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PSOBC CL 2021-03

What have you learned from the article/research you have read and how can you
apply it to your time as a Junior Manager?
The skills required for education and work in today's economy are called 21st
century skills. (1) Technical skills require employees to be proficient in constantly
changing technology skills and languages in order to be more productive and
maintain a competitive advantage. (2) Information skills in almost every sector of the
economy workers often need to be able to find, evaluate, organize, and assess the
reliability and relative value of information from multiple sources. (3) In
communication skills, employees must have the ability to communicate information
and ensure that meaning is effectively expressed, taking into account the audience
and the medium. (4) Collaboration skills require employees to work together due to
the complexity of the task, as not all knowledge and skills can be owned by an
individual, but to function in an interdependent manner, oneself. You need to have a
clear understanding of the role of and the role of collaboration partners. (5) Critical
thinking skills are those who think reflexively, make expert judgments, filter the body
of incoming data to formulate their own perspectives, and give perspectives or
opinions based on independent information. It's about the ability to formulate. (6)
Creativity skills require employees to translate this information into new knowledge,
in addition to their ability to process and transmit information. (7) For problem-solving
skills, employees need the ability to solve domain-specific problems. Problem solving
is often understood as the knowledge and skills needed to effectively deal with
complex and extraordinary situations, and the actions and potential gaps employees
need to obtain this information and the procedure needs to be identified.
As a junior manager, I can apply these insights by first identifying my skills. As a
manager, you have a responsibility to successfully guide your employees by
identifying specific requirements in the form of knowledge, skills, and personal
characteristics that each role and employee can perform. Effective contribution to
work. Second, you need to recognize that 21st century skills are most relevant to me
as a manager and you as an employee, and give meaning to those skills. While 21st
Century skills have always been important, they’ve become essential in a worldwide
market that moves faster by the day. Once the importance of these skills is
recognized, small initiatives can be taken to improve or integrate skill levels, such do
training. These skills all double back to one key focus. Someone’s ability to enact
and / or adapt to change. This is because any industry is capable of changing at a
moment’s notice. Industries are now regularly disrupted with new ideas and
methodologies. As a manager, I need to prioritize skill development to improve
myself and my people as a manager in order to be successful and competitive.

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