
statement for each eligible employee. Enrollment information includes the plan, coverage
level, enrolled dependents, coverage dates, and per pay employee costs. 
o Carrier Billing Reports
 Employees By Plan: This report will return a detailed list with each employee
on one row, with their enrollments in separate columns, including COBRA,
active on the date specified in the report.  Use the optional class, department,
business unit, division or office to add in the employee classification values.

Page 49

Step 1: Access the Wall from the Home page, by clicking on the Wall tab

Step 2: The site defaults to All Notes and the most recent updates will display in the center of
the screen.

Step 3: Filter information by selecting the options on the left. To view all Event Feeds, select the All tab
under Notifications on the left

Page 50
 The view will change to All Event Feeds

The Wall will display the following:

 What type of change was made: This information is based on the type of feeds set up for
the site.
 Employee name
 Company name
 Date and Time Stamp
 They are organized from newest to oldest on some screens.

Page 51
Step 4: Click the Changes icon to view more information

 A pop-up box will display with more detailed information about the event.

Step 5: Add Comments by selecting the Comment icon

Page 52

Step 1: Select the Employees tab from the Home Screen

Step 2: Click Advanced Search Option below the search box

Step 3: Search by First/Last Name, SSN, Location, Employee/Employment Status or view

complete list of Employees by scrolling and/or selecting a letter.

Page 53

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